Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1056: breakthrough! breakthrough! breakthrough!

Latest website: More than that, Li Changsheng pinched several seals in succession, and the space in the secret realm fluctuates slightly.

In the void, the projections of the tree of life and the five-color glazed fruit tree in the mysterious sky began to emerge, and a large number of light spots and aura began to escape, being restricted by Li Changsheng in this small space.

Li Changsheng is like the kingdom of gods in the secret realm, possessing all kinds of incredible abilities. Even if these two top spiritual roots are only projections, they do not affect the effect of assisting breakthroughs.

As for the Great Zhoutian Star Fruit Tree and the Water Shadow Splitting Tree, due to their incorrect attributes, they are not only invalid for these six demon pets, but there will be certain obstacles instead.

Because it was the relationship between the Demon King Level and the Demon Saint Level, I don't know how much effect the two top spirit roots still have, but even if it can only increase by one percent, it is a good thing for them.

In the anxious waiting, soon, two minutes passed.


With a soft and waxy cat cry, Li Changsheng turned to the black ball of light in the sky in surprise, and an invisible coercion spread.

Li Changsheng's thoughts moved, and before this coercion spread, he restricted it to a certain distance to avoid affecting other demon pets that were breaking through.

At this moment, the surface of the night is filled with astonishing black glows. These black glows crazily gathered upwards and turned into a black cat phantom, and then swooped down, rushing into the black light ball formed by the night. Disappear.

At this moment, in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of the night, there is a black ocean, which is exactly the ocean formed by the dark mystery.

The phantom of the grey cat suddenly appeared in the ocean of darkness and profound meaning, and then re-divided into a large number of black awns.

Under the traction of these black awns, a large amount of dark profound energy began to gather in the center of the dark ocean.

At the next moment, a vortex suddenly formed, spinning frantically, continuously devouring a large amount of dark profound energy.

In this process, most of the dark secret energy is eliminated, and the remaining dark secret energy is obviously more pure and powerful.

This is the so-called dark secret essence, whose quality is far above the dark secret energy.

These dark mystic essences began to condense, and after an unknown period of time, these dark mystic essences turned into a black rock.

Completing this process means that the night has become a pseudo-demon saint-level demon pet.

If you want to become a real demon saint class demon pet, you must polish this rock to the extreme until it becomes a crystal.

This process requires a lot of secret essence, and the advantage of the quality of half-step legend is that the ocean of secret truth is larger and can provide more secret essence.

Under the control of the dark night, the dark secret ocean is prosperous, producing more dark secret essence, which gathers into a pitch-black flame, continuously burning black rocks.

As time passed, the volume of the black rock shrank rapidly, but its quality continued to rise. In this process, there was a gradual tendency to crystallize.

Just when there was only half of the dark secret essence left, the rock finally completely turned into crystals.

This is a diamond-shaped black crystal, exuding pitch black luster. It is also called the original crystal, which contains a strong source of dark mystery.

At the moment of successfully condensing the original crystals, the original crystals began to feed back a substantive dark secret source, which began to flow in the body of the night, strengthening the body of the night, at the same time, the secret guardian of the surface of the night quickly transformed into the guardian of the secret source.

The original guardian of the Upanishad has the same function as the Guardian of the Upanishad, but its saving ability is stronger, and it can almost be immune to attacks from non-Demon King-level demon pets. Even the offensive of the Demon King-level demon pets can resolve most of them.

As for the offensive of the demon saint level demon pet, it can only be exempted from part of its power.

After all the changes were completed, the darkness of the night skyrocketed, with a sense of majesty. Its body shape remains unchanged, that is, the hair on its body is more shiny.

With the promotion of the dark night, it also means that it has won the honor of Li Changsheng's first demon saint-level demon pet.

However, given the lack of Li Changsheng's realm, the strength of the night will also be limited to a certain extent.

At the moment when the promotion is completed in the dark, due to the peculiarities of the light and dark twin symbiosis, the expression changes during the day, the momentum skyrocketed, and the promotion begins.

At the same time, Li Changsheng trembled, and blue veins appeared on his skin, like small insects walking around the blue veins, but in the spiritual passage between Li Changsheng and the night, a source of profound energy poured into him. In the body.


Under the tempering of the source of the profound meaning, Li Changsheng cracked and made a noise like fried beans. His whole body became more crystal clear and bright. The most important change was the heart. While beating violently, the blood flowing from the heart was also Contains strands of gold.

After the change was over, Li Changsheng took a closer look and found that his physical fitness had been slightly strengthened.

It seems that the improvement is not very large, but as the number of Demon Saint-level demon pets increases, it will be greatly improved, especially after the blood is completely golden, the physical fitness will rise to an astonishing level.

At this time, Li Changsheng endured his excitement and began to check the information about Dark Night.

[Fairy name]: Dark night dark cat (growth period, absorb the big Zhoutian dark jade, improve the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%, and greatly increase the damage to the light demon pet. Condensing the source of the secret, greatly enhance the power of skills; Profound Origin Guardian: Exemption from some damage, depending on the opponent's realm.) "Light and Dark Twin Symbiosis..."

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Saint Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: medium monarch

[Goblin Quality]: Half-step legend "It must be able to break through the demon saint level, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the demon emperor level"

[Fairy Bloodline]: Gray Cat (rich)

[Fairy Attribute]: Darkness

[Fairy State]: Healthy

[Fairy Weakness]: No "Xuanyu Ginseng Eliminates Attribute Weakness"

Dark Night’s panel does not seem to have changed But whether it is the improvement of the big realm, or the increase in the original source of the true meaning and the protection of the original source of the true, the abilities of all aspects of the dark have been greatly improved.

Soon, the transformation was successfully completed during the day, causing the golden blood content in Li Changsheng's blood to increase by one or two points.

With the two demon saint-level demon pets as the base, Li Changsheng's inner anxiety was obviously relieved, and he immediately looked at the other demon pets with expectant eyes.

His main focus was on Ashe. After all, Ashe was assisted by the crystallization of the source of gold, the probability of breakthrough was high.

After five minutes passed, the four demon pets did not show any signs of breakthrough, including Ashe who was most anticipated by Li Changsheng.

Although five minutes is short, Li Changsheng estimates that the demon pets can only last ten minutes when they try to break through the Demon Saint level, and the longer the breakthrough time, the probability of breakthrough will also decrease.

But at this moment, another shocking momentum appeared. Li Changsheng looked at each other in surprise??((??????????‖))?? He hadn't broken through, but another demon pet surprised him.

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