Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 894: Never seen such a pseudo-king

It naturally takes a certain amount of time to summon all demon pets. Of course, you can also summon a large number of demon pets at once, but the more you summon, the loss of mental power will increase exponentially.

   With Li Changsheng's current mental power, he can summon seven Demon King-level demon pets at once, but this way, his mental power will also be consumed by most.

   Except in times of crisis, Li Changsheng usually only summons three at once.

   For fear that Tianma would regret it, Li Changsheng took the lead in summoning lord-level demon pets such as big head, chilong, two-headed giant dragon and ancestor leopard beast. Their role is to act as an auxiliary or a physical shield.

   "What is there to regret about this!"

   Seeing the four Lord-level demon pets summoned by Li Changsheng, Tianma couldn't help but glance at Chilong, but his eyes still looked contemptuous.

   It's just a juvenile chilong, it doesn't pose any threat to it at all, it can't even break the defense.

   Li Changsheng continued to summon. This time, he summoned the day, night, and the crowned Sun Luan.

   Tianma is not surprised. After all, the player who can get the only spot in the core area is at least the top pseudo-king.

   The next moment, Ash, Kailan, Dumb, and Yuan Gungun were summoned all at once. Then Li Changsheng shook the demon pet bag again, and released four temporary demon king class demon pets.

   Seeing that there are eight more Demon King-level demon pets around Li Changsheng, there are a total of eleven Demon King-level demon pets, Tianma's expression is like this (;?;)?! !

   Tianma said that he had lived for thousands of years, but he had never seen such a scene before, even more so, he felt like he was dreaming.

   A pseudo-king has a total of eleven demon king-level demon pets, which is simply appalling.

   In addition to shock, Tianma also expressed panic, especially these Demon King-level demon pets are not easy to provoke at first glance. I am afraid they are not ordinary Demon King-level demon pets.

   Besides, there is regret!

   Tianma felt that he shouldn't give Li Changsheng time to prepare. If he launches an attack from the beginning, even if Tianma is limited, he still has enough confidence to kill a few before Li Changsheng summons all the monster pets.

   Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

   At this moment, under Tianma's surprised gaze, Li Changsheng's body suddenly undergone an astonishing change, turning into a giant with a hundred arms that is several tens of meters high, exuding an aura like a prison.

   Sensing the breath of the Hundred-armed Giant, Tianma was obviously panicked, and then recovered his calm. After all, limited to his realm, Li Changsheng could only become a lord-level Hundred-armed Giant.

   Although the lord-level giant with one hundred arms is enough to contend with the excellent Demon King-level demon pet, the threat to Tianma is still not great.

  At the same time, Li Changsheng, who was transformed into a giant with a hundred arms, had a golden hybrid lantern on his head and stepped on the eight-stage star palace lotus platform. The imitation demon pot, the Haotian Yinyang Pei and the Taiyin Ling revolved around its body, which can be described as precious light.

   Except for the original light guarding the soul, Li Changsheng released all five wonders of the world.

   There is only one Pegasus here, and Li Changsheng no longer has any scruples. In order to seize the treasures in the core area, he chose full firepower.

   Seeing Li Changsheng's jeweled look, Tianma's gaze was stunned and even more shocked.

   Such a "maverick" pseudo-king, Tianma can be said to be unseen and unheard of, completely refreshing its knowledge of pseudo-kings.

   At this time, Li Changsheng also blessed Kailan with the insight of the owl, swift as the wind, and the secret method of rock solid, which promoted Kailan's combat power to be greatly improved.

   When Li Changsheng was ready, one minute had not passed. Flying Chinese

   Just when the preparation time was about to pass, the monster pets all activated aura-type skills, as well as some weather-type, field-type characteristics, and group skills, which gave their combat power a considerable increase.

   At the same time, Li Changsheng used the secret method of boiling and reversing the sky, instantly creating a large amount of scorching mist, covering a kilometer range, which can greatly reduce the vision of the enemy pet, and the vision of his own pet will not be affected.

   As for whether it can play a role in the beast Tianma, it is hard to say.

   After performing these secret methods, most of Li Changsheng's mental power was also consumed.

   This is the so-called full force Li. If this can't beat the restricted Tianma, Li Changsheng thinks he can find a piece of tofu and kill him.

   At the moment when the battle started, Ashe, Kailan, day and night all turned into afterimages, and they rushed towards Tianma.

   Tianma is good at speed, even if he is restricted to the Demon King Realm, his speed is still much faster than the four demon pets.

   Because of this, other monster pets can only act as auxiliary or physical shields.

   There was no immediate fierce battle between the two sides, because at the first time, Tianma turned around and ran, completely abandoning the face of the beast.

   As a Tianma that has lived for thousands of years, its combat experience can be said to be quite rich.

   Tianma’s tactics are very simple. While getting out of the range of the Boiling Reverse Enriching Heaven secret method, while taking advantage of speed, try to get rid of Li Changsheng’s demon pets and avoid being beaten by a large number of demon king-level demon pets.

In order to catch up with the Tianma, Ashe had to use a flash, and its figure suddenly disappeared, like a shape shift, instantly crossing a distance of nearly 100 meters, appearing on top of the Tianma, and about to hit the Tianma~www. However, at this moment, Pegasus suddenly stopped in the air, prompting Ashe to jump into the empty space and rush past Pegasus.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tianma raised his horse's hoof and smashed it down.


   Under the extremely powerful force, Ashe's body surface was blessed by the light shield blessed by the paradise bird, and the two horseshoes smashed heavily on Ashe's ass.


   Ai Xi screamed, and the parts hit by the horse's hoof were all sunken. Even if the Light Shield and the Upright Guardian had offset part of the damage for it, they still suffered serious injuries.

   However, it was Ashe's "sacrifice" that Tianma had to stop, Kailan, day and night took advantage of the distance.

   Tianma quickly started, and wanted to rush out of the encirclement before being encircled and continue the kite-flying tactics.

   Suddenly, a black and white aperture appeared out of thin air, instantly restraining Tianma's waist.

   Click~ Click~

   Tianma broke free in an instant, the two apertures couldn't bear the strength, and the pieces dissipated.

   But at this instant, the four demon king-level demon pets finally completed the encirclement.

   Ai Xi showed a fierce look in her eyes, and was hit by Tianma with a horse's hoof in her butt, making it feel humiliated.

   Tianma didn't give up the idea of ​​getting out of the siege. Once Li Changsheng and the eleven demon king-level demon pets formed a siege, he was afraid it would be finished.

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