Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 357: Top 3 Hell Dogs

Even if the field was enveloped by night, it was unable to stop the mental power from blocking it. As the three-tailed snow fox lost the ability to fight, Li Changsheng could'see' the opponent's image and information.

This is a fairy with two canine heads. Its appearance seems to be distorted by space. Each head has a big mouth full of blood basins with fangs. It looks quite bloodthirsty, with poisonous saliva dripping from the corners of its mouth, and its lower body is growing. A dragon's tail, the hairs on its head and back are all tangled venomous snakes, looking very vicious and terrifying.

[Fairy name]: Two dogs in **** (growth period)

[Fairy Realm]: Elite 7

[Fairy Race]: High Commander

[Fairy Quality]: Supreme

[Fairy Bloodline]: Hell Three-Headed Dog (Pure)

[Fairy Attribute]: Darkness

【Fairy State】: Healthy

[Leprechaun Weakness]: Bright

This is Dou Yuansheng's trump card, a two-headed dog of **** with superb quality, no matter the state, quality or race is inferior to Ashe.

This is definitely a rival for Ashe!

As for why Dou Miwan, the 11th princess, does not have the best demon pet, this is related to the importance of the royal family. The best fairy is not the stuff of bad streets. Even the royal family of Langya country does not have many children. Besides, the royal family has many descendants. It depends on the degree of importance, and the princesses of the royal family basically have to marry the princes and nobles of other countries, so that they can be assigned to a white dragon, which is considered very good.

Don’t you see Dou Yuansheng has only one dog of the best **** in total. The second best demon pet in his hand is the mammoth. From the quality point of view, there is a significant gap with Li Changsheng. After all, Li Changsheng has a total of four best monsters. Pet.


Ashe's majestic roar sounded, an invisible pressure began to spread, trying to intimidate the two dogs in hell.


The two dogs in **** were not weak, and they also roared. Due to the relationship between the two heads, the sound was thunderous and roared in all directions, accompanied by an evil aura that began to permeate.

This two-headed **** dog has two characteristics. The nightfall feature is automatically activated at the moment of appearance, swallowing the surrounding light, which is the same as the blazing sun feature of the blazing bird, and can be maintained for a certain period of time. The strength of the dog, but its effect is very powerful, which is equivalent to making the opponent blind.

The second feature is called evil roar, which is similar to the coercion and dragon power features. It can both intimidate the opponent, with a certain chance to let the weaker escape, or reduce the opponent's certain ability.

Under the influence of the characteristics of the two sides, the eyes of the two monster pets were full of fright, and their combat effectiveness was inevitably discounted.

"Two dogs in hell, attack!" Dou Yuansheng knew his advantage very well. He had to kill Aish as soon as possible before the night disappeared.

Otherwise, once the night is gone, it will be very detrimental to the two dogs of hell.

Dark Blade!

The two dogs in **** roared, and countless black spots of light quickly converged and turned into a pitch-black light blade, which quickly slashed towards Ashe.

As the night swallowed up the light, Ashe's vision was greatly affected, and he could only see the vast darkness.

However, when the Dark Light Blade came to the front, Ashe immediately noticed that it had no time to avoid it, and as his head turned, the sword-like fangs accurately grasped the Dark Light Blade.


Under Ashe's terrifying bite force, the sound of the broken glass sounded, and the dark light blade was forcibly bitten into two pieces.

After the energy structure was broken, the broken dark light blade became extremely unstable, and immediately exploded, turning into a piece of dark energy, covering a radius of several meters.

Unfortunately, Ashe reacted quickly to the thief. Before the Dark Light Blade exploded, he used his speed to get out of the explosion range.

"Two dogs in hell, the damage deepens!"

Dou Yuansheng's voice sounded again, and the two dogs in the **** slammed their four eyes wide, and four black lights shot out at once. Once hit by the black lights, it would greatly reduce Ai Xi's fur defense.

