Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1594: The overall situation is set

In the future, Xumidan will quickly exert its effect, and the momentum of the four monster pets will begin to skyrocket.

"not good!"

At this moment, whether the candle dragon, ancestral phoenix or other dragon and phoenix clan powerhouses, they can't help but cry secretly. They were originally at a disadvantage. Once these four demon pets are completely transformed, how will they be opponents?

Zhulong and Zufeng were anxious, they wanted to get rid of them before they were completely transformed.

However, how did Li Changsheng give them a chance, Zu Feng, who was besieged by Ashe, Kailan, and Phoenix, rushed from left to right, but was entangled by three demon pets again and again, unable to stand out from the encirclement.

On the contrary, the candle dragon can also use time and space skills to get close, but due to the relationship between the four-clawed silver dragon, the entanglement of day and night, and the relationship between Li Changsheng, almost every time it returns without success.

Finally, there was an opportunity, but he couldn't break through several of Li Changsheng's superb Langhuan treasures.

At this time, dozens of phoenixes with different attributes finally joined the siege with many side branches.

Unfortunately, Li Changsheng released the Chongming Bird, the Vientiane Spirit Eater, the Dragon Elephant, ten gray cats, and as many as thousands of dragons. Although he can't beat the Phoenix tribe with home court advantage, the number of both parties is not large, at least it can. Maintain for a period of time.

Suddenly, countless dragons, firebirds, firebirds, and fire sculptures, occasionally mixed with red luan, blue luan, and ice luan, fell from high altitude.

After a few breaths, all the four demon pets have completed their transformation, and without exception, they all reached the Demon Sovereign level.

Zhulong and Zu Feng sank, and for the first time panic appeared in their eyes.

At the next moment, the eight-clawed golden dragon shattered the void, and joined forces with the four-clawed silver dragon to entangle the candle dragon. Under the entanglement of the two, the time and space skills of the candle dragon were greatly reduced. Coupled with the extremely tacit cooperation of day and night, it was directly downwind.

The four-clawed yellow dragon cooperates with Ah-Dai and Kunpeng to attack Yinglong. Originally, Yinglong could use speed to fight against Ah-Dai and Kunpeng. Now there are more four-clawed yellow dragons, which are more and more restricted. .

On the other side, Zixiao Qilin cooperated with the round and hundred dragons to fight against the blue dragon, and also pressed the opponent into absolute disadvantage.

As for the last five-color dragon god, it was originally flying towards Zufeng, but on the way it turned sharply and slammed towards the blue dragon not far away.

Under Li Changsheng's remote control, Zixiao Qilin, Yuankunkun, and a hundred giant dragons restricted the range of Qinglong's activities. At this time, the five-color dragon **** suddenly came to this scene. Starting a surprise attack from behind the Azure Dragon, when he reacted, it was already too late.

Breath of multiple elements!

As soon as Qinglong reacted, he was hit by five dragon's breaths of different colors, and he couldn't help but let out a scream. He was hit hard and started to fall from the air.

At this time, a hundred dragons rushed forward fiercely, and a large number of dragon heads showed bloodthirsty eyes that chose people to eat.

"Ao Qing!"

Seeing such a scene, the candle dragon subconsciously wanted to support, but under the entanglement of the eight-clawed golden dragon and the four-clawed silver dragon, the best rescue time was lost.

In an instant, a hundred giant dragons stretched out the densely packed dragon heads, madly biting Qinglong's whole body, tearing out countless **** wounds.

The whole process was like Ling Chi's execution. Qinglong kept screaming, trying to resist but was unable to do so, and finally fainted in pain.

Hundreds of giant dragons didn't stop, and they killed the Qinglong directly.

This blue dragon, which survived the war of three tribes in ancient times, finally fell into this dispute.

With the fall of the green dragon, four powerful demon pets were immediately liberated. Under Li Changsheng's order, the four demon pets pounced on the same entangled Yinglong.

"You dare!"

The extremely angry Candle Dragon hurriedly wanted to rescue Ying Long. This time, he used the dragon body to forcibly resist a black and white flame giant sword, and was cut out of two large gaps. The silver dragon blood was cut from the wound. Gushing out.

The eight-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared above his head, and quickly grabbed it with one claw.

The candle dragon hurriedly accelerated a second time, avoiding the vital points of his head, and using his back to endure the injury, he was directly torn away a large piece of flesh and blood.


The eight-clawed golden dragon was about to continue its attack, but was thrown by the candle dragon's tail, and was directly drawn away. It felt so painful all over his body. The dragon's mouth sprayed several golden dragon blood, almost sinking into a serious injury.

From beginning to end, the four-clawed silver dragon was spending time with the candle dragon, and could not draw any extra power to stop the candle dragon.

In an instant, Zhulong rushed to Yinglong first.


However, at this moment, Li Changsheng finally used his assassin, throwing out a pocket-sized five-color hill.

The Yuanhe Wuji Mountain skyrocketed in an instant, and when it reached the top of the candle dragon, it had become a kilometer in height, and it was quickly pressed down with the momentum of Mount Tai.


Feeling a strong sense of crisis, the dragon's thick and long tail flicked again and slammed it against Yuanhe Wuji Mountain.

It was also at this time that the corners of Li Changsheng's mouth rose up, revealing a weird smile, and the Great Five Elements technique instantly blessed Yuanhe Wuji Mountain.

Before the dragon tail draws the Central Yuanhe Wuji Mountain, Yuanhe Wuji Mountain fiercely releases the five-color divine light, which is the extinction divine light of the Big Five Elements, which can dissolve all matter.

As soon as the long and thick dragon tail touched the Great Five Elements' extinction light, the unusually hard dragon scales and skin were dissolved almost instantly, revealing silver flesh and blood.

When the Zhongyuanhe Wuji Mountain was drawn, the flesh and blood on the dragon's tail was almost melted away, leaving only the hardest keel.


Zhulong felt that there was a sharp pain deep in the bones of the dragon’s tail. I don’t know where Li Changsheng had been tricked, but he could only endure the severe pain and barely draw Fei Yuanhe Wuji Mountain, but he was unavoidable. Heavy trauma.

At this moment, only Bai Sensen's bones remained from the dragon's tail that was nearly two hundred meters long, and countless silver dragon blood spewed out from the wound.

At this time, day, night, four-clawed yellow dragon, Dui and Kunpeng all went to Candle Dragon became their target, and wanted to kill Candle Dragon in one fell swoop.

Compared with Ying Long, the Candle Dragon is undoubtedly more important. Without the Candle Dragon, even if this Ying Dragon escapes, it will not affect the overall situation.

However, Ying Long did not take the opportunity to escape. He chose to see death as his home, only attacking or not defending, and barely entangled Ah-Dai and the four-clawed yellow dragon, which also caused a huge gap between the five demon pets.

"Candle Dragon, go!"

As Ying Long's old voice sounded, Zhulong's heart was bleeding, and he immediately rushed out of the gap. He glanced at Ying Long reluctantly, and then shattered the void, dived into a different space, and never appeared again.

The candle dragon escaped, and Li Changsheng could only express his helplessness about this. He didn't want to chase it, he was really helpless. If the candle dragon of time + space wanted to escape, it would be almost impossible to intercept it.

"It would be great if Zhulong Yongzhen had the eyes of the whole world, what a pity!"

Li Changsheng could only secretly say a pity, but this is just to think about it, if the candle dragon really stays in the eyes of the world, how can it appear in the undead volcano.

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