Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 126: Insidious trick

Li Nuo was overjoyed, he knew too much how strong the level 3 melee combat was.

It was an unbearable day to look back. Many people think that being beaten by a beautiful woman is a beautiful thing, including Li Nuo before, but since being beaten up for the first time, he has understood that everything is as long as being beaten up. Neither is a good thing.

   In the final analysis, on the premise that most of the attribute values ​​are slightly higher than Chabai, the culprit who has been beaten daily with her in the name of duet is the third-level melee combat of Chabai.

   Regarding melee combat, neither the manual nor the white paper mentions what kind of melee ability the player has been upgraded to.

According to Li Nuo’s own summary, at level 1, his muscle control ability is strengthened, and his body becomes lighter, and he can turn up to twenty somersaults in a row; at level 2, the brain will flood into some moves, and he is incapable of grasping and other basic joint skills. Self-advanced, and can turn forty somersaults at most.

   As for level three...

Li Nuo tapped his feet lightly, quickly avoiding Engley's sweeping stick, turning around and kicking him away with a side kick, then facing Quill's stabbing, his body dodges gently like a piece of paper. Put five fingers together, point them on Quill's chest, and then turn the fingers into fists. The power burst out instantly, and the seemingly weak punch knocked Quill into the air.

   Footwork, cut leg, inch punch...

not only these!

   Li Nuo's legs suddenly exerted force, and the moment Quill had just contacted the ground, he had already kept up, and his explosive power was even stronger!

This time Li Nuo did not ruin his face again. He clamped his neck and chest with his legs, held his right arm tightly with both hands, tightly controlled the opponent's wrist with one hand to make his thumb up, and the other hand tightly controlled the opponent's elbow. He sticks to his body, the action full of philosophy is completed in two seconds.

   In the next second, Li Nuo leaned back and his crotch was raised.



  Quail screamed, and his right arm was broken into reverse 25° with the joint.

   Cross solid.

  Can't hold the sword anymore, Quill is dead.

   But the condition for the end of the assessment is death or fainting, so the fighting continues.

  Engli, regardless of whether Quill could fight again, taking advantage of Li Nuo's body on the ground, he smashed it with a stick.

   Unexpectedly, Li Nuo reacted too fast. The addition of the insight value and reaction value data is not a joke.

   instantly grabbed Quill's broken arm and raised it as a shield.



   I don't know which bone was broken this time... a good arm became a three-section stick.

   "I will avenge you!"

   Li Nuo yelled shamelessly, grabbed Engley's stick with his left hand, tightly clasped Engley's hand with his right hand, and lifted his upper body slightly.

   A cloud of haze suddenly appeared in Engli's heart, and a premonition of danger began to warn. This has never happened in his life. Even when faced with more and more ferocious monsters, he has never felt such a crisis.

   He subconsciously wanted to retreat, but it was too late, and Li Nuo firmly grasped his hand and stick.

   Li Nuo's expression flashed coldly, and he kicked Engli's lower body from the bottom up. Through the soles of the shoes, he could feel the bumps of the two squeezed balls.

Don’t forget, Li Nuo also has a bonus for the title of "Eyes Stick". At this moment, Engli’s eyeballs are bulging. Now he feels not only the pain of the egg, but also a pain of the egg. At the same time, there are ten mosquitoes. The feeling of nailing his eggs.


   After the lower body is attacked, most people can't make a violent scream, because the pain can't be screamed. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself.

   Li Nuo was still kicking frantically, and Engley went crazy with his movements.

   The people in the stands looked stupid. They have seen overcast ones, but they have never seen such overcast ones.

   "The assessment is over! The 18th who passed!"

   Suddenly the old man announced the news of the end, Li Nuo could only stop.

   Engley curled up on his stomach, his pants wet.

   A soldier attached an ear canal next to the old man: "How did it end? Isn't it over dizzy or death?"

   The old man's eyebrows twitched, "Look at it again...I'm afraid I can't stand it..."


