Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1029: Moire King Kong

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The next morning, Li Changsheng bid farewell to Luo Yuanjun and went straight to the Fairy Trading Market.

There is no doubt that this is the largest fairy trading market in the entire Mu Cang Empire, even if it is on the entire continent, it is one of the best.

The Fairy Trading Market occupies almost the entire southeast corner area. There are hundreds of streets covering it. The pedestrians are like weaving and it looks quite lively.

This fairy trading market is subdivided into several areas, including wild fairy, materials, medicine, treasure, imperial monster, secret method, etc., but almost everything related to fairy can be found here .

As soon as he stepped into the fairy trading market, Li Changsheng embarked on a treasure hunt.

In order to avoid causing riots, Li Changsheng deliberately reduced some of his mental power, giving people the feeling of a sixth-order demon master.

Not only that, Li Changsheng also changed his appearance with a mask of ever-changing fantasy, and used a special secret method to change his body shape, turning into a sturdy man with a sturdy face.

After becoming king, Li Changsheng's mental power can already cover a radius of 10,000 meters.

However, the imperial capital fairies trading market is so large that even Li Changsheng could not cover them all at once.

Following the spiritual feedback, Li Changsheng soon came to his first goal.

With the improvement of strength, Li Changsheng's vision is getting higher and higher, unless the energy fluctuation reaches the rare level of heaven and earth, he will not waste time for this.

Soon, Li Changsheng stood in front of a shop with a large area.

Looking at the shop in front of him, Li Changsheng felt that the possibility of a leak this time was very small, but he did not give up easily. After all, this is not absolute. As long as people are always making mistakes, large businesses are no exception.

Li Changsheng walked straight into the shop. The shop was very luxuriously decorated. The exterior was painted with a layer of gold dust, a large number of gold beads paving the floor, the night pearl above his head released the light, and a large number of celebrity calligraphy and paintings hung on the walls.

This is a shop that specializes in selling materials. It includes several categories, the most being materials from fairies, and the second is spirit plants and ores.

When Li Changsheng came in, there was a beautifully dressed woman with a smile on her face.

"Welcome, may I ask the distinguished guests..."

When the beauty was talking, Li Changsheng pretended to be arrogant and interrupted her, and said in a rough voice: "Let me see first!"

After speaking, Li Changsheng ignored her and walked straight to the place where the treasure was.

Miss Yingbin whispered a strange person in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it, so she could only vomit secretly.

Soon, Li Changsheng stopped.

There are dozens of counters here, on which are placed ore samples of different colors and shapes.

There are thousands of samples, not to mention the common ores on the market, even rare ores such as fine gold, mythril, and Shoushan red copper can be found here.

Following the direction of energy fluctuations, Li Changsheng quickly locked onto a stone as large as a millstone.

This stone looks like a large honeycomb, with a lot of golden moire lines on the pitch-black surface.

As a top crafting master, Li Changsheng recognized at a glance that this is a relatively rare material-moiré diamond.

Although it looks fragile on the outside, as long as the moire diamond essence is extracted, you can get a moire diamond that is famous for its hard texture.

Generally speaking, the moiré diamond is also the heaven and earth wonders, but this cloud diamond exudes the energy fluctuations of the heaven and earth wonders, which made Li Changsheng amazed.

Judging from the price of moire diamonds, he can be sure that this is a big leak.

What Li Changsheng needs to consider is how to get this moire diamond smoothly?

In the blink of an eye, Li Changsheng had an idea in his mind, and beckoned to the beauty shop assistant who was still following him.

The beauty clerk still maintained a smile, and asked: "Vip, do I need anything?"

"I need a lot of moire diamonds, how many shops do you have?"

Li Changsheng's idea was simple, and that was to buy all the moiré diamonds from this shop.

As a master refiner, these moire diamonds will not be wasted.

"Vip please wait a moment, I'll go and ask the supervisor!"

When it heard it was big business, the beauty shop assistant's eyes brightened, but she didn't know how many moire diamonds there were, so she hurried upstairs to ask the supervisor.

Soon, a chubby middle-aged man came over, followed by the beautiful shop assistant, not to mention that he was the supervisor of this shop.

The Fatty Supervisor was a Demon Master, and his rank reached Tier 4. After feeling the aura that Li Changsheng deliberately released, he subconsciously thought that this was a Tier VI Master Demon Master, his expression was obviously respectful.

With a friendly smile on his face, the fat supervisor said: "This distinguished guest, I am the supervisor here. I just checked the inventory. We have a total of 218 catties of moire diamonds here."

Li Changsheng pretended to be an urn and said angrily: "If everything is packaged, how will the price be calculated?"

"The price is definitely affordable. What do you think of this number?"

The fat manager smiled even more, his squinted eyes seemed to disappear, and a unit price was quoted.

Due to the large amount of demand, the unit price quoted by the fat manager is much cheaper than the one on the counter.

"to make!"

Li Changsheng pretended to ponder for a while, agreed, and then pretended to point to the moiré diamond sample on the counter and asked: "Right, this sample will be added to me, what do you think?"

The fat manager couldn't help showing a painful look, and said, "Guests, if this sample is added, we won't have any money. Why not, this sample is half sold and half free, what do you think?"

This moiré diamond sample weighs at least ten kilograms, and its value is naturally not low.

" That's it, you guys are quicker, I don't want to wait too long."

Li Changsheng did not entangle too much and agreed to the price. The reason for this is that he does not want to show his traces and acts more naturally.

"Don't worry, I will tell you to go down!"

The fat manager's face is full of unconcealable joy, as long as he completes this large transaction, he can get a certain commission.

Of course, the same is true for the beauty clerk who entertained Li Changsheng.

Before long, amidst the farewell voice of the fat manager, Li Changsheng left the shop and began to lock on his next target.

Although I don't know what the first treasure will be, Li Changsheng's mood can be said to be quite happy after the opening ceremony. After all, he will naturally be in a good mood if he picks up treasures of heaven and earth for nothing at the price of cabbage.

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