Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 120: Fixing the clock can cheat

Li Nuo and Maljie looked at each other, and they received this task at the same time.

   "Two people, please tell us in detail about the affairs between the chamber of commerce and the store, including turnover and specific currency units. We need to know."

   After speaking, Marger leaned against the back wall, Li Nuo moved a chair and sat down unceremoniously.

   Emily knocked her head gently and asked Marco to pour three glasses of water, and then the sisters began to narrate about the Chamber of Commerce.

  In Kerviel's system, the Chamber of Commerce of Machinery, the Chamber of Commerce, or the Chamber of Commerce of Construction are all for ordinary citizens, which is the so-called business model on the shore.

  The management model of this chamber of commerce belongs to the centralized management of scattered businesses.

   If you want to open a mechanical repair shop here, you have to pass the certification of the Machinery Chamber of Commerce, check the shop environment and the craftsmanship of the shop owner, and get the business license after passing it, and the officially licensed shop can be opened upright on the street.

   If the official fails, I’m sorry, please close the store. If you find out that you opened it privately, you will be fined until the great grandchildren’s generation is not over.

   Every month, the Chamber of Commerce will check the business quota of a store or enterprise. It depends on the scale of business, and there is no uniform standard.

  Emily’s mechanical repair shop needs to achieve a monthly net income of 1,000 marks or more.

   Well, 1000 marks.

   The mark is a unit of currency in Kevir, which is converted to the kem of the Nilfgaard Empire at a rate of one to ten.

   Well, 1000 marks, you can find the female night demon to pick up a lamp and talk.

   This is still a family with a lower income in Keville, at least the Emily family’s economic situation in Xiadu is poor.

   Here is a digression, since the income of the people of Corwell is so high, why don't you earn enough money to be a local tyrant abroad?

   There are also such, not many, because the economic situation of Keville is too developed, even if I go to Novigrad, it is like going to the countryside, and the people in the country are peaceful and rainy, the climate is good, the scenery is beautiful, and the three good countries are unique in the world.

  Of course there are foreigners who want to come to Corville, but here it is very troublesome for foreigners to find a job.

  Except for warlocks, ordinary people who want to enter any business, even if they sell fruit, need to show a temporary residence permit.

   Temporary residence permits are actually easy to handle. It’s a trust relationship and you can buy it at a cost of 200 million krms. The fee is renewed every six months. It’s better to be a chief at home if you have that spare money.

   Pull back to the topic.

   The poor management of Emily’s shop is a problem that does not need to be considered. The female family was abducted and supported by Marco, a nasty bastard.

The main business affairs of the mechanical repair shop are simply to repair various large, medium and small mechanical equipment, clocks, three-wheeled vehicles, train steam equipment, hydraulic machinery and equipment, and the more complicated ones are military human exoskeletons, which are not for the disabled. What people use is weapons prepared for war, but it is not the turn of a small shop to do it, and the country is generally self-sufficient.

   Then, Marcota only repaired watches and cars, and his methods were not good, which caused the business to become deserted day by day.

   "I need books, all books related to machinery. Mastering the maintenance methods of large machinery and equipment within two days is the first condition for recovery."

   After Marger made this request, except for Li Nuo, all three of them showed extremely distrustful expressions.

   Even Emily can't believe Marger in this aspect. Mastering it within two days means that the content of the book must be digested in half a day, unless you remember it.

   "I never forget."

   But Marger really said it.

   Emily frowned and said to her brother: "Marko, take out all the mechanical maintenance and manufacturing books left by my father."

   "Sister, how can it be..."

   "Go ahead."

Marco reluctantly stepped into the back room of the workshop, moved out a half-person-high stack of books, patted the dust on it, coughed twice, and said: "These are basic maintenance knowledge. If you add the books that have not yet come out, It will take half a month to finish reading it."

   His implication is nothing more than that, even if you never forget, it is impossible to finish reading these books in a few days.

   Marger didn't say much, just picked up the top "Basic Maintenance Decomposition and Structure".

  The Specialization of Armor Armor Expert has a terrible ability. As long as it is a book or copy related to mechanical manufacturing, it can be learned by reading.

   This kind of ability is locked according to the level, and the knowledge of repairing the watch and the car is enough.

   If it is a manual for making Arale, you can only gnaw words before reaching the full level.

   Now Malger is flipping through the pages of the book quickly.

   [Basic maintenance decomposition and structure, knowledge intake, 10%-20%-30%...]

   His face is calm and his fingers are like flying flowers.

   "Sister... is he crazy?" Marco asked Emily in a low voice.

   Emily did not speak, because she also thought Malger was a little crazy.

   [Basic maintenance decomposition and structure, knowledge intake, 90%-100%]

  【You have mastered the knowledge of the book】

   Malger put the book down and walked to a small gilt bronze clock placed in the corner of the house.

