Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 914: Broken Pseudo Dragon Ball

   The huge eyes of the Demon King Red Dragon showed a look of death. It was afraid of death, but it knew in its heart that this was almost an irreversible result, not to mention that if it could kill the demon leader, it might not die.

   In order to avoid being swallowed by the abyss, Tiandao naturally issued a series of rewards related to the abyss and demons.

   Among them, any existence that kills the demon leader and above can obtain a certain amount of the black and yellow power, as long as there is enough black and yellow power, it may not be unable to keep its life.

   Of course, this is nothing compared to the mysterious and yellow merits that Li Changsheng obtained last time. After all, Li Changsheng was the first demon leader to be killed independently as a pseudo-king in history. The rewards given by heaven are naturally far beyond ordinary.

   In addition, even if this Balrog is beheaded, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen, who are assisting in the beheading, will also share a lot of the power of the mysterious and yellow merits. This is an inevitable result.

   The last point, the person who performs the final blow can at least make a profit of 30%, which has been proven many times in history.

  In game terms, it means to grab the head.


   The Demon King Grade Red Dragon roared, and thick and long blue veins appeared on its surface, and its body shape suddenly rose a bit like blowing a balloon, and the whole body was agitated with blood.


  In an instant, the Balrog and the Red Dragon collided.

   Under the all-out effort of the Demon King Red Dragon, the flame demon's momentum was finally stopped.

   Of course, this is not the credit of a demon pet of the Demon King Red Dragon, it is the result of the hard work of nearly ten demon pets.

   After the charge was blocked, the flame demon hit the back of the Demon King Red Dragon with one claw. The hot dragon blood splashed, and the huge force shot the Demon King Red Dragon from the air.

   But before falling, the red dragon flicked its thick and long tail, tying the Balrog's body with one hand, trying to restrain it.

   It is a pity that the realm of the two sides is there. Even if the Demon King Red Dragon is in a state of burning blood, the Balrog is also in a state of stimulating potential, and the gap between the two is still obvious.


   After being carried by the Demon King Red Dragon for a certain distance, the Balrog broke away from the restraint of the dragon's tail. Due to the strength, the dragon's tail first made a bone cracking sound, and then it broke into two pieces.

   However, due to the demon king-level red dragon's obstruction, Zhao Yuanqing's other monster pets launched an offensive again, and Zhao Yuanqing took the opportunity to retreat for a certain distance.


   An unusually piercing sound rang out, and the speed of the Balrog's tail flicking obviously exceeded the speed of sound. The first sound hit one of the seven infants' heads and directly exploded its head.

   This is the third head that Qiying has been blown up. Although it does not threaten its life, its combat power has inevitably dropped a lot.

   is only as the main shield, Qiying can only continue to endure the pain and try to support it.

At this moment, the demon saint-level dragon python sprayed a dazzling aqua blue orb. This is a pseudo-dragon ball that it took hundreds of years to condense. It can be said to be its essence and its strongest. The hole cards.

   It’s just that it’s risky to put the Dragon Ball out. Once the Dragon Ball is damaged, the dragon python will at least be greatly injured. After all, this pseudo-dragon ball has a stake in its life.

   The pseudo-dragon ball turned into an aqua blue phantom, lasing towards the Balrog at a speed beyond imagination.

   Due to the entanglement of the Seven Infants and the harassment of other Demon King-level demon pets, when the Balrog discovered the fake dragon ball, there was only less than ten meters between the two. At the speed of the fake dragon ball, the Balrog was unable to avoid it.

   In this case, the Balrog can only snap a claw hastily and collide with the fake dragon ball.

   Click~ Click~

   In the fierce collision, two cracks appeared on the fake dragon ball, but the Balrog was even more uncomfortable. The fake dragon ball attached to it with great strength. After breaking its right paw, it immediately hit the Balrog's chest.


   The flame demon sprayed out a black blood, his chest was severely sunken, and he did not know how many bones were broken by the fake dragon ball. In short, the injury was not light.

   Not far away, the demon saint-level dragon python spouted a mouthful of blood, his expression languishing. Due to the damage of the pseudo-king, it suffered a heavy backlash.

   Just when the dragon python was about to recall the fake dragon ball, the Balrog showed fierce eyes, and regardless of the offensive of Qiying and other demon king level monster pets, he swung his left paw and slapped the fake dragon ball heavily.

   Click~ Wow~

   At this time, the overwhelmed pseudo-dragon ball was completely blown up and turned into dozens of pieces of varying sizes and dropped from the air.

   The demon saint-level dragon python uttered a mournful cry, as if it had been hit hard with a heavy hammer on his head, he fell into a coma and fell from a height of several hundred meters.

   The false dragon ball shattered, directly causing the demon saint-level dragon python to be seriously injured and dying. If it falls from a high altitude to the ground and causes secondary damage, it may directly cause its fall.

   Fortunately, Ashe arrived in time, held the fallen dragon python and quickly placed it on the ground.

   Aixi did not care about the dragon pythons anymore, and together with Kailan, day, night, big sun fire crow, and long-eared cold jade rabbit who rushed there, poured powerful firepower on the Balrog.

   After temporarily losing the demon saint-level dragon python, even if the Balrog’s right paw was interrupted, Qiying was still unable to support it alone. After all, Qiying had also lost three heads and was no longer in its heyday.


   The flame demon bit one of the seven infants' neck and flicked his head. With blood splashing, one of the seven infants' head was separated again.

   The wings of the flame demon followed and patted Qiying on the and patted it off the air, and wanted to rush out.

   Fortunately, the Demon King Red Dragon, which was in a state of burning blood, flew over again, and staggered the flame demon, finally slowing the speed of lifting it again.

   Just when the angry Balrog wanted to kill the Demon King-level red dragon, a crescent-shaped blade of light rushed forward, but it was Aish who broke the gold and jade.

   Seeing the golden light blade, the pupils of the Balrog subconsciously shrank. The rich experience and powerful sixth sense reminded it at all times. Once hit by the golden light blade, the consequences would be absolutely unimaginable.

Ashe’s ordinary methods are indeed difficult to cause too much damage to the Balrog, but Broken Gold Broken Jade Gang is not among them, and the powerful penetrating and defensive effects are enough to make Broken Gold Broken penetrate the proud body of the demon leader. .

   The flame demon subconsciously wanted to evade, but at this moment, two circles of black and white suddenly appeared on its body surface, which instantly tied it up.

   Without waiting for the Balrog to break free, countless vines emerged from the void, taking the opportunity to bind all parts of the Balrog, including its exposed fifth limb.

   Click~ click~ click~

   The flame demon struggled, and the two apertures and the vines entwined around it were all shattered, and it only took a second.

   In this short second, the golden light blade has appeared in front of the Balrog, making it lose the best time to escape.

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