Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 659: The emperor who can't escape

   When Li Changsheng thought about this, he couldn't help but took out the "Refining Artifacts", flipped through it, and found that it recorded the related technology of material reduction and storage plane.

   "This necklace was not made by King Bailian, right?"

It’s no wonder that Li Changsheng thinks so. It’s not easy to achieve these two technologies. Material reduction seems simple, but this seriously violates the law of conservation of matter, because it not only shrinks in size, but also in weight. .

   If you want to master this technique, you must become a master craftsman.

   As for the storage plane, in addition to the complicated technology, there must be enough realm.

  With Li Changsheng's current strength, unless he is promoted to the king, even the smallest demiplane cannot be accommodated.

  Even if you have a demon king-level space demon pet, because the storage space must be completed overnight, any mistake may cause the space to collapse.

In other words, in order to master these two technologies, the prerequisites are the identities of master craftsman and king, and there are only two or three people in history who have both identities, including the king of Bailian. .

   Judging from the records of these two technologies in this "Refining Tools", the possibility of the King Bailian is extremely high.

   "Unfortunately, there is no refining book of King Bailian!"

   Li Changsheng is not without regrets. If he has the refining book of King Bailian, he can also draw the effect of this necklace instead of exploring it alone.

   However, judging from the two treasure-level materials of Dangkang Fang and Hollow Weeping Willow, this necklace can not only accommodate creatures, but also has the ability to accelerate plant growth or harvest plants.

   Dangkang’s fangs can be said to be the most essential material of Dangkang, especially the four fangs of Dangkang, which have the function of accelerating and harvesting.

   In addition, Li Changsheng carefully observed the batch of spiritual plants planted by Xiao Chen, who is suspected of being a ‘mask man’. All of these spiritual plants are growing sturdily, and there is no sickness.

   Even Li Changsheng’s special spiritual planter, Xiaoguai, can hardly achieve such a situation, because manpower is sometimes exhausted and it is difficult to take care of so many spiritual plants carefully.

   Xiaoguai is not a machine after all. If the energy is severely dispersed, it is normal to have omissions.

   In addition, Li Changsheng did not see any traces of taking care of these spiritual plants. It seems that after these spiritual plants were planted, the "mask man" Xiao Chen never paid attention to it.

   I think of seeing Xiao Chen's strength changes twice. The opponent only took more than two months to advance from a beginner to the second level, which was faster than Li Changsheng before.

   Li Changsheng had reason to suspect that it was precisely by virtue of the ability of Dangkang necklace that Xiao Chen was able to harvest a batch of spiritual plants in a short period of time. With sufficient financial resources, progress can be so fast.

   At this time, Li Changsheng called Kailan and Chilong over, and said: "Kailan, Chilong, I want to enter the necklace space, please help me stare to see if there is any change!"

Dangkang necklace has another ability, that is, the host can enter the space in the necklace. It can not only be used to plant spiritual plants, but also serve as a shelter at critical moments. It is this ability that is the first time that Li Changsheng shot Xiao Chen. It will end in failure.


   Kailan nodded obediently, and stared at Li Changsheng closely with Chi Long.

   Among Li Changsheng's demon pets, Kailan has the highest realm and strength, and is also the most careful. Although Chilong is weak, it possesses the attributes of the space element.

   Along with Li Changsheng's thoughts, his figure suddenly disappeared, just like Xiao Chen before.

   For a while, Li Changsheng appeared in the space of Dangkang necklace.

   He gently inhaled the air in the necklace space, and then closed his mouth and nose tightly, quickly mobilized his mental power, and carefully checked all parts of the body, especially the lungs.

   After a long time, Li Changsheng confirmed that his body was not abnormal, and then re-mobilized his mental power to analyze whether there were harmful substances in the air here.

   Not only that, Li Changsheng also made some actions, which may be attached to the fairy world, where the gravity is the same as the fairy world.

   When Li Changsheng escaped into the necklace space, in Kailan's eyes, Li Changsheng suddenly disappeared, including the Dangkang necklace, no matter how Kailan checked it, it was of no avail.

   Kailan looked at Chi Long and asked, "Chi Long, do you feel it?"


   Chilong and Kailan communicated, according to Chilong's meaning, when Li Changsheng disappeared, when Kang Necklace appeared violent spatial fluctuations, he escaped into another space.

   Relying on his powerful spatial talent, Chilong can barely sense the approximate orientation of the necklace space, which is where Li Changsheng disappeared.

   This means that if Li Changsheng comes out of the necklace space, he will still be in place and his position will not change.

   Due to Li Changsheng's relationship, Chilong naturally did not try to use his space ability to forcefully break the necklace space, otherwise, if it breaks, Li Changsheng would be in danger.

   After a short while, Li Changsheng reappeared in the bedroom, Kailan hurriedly told him how she and Chi Long felt.

   There is a smile on Li Changsheng's face. The air in the Dangkang necklace space is not only free of harmful substances, but is filled with a rather special energy.

   According to Li Changsheng's analysis, this energy can promote the growth of spiritual plants, and it is likely to have a harvest effect.

   Rumor has it that Dangkang, a divine beast, is innately in control of the rules of heaven and earth-a bumper harvest. Dangkang’s four fangs have a harvest effect, which is not too surprising.

