Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 398: Alien Fire: Unquenchable Fire

The Hydra is about 20 meters long. Because it has nine heads, its waist is relatively swollen. The nine heads are relatively small, but each of them has the thickness of a bucket.

From the beginning, Ning Bizhen's firepower was fully on, and several six-pointed stars appeared, and the three-legged fire crow, the Qixi wind speed cat, the dark night mink, the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and the young red dragon were summoned.

Counting the cold jade rabbit, there are a total of four Lord-level demon pets and two leader-level demon pets. As for the six-armed naga that Li Changsheng gave her, it is still very weak.

The Hydra, who was about to attack Ning Bizhen, abruptly stopped its advancing trend. The snake pupils of the nine heads shrank and stared at Ning Bizhen's six monster pets with horror.

Hydra's gaze was mainly on the three-legged fire crow. It was not afraid of the cold jade rabbit, but from the three-legged fire crow it felt a strong threat. If you count the other demon pets, it faintly smelled the danger of death.

Fatal crisis!

The Hydra shivered, and it subconsciously wanted to go back to the mud pond, and protect its life by using the large amount of silt accumulated in the mud pond.

It is a pity that although it reacts quickly, it has lost its first opportunity, so how quickly can it pass Ning Bizhen's six monster pets.

Under the command of Ning Bizhen, the six demon pets launched an offensive against the Hydra.

In the sky, the three-legged flamingo swooped down, and its body rotated rapidly, as if it turned into a small tornado, with its sharp beak shining with cold light, pecking at one of the heads of Hydra.

Han Yutu jumped up. It had excellent speed and bounce. It also jumped in front of one of Hydra's heads. It was a punch with a hand. Although its fist was small, it made a strong sonic boom.


The Tanabata Wind Speed ​​Cat stirred its azure blue wings, and rushed forward suddenly, the cyan mark on its forehead flickered, and a cyan light curtain appeared on its body surface, with countless trembling wind blades attached to it, which also hit the Hydra A head.

On the ground, the dark night mink exudes a strong black energy, and countless black light spots quickly converged and turned into a multi-meter-long dark flame giant sword, cutting through the air to a head of Hydra.

As for the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast and the young red dragon, they are slightly weaker and can only attack one head of Hydra together.

In an instant, the five heads of Hydra were attacked.


In the horrified roar of the Hydra, its five heads were like tofu, and they were instantly exploded by Ning Bizhen’s six monster pets, either falling to the ground or exploding into a mass of minced meat. Blood mist.

In an instant, Hydra left only four heads.


The Hydra uttered a painful roar, and the remaining four heads were filled with a strong color of terror. Never before has it faced such a strong crisis.

After the five heads were ruptured, the regenerative properties of the hydra's severed limbs began to take effect. The five heads had fine granulation shoots out of the fractures, and within a few minutes, the five heads could be reborn.

If it's normal, it's okay to say, but for the current Hydra, the recovery speed is still too slow.

Without any hesitation, Hydra went straight into the mud puddle, trying to avoid the confrontation with Ning Bizhen with the help of the muddy puddle.


The next moment, six beams of light of different colors fell on the mud puddle and suddenly exploded. As for whether Hydra was blown up, it was unclear.

This mud pond is too big, with the size of a hundred acres, and the depth is unknown. It takes a lot of time to use drainage and evaporation.

On the contrary, Ning Bizhen only has a water-type demon pet like the water-shielding Jinjing Beast, and he is still a leader. For a while, he has nothing to do with the Hydra that is hiding in the mud pool.

Ning Bizhen looked at Li Changsheng and asked, "Changsheng, the King Dan's house is in the mud pool?"

Li Changsheng did not answer immediately. Wings of illusion extended from his back, feeling the traction on the map while flying towards the mud pond.

Ning Bizhen hurriedly escorted the three-legged fire crow.

When Li Changsheng stopped, he was in the sky above the center of the mud pool. The direction of the map in his hand had changed, and he wanted to lead him to fly downward.

"Well, just below the mud pool!"

Li Changsheng nodded and immediately flew back to Ning Bizhen.

"This is not easy!"

Ning Bizhen frowned slightly, unable to think of a good way for a while.

The Silent Forest is too dangerous, and here is near the territory of the black dragon Harikucci, they naturally hope to open King Dan's Beppu as quickly as possible.


Suddenly, Li Changsheng threw two things to Ning Bizhen.

Ning Bizhen took a look and found that there were two orbs, one blue and one yellow, faintly emitting corresponding light.

This is naturally the Cangxuanding water bead and the Cangxuanding earth bead, which can weaken the power of the water and earth skills of the hostile fairy, and can also control the flow of water and soil, mainly depending on the realm of the demon master.

