Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 804: Kailan VS Monster Saint-level Fairy

Li Changsheng said that he was very familiar with such an aura, because it was the unique aura of a demon saint-level goblin.

"It shouldn't be the top demon saint level goblin!"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that if it is a top demon saint level goblin, even the king may not be able to defeat the opponent.

In the Silent Forest, when Bregas, the fearful beast, received the call of Heaven, it was stunned for a moment, and then his heart was filled with ecstasy. This is simply a pie in the sky, but it also fell on its head.

In the world of fairies, there don’t seem to be many fairies at the level of fairies, but there are only five in Silent Forest. Not to mention large forbidden areas like Monopoly Mountains. Every large forbidden area has double-digit monsters. Holy fairy.

If all the continents and oceans are included, the demon saint-level goblin is probably reaching four figures.

Every year, Heavenly Dao will summon several Demon Saint-level goblins. For the number of Demon Saint-level goblins in the thousands, it is typical that there are more monks and less meat.

Similarly, there are some lucky demon saint-level goblins who have been summoned by the heavens several times, even more than ten times.

Well, this is fate!

For the demon saint-level goblin, there is not much difference between the summoning of the heavens and the pie drop in the sky. With their strength, even if the opponent is a top pseudo-king, it has a high probability to defeat the opponent.

As long as you defeat your opponent, you can get rich rewards and even have the opportunity to make yourself further.

Bregas, fearing the beast, naturally did not refuse. The next moment, it appeared in a special space while the world was spinning around.

However, when Bregas saw his opponent clearly, it suddenly felt bad, like falling from the clouds into the abyss.

The fear of beasts is a top-notch beast that can avoid evil. Bregas can feel that the opponent is not easy to provoke through his sixth sense. It is an extremely dangerous existence. The key is that it also knows its opponent.

Li Changsheng’s impression on Bregas was not so profound. He was able to defeat the not weaker Thunder Titan Ronos and nearly ten Demon King level goblins as a pseudo-king, and retreat all over.

A few months passed, and when Bregas saw Li Changsheng again, he was obviously stronger again, as can be seen from the number of Demon King-level demon pets.

Even if it was Li Changsheng a few months ago, it is not an opponent with a high probability, let alone now, if these nine demon king-level demon pets that are not easy to provoke at a glance, they will be unilaterally rubbed and abused. .

How to fight this?

What a fart!

Li Changsheng didn't act immediately, he asked in a hesitant tone: "Are you Bregas of Silent Forest?"

Although there are thousands of demon saint-level goblins in the world of fairies, if only beast-fearing, they will definitely not be more than one palm.

The fear of beasts are not dragons. They reproduce very slowly, and the base number is naturally not large. Not to mention the fear of beasts that can reach the realm of the demon saint level, they are definitely rare.

"Human, I haven't seen you for months, I didn't expect you to become stronger again."

Bregas has a complex tone, and his expression is full of solemnity. It has never encountered a demon master with such an exaggerated growth rate. It has a premonition. If you give him some more time, I am afraid that he can contend the entire Silent Forest. .

The Forest of Silence mentioned here does not include the beast Teng Snake Aberisk, after all, Teng Snake Aberisk has once contended against the demon emperor-level demon pet of the Sky of the Night King.

"It's really Bregas, this world is so small, I didn't expect to meet you here, it seems that we are quite destined."

"I would rather not have this kind of fate!"

Bregas couldn't help but vomit. He was summoned by the heavens happily, but finally met Li Changsheng. This luck is not too bad.

"Do it, let me see your current strength!"

Even if he felt that he was not Li Changsheng's opponent, Bregas did not want to kill him.

Contrary to Bregas's expectation, Li Changsheng didn't have the idea of ​​letting the nine Demon King-class demon pets come together. Instead, he asked Kailan, "Kalan, do you have any confidence?"

Li Changsheng wanted to test whether Kailan could contend with the ordinary demon saint-level goblins, so that he could also summarize Kailan's strength. Now that such a good opportunity is in front of him, how can he let it go.


Kailan stirred wings as thin as a cicada, and was less than a hundred meters away from Bregas.

"Human, I will let you know the price of despising me!"

Bregas said that he was seriously offended, and his heart was filled with raging anger. It never expected that the other party would only send a small demon king class demon pet to confront him.

While speaking, Bregas turned into an afterimage, suddenly pulling in the distance between Kailan and Kailan at an unimaginable speed.

Fear of the beast is a unique cat-like fairy. It looks like a civet cat. It is petite, especially with one eye and three tails behind it. Its characteristic is that it can imitate the calls and speed of many fairy Very fast and smart.

When Bregas rushed, Kailan condensed a green light blade more than 20 meters long, and the green light blade shrank rapidly.

In an instant of effort, the energy of the green light blade was extremely compressed, turning into a dark green light blade more than two meters long.

Kailan held the dark green light blade, like an arrow from the string, and rushed towards Bregas.

In terms of speed, Kailan's speed is slightly inferior by half compared with Bregas, but the gap is not very large.

Seeing Kailan's speed, Bregas was also taken aback, but it didn't think that a mere demon king-level demon pet could pose a threat to it.

In an instant, Bregas swung his claws head-on and collided with the dark green light blade held by Kailan.


With a crisp sound with Kailan and Bregas as the center, a layer of ripples stirred up in the void, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.

Under this blow, Kailan retreated more than ten meters away, while Bregas retreated a few meters, seeming to make a judgment.

No way, the strength of Upanishad Yuanyuan far exceeds Upanishad.

In the next moment, Kailan and Bregas once again turned into two phantoms, fighting fiercely in the air.

After being repelled again, the dark green lightsaber in Kailan's hand was already covered with a lot of cracks. Seeing Bregas rushed again, Kailan directly threw the dark green lightsaber over.

Bregas swung a claw again, arbitrarily smashing the dark green light into a large number of fragments.

However, at this moment, these fragments suddenly shined and exploded.

Bregas' reaction was not unpleasant, while evading as quickly as possible, a round black shield was condensed on the body's surface.

In an instant, Bregas was enveloped by a green storm.

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