Release that Witch

Chapter 821: brief meeting

"Adult, your guest is coming," the curtain was opened, a waitress probe said.

"Please come in," Otto Rossi took out a silver wolf and handed it to the wine girl next to him. "I haven't got you for a while, I will call you if I need it."

"Yes, adults."

"This is the hidden place you said?" The man who came in uncovered the hood and frowned and looked around for a week. "If it wasn't for the Los Angeles guards standing outside the door, I thought I was looking for the wrong place."

"It’s not easy to ask you to show up now, naturally you can’t just deal with it,” Otto grinned.

The comer is "the betrayal of the trust of the Lord of the Morning, killing the guardian knight, and the member of the ambassador who fled the city of Glory with the fallen minions" Hill Fox. Since I noticed that the party and the party had left without saying goodbye, the old man of the morning, An Pei Moya, was furious, claiming that it was the flagrant provocation and contempt of the gray fortune, and that it was the witch who killed the father. He absolutely did not allow his territory. There is such an evil existence.

Of course, Otto knows more than this. For example, while Anpein searches for the witch, he sends a knight squad to chase the messenger. The order is issued except for the covenant. Others can handle it at will, especially those who dare to None of the witches colluded by neighboring countries can let go. At the same time, Wang Cheng also launched an inventory activity. Dennis, a former businesswoman who had a close relationship with the ambassador, was taken to the palace and asked several times. Hill and others who took the initiative to stay as contacts were disappeared as if they were out of thin air.

It was not until a few months later that the wind gradually subsided and he received the message from the other party again.

This is also the first time they have met after bidding farewell.

“Do you need something to drink?” Otto patted the soft collapse around him. “You shouldn’t have the chance to enjoy it?”

Hill didn't sit down, but went to the window and looked out. "Here is the second floor, the reliable back road you mentioned in the secret letter?"

The eldest son of Losey sighed helplessly, stood up and opened the soft wooden board, revealing the hollow underneath.

"Sliding down from here, landing is the back garden. There are not only secret doors in the yard, but also a dry water well. You can go anywhere."

"No one knows this road?"

"Of course, along with this pub, it is run by the Losey family." He applauded. "Just say that you are a fox, you are really not wrong, you are still as cautious as before."

"If I can't do this, I'm afraid I'm already hanging on the gallows." Hill pulled out a coin, dropped it along the dark road, and listened for a while before closing the board. "There is news in the future that I want to tell me, or contact them by secret mail. It is not safe to meet."

"The confidable contact has no small risk to me. If the information in the palace is leaked out, the first suspected by Anpein is the three big families," Otto sighed. "He is no longer It was the friend who had nothing to talk about before."

Hill raised his eyebrows and said nothing. "So, what new action has the Lord of the Morning Dawn?"

"He intends to attack the Hermes Church and avenge his father's revenge," said the eldest son of Losey, who slowly heard the conversation he heard during the court meeting. "Despite the minister's dissuasion, His Majesty insisted on this. Now the Glow City has The beginning of the levy of the grain, until the end of the evil month, the snow should melt after the action, when the Royal Knights will be with the Duke of Kabu in charge of the western wilderness."

"I said how the recent porridge money is expensive for a copper eagle... Fortunately, the morning sputum is rich enough. If you change to a gray fort, if the lord does not want to cause riots, he will not prepare for the war in the evil month." Thoughtful, "Is there a problem with Hermes?"

Otto knew what the other party was saying, even though the church and the Grey Fortress fought a battle in the Cold Wind Ridge and heard the news of the defeat of the Holy City, the further information was that the two sides had returned to their respective territories. The ministers agreed that the church may have suffered heavy losses, but it has not been completely defeated. Otherwise, the king of the gray castle should lead troops to the holy city and plunder it as the core city of the church. The accumulated wealth there is bound to be absent. few.

Probably the warrior brought by the pure man left a deep impression on Anpein, so that he stayed on the step of continuing to send spies to inquire about intelligence, and did not take other actions.

Now that the situation has changed, it is only possible that a new situation has been discovered there.

As for whether to avenge the father, or to rob the fire, it is not important at all.

"The specific news was not disclosed to us, but I heard from the merchants who came back from the west that the old holy city seems to have many refugees."

"Refugee..." Hill nodded as he touched his chin. "I will pass this information back to the city without winter."

"There is one more thing," Otto said after hesitating. "At the time of the last week, the foreign minister mentioned the gray castle. He said that Roland Wimbledon is not a true gray castle ruler. He did not hold the ceremony. There is no royal palace in the kingdom, and even many aristocrats in the kingdom are against him, especially in the east. Since he has trampled on the covenant between the two countries, the morning sun needs to be guarded and contained, for example, to support the nobles to continue to resist. Wimbledon’s rule."

"Oh?" Hill's look suddenly disappeared. "What is the response of the Lord of the Morning?"

"Your Majesty did not respond immediately, but look at his expression... There should be no small interest in this matter."

Otto didn't know why he told these things to Hill... or told Roland. Judging from the current situation, the relationship between the Grey Fort and the Chenxi is deteriorating. He should stand on the side of Ampe in Moya, just as the family of the Lost family assisted the royal family of Moya.

However, he has never been able to convince himself to accept his Majesty's policy. The killing of the witch means that Andrea Quin is also included, but the latter is by no means an evil generation in the mouth of Anpei. He has explained to his Majesty the relationship between the Church Pure and the Witch more than once, but in the end it was only in vain.

Ampein no longer sees them as arms.

Otto also found that although he also called the other side as a sire, he did not respect the old king.

When I think about it, perhaps he thinks that he has been unable to change the status quo of the morning sun. He has to put his hopes on the gray castle and he has no winter city. He saw the free life of Andrea, in order not to break that life, He hoped that Roland’s rule would continue.

"I understand," Hill said, "Don't worry, this plan won't succeed."

Otto nodded and took a deep breath. "So... can you tell me something about Miss Quin?"

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