Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 808: 12 Yuan Chen Baozhu

This is a palace where it is difficult to see the end with a field of vision. It is a thousand meters high. Li Changsheng also used the sky, sight and earth to listen to the secret method, and carefully looked at it, only to realize that this was actually a palace.

Compared with this palace, let alone the igneous stone palace of Yan Wang Di Zhiyi, even the Yum King palace pales in comparison, the gap is too big.

The materials of the palace are extremely luxurious. The ground is covered with black and yellow glazed bricks. This is a kind of masonry with a touch of black and yellow. It is a good material for refining. A small piece on the market can cost hundreds of Soul crystal.

Given the huge area of ​​this palace, the value of these black and yellow glazed bricks alone is an astronomical figure.

In addition to the black and yellow glazed bricks, there are many precious materials.

In other words, the cost of this palace alone, even if a double-character king is bankrupt, I am afraid that he will not be able to take one tenth of it.

Some emperors and emperors with insufficient background do not necessarily have such capital.


I don't know whether this temple was built by Tiandao himself or by other people. If it were the latter, how strong its owner would be before his life.

Under the secret law of heaven and earth, everything in the hall is covered.

The palace is ten wide, and apart from the twelve pillars made of Qiu Dao jade, there are no other superfluous things.

Each of these twelve pillars has a diameter of more than ten meters, and each of them depicts twelve different animal patterns.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig!

This is the twelve yuan chen, and the twelve yuan chen is related to the heavenly stems and the earth, so it also corresponds to the twelve zodiac signs, which are twelve months in charge, and each person corresponds to two solar terms.

Each pillar is translucent, and you can vaguely see various treasures floating in the pillar.

Li Changsheng couldn't help but feel familiar with such a scene, because the fire spar palace in the Yan Wang Di Zhiyi secret realm did not have a similar layout, but it was far inferior to this palace in terms of ostentation, and the layout was still 36 Tiangang Guiyuan Pillars.

Li Changsheng only absorbed part of Yan Wang Di Zhiyi's memory, among which there was not much related to the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm. He only knew that Yan Wang Di Zhiyi had been here in his early years, and he did not know his experience in the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm.

However, judging from the layout of the fire spar palace and this palace, Yan Wang Di Zhiyi may have been here, otherwise the layout of the fire spar palace could not be so similar to here.

In addition to these, Li Changsheng also saw four closed gates, corresponding to the four gates in the southeast, northwest, and nowhere.

In addition, Li Changsheng was surprised to discover that there could be a place where mental power could be released, but when he used mental power to scan the nearest twelve yuanchen pillar, he couldn't penetrate it.

Obviously, the Twelve Yuan Chen Baozhu comes with the function of shielding mental power.

Li Changsheng didn't feel disappointed. It's a big deal to wait for himself or his opponent to break the Twelve Yuanchen Pillar, or wait until the Twelve Yuanchen Pillar is automatically opened, I believe his special ability will be useful.

Not surprisingly, Li Changsheng felt that the rules here should be similar to those of the Fire Stone Palace.

Just when Li Changsheng was about to test Bao Zhu, not far away, strong spatial ripples appeared, and two figures entered the hall at the same time.

The two were Ning Bizhen and Yan Wanling. This was not beyond Li Changsheng's expectation. Yan Wanling was the only king who entered the secret realm of heaven this time. As long as she did not deliberately give up, coming here can be said to be an inevitable thing.

Needless to say, Ning Bizhen's strength needless to say. With the help of Li Changsheng, he possesses five half-demon king-level demon pets, and two of them are half-step epic-quality half-divine beasts, capable of competing with the king for a short period of time.

If Li Changsheng is at the top of the pseudo-king, then Ning Bizhen is at the next stage, and it is not surprising to come here.

Ning Bizhen immediately brought her demon pet to Li Changsheng's side. Yan Wanling and another top pseudo-king named Wen Zetao knew about their relationship.

For this reason, even if Ning Bizhen wanted to hide, on the surface like a passerby like Li Changsheng, he couldn't do it at all.

However, Wen Zetao did not stand on Yan Wanling's side, but on the other side, because in his opinion, the biggest threat was always Yan Wanling.

In the third round of trials just now, Wen Zetao focused all of his energy on the Demon King-level goblins, and there was no extra energy to observe Li Changsheng at all, otherwise he might make a different choice.

The four are temporarily divided into three camps, looking at each other.

At this moment, an inexplicable information flooded into the minds of the four people.

This information is naturally related to the twelve yuanchen pillar in this palace. From now on, the four of Li Changsheng have ten minutes to break the twelve yuanchen pillar by force.

After ten minutes have passed, the restrictions outside the Twelve Yuan Chen Baozhu will automatically dissipate, and the treasures stored inside will automatically leave the Baozhu, and the players will have to rely on their own methods.

In addition, if no one stops them, these treasures will fly into the four portals, and they will no longer be able to collect some treasures.

These four portals seem to be closed, but in fact they are not defended against these treasures.

To put it simply, it is to guard against others, not against treasures.

In addition to these rules, there are also rules to advance to the core zone.

There is only one place, and the promotion conditions are related to the number of treasures seized. The person who seizes the most treasures will get the promotion place.

If multiple people have captured the same and the largest number of treasures, then they have to rely on them to make the decision. Since there is only one place, there is a high probability of conquering by force.

"Sure enough, Yan Wang Di Zhiyi copied the rules of this palace!"

Li Changsheng was a bit speechless, except for the promotion The rest was exactly the same as the Firestone Palace.

At this time, Yan Wanling and another top pseudo-king named Wen Zetao took action immediately, and couldn't wait to direct the demon pet to attack the nearest Twelve Yuan Chen Baozhu.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen looked at each other. They did not act immediately, but took out a lucky joss stick if they had a tacit understanding.

While they were lighting the gas and carrying incense, Yan Wanling and Wen Zetao, who were always paying attention to them, were stunned for a moment, but they were puzzled by their behavior.

After Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen each put a ray of spiritual energy into them, the qi luck incense candle turned into an arrow shape and began to work.

Li Changsheng's joss stick points to the north, and Ning Bizhen points to the east.

In these two directions, there are three twelve yuanchen pillars, but the distance is different.

Seeing the effect of the Qi Luck joss stick, the two of them were overjoyed and acted immediately.

Time is limited, and they must store more treasures as soon as possible to obtain the only place.

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