This small table clock has an extremely gorgeous appearance. The main body of the clock is a walnut shell, the dial is blue steel hands, the sides and top of the dial are decorated with wooden gilt goddess busts and eagle decorations, and the hollow dial is decorated with bronze gilt blacksmiths and small angel figures. There are two white marble pillars on each side connected to the upper part, and the base is decorated with imperial gilt bronze reliefs.

   But with such a valuable table clock, the hands on the dial do not move as if time had stopped.

   Marger stroked the outer shell of the clock, and in the absence of words, he could even feel the resonance it expresses.

   Then he quickly wrote the necessary materials on the paper, "Marko, bring these things together."

Marco frowned tightly. This clock was an order from last month. Although the hands did not move, he couldn't find the problem. Fortunately, the owner changed another one and delayed the delivery time. next week.

   Under doubtful thinking, Marco still got the materials quickly.

   Malger picked up the materials prepared on the table, and skillfully opened the dial with tools.

  Any knowledge of memory can be directly applied to actual combat for players who are expert in armor. For ordinary household objects, only minor inspections can feed back their problems to the brain for rapid processing.

   He removed a copper tube from the clock and compared it with the material in his hand, then quickly got up and flipped through the pile of books to find a book called "Basic Material Practice".

   Quick tour again, all the knowledge points are transferred into the brain and immediately resume work.

   After a while, he put on the dial and the hands started to move.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Marger calmly walked to Marco and said: "The clockwork is slack, the escapement of the movement is notched, and the gears are worn out to cause deformation in the middle, but it is generally difficult to see with the naked eye. The most important thing is The base is slightly skewed, even if it is reorganized, there is no way to ensure the smooth operation of the hands."

   After speaking, he added: "Huh... it's all basic knowledge, your knowledge is not enough."

   Marko closed his mouth in surprise, all this was too abrupt and shocking to him, even if Marger would have repaired it, he must admit that he is a master.

   "Can I stay?"

   "Of course!" Marco nodded immediately, but his expression quickly became a little awkward, "It's this salary..."

   The technique displayed by Marger is definitely not enough for a meal, which makes him a little embarrassed.

   "Just take care of the meal."

   "Okay!" Marco was overjoyed.

   Emily lowered her head slightly to Marger, and said solemnly: "Thank helped me so much..."

   Marger just closed his eyes and shook his head slightly, and smiled with the corner of his mouth raised: "Everything is for the beautiful lady."

   Li Nuo stared at the dead fish eye, feeling that this eldest brother's second year was about to start to attack again.

   "I'll clean up the house for you." Marco walked into the back room enthusiastically and impatiently.

   Suddenly Marger stopped him, "Do you have a drawing of a robotic arm here?"

   "Yes, it was left by my father when he was alive, but I couldn't understand it so I put it away. You wait for me to find it."

   Maljie raised his eyebrows slightly at Li Nuo, indicating that the first step of the battle was successful, but when the blueprint was obtained, he realized that he could not understand the content of the blueprint with his own knowledge and expertise.

  【Your expertise is too low to accept this content】

   "It seems that longing for the way to the sky is not as good as keeping your feet on the ground." Maljie said brokenly.

   "Don't get second grade." Li Nuo interrupted him and said, "I have to ask you for something. We need some masks."

  Through his experience in Novigrad, Li Nuo knows how stupid it is to expose his identity and appearance for no reason. The taste of being a wanted criminal is like pouring mustard into his stomach at any time, which is a little exciting.

   It is inevitable that in Corville, will he repeat the old way, so for the rest of the day, he decided to shamelessly and cover it up.

   As for [Emir's Mask], it's too scary, for fear of being caught as a rare species.

   After a while, a bunch of Halloween masks were placed on the table.

   "I only have these." Marco said, picking his nose.

   Li Nuo looked up and picked up a pig's head, "If I really take this out, it might be at the table next time I see you."

   looked helplessly and found a normal iron mask.

   Li Nuo took it with him. This mask covered the upper half of his face. He touched the iron surface of the mask.

   Well, there are more arms, and one eagle is missing.

   "By the way, Marger, and punk, I suggest you two bring them too, or do some disguise." Li Nuo exhorted.

   "I can do two if I find time." Malger said

  Punker looked at Li Nuo's appearance and shrugged, "I don't think I need it anymore, I don't have this hobby."

   Li Nuo smiled, “You don’t have to wear a mask, such as shave your hair, it’s convenient to wear a fake headgear, and buy a few more women’s clothing, preferably with a pair of glasses.”

   "Why should I abuse myself like this!" Punk complained instantly.

   Li Nuo was taken aback, and then clapped his hands suddenly, "It's true, you have long hair, so you can just buy women's clothing."

   "Go to die!"

   Watching this scene, Marco is a little bit obscure, why these people want to conceal their appearance, just now because the capable people joined the hot excitement has been diluted, and looked at Emily with a little worry.

   Emily saw his thoughts, and smiled softly: "Don't worry, they are all good people."

   is my benefactor.

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