Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Zu Feng

The elder of the Feng clan hurriedly said: "The lord of the heavens has misunderstood. The concubine is not a lobbyist of the Qilin clan, but expresses the most sincere respect to you on behalf of the Phoenix clan."

Now that Li Changsheng has become a general trend, the Feng clan does not want to mix things with Li Changsheng and the Qilin clan. Even though the Feng and Qilin clan had worked together to fight the dragon clan in ancient times, there were constant conflicts between them.

No way, the Feng and Qilin tribes both live on land and occasionally cause disputes over resources. This is also their main contradiction.

On the other hand, after the war between the three clans, the dragon clan shrank their forces in the four seas where they were the most prosperous. They hardly participated in the disputes on the land, and even rarely left the four seas, resulting in conflicts with the Feng and Qilin tribes that were not as imagined. So prominent.

Seeing that Li Changsheng didn't reply, the elders of the Feng clan had to continue to say: "We Feng clan rejected the Qilin clan's request for help. In addition, the ancestors hoped that the Lord of the Heavens could go to the Undead Volcano as a guest."

Li Changsheng's heart moved, this is indeed one of his goals, but there is always a little risk in going to the undead volcano.

The Feng clan did not suffer as much losses as the Qilin clan, not to mention that there is an undead volcano and Zufeng sitting in town. He is not afraid of Zufeng, but if Zufeng sees him unhappy, what should he do if he burns his body and explodes.

Of course, this kind of situation is almost impossible to find, at least it is impossible to appear in the undead volcano, otherwise it is the way for the Feng clan to take death.

However, Li Changsheng was very cautious, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, he would naturally leave a way out for himself before heading to the undead volcano.

Advancing can attack and retreat can defend, before considering victory, consider defeat, this is the principle of Li Changsheng.

"I want to see Zufeng's style with my own eyes, and I will go to the undead volcano in person soon!"

Li Changsheng responded, and Zu Feng was absolutely inevitable if he wanted to become the lord of the world.

Of course, the candle dragon of the dragon clan is the same, the difference is that the prestige of Zufeng in the Feng clan is greater than that of the candle dragon in the dragon clan.

There is no way, who will let the descendants of the candle dragon be sparse and unusual, unlike the ancestor dragons. They have been closed for many years before the three clan wars, and they have suppressed the sea eye after the three clan wars. The exposure rate is far lower than that of the ancestors. The prestige is naturally much worse. It can be seen from the question of the Dragon King of the Four Seas looking at the candle dragon.

After Li Changsheng agreed, the elder of the Feng clan breathed a sigh of relief. She did not leave immediately, but stayed aside to watch the battle between Li Changsheng and the Qilin clan.

"It seems that there is no need to wait any longer!"

The Feng clan refused to support the Qilin clan, and the human emperor, the blood emperor, and the thunder emperor were too late, obviously not coming, so Li Changsheng decided to step up their efforts.

The next moment, the sun, moon and stars map concealed into the Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban, and the sun, moon and stars map suppressed the eye, and the power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban immediately skyrocketed.

However, the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Array supplemented by the power of the veins still resists the offensive stubbornly, and it is difficult to break through in a short time.

At this time, Hetu Luoshu appeared above Li Changsheng's head, which turned into a huge gossip pattern that slowly rotated, beams of light shot out, falling into the Xianwutu forbidden array from all directions, looking for the weakness of the forbidden array.

Li Changsheng quickly deduced it, and soon he had an answer. He found that the speed of the forbidden formation in the northwest was occasionally slowed by a half minute. Although it was insignificant, it was a flaw. As long as you grasp this moment, you can easily break the formation.

Under Li Changsheng's control, the puppets began to explode, and the planet formed by the concentration of star power at their feet began to deviate from orbit and quickly lined up in a row. This is completely the posture of 365 stars in a row.

In an instant, the 365 planet began to break through with points, madly slamming on the khaki light curtain formed by the Xianwutu forbidden formation.

At this moment, the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Array fluctuates violently, even if it is supplemented by the power of the earth veins, it still gives people a feeling of being broken at any time.

In the Innate Wutu Forbidden Array, the expressions of the Wutu Qilins and Earth Qilins who maintained the power of the Earth Veins changed. They had already gone all out. Seeing that the forbidden array was about to be broken open, they had to use secret methods to overload the Earth Veins. The power has finally stabilized.


However, at this moment, the demon pets who had been prepared for a long time launched a long-range offensive one after another, pouring down frantically.

The expressions of the two elders of the Kirin tribe changed drastically, and they hurriedly led the members of the Kirin tribe to resist the offensive.

However, the Qilin clan is secretly transferring some of the clan members, and the remaining clan members can only resolve part of the offensive, and the rest of the offensive continues to fall on the Xianwutu forbidden formation.

"Opportunity is here!"

At this moment, Li Changsheng's heart moved, and his figure suddenly disappeared. When he reappeared, he suddenly appeared in the northwest of the Xiantian Wutu Forbidden Formation. The Gunslinger carried an endless ferocity and stabbed fiercely. On the fleeting flaws.


As if a stone fell on the calm lake, the earth-yellow light curtain formed by the congenital earth forbidden array suddenly swayed layer upon layer of ripples, and then, like a domino that was torn down, it quickly showed a tendency to collapse.

"It's over!"

The members of the Qilin tribe all showed their faces. How could they not expect that the forbidden formation of the unicorn tribe, which had been standing for tens of thousands of years, would be broken so easily, which severely affected their self-confidence.

Seeing that the fighting spirit of the unicorns fell sharply, the elder Qilin Kuishui hurriedly shouted: "Think about our children, they need some time, we must stop them!"

In just such a little time, those underage unicorns will at best take care of the precious resources of the unicorn tribe, and they have not left yet.

Under such circumstances, those unicorns with heirs are cheered up, while the morale of unicorns without heirs is still low. After all, they are abandoned sons, and the key is not to miss them.

At this moment, Li Changsheng's voice sounded: "Except for the evil ones and the stubborn ones, those who descend will not kill, in the name of the Lord of Heaven!"

With this sentence, most of the Qilin tribe's idea of ​​resistance was suddenly dismantled.

Although these unicorns, who have lived for thousands of years, are arrogant, they are also afraid of death. The key point is that Li Changsheng still uses the name of the Lord of Heaven.

As for how Li Changsheng would treat them after his surrender, if he felt that he couldn't bear it, he would just commit suicide at that time.


Elder Huo Qilin looked at the unicorns who were about to in disbelief. He felt uncomfortable for a while, and he wanted to kill them all.

Suddenly, several figures appeared at the elders of the Fire Qilin at a ghostly speed, launching an offensive against the elders of the Fire Qilin.

Elder Huo Qilin was taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to meet him. Suddenly, the sky above his head shattered, and a large dragon claw was photographed at a speed beyond imagination.

Before Elder Huo Qilin could react, the dragon claw slapped him on the head fiercely, smashing his eyes with gold stars, blood drenched, and falling from the sky under tremendous force.

Ash, Kailan, Kunpeng, and the three-legged Golden Crow, who had originally surrounded the Elder Fire Qilin, fell a short distance, and then launched an offensive towards the Elder Falling Fire Qilin.

Boom~ wow~ boom~

Under the combined efforts of the five demon pets, the elder Huo Qilin had only time to let out a scream, and he had completely died before falling to the ground.

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