"Aish, avoid it at two o'clock!" At this moment, Li Changsheng and Aish's spirits contacted. His voice sounded in the depths of Ashe's heart. Ashe couldn't see it, it didn't mean that Li Changsheng could not see it either.

Without any hesitation, even if he couldn't see the surrounding environment clearly, Ashe still drew obliquely to the right. Ashe, who had already put on a three-layer windbreaker, was so fast that four black lights fell on the empty space.

"Damn, two dogs in the hell, rush!" Dou Yuansheng frowned tightly. Due to Li Changsheng, the night advantage of the two dogs in the **** was weakened.

While Ashe was avoiding, the two **** dogs moved their limbs, and it was so fast that it appeared in front of Ashe in a blink of an eye.


In the dark environment, Ash did not have time to escape, and was knocked to the ground by two dogs from hell.


Without giving Ashe a chance to stand up, the two **** dogs stepped forward again, and the two dogs opened their mouths for the first time and bit towards Ashe.

"Who is afraid of anyone, we also need to bite!"

Although the two-headed dog of **** has two heads, how can the bite force of a single dog's head be better than that of the wild storm tiger.

When the two dogs in the **** rushed towards him, Ashe also opened his mouth wide. The sword-like fangs were abnormal, and he bit at the two dogs in the **** with feeling.

In the next moment, two dogs from the **** bite Ashe, and under its frenzied bite, successfully broke through the tiger skin's defense and bit two pieces of flesh and blood.


Ashe endured the pain, the sword-like fangs directly penetrated the backs of the two dogs in hell, and even bit a rib.


Two dogs in the **** screamed miserably. Although it had two heads, in this competition, it was Ashe who had the advantage.

This is related to the characteristics of the two monster pets. Ashe is obviously biased towards physical attacks, and its special attacks can only be used as auxiliary; the two dogs of the **** can be far and near, and its special attacks are stronger than Ashe, but only in terms of physical attacks, but inferior Yu Aixi.

Ashe rolled on the ground and got up. As the two dogs of the **** were close together, Ashe relied on his strong sense of smell to feel the approximate position of the two dogs of the hell.

Steel claw!

Ashe raised his right paw, the golden light covered the entire tiger paw, and a few inches of golden light extended from the tiger paw and patted it towards the two dogs in hell.

Dou Yuansheng's expression changed suddenly and he hurriedly shouted: "No, use the shield of darkness!"

Before being shot by Ashe, the two dogs of **** condensed dark energy and turned into a pitch-black energy shield, trying to resist Ashe's offensive.

Boom~ Kaka Kaka~ Wow!

When the two Pu touched, the dark shield trembled violently and made an overwhelming sound. Numerous cracks appeared on the surface, and the sound of broken glass sounded. Under the horrified eyes of the two dogs in hell, the dark shield shattered and turned into countless Fragments of energy flew freely.

Ashe's remaining momentum was slightly reduced by three points, her right paw slapped fiercely on the two **** dogs. The two **** dogs screamed, and were slapped flying directly. There was a bone scar on his chest, which was not broken. How many ribs are there.

In the next moment, Ashe's nose shook, and using her amazing sense of smell, she rushed towards the two dogs in hell.

Of course, this has something to do with the strong breath of the two dogs in hell.

"Jump up and use dark ripples again!" Dou Yuansheng had a headache. His two **** dogs don't like bathing, but they also like blood and killing. This makes its breath too strong, which is like a light in the dark, unless Move a distance away, or you will be easily noticed by Ashe.

Only at the speed of Ashe, it was difficult for the two dogs of the **** to pull apart after being entangled.

However, Ashe, who only relied on smell, brought some inconvenience to it after all, and its attacks were easily avoided by the opponent.

When Ashe rushed to the front, the two **** dogs suddenly jumped up. While avoiding Ashe's collision, the two dogs sprayed a black wave from their heads and swept towards Ashe.

