Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1564: No way to escape

Before entering, Li Changsheng had searched for a top-level demon, and learned that only the succubus queen and a few demon lords would enter the abyss himself.


Swords roared loudly like a dragon, and the two swords of Biluohuangquan came out of their sheaths and turned into a stegosaurus, stabling at the nearest demon lord quickly.

Before the demon lord could react, he was pierced in his chest by the stegosaurus and rushed out of his back, revealing a huge blood hole.


Until this time, the demon lord uttered a scream in hindsight, and the huge demon body crashed down like a jade pillar pushing a mountain down, and after twitching on the ground a few times, it did not move again.

At the moment when the demon lord was slashed by the double swords, Li Changsheng instantly opened the secret realm channel, and the demon pets quickly got out and rushed towards different targets.

As Li Changsheng killed the demon lord in seconds, the succubus queen and the remaining demon lords were shocked, especially the remaining three demon lords, their eyes were full of fright.

They are not the sons of Dagon, they are just more ordinary demon lords, which means that Li Changsheng also has the ability to kill them in seconds.

When they saw the demon pets heading towards them, they were all shocked, because they could perceive the demon pets' general strength through their aura.

What is certain is that each of these monster pets is not inferior to them, or even superior to them.

This is a fart!

Although there is also the succubus queen, the demon monarch, sitting here, but the succubus is not a powerful demon race, even if it is the prestigious succubus queen, her reputation is basically a fame, and the strength is not stronger than the weak gods. How many.

Compared with powerful demon monarchs such as Obox Aobo, Dagon, Tarantula Miska, Miska, and so on, the combat effectiveness of the Succubus Queen can be said to be far different.

The succubus queen also felt a strong and unusual sense of crisis. Her extremely charming face changed a lot. After seeing the situation clearly, she immediately had the idea of ​​running away.

Li Changsheng naturally did not let go of the idea of ​​the succubus queen, the reason is very simple, the succubus queen is the most famous social flower in the abyss, if she escapes, it may cause him trouble.

But Li Changsheng is not afraid, even if he offends the most powerful demon lord, he just doesn't need to enter the abyss. If the opponent has to break into the fairy world, he will definitely teach him an unforgettable lesson.


The four-clawed yellow dragon rushed toward the succubus queen with a fishy wind, and the succubus queen shook the whip in her hand, like black lightning, and slammed the four-clawed yellow dragon and flew it away.

The succubus queen's expression changed slightly, she could feel that the full blow did not severely damage the four-clawed yellow dragon, and the strength of the opponent was still above her expectations.

No matter how far the succubus queen could escape, the space above her head was shattered, and a huge dragon claw was grabbed down.

Dragon Claw's attack speed is beyond imagination, just like a phantom.

The succubus queen turned into a black electric light entirely by instinct, and she avoided the blow in a thrilling manner, and her heart was full of horror.

Suddenly, Ashe seemed to foresee the dodge path of the succubus queen in advance, and appeared in front of the succubus queen at a spooky speed. The harsh sonic boom sounded, and the tiger's tail like a steel whip drew towards the succubus queen.

The succubus queen took a deep breath, her chest wrapped in leather seemed to burst out, and she avoided Ashe's offensive in a dangerous and dangerous way.

Feeling the tiger's tail whizzing over her head, the succubus queen just breathed a sigh of relief, when a big bird suddenly shot towards her, her huge wings raised and smashed over.

Kunpeng's size is huge, and the area of ​​force on its wings can be imagined. The succubus queen found that she had no room to escape, and had to bite the bullet.

In an instant, the black necklace worn by the succubus queen released a strong black shield, wrapping her in all directions.

The black shield is extremely strong, even if Kunpeng makes a full blow, it can't be broken in the first time.

However, at this moment, the eight-clawed golden dragon struck through the air again, stretched out the dragon's claws again, and grabbed it from the other side.


Under the attack from both sides, the black shield could no longer support it, and it was instantly exploded.

The remaining power of the dragon claw was slightly reduced, and he continued to catch the succubus queen.

At the critical juncture, the jade pendant on the succubus queen's waist suddenly exploded, and a large black mang encased the succubus queen, and instantly rushed out of the dragon claw's attack range with extremely exaggerated explosive power, and shot towards the distance.

With the aid of the magic weapon, the succubus queen broke out at a speed far beyond usual, but still did not exceed the scope of Li Changsheng's ability.

In an instant, Ning Bizhen's three-legged golden crow turned into a long rainbow from the fire, Kunpeng soared up, and the eight-clawed golden dragon chased through the air.

As early as when dealing with the gate of the Purifying Abyss, Ashe had entered the wind speed state in advance. With the help of the five-layer wind speed state and the speed-increasing artifact, its speed was extremely exaggerated, one or two points faster than the three-legged Golden Crow and Kunpeng. .

While they were pursuing, the other three demon lords had been killed.

Li Changsheng drew out the Killing Spear. With just one shot, it easily penetrated the demon lord's disclosure, giving him the feeling that it was paperless, killing him in one shot.

Not far away, Ah Dumb's hideous giant claw broke through the chest of another demon lord, and drilled out of its back. The giant claw also held a pounding black heart.

On the other side, Yuan Gungun used his astonishing weight to firmly suppress the last demon lord, and the great sword of flame that condensed during the day cut off the demon lord's head.

In such a short time, four demon lords have fallen one after another.

The succubus queen who was still on the run naturally felt the fall of the demon lord, and now she was terrified, and Li Changsheng’s comprehensive strength was too She felt that there were only those who were comparable to powerful divine powers. It is possible for the demon monarch of the gods to defeat the opponent.

Suddenly, the succubus queen's ears trembled, and at the same time her face changed drastically, she hurriedly turned around, and a golden beam of light almost rubbed her and rushed over.

As for the eight-clawed golden dragon that travels through space, as the succubus queen is in a fast-moving state, it is necessary to calculate the advance amount, otherwise the offensive will fall in the empty space.

As the succubus queen turned her direction, her speed was naturally affected. After all, this was based on the power of treasures, which was different from using her own ability.

Under Ashe's entanglement, the succubus queen didn't escape much, and the three-legged golden crow and Kunpeng shot almost at the same time, and surrounded the succubus queen in three directions with Ashe.

The eight-clawed golden dragon has always been in a different space without appearing, making the succubus queen extremely jealous, how can he give full play to it?

"I surrender!"

In despair, the succubus queen had to choose to surrender.

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