Remnant Blood Player

Chapter 328: Bureau

Mizo brought Li Nuo and Chabai to a conference room.

   "Let’s talk about the terms."

   Li Nuo randomly found a chair and sat down, Chabai leaned directly on the table.

   "Whose terms first?" Li Nuo asked.

   "Yours." Yazo said.

   "The same as before." Li Nuo shrugged, "Help me deal with those four people."

   He means the Dongzhou HW team, and he has given the portrait to Yazo before.

   Yazo took out the walkie-talkie from his waist. The body was silver and black, reflecting the dazzling light under the white light.

   "Bring in the survey data."

   Not long after he finished talking to the intercom, the closed door slowly opened. A staff member in a white scientific research coat put the door card into his pocket and put a bunch of documents on the table.

   Li Nuo got up, walked behind the scientific researcher, used it without knowing it, and took the key card from him.

   The information stated the scope of activities of the Dongzhou HW team during this period, the photos of the four people, and their location.

"These people are very interesting." Yazo said: "When they were in the room, we couldn't see their movements through the wall. We couldn't even catch the hot spot rays. The organization's monitoring system had already done it. Beyond the times, what abilities did they use?"

   "I don't know." Li Nuo said bluntly: "It's time to reach our final agreement and encircle them."

"No hurry." Mizo took out a cigarette and slowly spit out a breath of mist. The scientific researchers around him brought the ashtray. He lit a little cigarette flexibly with his finger, and said: "I heard that it happened in Tokyo recently. Is something very interesting?"

   No need to hear, I did it, Li Nuo silently slandered and smiled back.

   Yazo continued: "A dragon appeared in the sky above Tokyo, and dozens of aliens invaded inexplicably. Is it ridiculous?"

   "Well, I'm so ridiculous."

"I thought the same way when I first heard about it." Yazo said, "But it is true. The police have locked down a few of them. We are also investigating. All of them have no details and backgrounds, just like you. , And the same with those four people, I think, you all know these people, right?"

   An unexpected gain, Li Nuo secretly said, and said: "It seems that our new cooperation is coming?"

   "It's not cooperation, it's a new task assigned by the organization." Yazo extinguished only half of his cigarette, "It has nothing to do with you, but you need to explain the truth behind this matter."

   "Will a polygraph be done when I say it?" Li Nuo asked.


   "Then I won't talk about it."


   "I can't tell you about this. Believe it or not, if you really want to do a polygraph test, you can do it now."

   Yazo nodded, "Huh...then I will arrange it now."

   At this time, the white light in the room suddenly turned red, and the alarm sounded.

   A soldier armed with a gun entered the room and whispered to Mizang. The latter's eyes suddenly solidified and his face was no longer calm. He stood up and looked at Li Nuo and Cha Bai and said, "You are waiting for me here."

   After the words fell, he and his men walked out of the room. As the door was locked electronically, the red light turned back to white.

   "Send someone to guard here." Yazo warned: "Can't let the two of them come out of the house, confirm the appearance of the intruder, screen the data, and dispatch the troops to gate 0081 for arrest."

   The soldier just told him that an intruder broke open the iron gate of 0081 with external force.

   The soldier hesitated and said, "But... that person can't find a trace..."

   "What!?" Yazo couldn't believe what he had heard.

   "She seems to be familiar with the internal structure of the base, knowing that the windows of the corridor of 0081 are actually electronic screens. She broke the screen and jumped into the transmission pipe behind, no one can be found."

   "Where's the monitor!?"

   "Five minutes after she disappeared, the surveillance room was attacked..."

   Yazo was almost stunned. The base was solid and undiscovered for many years. It was a place where even the government could not find it.

   can find here, enter smoothly, and is familiar with the internal structure, he can only suspect that the intruder is originally from the Sound Nest.

   He turned to another passage, and the soldiers behind him reminded that this road is not the route to the 0081 gate.

   Yazo knows better than him, but in the face of a great threat, he must now pay the highest combat effectiveness to clear the danger.

   For example, a high-tech jersey.


   "So, we just need to follow the smell of Mizang to find a place to store the secret weapon of the sound nest." Li Nuo analyzed, while picking up a half of Mizang's cigarette and putting it on his nostril to smell the smell.

   The purpose of this trip is to return to the base of the sound nest.

   1. Get the basic information of the Dongzhou HW team agreed before;

  2. Use Weipu to create opportunities to find the technological weapons of Sound Nest;

   3. Find the white man who was sold as goods by them.

The first and third plans were drawn up by Li Nuo on the ship. According to the original plan, it was actually more simple and rude. The sky broke in the Sound Nest base, waiting for the rescue of the angry team, but when he noticed that Weipu was coming, The order of the plan was temporarily modified.

  All the plans are one link after another.

   From the beginning, Li Nuo proposed to join the Sound Nest not just to have a backer.

   In other words, this patron can actually fall down at any time to crush oneself.

  Sound Nest is soliciting experimental subjects, and players are the best experimental equipment. Only fools can believe that the promise of Mizo to let them join the organization is the truth.

   Li Nuo never thought of using Sound Nest as an important power in the script. What he wanted was Sound Nest to help him find information about other players and the weapons sleeping deep in the Sound Nest base.

   For example, the high-tech jersey that Farok wore at the time.

  Because of the presence of mercenaries, and also for future planning considerations, he and Marger could not steal the clothes from the dead body of Farwerk in the boat.

   But the Sound Nest base is different. Here, even if there is no high-tech jersey, there are many black technology weapons that transcend the times, and it doesn't matter how they make trouble, don't care about the so-called camp friendliness.

   Chabai thoughtfully, "Will we use Weipu like this?"

   Li Nuo was silent, holding half of Mizo's cigarette in his mouth, looking at the white iron gate in a daze, before speaking slowly, "No, to be honest, I kind of hate myself."

   Chabai snapped his fingers, and the cigarette on Li Nuo's mouth was lit.

   He took a sip subconsciously, and then felt a little uncomfortable in his throat, pinched the cigarette out, and said with a smile: "Please, hello before lighting the cigarette."

   "I also hate your approach." Chabai said, walking to the door, and said lightly: "Let's go."

   Li Nuo took out the door card that came from the researcher and stuck it on the door lock, and the white iron door opened horizontally.

   The four soldiers guarding outside the gate were shocked.

   The two came out swaggeringly, Li Nuo Snake glanced at the soldiers in front of him, and said thoughtfully: "The equipment looks good."

   The soldiers raised their guns and faced them.

   "Return to the door!"

  Chabai looked at the scene indifferently, "Li Nuo, do you know what their biggest mistake is?"

   "The biggest mistake..." Li Nuo clasped his stick on the ground, "Because he was too confident, not confiscating our weapons is the biggest mistake."

   Mobile Station:

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