Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1005: Annihilation space

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Without the threat of the king, this demon leader admitted that even if he was suppressed by the heavens, he could still run wild in the Hu Country.

Of course, it is mainly because the soul of the demon master has too much temptation to it.

The quality of the soul of the demon master is extremely good, and the quality is not even worse than that of the magician of the main material plane. It is simply delicious to the demon leader, and it is also helpful to its strength growth, which allows it to see the promotion of the demon lord. hope.

Once promoted to the Demon Lord, you can basically control one layer or even several layers of the abyss plane, and you will not work for other Demon Lords as they do now, and you will have to turn in some of them and seize them.

The demon leader led the elite to rush to the front, preparing to break the forbidden formation guarding the capital of Hu Guo.

Although there is only one king left in the country of Hu, the number of false kings has reached double digits due to abundant resources. Even if some of the false kings escaped from the country of Hu, there are still several false kings who are unwilling to abandon the country and flee.

Among them, most of the pseudo-kings come from the royal family.

It is a pity that none of these pseudo-kings has reached the level of top pseudo-kings.

In addition to the pseudo-kings, there are nearly twenty sixth-order powerhouses, who are also the main force against the demon leadership.

Due to the suppression of the will of heaven, the demon leader can only exert part of his combat power. If he relies on the restrictions and number advantages of the capital, according to common sense, it may be able to resist the demon army for a period of time.

It is a pity that the demon leader has a very special ability that can force people into a shadow space, and the least fear is group fights.

However, this ability is invalid for the king, but it can be said to be more than enough to deal with the pseudo-king.

Just as the two sides were about to fight, the devil commanded a grinning smile at the corner of his mouth. A black hole was created in an instant, and the huge suction power was all concentrated on a middle-aged pseudo-king wearing a crown.

This middle-aged pseudo-king is the emperor of Hu Guo, and he is also a senior pseudo-king.

Without waiting for the Emperor Huguo to react, he was instantly sucked into the black hole and disappeared.

"Your Majesty!" "Brother Emperor!"

Seeing such a scene, the Huguo powerhouses were desperate and wanted to save their emperor, but they were intercepted by a group of big and advanced demons.


The demon leader made a sharp and piercing cry, spit out a tongue like a snake, and also rushed into the black hole.

As soon as the demon commanded and entered, the black hole closed with lightning speed, and disappeared without a trace.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng rushed towards Ai Xi.

In an instant, a corner of the phantom of the secret realm appeared, and it rammed into the place where the black hole disappeared.


Accompanied by a strong roar, several high-level demons were affected, and they were directly killed by the Secret Realm Void, and their broken bodies fell to the ground.


At this moment, both parties on the scene subconsciously stopped their hands, and they all used their eyes to shock. No one thought that there would be a strange king here.

In an instant, the Huguo powerhouse was full of ecstasy, because this king was undoubtedly their side, and the devil's high-level officials showed their faces to death, and there was a sense of imminent disaster in their hearts.

The high-level demons with the fastest reaction turned around and ran, ignoring their teammates and formations, bringing the selfish nature of the demons to the extreme.

The other high-level demons wanted to escape, but they were intercepted by the powerful Hu Guo.

Not only that, dozens of adult dragons rushed out of the secret realm, and after seeing a large number of demons, they were as if they were beaten with blood, killing demons madly.


Up to this moment, the phantom of the secret realm hit the place where the black hole disappeared. Accompanied by a strong roar, the space cracks several meters long appeared, and the scene inside was faintly visible.

This is a dark gray space, about a few square kilometers.

Originally, the demon leader easily suppressed the Emperor of the Hu State, and it didn’t take long to kill the Emperor of the Hu State.

Exactly at this moment, the gray-black space vibrated strongly, a large number of space cracks emerged, and the entire space showed a tendency to collapse.

Regardless of the size or the degree of stability, Li Changsheng's secret realm is far beyond the ordinary king, and it is no problem to break through a small space strongly.

Seeing that the space was about to be annihilated, the expression of the demon leader suddenly changed. Without going to the Emperor of the Hu State, he immediately left the gray-black space through the space crack.

Emperor Hu Guo and his three demon king-level demon pets followed closely behind, looking very embarrassed, but they were not substantially damaged.

Almost as soon as the Emperor Hu State left, the gray-black space collapsed and annihilated. The ripples in the space spread out, and in turn was wiped out by Li Changsheng's secret realm.

The demon leader who had just rushed out of the gray-black space was obviously taken aback when he saw the secret phantom on Li Changsheng's head, and he was even more secretly crying, never expected that a king would appear here.

Isn't there only one king in Hu Guo? Could it be that the king abandoned the gate of the abyss and came to sit down?

The demon commander didn't think much about it, just because there was a violent wind from behind, and the rich combat experience made it immediately make a judgment, and immediately gathered its wings and quickly descended.

Ashe's sharp claws almost wiped the demon leader's scalp and landed in the empty space, the space ripples echoed in the void.

Without hesitation, the demon leader subconsciously wanted to use advanced teleportation techniques to escape. This is the opponent's home field. It can only display part of its strength and naturally cannot be the king's opponent.

However, Li Changsheng had already expected that he had not realized the dimensional anchor secret method, and directly used the secret realm to suppress the nearby space, making the surrounding space unbreakable.

Compared with the dimensional anchor secret method, the secret realm has a significantly stronger effect on suppressing the space. The larger the secret realm, the more stable it is, the stronger the suppressing space is.

In this case, the demon leader had to spread his wings and wanted to escape this space.

However, at this moment, five heads of Demon King-level temporary demon pets rushed out one after another from Li Changsheng's secret realm, encircling them to prevent the demon from escaping.

Not only that Three blood-colored six-pointed stars appeared in the void, Kailan, Duan, and Guanmianlihuoluan were summoned instantly.

In an instant, nine demon king-level demon pets surrounded the demon leader.

Not only that, Li Changsheng also held Ning Bizhen's Sumiluo net in his hands. Once the demon leader showed signs of escape, he would sacrifice the Sumiluo net.

Even if it can only exert part of the power of the Xumiluo net, it is enough to stop this demon leader who can only exert part of its combat power.

Seeing the appearance and power of these nine Demon King-level demon pets, the Demon Leader felt regretful in his heart. If it were not for greed, it would not have faced such a situation.

If it is near the gate of the abyss, it has a home court advantage even if it can't beat it, it has a chance to escape, but here it can only display part of its strength, not only is it not their opponent, it even has no chance to escape.

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