With Li Changsheng's realm, if you control two orbs at the same time, you can also control a range of tens of meters, but Ning Bizhen is different, she is a fifth-order demon master, and the control range must be far beyond Li Changsheng.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good thing!"

After Li Changsheng told Ning Bizhen about the effects of the two orbs, Ning Bizhen sighed and couldn't wait to start the experiment.


Ning Bizhen immediately input a spiritual force into the two orbs, and the two orbs exudes a dazzling light, automatically floating in front of her.

In the next moment, countless muddy water rushed up from the mud pond, and under the control of Ning Bizhen, it turned into dozens of water dragons and earth dragons.


The water dragon rushed directly to the river on the side, and the water soared for a while, surging down the river violently.

The earth dragon fell on the ground a hundred meters away, and after a few breaths, it piled up into an earth mountain, and it was growing rapidly.

The mud pond covering hundreds of acres began to flow continuously at a speed visible to the naked eye, and an increasingly larger pothole appeared in the same place.

Ning Bizhen said while controlling the two orbs, "I can control a range of two to three hundred meters. It takes only a few minutes to drain the mud and water here!"

When the two orbs were pulled out of the muddy water, the Hydra under the mud pool was obviously startled. Its three corpse gods jumped and felt a serious death crisis.

Once the mud pond is completely dry, it is its dead time.

Before that, it must be prepared to save itself.

Under the mud puddle, Hydra moved immediately and came to the edge of the mud puddle, and the remaining four heads began to dig frantically on the hard ground at the edge of the mud puddle.

Soon, Hydra dug a large hole large enough to hold it.

It immediately got in, and continued to dig forward, preparing to dig a tunnel to escape.

This is also the only escape method that Hydra thinks of.

In front of life, Hydra is willing to abandon territory.

However, the Hydra is not as good at digging holes as the treasure hunter, but its body is still very large, and it takes a lot of engineering to dig a passage to accommodate it.

In addition, with only four heads left, there is a big gap between the speed of digging and the peak period.


Along with Ning Bizhen's continuous input of spiritual power, the two orbs began to spin around, and a certain connection occurred between the two, which improved the efficiency.

In just two or three minutes, the mud puddle finally bottomed out, and the entire mud puddle quickly dried up.

After all the muddy water was removed, a large pit with the size of a hundred acres appeared on the spot, with a depth of tens of meters at the deepest point.

In this big pit, the trail of Hydra has been lost.

Because the smell of Da Keng is too strong, it is difficult to sense the whereabouts of Hydra by smell.

However, this does not mean that Ning Bizhen has no tracking method.

"Little Mink, follow the dark night!"

Ning Bizhen pointed to the severed head of Hydra and directed the dark night mink to use the bloodline inheritance skills inherited from the nine-eyed mink.

Dark night Mink stared at the broken head of Hydra, and his six eyes shone strangely.

In an instant, Dark Night Mink's forehead slowly cracked, revealing a fist-sized pitch black eyeball, shooting a black light, and falling on the broken head of the Hydra in the blink of an eye.

The next moment, a gloomy aura appeared on this head, which twisted in the air, and then fell into the big pit and flew towards the entrance of the tunnel concealed by the Hydra.

The gloomy breath ignored the obstacles of the mud, and directly disappeared in the entrance.

"There, go!"

Ning Bizhen immediately stepped onto the blue-eyed golden-eyed beast, and directly pulled the mud that was blocking the entrance, revealing a dark passage, and the sound of digging the mud could be faintly heard.

Hydra hasn't dug the channel yet!

This unfinished passage is less than a hundred meters away. At the end of the passage, Hydra is still digging in the soil. When a gloomy atmosphere appeared in front of it, it was obviously taken aback and immediately understood that it had been exposed.

Ning Bizhen moved forward while controlling the Cang Xuan Ding Earth Bead, rapidly expanding the channel.

The tunnel excavated by Hydra was originally relatively spacious, and it was enlarged by Ning Bizhen so that even the size of the young red dragon could easily pass through.

"Kill it!"

As Ning Bizhen's voice sounded, the six monster pets quickly rushed into the passage and appeared behind the Hydra.

The Hydra naturally did not sit and wait to die. Under the effect of the regeneration characteristics of the severed limbs, the five lost heads have already appeared in outline, and some of their strength has been restored more or less.

The next moment, the four complete heads of Hydra erupted, spewing out a four-color beam of light, and the five silhouetted heads continued to dig passages toward the location of the river.

As long as you escape into the river, you can escape to life.

Han Yutu spewed out a breath of cold ice and collided with the four-color beam in the blink of an eye.

Hydra is obviously not in its heyday, the four-color light beam is naturally not the opponent of the cold breath. After a pause, the cold breath began to suppress the four-color breath and continue to rush towards the Hydra.

