Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1011: Wonders of the world-rulers of heaven and earth

Sometimes, the simpler the method, the more miraculous results can be achieved.

This time, the Butterfly King took advantage of the flaws in the soul of the demon masters who liked the demon masters, and successfully lured them out with a large number of demon masters who were still hiding it. Especially, she also moved some hands and feet on these demon masters. The demon leader was out of control and approached the fortress step by step.

As for the sacrificed Royal Demon Master, the Butterfly King didn't feel a pity. In her eyes, as long as she could achieve her goal, she would not hesitate to sacrifice more.

At this point, Li Changsheng did not know whether to agree or deny. After all, everyone is an independent individual with his own way of behavior.

As soon as they appeared, the two immediately adopted the established policy.

The Butterfly King stretched out his hand and pointed, and for a while, the earth dragon rolled and countless soils flew up and down. Pieces of materials, demon cores and soul crystals covered by the soil were exposed, forming a huge six-pointed star.

A large forbidden formation took shape in an instant, turning into a huge oval mask, covering a radius of 10,000 meters.

In order to increase the power of the forbidden formation, the Butterfly King also put a jade ruler-shaped mid-range world wonder into it.

This is her enlightened thing—the ruler of heaven and earth. As for what kind of effect it has, "The Encyclopedia of Wonders of the World" is only a few words, and the words are not clear.

With the ruler of heaven and earth acting as the array eye, the power of the turbid gas forbidden formation called the Emperor of Earth was immediately increased.

The emperor's turbid air forbidden formation is said to be the forbidden formation handed down by the earth emperor, with powerful defense and trapping effects.

Even under the command of the devil, he could not break the emperor's turbid gas forbidden formation in an instant.

In order to prevent the evil leader from escaping, at the same time, Li Changsheng also released the Sumi Luo net, making the entire space covered by the golden net.

The expression of the demon leader suddenly changed, and his heart was full of a strong sense of crisis. The other party was clearly prepared. If one does not respond well, it may lead to fall.

Therefore, the demon leader subconsciously wanted to break the Xumiluo net and the earth emperor's muddy gas forbidden formation.

However, at this moment, two secret realm phantoms appeared, and a head of demon pets that had already been ready to fight with each other rushed out.

Among them, the fastest are the five demon pets, namely the three demon saint-level demon pets of Ashe, Kailan and Butterfly King.

The three demon saint-level demon pets are Horned Dragon, Thunder Titan and Hydra, and Horned Dragon is the strongest.

It was also at this time that Li Changsheng threw out the Xuankun fortune stele to forcibly line out the abyss consciousness that was already thin within a kilometer, so that the monster pets could exert their strongest combat power.

Not only that, a gate of light and darkness appeared above Li Changsheng's head. The gate of **** was like a giant beast. Crazy whales swallowed the devil energy nearby, and the gate of heaven brightened up and quickly purified the devil energy swallowed by the gate of hell.

With the rapid decline in the concentration of demon energy, the demon leader also cannot gain some gains, such as the speed and power of casting spells.

The Butterfly King couldn't help but glanced at Li Changsheng. He never expected that Li Changsheng's enlightened things would have reached the Zifu's Treasure level, and their functions seemed to restrain demons.

Not only the Gate of Light and Darkness, the Butterfly King discovered that Xumiluo Net and Xuankun's Fortune Stele are also treasures for restraining demons, but the rank is not as good as the Gate of Light and Darkness.

Li Changsheng, who owns these three treasures, can use this to hunt demons to lead him and earn a large amount of Xuanhuang merit.

This also made the Butterfly King envious, but now she didn't have time to think about it, first kill the demon in front of her.

So at the moment of the fight, the Demon Commander-level Abyss Demon Dragon was extremely horrified to find that the opponent's demon pet could almost exert its full strength.

Not only that, because the nearby magic energy was swallowed by the gate of light and darkness, the casting speed and power of the spell-like spells were all weakened, and the consumption was greatly increased.

With one increase and one decrease, even if it was only five demon pets, the demon leader not only did not have the upper hand, but fell into the disadvantage.

Here the demon commander is not restricted, and can fully display the level of the top Demon Saint-level demon pets, but facing the five Demon Saint-level or comparable demon pets, it is still unavoidable.

The key point is that this is just the vanguard, and a group of Demon King-level demon pets are coming. Once the encirclement is completed, the consequences are absolutely disastrous.

In this case, the demon leader had to choose to work hard, the blood in his body seemed to burn, a dark red blood flame appeared on the surface of the body, and the already huge dragon body skyrocketed.

This is a violent secret method, at the cost of burning blood, it will fall into a weak state after the duration has passed.

After the madness, the demon leader's strength instantly increased, and he wanted to get out of the siege.

Seeing the demon leader hit the flying horned dragon and was about to break out of the siege, Li Changsheng and the butterfly king Qiqi released the secret realm, and the power of heaven and earth was blessed on the five demon pets as if they didn't need money.

In addition, the two also blessed the five demon pets with various enriching secrets, making the strength of the five demon pets also skyrocketed, and the key is not to have side effects.

The only loss is the mighty power of heaven and earth, but as long as the demon leader can be killed, the loss of some mighty power of heaven and earth is still very worthwhile, because the value of Xuanhuang Gongde Qi is far beyond the power of heaven and earth.


The Thunder Titan's size skyrocketed and hugged the Abyssal Dragon from the The fierce golden electric current erupted wildly, coupled with its weight, the speed of the Abyssal Dragon was noticeably paused.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kailan stretched out his hand, and countless vines with thick adult arms came out of the void, entangled the limbs and wings of the abyss dragon, and successfully stopped the abyss dragon.

Click~ Click~

In the blink of an eye, these vines were burned out by the blood flames on the surface of the Abyss Demon Dragon, and the Abyss Demon Dragon threw down the Thunder Titan.

But this time was enough. The horned dragon roared and rushed up, knocking the abyssal dragon to the ground.

It was also at this time that the equally large Hydra also rushed up, with nine heads biting frantically, mainly the dragon wings of the abyssal dragon.


The abyssal dragon roared, slapped the horned dragon with one claw, and then shook the thick and long tail of the dragon, directly exploding the two heads of the hydra, and the hydra was arrogantly exposed to the ground. .

However, at this moment, a long golden light blade suddenly appeared in front of the abyss dragon.

Before the abyssal dragon could react, it was hit by the golden light blade. The extremely hard dragon scales blocked it. Finally, it was broken open by the golden light blade, rushing into its body like a bamboo, destroying all obstacles encountered along the way.

Just as the Golden Light Blade was almost cast off, Ashe detonated the broken gold and broken jade gangs.


The abyssal dragon only had time to protect its internal organs with its own magic energy. I felt a deep bone-marrow-like pain coming from my body, and opened his mouth to spout a mouthful of blood with a lot of minced meat.

Even so, the abyssal dragon is still only suffering from serious injuries.

The most desperate thing for the abyssal dragon was that Li Changsheng and the remaining monster pets of the Butterfly King finally arrived and completed the encirclement.


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