Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 929: The inheritance of the first principal

Fortunately, Ning Bizhen, although she is the vice principal of the college, her performance in this heavenly secret realm is not as good as Li Changsheng, and there is no exaggerated record of independently killing the demon leader, and she can be rewarded with monthly points.

Li Changsheng is different. His authority in the academy is nowhere to be promoted. This time he has brought such a huge influence to the academy, and it has reached the point where it is not rewarded.

If only credits are awarded, this number will be very exaggerated, and it may drag down the credit exchange system of universities.

The most important thing is that if Li Changsheng is awarded so many credits, whether he can use it is a question.

To put it simply, the Yuan Ling Academy's highest authority exchange manual contains almost all items that Li Changsheng can't see.

In the conference room, Xu Wenhua, the principal, on behalf of the senior officials, first affirmed the achievements of the two, and then began to announce the awards.

Not only did Ning Bizhen get 300,000 credits, she also got a half discount for lifetime credits.

"Changsheng, we decided to reward you with one million credits and an opportunity to pass on from the first principal. As for whether you can get the inheritance of the first principal, it's up to you."

Xu Wenhua sighed, and solemnly took out a simple token from his arms.

This is the identity token that the first principal has carried for many years. Even if the first principal has fallen for more than two hundred years, it still retains his aura. This is also the most special part of this token.

The inheritance of the first principal is on the Juling Monument. Since the death of the first principal, no one has obtained his complete inheritance, including his descendants.

This token can give Li Changsheng the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the first generation principal, but the king is different from the ordinary demon master. It is not that difficult to obtain the inheritance of the first generation principal.

In addition, even if the inheritance of the first generation principal is obtained, there is a high probability that it will be incomplete, or even a lost inheritance. These are all things that have happened in the past.

The complete inheritance of a king is far more valuable than part of the inheritance. This is like Li Changsheng's partial memory of Yan Wang Di Zhiyi. This part of the memory is intermittent, most of which are missing, and very few can be used by Li Changsheng.

Xu Wenhua paused and continued: "By the way, Changsheng, we are also going to erect a gilt statue for you, the location is in the center."

Li Changsheng is not a king. It stands to reason that even if the gilt statue is erected, it should not be in the center, because it means that he will replace the original position of the original principal and become the person who has made the highest contribution to Yuanling Academy. The significance of this is also One can imagine.

However, the contributions that Li Changsheng has made in the past two years are too great, even the first principals in this regard are not enough.

In the first year, Li Changsheng led the precarious Yuanling Academy to successfully stand in the top four of the academic exchange competition and regained the title of the second university.

In the second year, Li Changsheng turned the tide and broke the Royal Academy’s monopoly on the first university for nearly three hundred years, and won the first university seat for Yuanling Academy. This is also the first time Yuanling Academy has become the first university in Langya country. Created history.

In the same year, Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen jointly won the top two in the national competition. Soon after this, they independently killed the demon leader as a pseudo-king, and forced Kun Wang Yan Wanling to become the first person in the heavenly secret realm. .

All of the above are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. In terms of the effectiveness of Yuanling Academy, there is no comparison among the principals of past generations, including the first principals who founded Yuanling Academy.

The most important thing is that during the tenure of the first principal, there were very few achievements. The reason why his statue is located in the center is mainly because he founded the Yuanling Academy, and he is the only king in the history of Yuanling Academy. It became the facade of the school.

Although Li Changsheng is not yet a king, he is better than a king. After all, he is an independent demon leader comparable to a king. Most kings can't do this, let alone a false king.

It can be said that this is an honor that belongs exclusively to Li Changsheng, and it will definitely be written into the record of mainland history, showing the extent of its sensation.

In a sense, Li Changsheng is more important than ordinary kings.

Being able to erect a statue in a school as a student is something that has never happened in Yuanling Academy, let alone erecting a statue in a central position. For many students and instructors, this is simply a heavenly night. Tan thing.

However, Li Changsheng did it!

Li Changsheng wanted to refuse, but unfortunately, he didn't get the consent of the senior leaders. They all agreed that Li Changsheng should definitely take that position.

Li Changsheng had to agree. He felt that he was already very high-profile. Even if he erected the statue again, it would be more for some people to talk about after dinner. In particular, this topic is still very limited, and most of the talk will be with Yuanling. People related to universities.

Accompanied by Xu Wenhua, Li Changsheng entered the ancestral hall in the graveyard.

On the stone platform, the statue of the first principal is smiling, and underneath stands his spiritual position and incense burner.

"Memorial to the first principal!"

With a wave of Xu Wenhua, two incense sticks flew out of the stone platform and fell into the hands of the two.

In an instant, the incense ignited automatically, emitting a scent of aroma.

Li Changsheng followed Xu Wenhua, paying respect to the statue of the first principal with a solemn expression, and finally inserted the incense into the incense burner.

At this time, Vice President Xu took out a Yugui, which resonated with the statue of the first principal.

The next moment, Yu Gui levitated slightly, and a three-meter-high space door slowly opened on the open space on the side.

"go in!"

After collecting Yugui, Xu Wenhua took the lead to enter the space gate.

Li Changsheng followed in, and appeared in a barren space between the sky and the earth. This is the secret realm opened by the first principal.

Compared with the time when I entered it last, this secret realm is still very barren, and the area seems to have shrunk a bit.

Obviously, the university does not intend to maintain this secret realm.

First, maintaining the secret realm requires a lot of resources; second, this secret realm has been barren for too long, and it takes a huge amount of resources to rejuvenate; third, the area of ​​this secret realm has shrunk too small, and it is not worth the loss to continue to maintain it.

Soon, the two entered the Yuanling Hall.

At the end of the Yuanling Hall, the two came to the tall and tall Juling Monument.

Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, the Spirit Gathering Tablet has reached the level of the wonders of the middle-class world.

Xu Wenhua sighed and said, "Whether you can get the inheritance of the first generation principals depends on your chance."

Li Changsheng took out the token of the first principal and pasted it on the monument of gathering spirits.

Suddenly, the Juling Monument reacted.

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