Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1027: Original Crystal

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Luo Chuling looked at Li Changsheng enviously. When she became the king, Luo Yuanjun had brought her here, but could only choose one treasure.

It was this treasure that was enough to benefit Luo Chuling a lot.

Li Changsheng walked slowly to the nearest platform. These treasure boxes were not locked. He opened one at will, and found that in addition to the items, there was also a small iron sheet with a description of the items engraved on it.

This is a crystal clear ore, about the size of a baby's head, with some hair-like blood-colored lines inside, and it looks more like a crystal on the outside.

If you observe carefully, you can see that these blood-colored lines are flowing slowly, which gives people the feeling of blood flowing in the human meridians.

Blood Vein Crystal: A rare treasure of heaven and earth, which slightly allows the demon pet to enter the state of bloodline transformation. Note: It has no effect on monster pets of the dominant race and above.

Li Changsheng didn't expect that the first treasure to be randomly observed was a treasure of the priceless bloodline transformation, and it was still a rare treasure of the world.

To be honest, Li Changsheng was a little surprised, because from common sense analysis, since Luo Yuanjun put this blood pattern crystal here for selection, it basically means that all his monster pets have reached the dominant race.

This also allowed him to refresh his evaluation of Luo Yuanjun, who was afraid that he was even stronger than he thought.

However, this is a good thing, isn't it?

As his backstage, the stronger Luo Yuanjun is, the stronger his ability to wipe his **** is represented. The key point is that Luo Yuanjun still owes him a promise.

Li Changsheng closed the treasure box containing the blood-stripe crystals. Although this thing was good, it was of little use to him and Ning Bizhen. It would be better to extract the essence and blood, and 100% success.

In the following time, Li Changsheng stopped and went, opening each treasure box to watch.

Although he knew which treasure boxes had the best value, they were Luo Yuanjun's private treasure house after all, so he had to pretend to be.

Soon, Li Changsheng stood in front of another platform. Judging from the feedback of his mental power, this treasure box can be said to be one of the treasure boxes with the strongest energy fluctuations.

After opening the treasure box, Li Changsheng saw a dark green orb with a brilliant green halo.

Judging from the energy fluctuations emitted by the dark green orb, this is a substandard world wonder, and it is also an exotic treasure.

Most importantly, Li Changsheng could feel the Nine Heavens Qingqi Pagoda in the Sea of ​​Consciousness trembling violently, as if he wanted to take the initiative to leave the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Li Changsheng reacted quickly to the thieves, and immediately suppressed the eager Jiutian Qingqi Tower to avoid accidents. After all, Luo Yuanjun was still here. If he discovered the miracle of the Jiutian Qingqi Tower, something might happen.

Li Changsheng didn't dare to gamble on Luo Yuanjun's character, because as long as the benefits were large enough, noble people would often sell their souls.

Although in Li Changsheng’s mind, the nine-day Qingqi Pagoda is not as important as the gate of light and darkness, and even worse than the golden lantern of the mixed element, the sun and the moon are like a heavy wheel, but the nine-day Qingqi Pagoda has an advantage that they don’t have. It is very likely to be a Langhuan treasure, provided that nine orbs are collected.

Obviously, this dark green orb is a part of the Jiutian Qingqi Tower.

If the dark green orb is inlaid with the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda, the probability of the Jiutian Qingqi Pagoda can go further.

However, Li Changsheng did not choose immediately, but continued to check the remaining treasure boxes.

Why Luo Yuanjun put a low-grade world wonder thing here is nothing more than looking down on it. After all, the offensive and defensive effect of the low-grade world wonder thing is extremely limited to the demon saint-level demon pet, and it is no different to him.

As the treasure boxes were opened and closed, Li Changsheng quickly read the treasures.

A minute later, Li Changsheng stood in front of the treasure box that emitted energy fluctuations no worse than the dark green orb.

After taking a deep breath, Li Changsheng opened the treasure box.

When he saw the items in the treasure box, Li Changsheng was a little surprised.

This is a golden crystal, shining with golden brilliance from time to time, it looks similar to the Profound Crystal, but it is going to be even more mysterious.

Even at a distance of one meter, Li Changsheng could clearly feel a sharp edge.

The crystallization of upright origin!

Li Changsheng didn't expect that Luo Yuanjun's private treasure house still had the crystallization of Upanishad origin. After all, the crystallization of Upanishad origin could greatly increase the probability of the Demon King-level demon pet being promoted to the Demon Sage level.

Li Changsheng thinks about it and feels normal. After all, Luo Yuanjun is a veteran double-character king. His demon pets are basically demon saints. In addition to attribute restrictions, it is reasonable to not use this gold crystallization of the profound meaning. .

"Grandfather, when I came here last time, there was no such crystallization of the true origin, otherwise I would choose it."

Not far away, Luo Chuling watched this scene with envious eyes. If she possessed this piece of Profound Origin Crystal, she would have a high probability of having a second Demon Saint Grade demon pet.

"Put it in in the morning!"

Luo Yuanjun opened his eyes, a ray of light flashed from the corner of his eyes, and then said in a warning tone: "Chu Ling, don't hit his mind!"

"I know!"

Luo Chuling hurriedly pinched off the idea of ​​killing and stealing treasure in her mind. Moreover, she felt that she was not necessarily Li Changsheng's opponent. After all, the other party beat and killed a king before becoming the king, which was terrifying.

Luo Yuanjun seemed to have not slept for a few days, and continued to close his eyes and rest his mind. After confirming the deal with Li Changsheng last night, he specially put this gold uprising crystal that had been covered for a long time into the Qiren's treasure house.

He had no pure purpose, but to make the value of the transaction between the two parties equal as much as possible, and avoid making Li Changsheng feel grudge because of the unequal value.

Li Changsheng closed the treasure box with satisfaction and continued to check other treasures.

It didn't take long Li Changsheng finished reading all the treasure boxes, and then came to the bookshelf and began to look at these inherited jade pieces.

These jade pieces of inheritance record the top demon battles and top secrets, many of which are useful to Li Changsheng, but after robbing the royal family of Langya Kingdom, Li Changsheng has no need to choose them.

The secret method and Yuyao Jue obtained from the royal family of Langya Kingdom are extremely large. Because the time is too short, Qian Yuanfei and others are still sorting them out, but with their efficiency, it will not take long to think about it.

At this time, Li Changsheng pretended to be thinking and decided to choose three of these treasures and inherited jade pieces.

There is no doubt that the Dark Green Orb and the Golden Profound Origin Crystal have to occupy two places, after all, they are the most valuable, and they are also helpful to him.

The key lies in the choice of the third item. After thinking about it, Li Changsheng finally made up his mind, came to a platform and took out an irregular jade from the treasure box.

In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 959 Upanishad Crystal (Second, Seek All)), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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