Ashe was too late to avoid it, he was hit by the dark ripples on his back, like the sound of an object being put into sulfuric acid. The dark energy possessed a strong corrosive effect and began to corrode Ashe's fur.


Ashe's painful voice sounded, it endures the pain, and the bloodthirsty eyes that choose people are revealed in the tiger's eyes, and it turns its body at the fastest speed, like a tiger in a mountain, rushing to the two dogs of **** with a more ferocious posture.

Seeing Ashe approaching quickly, the two dogs in **** wanted to repeat the previous process.

On the high platform, Li Changsheng, who was originally trying to stop Ashe, suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but smile.

As a qualified demon master, when fighting, you must accurately remember some characteristics of the demon pet, such as when the wind speed characteristic of Ashe will be activated again.

On the field, as he approached, Ashe's body surface flashed once again, and he put on a fourth layer of windbreaker. Its speed increased sharply, directly disrupting the rhythm of the two dogs in hell.

The two dogs of **** could not avoid it, and they were directly knocked back by Ashe for a few steps. It subconsciously wanted to bite Ashe. As a result, before it opened its mouth, the ear-piercing sound of the air-piercing sounded, Ashe's tail was precise. Draw it on the right head.


The two dogs in the **** roared, and they were directly pulled to the ground by Ashe. On its right side of the head, there was a weal mark with a deep visible bone. If it weren’t for its skull to be hard enough, I’m afraid it would be affected by this. The whip is drawn directly into two sections.

It was also at this time that the night that enveloped the audience finally disappeared. Ashe narrowed his eyes, his vision returned to normal, but he still needed some adaptation.

While Ashe's eyes were still adjusting, the two **** dogs hurriedly stood up and moved away from Ashe.

"Two dogs in hell, dark magic flame!"

The Dark Demon Flame is the inheritance skill of the two dogs of hell. It can greatly increase the explosive power, and as long as it touches the opponent, it will spread to the opponent instantly like a bone gangrene, giving the opponent a strong blow, and the opponent's pain Will also increase substantially.

In an instant, the two dogs of the **** activated the power of blood, and a deep and gloomy flame of **** erupted, instantly enveloping it.

The two dogs of the hell, burning with the flames of the hell, launched a charge at Ashe at a speed much faster than before.

"Broken gold and jade gang!"

At the critical moment, Ashe condenses countless energies visible to the naked eye, compresses them with special techniques and attaches them to its minions. There are several inches of golden light extending from its minions, just like the essence. This is the metal energy. Signs of extreme compression.

This is the second most important function of breaking gold and jade gangs, which can greatly increase the penetration of minions, especially when cutting fur and bones, which can achieve miraculous effects.


With a muffled sound, the two dogs in the **** slammed into Ashe, and at the moment they were in contact with each other, the dark demon flame attached to the two dogs in the **** spread to Ashe's tiger body instantly. It continues to corrode its fur and flesh and blood.

Slaying Fangs!

Ashe tried to endure the pain, her limbs clung to the ground firmly, grabbing a long claw mark, and after stopping the charge of the two dogs in the hell, Ashe showed his teeth like a sword, and bit into the **** regardless. The neck of the left head of the two dogs.


Ashe easily penetrated the fur and scales on her neck, and only paused when she touched the bones of her neck, followed by a crisp sound, which completely penetrated the bones of its neck.


The left-handed dog head of the two **** dogs burst out with eyes and let out a weak whimper, and then the whole head shrugged off, but its vitality was strange. Even if the neck bone was broken in two, the left dog head could still continue to breathe.

Smash the claws!

Ashe pulled out her fangs, the man stood up, directly pressed the bodies of the two dogs in the hell, and attacked the two dogs in the **** and the other head.

The energy attached to the broken gold and broken jade hasn't dissipated yet, with Ashe's strength, as long as the hit will definitely cause great damage to the two dogs of hell.

"Fight, use the dragon's tail!" Dou Yuansheng squeezed his fists, and the situation like this now depends on who can't support it first.

