Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 953: Sweep the Secret Realm

Under the light car and familiar road, Li Changsheng soon appeared at the entrance of the secret realm.

The entrance to the secret realm was naturally closed, and Li Changsheng directly took out a nine-story pocket pagoda from a space ring.

This spatial ring came from Dou Qingtian. After Ning Bizhen killed Dou Qingtian, he gave it to Li Changsheng. The nine-story pocket pagoda is the key to the secret realm.

You don't need to recognize the master, just use mental power to activate, you can use the nine-story pocket pagoda to open the secret realm entrance.

In the blink of an eye, after Li Changsheng input his spiritual power, the nine-story pocket pagoda automatically hovered in mid-air, spinning around, emitting a dazzling light.

In an instant, a dazzling energy ray burst from the top of the pagoda and fell into the void where the secret realm entrance was located.

The next moment, the void produced ripples, and then a three-meter-high space portal slowly opened.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng entered the secret realm.

After more than a month, he entered this secret realm again. The environment here has not changed much, and it is still full of the breath of nature.

A Tier 6 powerhouse was guarding the portal at this moment. When the secret realm entrance was opened, he subconsciously thought it would be Dou Qingtian. When he discovered that it was Li Changsheng, he was obviously taken aback.

Since the secret realm is in a closed relationship and cannot be contacted by ordinary means, the people in the secret realm still don't know what is happening outside.



Taking advantage of the stunned effort of the sixth-order powerhouse, Li Changsheng grabbed his neck with a thunder and thunder. Before he could struggle, he squeezed his neck off.

The sixth-order strongman clung to his throat, and collapsed softly to the ground, no longer alive.


Perhaps it was the sound of the neck being chopped off, and a sound full of breath came from the wooden house beside him.

Li Changsheng didn't answer, he summoned Ashe instantly and waved a dimensional anchor secret method.

The next moment, a light blue beam of energy flooded the wooden house.

"Ah, ah!"

The whole wooden house shattered in an instant, and two screams immediately followed. Before the energy beam dissipated, the sound stopped abruptly.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, two sixth-order strongmen were killed by Ashe in seconds.

In addition to the huge difference in strength, it was also related to their lack of vigilance, not to mention that they had not condensed the jade bones, and were still mortal fetuses.

Within two or three breaths, Li Changsheng killed all three Tier 6 powerhouses responsible for guarding the door and monitoring.

After collecting the ‘relics’ of the three Tier 6 powerhouses, Li Changsheng didn’t have time to check, so he rode Ashe towards the first destination.

His time is relatively limited, he doesn't have so much time to search the entire secret realm, he can only'pack up' the essence at most.

Li Changsheng also deeply remembered the precious wild goblins in the secret realm and their precise location.

In less than a minute, Li Changsheng had locked his first goal.

It was a large-scale wind wolf clan, and the leader of the wind wolf was the best fairy, and Li Changsheng would naturally not let it go.

"Aish, release coercion!"

Under Ashe's powerful pressure, this group of wind wolves, including the leader of the wind wolves, were either soft to the ground or ran away like crazy.

There is no way, the difference in strength is too great, even the most powerful Wind Wolf leader is only at the leader level, which is far from Ai Xi.

Soon, Li Changsheng contracted the leader of the Wind Wolf, and then regardless of the other Wind Wolf, he continued to rush towards the next destination.

In the following time, Li Changsheng successively conquered the Beacon Behemoth, the Super Dali Otter, and the six He Luo fish. The whole process took less than half an hour before he rushed to the space channel connecting another secret realm.

At the entrance of this hundreds-meter-long space passage, guarding a team of Tier 5 demon masters, the leader of which is a Tier 6 powerhouse.

Because the time was too short, they obviously hadn't found something wrong, and they felt bad when Ash rushed over.

It's just that it's too late to say anything at this time.

These demon masters who were watched by the Dou Changsheng faction to guard the secret realm are naturally diehard members of the royal family, and many of them have royal blood. How could Li Changsheng spare their lives?

Now that he had torn his face with the royal family, he naturally had to cut the grass to the end, even if these guys did not threaten him at all.

Ashe released a large number of wind blades, instantly killed most of the demon masters who had not reacted, and then, like a tiger entering the forest, killed the remaining demon masters three times and five times, without destroying the space channel for them. Opportunity.

Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and these "relics" of the demon masters went into his pocket. After Ai Xi's size was greatly reduced, this led Li Changsheng into the space channel.

In the second Secret Realm of the King, Li Changsheng had only two goals, one was naturally the Dragon's Nest, and the other was the superb purple chipmunk.

The purple-patterned chipmunk is not difficult to subdue, just like the leader of the wind wolf, only being intimidated by Ashe, it is obediently subdued by Li Changsheng.

In this way, Li Changsheng has only one last destination left-Longxue!

There are not only giant dragons in the dragon's den, but also a large number of sub-dragons with the blood of giant dragons, such as flying dragons and earth travel dragons.

However, Li Changsheng said that he despised these guys.

After Ashe released his aura, these Yalong naturally stayed away obediently with their tails between them, and didn't dare to approach them at all.

Without any obstacles along the way, Li Changsheng entered the Dragon's Den.

Originally, there were Demon King White Dragon Reichfields and Demon King Red Dragon Maggate in the Dragon Cave. Unfortunately, they were all transferred out in advance by Dou Changsheng, but in the end they were killed and captured.

For this reason, there is no Demon King-level dragon sitting in this dragon cave.

There are nearly 30 giant dragons in the dragon's lair, among which there are more than 20 adult giant dragons.

Although the number is not as good as Li Changsheng’s temporary dragon lair, there are obviously more types of dragons here, not only the regular five-color dragon, metal dragon and gem dragon, but also a rare purple dragon!

After Li Changsheng came in, these dragons all paid attention to For Li Changsheng, the dragons naturally have a deep memory. Many dragons who lost their treasure last time Li Changsheng's perception is very poor, but because he couldn't beat Li Changsheng, he did not act rashly.

"Everyone, I have good news for you. From now on, I will be your master!"

Li Changsheng exhaled, and his voice echoed in the dragon's cave for a long time.


An irritable adult red dragon spoke first, but it was a righteous iron fist that was greeted by Li Changsheng, and his belly was smashed into a deep depression.

The longan of the adult red dragon protruded exaggeratedly, covered with bloodshot eyes, accompanied by drooling.


Under this punch, the red dragon flew upside down for several tens of meters, and the huge dragon body fell heavily to the ground. After struggling a few times, it finally lost its fighting ability.

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