The hydra's eyes showed fierce light, and immediately detonated the four-color beam of light, directly exploding a large hole in the passage, and the biting wind pressure and energy tide could only spread to the sides.

At this moment, the three-legged fire crow sprayed a red and gold flame column, directly dissipating the energy tide, and falling straight on the Hydra.


The Hydra made a painful roar, but its five unformed heads were still trying to dig the ground, and it had already heard the sound of water.

Ning Bizhen naturally guessed the intention of the Hydra, she immediately controlled the Cangxuan Ding Earth Bead, and the ground in front of the Hydra quickly solidified.


Hydra’s unshaped head hit the ground and found that the ground in front had become hard as iron, and the digging efficiency was far lower than before.

There was a look of despair in its eyes. Knowing that it had lost the possibility of escape, Hydra hurriedly fell to the ground, showing the appearance of surrender.

Naturally, Ning Bizhen couldn't see it, the eyes of Hydra lying on the ground showed a stern look.

Hydra is very smart and very cunning. If it only signs a temporary contract, it is likely to wait for an opportunity to betray its owner, or even make a backlash at a critical moment.


Ning Bizhen knew very well the habits of Hydra. Even though Hydra had great value, she had no idea of ​​putting a bomb on her side. Moreover, the value of a dead Hydra was not very low.

It's better to die, it's a hundred!

Hydra raised his head in horror, and the last picture he saw was a colorful energy ray, which directly drowned it.


Ning Bizhen's demon pets performed two long-range offensives in succession, and amidst the colorful energy tide, the sound of Hydra becoming weaker and weaker came.


The passage shook violently, but under the influence of the Cang Xuan Ding Earth Bead, it did not collapse. The nine heads of the Hydra were all cut off, and the huge snake body was limp on the ground, and there was no more life.

After the death of Hydra, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen began to decompose the body of Hydra.

Like the giant dragon, the Hydra is also full of treasures, but the snake blood does not have the body tempering effect of dragon blood, and it has no scales, and its value is not as high as the dragon's corpse, but it is not very different.

Li Changsheng mainly collects the blood, flesh and bones of Hydra. As long as they are purified into essence and blood, they can be sold at a high price, not much worse than Hydra itself.

Even if he even found a buyer, that was Shen Haofei, the fourth place in the top 100 students list.

He owns a supreme six-headed snake, and the essence of the hydra is naturally very important to him, the kind that he will buy even if his family is bankrupt.

Shen Haofi is a fourth-grade student of Tiandu Academy. He will graduate in the first half of next year, and there is no possibility of rivals.

Only by selling resources to those in urgent need can they be sold at high prices.

After packing, Li Changsheng released the map in his hand.

This map was shining with brilliance, and flew lightly towards the center of the big hole.

The two followed the map to the center of Dakeng, where there was an inconspicuous slab besides soil and stones.

This stone slab is about one foot high, and the whole body is gray, with the words ‘Dangwang Befu’ written on it, and there is an invisible groove at the bottom.

The shape and size of this groove are the same as the map of King Dan Beppu.

Even if Hydra lives here all year round and finds this stone slab, but there is no token of opening, how can he open King Dan’s Befu?

At this time, the map of King Dan's Beppu fell lightly in the groove, just fitting the groove of the slate perfectly.

At the next moment, the ground vibrated slightly. This anomaly did not last long, and wisps of light emerged from the map of King Dan’s Beppu, and then the whole stone slab was filled, especially the four "King Dan Beppu" on the slate. A big character, from inconspicuous to dazzling.

When the brilliance on the stone slab was condensed to its limit, a white light shot out from the stone slab, falling continuously in the void on the side.

The void was violently distorted, and layer upon layer of ripples appeared, gradually forming a space portal more than two meters high.

Li Changsheng grabbed Ning Bizhen's hand and stepped straight into the space portal.

Suddenly, the world revolved around, and when they reacted, the environment in front of them had already changed a lot.

The two looked around and found that they were standing on a small piece of land, only a few square kilometers in total, and it was barren, with almost no signs of life.

Around this land, there is an infinite darkness, and occasionally you can see twinkling stars and meteors that pierce the darkness.

Here is the starry sky!

Ning Bizhen looked around, and said in a deep voice, "This is a half plane!"

Demiplanes are similar to ordinary planes, but only have different dimensions with measurable size and limited access. Other planes are theoretically infinite, and a demiplane may be only a few hundred feet in size, and this demiplane is considered to be relatively large.

In theory, demiplanes can be manufactured artificially, provided that humans can break through the plane space and open a way to another plane.

Like the secret realm, the demiplane is also attached to the main plane, where oxygen naturally exists and can be used for survival.

The king of the imperial demon master has the power to break through the space. This demiplane, since this is the Pill King's bet house, this demiplane is naturally related to the Pill King.

