Remarry, No Way!

Chapter 88: So, you can't wait to drive me away (2)

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Chapter 88, so you can't wait to drive me away (2)

His smile was still fascinating, but Sulei was bungee jumping, and at the moment it was very embarrassing. She wore a white sleeveless skirt, which was now covered in scarlet red wine, and her hair and clothes were all wet.

"You..." She could hardly speak her words.

"Not yet?" Song Ting met her, thin lips and lightly, one word and one word.

Sulei even trembled with anger, but thought of the means of Song Tingyu, now where dare to worry in front of him? So I hate biting my teeth and turned and left.

She discovered that Su Shi was standing by the door, that is to say, she clearly saw her wolverine.

She felt that she was always the same in front of Su Shi. At this moment, she saw this picture. She only felt more annoyed in her heart. When she passed by her, she hated her with hatred.

Su Shi feels funny, she wants to seduce Song Tingyu, is not successful, what is the relationship with her?

"What are you still standing there? Don't you come in?"

The sound of Song Tingyu’s coolness came from inside, and he also found her at the door.

Su Shi closed the door and walked in and smiled. "Is it too early to return, is it bad for you?"

Song Tingyu pulled the tie away and threw it on the sofa: "Where can I put it in when I am here?"

This man is estimated to blame her for bringing Sulai in. He has no good feelings for Sule, and she is naturally annoyed to see her.

In fact, Su Shi was just at the door, and he knew that even if Sulei’s whole person rushed over to him, he wouldn’t feel anything. He thought that he would push Sula away at most, and then swear and swear, but She did not expect that he actually poured a glass of red wine from Sule's head.

"We had dinner together at night, she wanted to come up and talk, and I couldn't keep her out."

"Then, if you let her have something, then he will say it at the door."


Su Shi smiled and didn't continue this topic with him: "I went to take a shower."

"To wash together." Song Ting did not want to blurt out.

Su Shi said according to his forehead: "Song Ting Yu, you are like this again, I really sleep with you."

She has to protect the children in her stomach, and she will finally be pregnant. Who knows what this man will do when he is a big animal?

When she spoke, Song Tingyu sat down on the sofa: "Then you go in and wash, the bathroom slides, be careful."

"Good." Su Shi nodded and took the clothes into the bathroom.

Song Ting met with a long leg and leaned against the sofa. He heard the sound of the water flowing from the bathroom. It seemed that there was a picture in front of him.

He quickly licked his **** and quickly cut off the picture that would be unbearable.

Looking at the starry sky outside the huge French window, how do he feel that the night is so difficult?

Because Su Shi was pregnant, Mrs. Song did not worry that she had been outside, so she called to hope that she could return to Ancheng quickly.

Song Tingyu knew that she was worried, so she ended the work here as soon as possible, and returned with Su Shi and Song Weixi.

The plan was originally a week, and on the fourth day they went back.

The weather in Huaihai City and Ancheng City is really polarized. The temperature in summer is very suitable, but Ancheng is a harsh winter.

Mrs. Song learned that they were coming back, so she sent a driver to wait outside the airport.

On the way back, Song Tingyu’s cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and did not answer it. Instead, he hung up, but not long after, the phone rang again.

Su Shi knows that the phone is called by Bai Hao. Otherwise, this phone will not be ringing all the time, and Song Tingyu will not miss it.

In fact, she never asked Song Tingyu about the situation of Bai Yu, but before he went to Huaihai City, he told her that Bai Hao had to return to the United States, and then she did not ask him about her.

Su Shi did not know whether or not she had found Song Tingyu in the days of Huaihai City, but they did not mention her.

The phone was ringing all the time. He finally turned off the machine. After that, he looked at Su Shi, but she didn't look at him, just looking out the window.

Mrs. Song’s wife probably because Su Shi was pregnant and she was in a good mood, so she called everyone to come back to dinner at night. Gu Dongcheng is also, of course, all the people are really happy, but only quiet, she has nothing. Expression.

This is a point that Su Shi has never understood. Even if she doesn't like her again, why doesn't she have any feelings for Song Weixi?

Originally, she was pregnant. It was a great hope for Song Weixi. She was not happy for her, but should she be happy for Song Weixi?

After eating, Su Shi walked around the house and saw Song Tingyu standing on the balcony upstairs. He also found her, but she did not go over, but turned and left, passed. Song Tingyu found her for a while: "I will go out for a while."

"it is good."

Song Ting met her and wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it. He nodded and took the car key and left.

Soon, Su Shi was also called by Mrs. Song to go to her room to speak.

There was a table on the table, but they were all cold, but no one was moving chopsticks.

Bai Hao is constantly watching the time displayed on the mobile phone, the older the later, but Song Tingyu has not appeared yet.

These days, she did not bother to disturb Song Tingyu, because she knew that Song Tingyu was a human being. The more she said, the more she would be annoyed.

However, Shen Jing learned that he will return to Ancheng today, so she told her that she only called him. In any case, she could not go back to the United States. She had to let him come over, she had to stay.

If she really went back, she knew that her efforts in the past few years had been in vain.

There is no doubt that she will definitely lose Song Tingyu.

This is her most unwilling thing.

But she made sure that he had called him several times after he got off the plane, but he didn't answer it. At the end, he turned off.

Later, he took the initiative to call her back and said that he would come over later.

She made people cook for dinner and kept waiting for him.

But when these dishes are cold, there is no trace of temperature, but he has not come yet.

"Miss White, do you want to eat first? It is estimated that Mr. Song will arrive later." The nanny said goodbye.

"I am waiting for him, I will wait for him to come and eat again."

"But the food is cold..."

Bai Yan cold eyes glanced at her: "You go to re-heat this meal and then take it out, and he will come soon."

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