The two **** dogs fluttered their long dragon tails irrespectively, making a piercing sound, and they were about to pull at Ashe's waist.

At the same time, Ashe’s right paw slapped on the faces of two dogs in the **** first, like a broken bamboo, the extremely compressed gold energy is indestructible, easily breaking through the flesh and smashing the bones, and finally stuck in the head of its right dog. Only then did it stop, and a large amount of red and black blood gushed out and spilled all over the ground.


In an instant, the thick and long dragon tails of the two **** dogs continued to draw along the trajectory just now, and landed on Ashe's waist.

Under this pull, the fragile fur, which was originally corroded by the dark magic flame, was easily broken by the dragon tails of the two **** dogs, and then a powerful shock poured into Ashe's body, causing it to squirt upwards. A mouthful of blood with visceral debris.


The two dogs in the **** gave a weak sob, and it fell to the ground softly, and its limbs twitched from time to time. The two heads of the two dogs had more air intake and less air. If the treatment is not carried out in time, I am afraid that it will not last long.

Ashe's condition is not much better either, there is a long scar on its waist, and the beating internal organs can be seen faintly.

In addition to this most serious injury, there are also a lot of messy scars, especially the fur and flesh and blood that have been corroded by the dark magic flame, which makes it even more painful.

However, Ashe still endured the pain, stepped on the backs of the two dogs in the hell, and raised her hair with a majestic tiger roar, as if to express its ambitions.


The entire arena was filled with fanatical cheers from the audience, most of which were calling out the name of Li Changsheng.

If the last game made Li Changsheng famous, then this one has consolidated his reputation.

"The two dogs of **** lose their ability to fight, so this game will be played by..."

Just when the referee was about to pronounce the sentence, Ashe on the court moved his ears, turned his head and glanced at Li Changsheng suspiciously, then tilted his head and fell to the ground with his eyes closed.


Okay, Ashe also lost his'combat ability'!

The referee's voice came to an abrupt end, and a black line appeared on his forehead. He was so close that I couldn't see that Ashe was acting, but acting as acting, can you not act so ostentatiously!

"Both sides have lost the ability to fight, please leave the two!"

Dou Yuansheng, who was originally sullenly face, saw Ai Xi's abnormality at this time, his face was obviously relieved, and he hurried to the field to stabilize the injuries of the two dogs in the hell.

On the other side, Li Changsheng also jumped onto the court. Ashe's injury was serious, especially his waist injury, which must be treated as soon as possible.

In addition, Ashe's tiger skin was corroded by the dark magic flames, the pits and pits, with little physical strength left, with its terrible state, the combat power was worrying, even if he continued to fight, it would not help.

Rather than that, it is better to accept as soon as you see it, and you can also avoid some misunderstandings.

After all, Dou Yuansheng is a prince. It is not a good thing to tear his face with him. At least there is no need to offend Li Changsheng until he is full of wings. What's more, if he continues to fight, the next thing he will face is the horror of Dou Yuanhua and Lin Jieru. combination.

Dou Yuanhua needless to say, he is the only Tier 5 student in this exchange competition, and Lin Jieru is ranked fifth in the top 100. Faced with such a combination, even Li Changsheng in his heyday has no hope, let alone He has lost her teammate Zhao Shuyi.

Dou Yuansheng took out a jade bottle and poured a green pill from it, using his mental power to control the pill to rush into the stomachs of two dogs in hell.

In the blink of an eye, the wounds of the two dogs in the **** began to grow granulation or scab, and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ningbi Pill!" Seeing the effect of this pill, Li Changsheng was moved.

Ningbi Pill is the sole healing medicine of the royal family. It is rumored to be refined from hundreds of precious materials. It is worth a thousand dollars, and it is priceless. The healing effect is far superior to the green jade hemostatic ointment of the Li family. The miraculous effect of regeneration of broken limbs.