  【The side mission has been completed: Destroy the teamed enemy】

  【Experience gained: 200】

   [The mission reward random card has been transferred to your inventory, please check]

   After hearing the system sound, Li Nuo walked back to Ke Min and said, "Then what?"

   Ke Min frowned upon hearing this, "What the **** do you do..."

   She doesn't believe that demon hunters can use Li Nuo's insidious tricks, let alone that demon hunters can't use swords.

   Li Nuo thought about it, what did he do the most since he came into this world...


   Ke Min was taken aback, then stood up, "Let's go...take you out to register."

She didn’t want to say anything anymore. She had lived for a hundred years and had seen anyone attacking her lower body, but she had never seen anyone attacking her lower body so vigorously. She had decided in her heart that she must ask Jasmine, Li Nuo, what is going on. .

   Li Nuo followed Ke Min to leave, not forgetting to look back at Engley, who was half-dead on the ground, and suddenly some guilt arose in his heart.

   "I wish you a happy rest of your life..."


   After the assessment is over, register at the front desk, and come to collect the hand of the chamber of commerce the next day, you can formally join the chamber of commerce.

   As for the kind of chamber of commerce, you have to go to the chamber of commerce to choose the location after you get your hand.

   "Anyway, you can come and get it by yourself tomorrow morning."

   Ke Min walked in front of Li Nuo, but did not leave too far this time, perhaps because it was night, or perhaps because Li Nuo had just killed two people with his bare hands, which made her look at her slightly.

   "Hmm." Li Nuo replied, looked at Ke Min in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have something to ask you."

   Ke Min stopped and turned around, "It just so happens, I have something too."

   "You speak first, ladies first."

   "Ladies first? You will really say good things when you arrive." Ke Min must have never heard this word that does not belong to the world of "The Witcher". Naturally, he thought Li Nuo was deliberately to please, but he did not look like this person.

   Regardless of these, Ke Min said: "Are you really a demon hunter?"

 [51 fiction]   "Do you doubt me?"

   "After the whole test, you don't know how to use swords, and you haven't used spells. This is completely different from the demon hunter recorded in the book. I want to hear how you became a demon hunter."

   Ke Min has been staring at Li Nuo's eyes. As the warlock of Kevir, she is responsible for confirming Li Nuo's true identity.

   But it was more because she was very curious about how there would be another demon hunter in this world, and such a weird demon hunter.

   "Are you sure you want to listen?"

   Ke Min snorted coldly, "Huh~ Is there anything that can't be heard?"

   Li Nuo lowered his mouth, "Well... then I'll start talking."

   In the next ten minutes, Li Nuo recounted the plot of "Dragon Quest 7"...

"As a martial artist, I definitely can't allow the villagers to be bullied. I went to the forest and found the slime. I didn't expect this slime to be too strong, but every time I felt like I couldn't hold on. I always think of those who have passed away, and my master, Daxian Toad, suddenly felt possessed by the soul. At that moment, I used the last shot of the spirit pill and successfully killed the slime. After that, I realized my ability. After I got a promotion, I went to the tavern. I didn't expect to be able to change jobs, and then..."

"To shut up……"

   Ke Min closed her eyes tightly and frowned. She regretted why she asked this question.

   "Almost finished." Li Nuo said.

   "I will burn you just one sentence."

   Ke Min showed her chest, turned her head and was about to leave. She vowed that she would never deal with this guy. As for the details of this guy, ask Jasmine if she has a chance...

   When Ke Min was a child, he heard that Lord Triss had a very good relationship with the Demon Hunter when he was young, but there was a saying in the old book of the Order:

   "In order to keep your brain from being soaked in **** feelings, please stay away from the Demon Hunter-"The Scarlet Teaching Record""

   Maybe the demon hunters are a group of people with abnormal brains, Ke Min thought.

   Li Nuo stopped her at this time, "I haven't said my question yet."

   "Huh..." Ke Min sighed and said, "Hurry up."

   "I heard that a source warlock appeared in Corvell, I want to ask her about it."

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