Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1039: Exchange Garrison

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"What, you want to exchange garrison fortresses with me!"

After learning about Li Changsheng's coming, Zhao Yuanqing could not help being full of surprise, because in his opinion it was thankless to Li Changsheng.

Regardless of the fact that the demon leaders of the two fortresses have all been wiped out, the accumulation of hundreds of years in the hurricane fortress makes the abyss consciousness here far beyond the natural fortress.

In addition, there are still a large number of demons living near the gate of the abyss of the hurricane fortress, unlike the natural fortress, except for a few fish that slipped through the net, almost all have been wiped out.

No matter how you look at it, the Exchange Fortress is a thankless behavior to Li Changsheng.

As a veteran king, Zhao Yuanqing is not a fool. He guessed that Li Changsheng must have his intentions.

However, Zhao Yuanqing did not ask too much, after all, this is also a good thing for him.

Since the two are in charge of the country and are both distinguished kings, the exchange of garrison fortresses did not have much negative impact, but the garrisons of the two places need some time to get acquainted.

After half a day passed, after Li Changsheng got acquainted with the main officers of the Hurricane Fortress, he successfully took over the defense of the Hurricane Fortress, and Zhao Yuanqing went to garrison the Natural Fortress.

Unlike Li Changsheng, Zhao Yuanqing has been in charge of the Dai Kingdom for hundreds of years, has a high prestige, and almost knows all the sixth-order and pseudo-kings of the Dai Kingdom, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

After Zhao Yuanqing had left, Li Changsheng left the natural fortress alone and flew towards the gate of the abyss.

Hundreds of years of evolution have allowed the devil energy and abyss consciousness here to accumulate to a more exaggerated level. If it continues, it may lead to the evolution of this abyss gate.

Li Changsheng didn't go deep, just staying outside, and after making sure that no one was watching, he released the door of light and darkness.

At this moment, the abyss consciousness after the glass bottle was broken was almost completely purified. This is also the reason why Li Changsheng rushed over. The main reason was to maximize the benefits and enhance the strength as much as possible.

Regardless of the power of the world or the power of Xuan Huang, both of them can enhance Li Changsheng's strength, and he will naturally not be too much.

This gate of the abyss has accumulated for more than a hundred years, and the devilish energy and abyss consciousness are not ordinary strong, far exceeding the natural fortress.

At the same time, swallowing and purifying the abyss consciousness also carries a certain risk. After all, the abyss consciousness exists in the Baili realm in the form of escape, but if it feels bad, it is likely to concentrate and protect itself.

At that time, Li Changsheng would not dare to purify arbitrarily, otherwise these abyssal consciousness swarmed into the gate of light and darkness, then you would regret it. After all, the abyss consciousness that the gate of light can accommodate is limited. , It will cause serious consequences.

In order to avoid possible backlash as much as possible, Li Changsheng could only slow down the devour.

Under his deliberate control, the gate of **** slowly opened, and a not very strong suction emerged, and began to swallow the demon energy and abyss consciousness that escaped nearby.

At the same time, Li Changsheng took out the fragments of the two Xuankun fortune steles and dropped them into places several miles away, each emptying out the abyss consciousness of a certain boundary.

Li Changsheng's purpose is very simple, that is, to make the two pieces of Xuankun good fortune stele attract the attention of the abyss consciousness as much as possible, to provide a cover for the gate of light and darkness, and to avoid being discovered by the abyss consciousness of Li Changsheng, the thief.

During this process, Li Changsheng always remained vigilant, calmly observing the changes in the nearby abyss consciousness. Once he found something wrong, he would immediately leave here and return to the hurricane fortress.

Due to the initiative to slow down the swallowing speed, this time, it took Li Changsheng nearly ten minutes to finally allow the Gate of Light and Darkness to swallow enough devil energy and abyss consciousness.

It seems to have swallowed a lot, but the abyss consciousness here is not generally strong, it can be called a drop in the bucket.

According to Li Changsheng's estimation, even if he and Ning Bizhen continuously refine the abyss consciousness here, it will take several years.

After gaining enough sense of the abyss, Li Changsheng immediately recovered the two Xuankun fortune monument fragments and went straight back to the palace of the Hurricane Fortress.

In order to show respect to Zhao Yuanqing, after exchanging fortresses, Li Changsheng did not live in the palace where Zhao Yuanqing had lived for a long time, but in the palace given by Zhao Yuanqing not long ago.

Li Changsheng drank away and sat alone in the bedroom. After opening the secret realm entrance, Ning Bizhen appeared at the entrance.

Ning Bizhen condensed her breath, she can now be said to be Li Changsheng's secret weapon, and she may be able to perform miraculous effects at critical moments.

"I have something to do, I will leave it to you for refining for now!"

Li Changsheng handed the door of light and dark to Ning Bizhen, and immediately closed the secret realm entrance, leaving only Li Changsheng in the bedroom again.

Ning Bizhen knows the formula of the door of light and dark, which can play part of the effect of the door of light and dark, that is, the purification efficiency will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Even so, this is a beauty that many kings and double-word kings are eager for.

Last night, Li Changsheng refined the eyes of Kunyu and re-refined the original light, which caused his mental power to be greatly depleted, so that he did not purify the flesh and blood of the fairies last night.

In addition to the blood and flesh of these fairies, Li Changsheng also drew a certain percentage of the blood from each wild faire. He didn't draw more, and kept them in a healthy state.

This batch of goblin flesh and blood and blood are numerous, but among Li Changsheng’s many demon pets, except for day, night and two-headed dragons, all the others are of majestic level bloodlines. The next step is the divine beast. It can be described as skyrocketing.

The problem is that the fairies with the blood of the cats are known to be rare, and even after purification, they are not enough for them to evolve.

As for the bloodline of the Nine-faced Dragon God, let alone, except for the two-headed dragon, Li Changsheng has never seen a fairy with the bloodline of the Nine-faced Dragon, although his pets cannot Reach the conditions for evolution, but can satisfy Ning Bizhen's demon pet.

This batch of flesh, blood and qi and blood are numerous and too messy, including most of the bloodlines of sacred beasts, which also makes Li Changsheng's work extremely complicated.

After spending a full day, Li Changsheng finally completed all the purification and obtained a large amount of the blood of the beast.

After collecting the blood, Li Changsheng found that the water-sheltering golden eye beast and the saccharum blood all exceeded three cans, so he gave them to Ning Bizhen for processing.

These two types of essence and blood correspond to Ning Bizhen's blue-eyed golden clear beast and ancestor golden scale beast, of which the latter was obtained from the imperial secret realm and is still at the leader level.

As for Ning Bizhen's plan to use it now or later, Li Changsheng didn't take care of it, so she could decide by herself.

What Li Changsheng has to do now is to select the most suitable one among the nearly ten top sacred beasts, and obtain the fifth change in "Xuanji Nine Changes".

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