Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1009: 9 sub-chain ban

Before long, Emperor Hu Guo took Li Changsheng into a relatively simple palace deep in the palace.

Judging from the design of the palace, it may have a history of hundreds of years.

After entering the quaint palace, the Emperor Huguo used a dragon-shaped token to open another mechanism. A ladder-shaped passage appeared, winding down, and measuring hundreds of meters in length.

At the end of the passage, there is a gate made of unknown metal, with dense bans and a powerful ban, and they seem to be matched.

Even if it is the king, it is impossible to break these restrictions and forbidden formations in a short time.

"Mianxia, ​​this is a series of forbidden nine sons."

Seeing that Li Changsheng was a little interested, Emperor Hu Guo couldn't help but explain.

Of course, there is no in-depth analysis of the Jiuzi chain ban.

In the memory of the first principal, there is some information about this gated array.

This is a special type of forbidden formation that combines illusion, defense, and offense. If you want to break this forbidden formation, you must break the nine restrictions that make up the forbidden formation at the same time. This is also the reason why it is called the nine-child series forbidden formation.

If there are suitable treasures to suppress the formation, and the investment of high-level demon cores regardless of loss, it can also enhance the power of the nine-child chain.

It is a pity that in the memory of the first principal, there is only the basic information of the Jiuzi banned formation, and no formation information.

Li Changsheng didn't feel a pity either, because in the memory of King Treasure King, there were a few banned formations that were no worse than the Jiu Zilian, and even stronger ones.

In addition to the Jiuzi chain forbidden formation, Li Changsheng also discovered the bloodline forbidden.

If you want to open the forbidden formation of the nine sons chain, you need not only a token, but also your bloodline, otherwise it will cause unpredictable consequences.

At this time, the Emperor Hu Guo pierced his finger and pressed it on the forbidden position of the metal gate.

In addition, the Emperor Huguo also took out the jade seal.

This piece of jade seal is still quite an extraordinary treasure. Judging from the feedback of spiritual power, it has reached the top level of heaven and earth treasure, and it can become a world wonder if it takes further steps.

Yuxi spun around slowly, releasing a band of light that fell on the Jiuzi chain forbidden formation.

Under the double combination, the Jiuzi Chain Restriction and the Bloodline Restriction were hidden one after another, and the metal door began to slowly open, revealing the scene inside.

This is a small secret room with only a table and a box on it.

Not surprisingly, the rules of fire should be crystallized in the box.

For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng never put down his guard. After all, there is a series of forbidden nine sons here. If there is any hidden killer, there is really a possibility of overturning.

Even if the probability is very small, Li Changsheng still upholds a cautious approach to the world.

After entering the secret room, the Emperor Hu State carefully opened the table man's box, revealing a crystal clear crystal, slightly suspended above the box.

This crystal contains a special power, like the center of the world, making Li Changsheng's gaze involuntarily focused on the crystal.

This is a six-sided crystal, filled with fiery red clouds. It looks similar to the Profound Crystal, but the power nature contained is more than one grade higher.

This power is the so-called rule of fire, it is a power above the source of the profound meaning, and only by mastering the rules can you achieve the demon emperor level demon pet.

After checking, Li Changsheng found that there was no magazine in the crystal, and determined that it was indeed a crystal of the rules of fire, not a defective product.

Although the rules of inferior products can also assist the demon pet to understand the rules, the effect will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, not to mention the value.

The emperor of Hu Guo was full of perseverance. After all, this was the most precious treasure obtained by his ancestors. Since the royal family had never given birth to a double-character king, it has been idle here for the future.

It's just the wind that I don't know who leaked it, and the night king learned of the existence of the rule crystallization, which caused a series of evil results.

In order to continue the royal family and safeguard the interests of the royal family, the Emperor Hu and the Butterfly King had to give this treasure of the town that has been cherished for hundreds of years to Li Changsheng.

"Under the crown, it is yours now!"

Even if he was reluctant in his heart, the Emperor Hu Guo finally had to pass the crystallization of the rules of fire to Li Changsheng.

"I will keep my promise!"

Li Changsheng solemnly took over the crystallization of the rules of fire. Now that he was paid, he would naturally abide by his promises, otherwise his reputation would be severely damaged if he broke his trust.

As for the crystallization of the rules of fire, Li Changsheng had long since chosen the'master'.

When the emperor of Hu Guo publicly announced that he would give the crystal of the rule of fire to Li Changsheng, the crystal of the rule of fire became a hot potato. Naturally, Li Changsheng did not intend to keep it in his hands. There is still a long distance.

If you keep this crystallization of the rules of fire, it will definitely attract the prying eyes of many powerful people, and then cause many disputes, which will seriously threaten his life Instead of this, it is better to turn this fire The crystallization of the rules of the rule and the replacement of the double-character king in need, in exchange for some treasures that can improve his strength, is the most in his interest.

As for the candidates, who else could be besides King Aoki.

Li Changsheng only knew two double-character kings, one was the Dark Night King and the other was the Aoki King. The former belonged to a mortal enemy. He seemed to have only the Aoki King.

Of course, Li Changsheng had also considered using the rules of fire to make friends with the commander of the imperial mansion after he joined the mansion.

However, this idea is just to think about it. He is not so stupid. After all, he was introduced to the Imperial Palace by King Aoki. If he joins the Imperial Palace, he must be from the Aoki King's family. This is very likely to happen. Big, but also not people inside and out.

It can be said that King Aoki is his current best trader.

After leaving the quaint palace, Emperor Huguo said: "Under the crown, when are you going to meet the Butterfly King? I can also explain to the Butterfly King."

"It's not too late, I plan to leave now!"

Li Changsheng knew very well in his heart that the longer the crystallization of the rules of fire was kept by his side, the more powerful people who got the news would attack him, so he must join the Imperial Palace as soon as possible.

As for why you didn't trade with King Aoki before joining Human Palace, it was for the sake of safety, and it could be exchanged for greater benefits.

"By the way, what about the devastation in your pot country?"

"Now Hu Guo is in the midst of internal and external troubles, and the strong manpower is severely short of manpower, and it can only be calmed down slowly, but the people are suffering."

The emperor Hu Guo showed a sad expression, and he didn't know if he really cared about the people, or just pretended to be like most emperors.


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