In this demiplane, there stands a magnificent courtyard, which is also the only building on this demiplane.

The two came to the courtyard, which was fairly spacious. The plaque on it reads ‘Pan King’s Beppu’, and on both sides of the gate stood a vivid gilt statue of a humanoid.

Li Changsheng recognized this statue, which is exactly the statue of King Dan Chen Mohe.


Li Changsheng pushed open the rusty door, and a cloud of dust flew up. The period when King Dan was active is hundreds of years away.

It hasn't been taken care of for hundreds of years, and this courtyard looks very old and dilapidated, and there are no restrictions.

The two did not stay, and went straight into the courtyard, and began to look at the surrounding environment.

This courtyard has a total of five rooms, namely the bedroom, alchemy room, alchemy pavilion, kitchen and reception room.

For the first time, the two of them came to the nearest alchemy room, which was probably also the place where the pills were placed.

In this alchemy room, the first thing that catches the eye is a two-foot-high alchemy furnace with a statue of Zhu Rong engraved on it, with nine orifices on it, and the whole body is emerald green, and it is made of no material.


Li Changsheng touched it, and he suddenly cried out in surprise, because he could feel the heat of the alchemy furnace. How could it be possible that the alchemy furnace could retain heat after hundreds of years.

Ning Bizhen hurriedly asked concerned: "What's the matter?"

"This alchemy furnace is a bit weird!"

Li Changsheng didn't conceal it. He carefully opened the lid of the alchemy furnace and found that there was a burning hot flame inside the alchemy furnace.

This flame can be said to be inconspicuous, very similar to an ordinary flame, but through the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng can clearly feel the powerful energy contained in this flame.

"Bi Zhen, what is this?"

Compared with Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen's knowledge is naturally better.

At this time, Ning Bizhen on the side thought for a while, and then seemed to think of something, and said: "This must be an inextinguishable fire!"

Inextinguishable fire: Different fires contain the rules of inextinguishable fire, and are claimed to be flames that will never go out. If the inextinguishable fire is absorbed by the fire-type demon pet, the probability of the fire-type skill of the demon pet will be doubled. At the same time, it can greatly increase the burning time of the flame and cause secondary damage to the enemy. Note: Non-fire demon pets cannot be swallowed!

"The fire of immortality!" After learning that it was the fire of immortality, Li Changsheng instantly became excited.

Alien fire is very rare, and is closely related to the rules of fire in this world, with various peculiar effects.

If this immortal fire is absorbed, the strength of the fire demon pet will definitely be improved, and it can break through the realm with the help of different fires.

Li Changsheng tentatively said, "Bi Zhen, or let your three-legged fire crow absorb this immortal flower..."

"I can't take it!"

Before Li Changsheng finished speaking, Ning Bizhen shook his head like a rattle, and directly refused.

"The unquenchable fire is too precious, not to mention that you also have a flaming bird, so it can increase your strength if it absorbs it!"

"Okay, but if there are other things that are useful to you, don't refuse!"

Seeing Ning Bizhen's resolute appearance, Li Changsheng had to accept the entire alchemy furnace.

As for the unquenchable fire, it is not the time yet. He plans to wait until he becomes a Tier 4 Demon Master before letting Blazing Bird consume it, hoping that it will become a leader-level demon pet.

In addition to the alchemy furnace, there is a large cabinet in the alchemy room, on which is placed a dazzling array of jade bottles, covered with dust.

For hundreds of years, even if this place had been banned by King Pill, it would have been obliterated by time.

Ning Bizhen flicked his sleeves and a breeze blew past, directly rolling up the dust on it, disappearing.

Li Changsheng picked up a jade bottle casually, and after opening the cork, he smelled an unpleasant smell.

Just like food spoils, the pill also has a shelf life, but the shelf life is different according to the Li Changsheng poured it out, and finally poured out a gray-black substance. Accompanied by a stronger unpleasant smell, it is obvious that this bottle of medicine has deteriorated.

In the following time, Li Changsheng tried one by one. Unfortunately, it has been too long. In hundreds of years, almost all the medicines here have deteriorated. Even if there are occasional medicines that have deteriorated, Li Changsheng dare not take them immediately. They must be tested. Row.

After receiving several bottles of pills that did not seem to deteriorate, Li Changsheng took Ning Bizhen and left the alchemy room.

The two searched, and the kitchen and the living room didn't have anything of value. On the contrary, the Danfang Pavilion was very rewarding.

As the name suggests, Danfang Pavilion is an attic where various Danfangs are stored.

King Pill is well-known for his alchemy, and his collection of pill prescriptions is naturally very large, many of which are treasures or even orphans.

In the process of checking various pill prescriptions, when Li Changsheng saw one of the pill prescriptions, his hands couldn't help shaking, and his face showed excitement.

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