   The so-called bumper harvest is naturally a good harvest and high yield. For example, the red fire dragon scale tree can only produce one fruit at a time. If it is planted here, there is a chance to produce two fruits at a time.

   Of course, the harvest effect also has its limitations, which is commonly known as the ceiling. It is almost impossible for the Red Fire Dragon Scale Tree to produce three or more fruits at the same time.

   Li Changsheng tried a few more times, and found that there is no so-called cooling time for escaping into the necklace space, and the time flow between the two is also the same.

   No way, the necklace space is attached to the fairy world after all, and it is not forged with time-based materials. The flow of time is naturally equal to the attached fairy world.

   is relatively tasteless to Li Changsheng's ability to escape into the necklace space to save his life.

   This is mainly related to Li Changsheng's strength. Unless multiple pseudo-kings join forces or face the king, there is no need to escape into the necklace space.

   It’s just who knows if the enemy has the means to break open space. If it is broken open forcibly, the necklace space will collapse directly.

   If you escape into the necklace space in front of the king, it is exactly the same as looking for death. With the weak space barrier of the necklace space, plus the fact that it is not able to change the position like the secret realm, the king can easily lock and tear it.

   However, this is also a last resort.

   The only bad thing is that I don’t know what’s going on. Dangkang’s necklace cannot be refined, so naturally it cannot be brought into the sea of ​​consciousness.

   Based on the preliminary summary, Li Changsheng has determined that Dangkang necklace has the following three functions.

  One, you can store things, including creatures.

   Two, it has the effect of making Lingzhi a good harvest.

  三, can be used as a temporary shelter.

   As for whether it can speed up the growth of Lingzhi, it will take some time to observe.

Li Changsheng has decided to wait for the national competition to transplant all the spiritual plants planted in the backyard of Courtyard No. 1 into the necklace space, as well as the little boy, the imprisoned Emperor Zhuo and the Zixiao Leopard Beast, as well as an unhatched top standard. God fairy egg.

   The value of this Dangkang necklace cannot be measured by value. In Li Changsheng's view, the value of the Dangkang necklace is higher than ordinary wonders of the world due to these three functions alone.

   Li Changsheng put on the Dangkang necklace and thought about hiding it in the collar to avoid being seen through the material and causing unnecessary trouble.

   Soon, Li Changsheng began to study Liu Xuguang's information to prepare for tomorrow's game.

   Knowing oneself and the other can win all battles, not to mention Liu Xuguang's strength is stronger than Dou Yuanbin. Be careful not to make a big mistake to avoid the possibility of capsizing in the gutter.

   The next morning, Yecheng Arena!

   rush rush ~

   The audience is still full, and the atmosphere is even hotter than yesterday, as if the ceiling is about to be lifted.

   Outside the arena, there are tens of thousands of spectators who do not want to leave. They are there, looking at the big screen, waiting for the final result.

  The difference from the group stage is that this time Dou Changsheng came to sit in person, unlike in previous years where ‘Butterfly King’ Luo Qingning or ‘Yan King’ Qin Mingqing took the seat.

Different from the last time, Dou Changsheng's face was very ugly. Whoever heard that his most important son was'bullyed' by others, not only had his head shaved, but also lost four main demon pets. Lost the face of the royal family.

   Even if Li Changsheng did not violate the rules of the national competition, Dou Changsheng was always very upset, especially Dou Yuanbin's queen Xiao Guifei was still blowing pillow breeze in his ears last night.

   Dou Changsheng looked at Li Changsheng who was not very far away from time to time, and didn't know what he was thinking.

   This time, Li Changsheng did not stay in the lounge. He was standing not far from the competition Standing next to him were two principals, Xu Wenhua and Zhang Kaishuo, who came here specially.

   They first came to cheer for Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, and second, they helped Li Changsheng take control.

   After learning that Li Changsheng had killed Dou Yuanbin's four main demon pets in the game, the senior officials of Yuanling Academy wanted to prevent Li Changsheng from losing out, Xu Wenhua and Zhang Kaishuo rushed over, for fear that Emperor Dou Changsheng would be disadvantageous to Li Changsheng.

   Dou Changsheng is a new king after all, and there is probably no demon saint-level demon pet in his hands. Although it is still strong, if Li Changsheng, Ning Bizhen, Xu Wenhua and Zhang Kaishuo join forces, it is likely that Dou Changsheng will suffer.

There are 31 pseudo-kings in Langya. After Dou Changsheng was promoted to the king, Li Changsheng admitted that he could be locked in the top five. Ning Bizhen and Xu Wenhua were also in the top five. Together with Zhang Kaishuo, who played soy sauce, he was able to deal with a sage who did not The king of level demon pets is still very sure.

   Of course, as the emperor of the Langya Kingdom, Dou Changsheng also has a large number of helpers, but if the four of Li Changsheng join hands, there is a great chance of retreating.

   If Li Changsheng has more than six demon king-level demon pets, he can even resist Dou Changsheng, the new king.

  The biggest advantage of the king is the secret realm, which can greatly increase the combat power of the demon pet, but Li Changsheng's demon pet is of higher quality, which can roughly offset the advantage of the secret realm.

   Seeing Xu Wenhua and Zhang Kaishuo present, Dou Changsheng could only sit on the throne, sulking.

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