"Accept your love this time, take it, and you can come to me anytime if you have anything!"

After the injuries of the two dogs in the **** stabilized, Dou Yuansheng took it back, and then handed the jade bottle to Li Changsheng who was dealing with Ashe’s injury. He was not a fool, and he was so close. Naturally, he was aware of Li Changsheng’s fault through Ashe’s strange performance. intention.

If the other party gives him face, he has to retaliate.

"Okay!" Li Changsheng did not refuse. When he caught the jade bottle, he judged by his voice that there were three Ningbi Pills in the jade bottle, and his face was suddenly full of smiles. This was definitely a surprise.

Thinking of the special effect of Ningbi Dan's severed limb regeneration, Li Changsheng thought of the old Li Ming who had broken his right hand.

At the same time, if a demon pet suffers from a broken limb in the future, he can also use Ning Bi Pill to recover his injury.

Li Changsheng collected the Ningbi Pill and took out two bottles of life water from the space ring, one bottle for oral administration and one for external application. His movements were gentle and fast, and he quickly cleaned up Ashe's wound.

After taking back Ashe, Li Changsheng subconsciously looked at the third-grade battle field, only to realize that the battle there was already over. Luo Liang and a third-year senior ended in a disastrous defeat, and they even didn't even fight against one of the other's demon pets. The injury was crushed by Dou Yuanhua and Lin Jieru.

They are so miserable!

Li Changsheng silently mourned for them, and immediately returned to the rest area of ​​Yuanling Academy, and began to watch the fourth-grade battle from the perspective of a bystander.

Miao Crotch + Ding Crotch Trade VS Sun Guoqiang + Zhou Peng!

Well, this is another battle with almost no suspense.

Sun Guoqiang ranked second on the top 100 list, and Zhou Peng ranked third. If one-on-one, Miao's **** seniors still have the hope of victory, but now it is a doubles mode, the existence of Ding's **** will undoubtedly drag Miao's vulva. Even if they cooperate with each other tacitly, they must not be the opponents of the other two under the difference of strength.

Not beyond Li Changsheng's expectation, Yuanling Academy's fourth-year students suffered another defeat. The only bright spot was that they had focused on Zhou Peng for the entire game, stupefied to kill the opponent.

They forcibly defeated Zhou Peng, with almost the same purpose as Li Changsheng, to save some face for the school, and secondly, Miao Yinjiang Senior also wanted to fight for the best team.

"The winner of this final is the Royal Academy. Let us congratulate them for becoming the champions of this exchange contest!"

After the four grades of the game, the referee announced the final result of the game.


The cheers of the audience rang out, but their voices were not very fanatical. The Royal Academy and his team also began to celebrate their re-election as the champion of the exchange competition, but no matter how they looked at them, their smiles were not strong, they were more to deal with things.

No way, this is completely expected.

After the finals, the award ceremony was naturally followed.

"The academic exchange competition is about to come to an end. Next, please welcome the top three universities with the warmest applause!"

On the award platform the voice of Emperor Dou Changsheng sounded. Over the years, the emperor has hosted the award ceremony of the exchange competition.

As Dou Chang Shengda's voice just fell, fanatical applause and cheers rang out in the arena.

Amid the applause, the leaders of the Royal Academy, Yuanling Academy and Tiandu Academy came to the award platform one after another, standing in their respective award-giving positions.

As for the fourth place Huating Academy, sorry, the fourth place has no trophy.

The vice-principal of the Royal Academy stands in the middle, the height of the round cake is the highest at his feet, the vice-principal Xu falls on the left, the height of the round cake is the second highest, and the vice-principal of Tiandu Academy stands on the right, the round cake is the shortest.

Soon, Dou Changsheng awarded three trophies with different textures to the three academic leaders. At the same time, the flag representing the three universities began to rise, and finally fluttered over the arena.

Well, there is still no Huating Academy in fourth place!

After giving out the collective awards, the individual awards will naturally follow.

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