Release That Demonic Pet

Chapter 917: The dust settles

   "Lord, how is your side?"

   Just when Zhao Yuanqing was pleased that there was another pseudo-king in the royal family, he was afraid that when he heard Zhao Rui's address to Li Changsheng, he was obviously taken aback.

   Zhao Yuanqing never expected that Zhao Rui would recognize Li Changsheng as the master, which was beyond his expectation.

   Both of them are pseudo-kings. Even if their strengths are very different, they can be said to be equal on the bright side. The key point is that Zhao Rui is still a prince, or his N-generation blood relative of Zhao Yuanqing, how can he recognize Li Changsheng as the master?

   Zhao Yuanqing is a little puzzled, and his whole mind is a little confused.

   "The demon leader Shida Al Khan has been killed by us!"

   Li Changsheng naturally noticed the change in Zhao Yuanqing's expression, but he did not explain, nor did he hide it, and directly stated that the demon leader had been killed by their joint efforts.

I believe that after this incident, even if the big head is taken away by Zhao Yuanqing, Li Changsheng’s reputation in Daiguo will be established and will rise to a high level, becoming a hero-like character, and it will become easy to control Daiguo in the future. a lot of.

After hearing that the demon leader had been killed, Zhao Rui did not act too surprised. After all, he saw with his own eyes that Li Changsheng killed a demon leader independently, plus the words of Zhao Yuanqing and Ning Bizhen, and jointly killed him. The demon leader did not surprise him.

   But Zhao Rui was not surprised, which does not mean that others were not shocked.

   The middle-aged pseudo-king standing next to Zhao Rui was shocked. After reacting, he immediately showed an expression of ecstasy.

   This middle-aged pseudo-king is named Han Li. He was originally a powerless ‘Ranxiu’. He was fortunate enough to become a pseudo-king under various circumstances, and finally accepted the solicitation of the country.

   Like many generations of country powers, Han Li is also not optimistic about the future of the generation of the country, and has plans to leave the generation of the country in his heart, but Zhao Yuanqing has been watching him tightly and has never found a chance to leave.

   Today, Zhao Yuanqing was entangled by the demon leader and many great demons, and the hurricane fortress would be breached at any time. Han Li felt that the opportunity to run away had come.

   But before he could put it into practice, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen forcefully killed several big demons, which made Han Li have to suppress the idea of ​​running away.

  Han Li was still shocked. Defeating the demon leader and slaying the demon leader are completely two levels of difficulty. The difficulty factor of the latter is much higher than the former.

   After so many years, Zhao Yuanqing has also defeated Shida Al Khan many times, but he can't kill him at all.

   Seeing Han Li looking at him, Zhao Yuanqing smiled and said: "Yes, the demon leader Xida Alhan has been killed by us!"

  Under the control of mental power, this sentence spread to the ears of the soldiers in the entire Hurricane Fortress, as if whispering in their ears.

   Due to the heavy losses, the morale of the soldiers who survived the Hurricane Fortress was inevitably low.

   However, after Zhao Yuanqing announced that the demon leader Shida Al Khan had been killed by them, there was a loud cheering in the fortress, and there was no stopping for a long time.

   In this way, the morale that had been sluggish was revived.

  The soldiers knew very well that before the new demon leader appeared, the Hurricane Fortress would usher in a rare period of safety.

  From a normal situation, this period of safety will probably last for several years.

   Of course, there are occasional abnormal situations. It is possible that a new demon leader will appear in a few months, but that is a small probability event and the probability is very low.

  While the soldiers were cleaning the battlefield, Zhao Yuanqing led four people into a tall and magnificent castle.

   This is the headquarters of Hurricane Fortress, the most majestic building in Hurricane Fortress, and the last fortress of Hurricane Fortress.

   If the two walls inside and outside fall one after another, this castle will become the last stronghold.

   In the hall of the castle, Zhao Yuanqing was the guest and the host, Zhao Yuanqing was the main seat, Li Changsheng was the second seat, and then Ning Bizhen, Han Li and Zhao Rui.

   Zhao Yuanqing's arrangement is mainly based on strength.

   In the process of killing the demon leader, Zhao Yuanqing knew very well the strength of Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen.

   If it weren't for the Burning Blast of the Balrog, the two's demon pets would definitely be able to perform at a higher level, and would not be able to hold back and release a long-range offensive in battle, and would not be able to perform at all levels.

   Even so, Zhao Yuanqing also believes that the two of them are definitely at the top of the pseudo-king pyramid, otherwise it would be impossible to keep Hidalhan.

  As soon as he took his seat, Zhao Yuanqing asked Zhao Rui: "Everyone, you guys, take a break here. I have something to ask Xiao Rui!"

   "Yes, Gao Zu!"

   Zhao Rui respectfully followed Zhao Yuanqing, and followed Zhao Yuanqing to a room nearby.

   Li Changsheng had some guesses about Zhao Yuanqing's actions, but he was not surprised.

   Several restrictions have been activated in the room, and outsiders cannot hear their conversations until the restrictions are broken.

   "Xiao Rui, I don't understand, why do you recognize him as the master?"

   Obviously, Zhao Yuanqing was dissatisfied with Zhao Rui's recognition of Li Changsheng.

It is normal for Zhao Yuanqing to be dissatisfied. As a veteran king, the most outstanding child of his immediate descendants recognizes a pseudo-king as the main one. Naturally, he will feel dissatisfied. The key point is that this child is also a pseudo-king himself. Shame on him.

   Zhao Rui has a family background, resources and status, but he recognizes a pseudo-king of the same rank as the main one. Even if Li Changsheng is very strong, Zhao Yuanqing still finds it incredible.

Zhao Rui said under the pressure: " You don't know that I have already recognized the lord before becoming a pseudo-king. After that, I can enter the secret realm of heaven and become a pseudo-king, all thanks to the Lord. In the end, my lord had independently killed the demon leader in the Bernama Fortress, and overpowered Yan Wanling, the descendant of the Xuan Empress in the secret realm of the heavenly realm, and became the first person in the secret realm of the realm! So what a privilege! Can't afford my allegiance."

   Yan Wanling’s king title is King Kun, which is a title handed down in ancient times. Only those with great potential can win such a king title.

   Zhao Yuanqing was obviously taken aback when he learned that Li Changsheng killed the demon leader independently. This completely refreshed his three views. He never thought that there would be such a shocking thing as a pseudo-king.

   As for Li Changsheng's force to suppress Yan Wanling to become the first person in the heavenly secret realm, although it is equally shocking, it is undoubtedly inferior to the independent killer demon leader.

   "In this way, it turned out to be your chance."

   Zhao Yuanqing sighed, but he didn't blame Zhao Rui for it, especially he knew that his life was low and he became much more enlightened.

   "Xiao Rui, tell the old man the truth, does he have ideas for us to represent the country?"

   Zhao Rui just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but Zhao Yuanqing suddenly came to such a sentence, which made Zhao Rui's heart lifted.


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