Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1581: Fu Xiqin

After the King of Fire Fury became the Emperor Yan, his secret realm became very stable and began to rapidly expand outwards, but until the expansion was over, it could reach 40,000 square meters in the end.

In this situation, Li Changsheng had to expend some world power to let Emperor Yan blend into the core area of ​​the secret realm.

Emperor Yan's secret realm continued to expand rapidly, and with the help of Li Changsheng, he finally succeeded in reaching the criteria for promotion to the sky.

"Your Majesty, which strange treasure do you want to upgrade?"

"Just it!"

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng took out the Xuankun good fortune monument.

It's not that Li Changsheng didn't want to upgrade Langhuan's Supreme Treasure, but the improvement effect is really not big, at most it is only a small level, and even a small level may not be able to succeed.

As for the strange treasures under the Langhuan Supreme Treasure, what Li Changsheng valued was the Xuankun Good Fortune Stele and the Primordial Light.

Among them, the Xuankun fortune monument is unique, and it has a huge effect on Li Changsheng's battles on other planes.

The original light is that the function of the soul can go further and can better assist Li Changsheng.

The difference between the two is that the original light can be improved by refining, even if the effect changes a little.

The Xuankun good fortune monument is different. Li Changsheng didn't dare to take this risk at all, especially he had never received other treasures with similar effects, and he hadn't even seen it in the inheritance of Emperor Heaven, Queen, Star Emperor, and Emperor Xuan. .

It can be said that Li Changsheng attaches great importance to this special treasure with unique effects.

Now Li Changsheng has almost ruled the heavens and the world, and he is almost invincible in the fairy world, even if the human emperor, the blood emperor, the thunder emperor and the phoenix clan unite to no avail.

As a result, Li Changsheng's gaze fell on other interfaces, especially the plane where the three avatars of Human Sovereign were located.

Li Changsheng didn't know the purpose of the emperor, but he was certain that as long as it was the enemy's plan, it was enough to destroy it. It was as simple as that.

Without Xuankun's good fortune monument, the strength of Li Changsheng and the demon pets would be suppressed by the laws of the plane. In other planes or kingdoms of the gods, the effect of Xuankun's Fortune Stele will far exceed other exotic treasures, even the best Langhuan treasure can't compare to it.

Emperor Yan didn't say much, and directly cast Xuankun's good fortune monument into it.

Under Yan Di's envious gaze, Li Changsheng threw a cloud of meritorious and mysterious energy, which was almost 10% of the total merit of repairing the sky.

In this way, not only can the rank of Xuankun fortune stele be improved as much as possible, but it can also be transformed into a spiritual treasure of merit, which is likely to have a restraining effect on evil camps such as demons and demons in the range.

Li Changsheng didn't invest any materials to prevent the effect of Xuankun's good fortune monument from deviating, otherwise he would be crying without tears.

After waiting for a long time, Xuankun's good fortune monument rushed out and hovered in front of Li Changsheng.

Compared with before, the Xuankun Good Fortune Stele has not changed much, that is, it has more mysterious yellow lines, which is a unique sign of the Lingbao of Merit.

Xuankun Good Fortune Stele: The lower grade Langhuan treasure, the spiritual treasure of merit, can repel the power of the law of the plane within a hundred miles, cause continuous damage to the evil creatures within the range, and differentiate into a one-off small stele every one month .

In this advancement, Xuankun's Good Fortune Monument successfully broke through Langhuan's treasure, and its effect and scope have been greatly improved.

As expected by Li Changsheng, after becoming a spiritual treasure of merit, Xuankun's stele of good fortune can cause continuous damage to evil creatures within its range.

In addition, Xuankun's good fortune monument also has the ability to differentiate into a one-off small monument every other month.

Because it is a one-off relationship, the effect of the small stele is not much inferior to the Xuankun good fortune stele, but it can be handed over to someone close to prevent it when fighting a different plane.

Soon, Li Changsheng and Emperor Yan returned to the High Heaven Palace together.

There is no need to convene at all. Ning Bizhen and the three emperors have convened all the righteous gods and star monarchs in advance, and congratulated the Yan emperor one after another.

At the same time, the position of Emperor Yan will also be changed.

As an emperor, Emperor Yan naturally had to be ranked among the six imperial princes.

Li Changsheng is not only the emperor of heaven, but also the emperor of Ziwei. Ning Bizhen is the emperor of Houtu, the emperor of Wen is the emperor of Changsheng, the emperor of Wu is the emperor of Gochen, and the emperor is Qinghua, which means that Liuyu has no vacancies. .

If the court is stable today, Li Changsheng chose to resign as Emperor Ziwei, but he did not hand him over to Emperor Yan.

The status of the six imperial princes seems to be equal, but in fact they are divided into superior and inferior. The heavenly emperor is supreme, and the Ziwei Emperor who is in charge of the stars can be said to be second only to the heavenly emperor.

In the choice between Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, Li Changsheng was more inclined to let Emperor Wen be the emperor of Ziwei. After all, Emperor Wu’s fiery temperament was really not suitable for running the star palace, or Emperor Gouchen was more suitable for him.

As a result, Emperor Yan was appointed as the Great Emperor of Antarctica, in charge of the blessings and misfortunes of human life.

Before long, Li Changsheng returned to the secret realm and began to check the space ring left by Emperor Xi.

In the ancient heavenly court, the Emperor Xi was inferior to the Heavenly Emperor, the Queen of Heaven, and the Star Emperor in terms of strength and status.

The soul mark in the Xidi space ring has long dissipated, and Li Changsheng can'see' a huge space.


Without hesitation, Li Changsheng poured out all the treasures in the ring and piled them up into mountains.

Using the special spiritual power, Li Changsheng kept scanning, and quickly picked out the high-level treasures.

After the selection is completed, the Xidi collection is inferior to the Tiandi in terms of quality, but it does not mean that there is no surprise, because among this pile of treasures, there is actually one Langhuan treasure.

This is a baoqin exuding a soft luster, but most of the strings on it have broken, and there is still a big gap in the body.

Even so Baoqin is still in the ranks of Langhuan's treasure.

Judging from the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, this is the Fuxi Qin on which Emperor Xi has become famous, and it is also the only one of the best Langhuan treasures of Emperor Xi.

The sound of Fuxi Qin can make people feel peaceful and peaceful, and it is said that it possesses the mysterious power that can control the soul of all things.

It is a pity that Fu Xiqin was damaged in the battle of Emperor Xi's fall.

With Li Changsheng's skill in craftsmanship and Qiankun Ding, he was sure to repair Fuxi Qin perfectly, but not now.

Li Changsheng was about to wait for the complete digestion of "The Great Nine Heavens and Ten Thousand Paths of Refining Artifacts", and he would be even more sure at that time, lest Fu Xiqin fell into position.

In addition to Fuxi Qin, Li Changsheng unexpectedly found a true spirit essence, but he did not expect that Emperor Xi would also have one.

In addition, there is a source of the soil, two sources of inferior grade, and two artifacts.

The source of the earth soil is an advanced version of the source of Wutu, which is the source of the same level as the source of heaven and hell.

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