Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1036: 5-color stone

Latest URL: Lesser Kunpeng: Super giant fairy, with two forms of Kunpeng and Pengbird. The shape of the squid is huge, the physique is strong, the skin is thick, and the strength is particularly prominent. The speed in the water is extremely fast, and it has the ability to turn the river and the sea; the strength and physique of the bird shape are weakened, the speed and agility rise sharply, the flying speed is extremely fast, and it has the ability to soar. The power of nine days.

Li Changsheng began to communicate with Datou in his heart, and received the information from Datou this time.

This time, the big head has obtained part of the inheritance derived from the Kunpeng bloodline, and the characteristics have not changed, but mainly obtained two inheritance skills.

Overwhelming: The kunfish inherits skills and uses a huge fish body to change the water environment. The smaller the enemy, the greater the damage it will suffer.

Peng Tuan (tuan) nine days: Peng bird inheritance skills, greatly improving speed, explosive power and dodge ability in a short time.

Li Changsheng is still satisfied with these two inheritance skills. Among them, the kunfish form enhances the ability to fight in the water, and the peng bird form is a more prominent speed advantage.

As there is no underwater environment in the backyard to accommodate the squid, the big head is transformed into a bird shape again.

After staying warm with the big head for a while, Li Changsheng summoned it into the secret realm.

Since obtaining the secret realm, Li Changsheng no longer has to worry about the training ground. He has specially divided a large barren land in the secret realm to train this growing group of monster pets.

In addition, he also spent a lot of resources to order some large-scale equipment to improve their training effect.

After taking back the big head, Li Changsheng checked the progress of the Gate of Light and Darkness.

At this moment, the abyss consciousness shattered by the black lotus has been completely purified and turned into a small group of world power.

As for the abyss consciousness after the glass bottle is broken, it will be much more vigorous, and the purification speed will naturally be much slower, but at this time it is about to come to an end.

In addition to the power of the purified world, there is also a certain amount of meritorious and mysterious energy. Li Changsheng has the big head, and Ning Bizhen has the small head.

Well, when Li Changsheng recovered his mental power, Ning Bizhen operated the gate of light and dark on his behalf, but it was far less efficient than Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng took out that small group of world power. This time he didn't integrate it into the secret realm, but was going to use it to try the refining device to see if it would help the refining device.

"Kalan, you can also add some to see when you make alchemy! Also, pay attention to safety!"

Li Changsheng thought for a while, and gave a little world power to Kailan.

For the sake of safety, Li Changsheng also specially activated several special prohibitions. After all, trying to integrate the power of the world into refining equipment and alchemy, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no danger.

After finishing the preparations, Li Changsheng took out the Five Phoenix Pan Wang Ding and began to put in some refining materials.

These refining materials are also considered high-quality goods, but none of them reach the essence of heaven and earth, and most of them come from the royal treasury.

This is only an experiment after all, Li Changsheng did not dare to use too precious materials, otherwise he would fail and lose too much.

After the materials were melted, Li Changsheng carefully separated a trace of world power and poured it into the mass of materials.

At the same time, Li Changsheng's head appeared like a heavy wheel of light, and a barrier of gold and silver enveloped him.

It was like putting a hot iron block into the water. As soon as the power of the world was thrown into it, there was a fierce reaction between the two, followed by an explosion.


Accompanied by a strong roar, Wufeng Pan Wang Ding was directly blown up, and a shock wave swept all over the place, but all were prohibited and resolved.


Coincidentally, Kailan's alchemy furnace also flew up.

A projection of the World Tree appeared on Kailan's head, but when he invested in the power of the world, he directly used the protection of the World Tree, and naturally it was impossible to be affected.

Li Changsheng caught the Five Phoenix Pan Wang Ding and checked it carefully. After discovering that the Wufeng Pan Wang Ding was only slightly damaged, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In any case, this is also a rare-class refining cauldron, the key is that it is difficult to find a refining cauldron of this level.

Of course, Li Changsheng is a top crafting master. As long as the materials are sufficient, he can naturally refine this kind of crafting cauldron, but compared to ordinary artifacts, the refining coefficient of the crafting cauldron is obvious. Bigger.

Compared with the Five Phoenix Pan Wang Ding, the quality of Kailan's alchemy furnace was much worse, and it was directly blown into two halves.

"Huh, what is this?"

At this time, Li Changsheng gave a cry of surprise, but found a stone with five colors and a lot of ashes in the alchemy furnace that was blown in half.

This is a stone the size of an adult's fist. It has warm tentacles, and its appearance is radiant, exuding five colors of gold, green, blue, red and yellow.

Li Changsheng took a closer look and found that this five-color stone possessed five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and these five attributes were in an endless state, creating a perfect cycle.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, this five-color stone has reached the essence of heaven and earth.

The next moment, Li Changsheng hurriedly inspected the inside of the Five Phoenix Pan King Ding, but he did not find such a five-color stone, and some only had a large cloud of ashes.

The second monk Li Changsheng couldn't figure it out, and he didn't understand why his Five Phoenix Pan King Ding did not show this kind of five-color stone instead. Could it have something to do with alchemy?

In addition, even if he ran through the memory of the doubts about this five-color stone, he couldn't find any records about the five-color stone, not even similar.

Li Changsheng looked at Kailan, who was looking at the alchemy furnace with a distressed expression, and asked, "Kalan, what kind of pill did you just refine?"

"High-level pill-beauty pill!"

The beauty pill is different from the Dingyan pill. The beauty pill can make the skin smoother and make up for certain defects. The former improves charm, and the latter is equivalent to constant charm.

The elixir for the beauty pill was obtained from the royal treasure house, and there were many other elixir, all of which were handed over to Kailan by Li Changsheng.

"What materials do you need for Yan Yan Dan?"

"Central grass, wheel fruit, earth stone..."

Kailan directly recited the materials about the beauty pill

A total of ten materials were counted, and Li Changsheng carefully recalled the properties of these materials.

"Could it be the reason why the five elements are complete?"

Among these dozens of materials, some have the properties of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Li Changsheng recalled the materials he had just put in when he was refining the instrument. Because of his habit, most of the materials he put in were materials of the same attribute, and he didn't reach the conditions for the five elements.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng had the idea of ​​retesting.

Of course, the premise of everything is to repair the Five Phoenix Pan Wang Ding.

Wufeng Pan Wang Ding was also slightly damaged. With Li Changsheng's crafting ability, it was not difficult to repair it.

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