Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1031: Sweep the Fairy Egg

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As for other humanoid fairies, Li Changsheng didn't let go of the idea, and packed them all away.

This is not that he has the tone. It can add a bit of popularity to the secret realm for the sake of them being pretty eye-catching. The key IQ is still normal. If you train a lot of fun to become a spiritual planter, you can even fight at the worst.

Although Dangkang Necklace Space can be taken care of by one person, the entire secret realm can also be planted with spiritual plants, which is far less effective than Dangkang Necklace Space, but it is worse than the area is large enough.

The space area of ​​Dangkang necklace is really limited. Li Changsheng plans to open a few medicine gardens in the secret realm like Liu Yongtu's secret realm, and plant some low-level spiritual plants, especially the spiritual plants that can restore the bloodline imprint in batches. This forms a virtuous circle.

And the land in Dangkang Necklace Space is specially used to grow high-level spiritual plants.

The medicinal garden needs a lot of manpower to take care of it. Originally, Li Changsheng planned to recruit some tribesmen, but his secret realm grew too fast. In order to avoid leaks and cause unnecessary trouble, he had no choice but to make this move.

Now that he sees these humanoid fairies, Li Changsheng is ready to train them to take care of the spiritual plants. What's more, they are better than a variety of species, whether it is underwater, underground, or spiritual plants on cliffs, there are perfect candidates.

The most important thing is that they can't leave the secret realm without Li Changsheng's permission, and can keep the secret of the secret realm.

In order to buy them, Li Changsheng spent a lot of soul crystals for this. This was the preferential price specially given by the merchants, otherwise the price would be higher.

In addition to all kinds of wild fairies that meet the requirements, Li Changsheng also selected a batch of fairies that also meet the requirements.

The harvest this time is not small. There are more than a dozen wild goblins with rich bloodlines, not to mention pure bloodlines.

Soon, Li Changsheng left the wild fairy area and came to the fairy egg area.

The fairy market in the Imperial Capital is different from Langya Country. Langya Country follows a monopoly model. Only the Royal Family of Langya Country can operate fairy eggs. This directly leads to the fact that there is only one fairy egg shop in the fairy market of Nuo Da, and due to monopoly, prices are generally biased. high.

The royal family of the Mu Cang empire did not choose the monopoly mode, which directly led to a special area for fairy eggs in the emperor capital fairy trading market.

The fairy egg area also occupies one street, but there are more than a dozen shops of different sizes. Due to competition, the price is significantly lower than Langya country.

Unlike most of the previous shops, in order to provide a good environment for the fairy eggs, some of these shops are always open, which makes Li Changsheng's mental power inevitably deviated.

Regarding this situation, Li Changsheng was not surprised, and went straight to the nearest fairy egg shop.

Coincidentally, among the dozen or so fairy egg shops, this shop can be said to be the largest.

However, in terms of area, this shop is not larger than the fairy egg shop in Yecheng, but it is even smaller.

After entering the shop, Li Changsheng's external mental power returned to normal and was limited to this shop, and there was only the first floor, and there was a certain deviation again on the second floor and above.

A clerk took the initiative to entertain Li Changsheng. At the request of Li Changsheng, the clerk pushed the largest cart and followed Li Changsheng closely.

Li Changsheng began to wander in the first-level appraisal area, and his mental power was always in a state of exudation, easily covering the first level.

In an instant of effort, Li Changsheng's mind had nearly 10,000 bright spots of light.

Since becoming the king, his range of mental power has not only expanded a lot, but also become more sensitive. He can lock on the target faster, so he doesn't have to pick and pick like before.

Due to the limited energy of Li Wan's mother and daughter, preventing them from failing to take care of them, Li Changsheng decided to select only top-quality and above fairy eggs.

As for expanding the number of people who take care of the fairy eggs, Li Changsheng has no such idea for the time being, because more people will easily expose his special abilities, not to mention that the profit of medium-quality fairy cubs is too low for him, and there is no need to spend it. energy.

After removing all the light spots that do not meet the requirements, only two bright light spots are left.

Li Changsheng had very rich experience in this area, and he immediately judged that these were just two top-grade fairy eggs.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng found them, asked the clerk to move to the cart, and went to the second floor.

The second layer naturally belongs to the unidentified area, and there are more fairy eggs here than the first layer.

Unfortunately, the harvest is not as good as the first layer, only one high-grade fairy egg.

The third layer belongs to the area of ​​strange beasts and fairy eggs. The number of them is much lower than the previous two layers, only one or two hundred.

At this level, there was no strange animal fairy egg that met Li Changsheng's requirements.

At this moment, the clerk who followed was a bit confused, and didn't understand why Li Changsheng let him push such a big cart, but he still slandered and continued to follow Li Changsheng.

Not beyond Li Changsheng's expectation, the fourth floor belongs to the Quasi-God Fairy Egg area. In Nuo Da's room, there are four Quasi-God Fairy Eggs and they are tightly protected.

From the label, they are the white dragon, the three-legged fire crow, the wind raccoon and the hydra.

The root types are different, and the price is also slightly different. The cheapest is the White Dragon Fairy Egg, which only requires 300,000 soul crystals.

The most expensive is the fairy egg of the three-legged fire crow, the price is as high as 700,000 soul crystals.

Among the quasi gods, the three-legged fire crow definitely ranks in the forefront. The key is that it is extremely fast and is a very high-quality flying mount.

The other two quasi-god fairy eggs are both 400,000 soul crystals.

Since there were only four quasi-god fairy eggs, Li Changsheng had no hope in his heart, but after receiving the feedback of mental power, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The best fairy egg!

Li Changsheng didn't expect that out of the four quasi-god fairy eggs, there would be one of the best fairy eggs.

Following the feedback of mental power, Li Changsheng’s eyes finally fell on the quasi-god fairy egg with the label of Although not the best three-legged crow, it is not the worst white. Dragons, Hydras are not bad, at least they are meaty and not easy to die.

After pondering for a while, Li Changsheng said, "Pack them all!"


The clerk who followed was confused, subconsciously thinking that he had heard it wrong.

"I said pack them all!"

Li Changsheng pointed to the four quasi-god fairy eggs and repeated it again.

The clerk’s face was full of shock. He has worked here for more than ten years, but he has never encountered such a thing. After all, these four quasi-god fairy eggs add up to nearly two million soul crystals, which is a fortune. With a large number, even ordinary kings have to be hurt.

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