Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 1083 4 Sacred Artifacts

The moment the bright red blood appeared, a flame that did not belong to this world suddenly burst out from the blood and swept across the sky, covering everything in the world with a red glow.

Finally, this flame that did not exist in the world condensed in the south of the sky and turned into the shape of a red bird. The bird's sound echoed, with a hint of nobility, staring at the people in the lower world.

At the same time, beside the middle-aged man, several old men from the Qinglong Holy Sect looked at each other. The current old man with nine green dragons embroidered on his clothes took a deep breath and put his hands on the There was a low roar in his chest, and immediately a huge aura burst out crazily from his whole body.

At the same time, there was a look of pain on his face, and the clothes on his chest seemed to melt, exposing his skin. On top of his skin, something floated out of his body in the flash of green light!

This thing - is a piece of green, *_!

The moment the green tree appeared, a roar of dragons echoed in the sky. In the endless stars above the sky, countless green dragons tens of thousands of feet in length were transformed. These green dragons filled the sky. The dragon roars shook the earth and the earth.

It even set off mighty ripples that spread out in all directions, and strong winds stirred up, disturbing the mortal world.

Finally, in the east of the sky, these green dragons condensed and turned into a huge green dragon. It coiled its body and stared at everyone with its ruthless eyes.

Similarly, among the Four Saints, seven old men from the White Tiger Saint Sect sat cross-legged one after another. The positions where each other sat seemed to form a formation pattern. When they sealed their seals, golden light flashed from the heavenly spirits of these seven people. , but seven pieces of residual gold flew out from their seven heavenly spirits.

After the appearance of the seven pieces of residual gold, they immediately merged with each other and turned into an irregular gold nugget. However, the moment the gold nugget appeared, the strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky again.

A tiger roar erupted, shocking the world, and an endless killing intent instantly filled the air. Those monks around who lacked concentration were even frightened by this tiger roar.

Following the roar of the tiger, a huge white tiger came out!

This white tiger looked extremely ferocious, as if it could devour all living beings. It floated in the air, its fierce eyes swept away everyone with red light, and with a sway, it came to the west of the sky.

Among the Four Holy Sects, the last one to take out the holy weapon was the Xuanwu Holy Sect. After this sect experienced the betrayal of the Holy Emperor, it was divided into two. Coupled with the attack of the Xiuxi Alliance, there was not much left. Although it has multiplied at this moment, the population is still sparse.

Those who come this time,

There were only three old men. When the old man closed his eyes, a wave of water suddenly surrounded him. In an instant, the wave of water rose into the sky and swept across the air. A huge black basalt slowly transformed out of the sky. .

This Xuanwu's expression was a little pale. After he appeared, he looked up to the sky and let out a long hiss. Immediately, the water waves under his feet dispersed in an instant, pushing Xuanwu to the north.

However, compared to the other three holy beasts, this Xuanwu is obviously less powerful.

The four saints return to their thrones, the green dragon in the east, the white tiger in the west, the red bird in the south, and the Xuanwu in the north!

All this sounds like a long story, but in fact it took only a very short time for the Four Saints to appear and surround the world.

Yao Yunzi's face was gloomy, and the ancient demon Tajia next to him was also staring at the Four Saints in the sky, his eyes showing a cold light.

It can be said that the Holy Emperor Suzaku came prepared. At this moment, he waved his right hand forward, and blood immediately flew out of his palm, heading straight for the Suzaku in the south, integrating with it.

Immediately, the Suzaku hissed, and the flames outside his body became thicker, rushing straight towards Tianyunzi and Ancient Demon Tajia below.

At the same time, the same was true for the three holy sects of Qinglong, White Tiger, and Xuanwu. The three holy beasts immediately roared and rushed downwards. The color of the world changed for a moment, and an unimaginable impact suddenly reverberated.

Yao Yunzi had a gloomy face, pointed forward with his right hand, and shouted in a low voice: "The Seven Colorful Tiger Spirit of Destiny!"

As soon as he said this, there was a colorful light flashing in front of him. From inside, a colorful tiger actually appeared. The size of this colorful tiger was comparable to that of the white tiger. After it appeared, it roared and ran straight The white tiger goes away.

“The colorful dragon spirit of destiny!

"The seven-colored mysterious spirit of destiny!

As Tianyunzi's voice suddenly rose up, the colorful dragon and a colorful Xuanwu transformed one by one and rushed out with a roar.

Wu Yunzi himself also made a gesture with his hands and flew straight into the sky.

The ancient magic Tajja stared at the Four Saints, with a hint of fear in his eyes. The appearance of the Four Saints made him look familiar, as if he had seen them in the depths of his memory.

This is not Qinglin's memory, but his ancient demon's memory. The ancient demon raised his right hand and pointed at the sky, and shouted in a low voice: "Sun, moon, star, three burial techniques!" The moment his words came out, a starlight suddenly appeared in the sky occupied by the four saints. The starlight appeared too suddenly, but the moment it appeared, it immediately went straight to the Four Saints.

After the starlight, the moonlight fell from the sky, as if it had set aside the chaos of heaven and earth and fell directly. This moonlight appeared invisible and had no origin, as if it had appeared out of thin air.

After the moonlight, there is the starry sky outside the land of the three wild demon spirits. In the endless place, the moment the ancient demon Tajia used his sunburial magical power, countless rays of light flashed from the void in the starry sky. Go out and condense towards a point.

As more and more light filled the air, the condensed light spots grew larger and larger, and the piercing light enveloped the starry sky, illuminating everything around them.

After absorbing countless rays of light, this light spot grew larger and larger. In almost a moment, it reached a size of several thousand feet. Its light was so dense that if a mortal saw it, his eyes would immediately explode. Even a monk, if If the cultivation level is not enough, the eyes will be stinging and penetrating.

At this moment, this thousand-foot-sized sharp divination ball was like a sun, with a whistling sound, heading straight towards the dust where the demon spirit land was!

Yao Yunzi waved his sleeves and headed straight for the Four Saints in the sky.

Zhuque Holy Sect shakes $! , said calmly: "Look, our Suzaku Saint Sect's ancient sacred weapon actually only has three seals, but these three moves are enough to allow our Four Saints Sect to exist forever!"

The target of his words was naturally Wang Lin beside him. Wang Lin was already extremely weak, but he still gritted his teeth and looked up.

"The green dragon Jiayi wood in the east, the white tiger Gengxin gold in the west, the Suzaku Bingding fire in the south, and the Xuanwu Renkui water in the north! In our Suzaku Sect, the three seals of heaven and earth spirit are Bingding fire!" The Suzaku Holy Emperor made a seal with his right hand and moved forward. He waved and said calmly: "Bing Ling!"

At the same time, the same words immediately came out from the other Three Saint Sects.

"Jia Ling!" "Geng Ling!" "Ren Ling!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the roars of the Four Saints in the sky immediately arose. At this moment, they "turned into four magical weapons! What the Qinglong transformed into was a blue spear, and what the White Tiger transformed into was a golden sword. The Suzaku transformed into a red sword, and the last Xuanwu transformed into a black axe!

The Four Holy Temples transformed into four magical weapons and immediately went straight down. Tianyunzi's seven-colored three spirits, the dragon spirit was immediately penetrated by the spear in the roar, without any stagnation, the dragon spirit collapsed suddenly. Ancient Demon Tajia The starlight spread upwards, and there was a banging sound, but it was completely disintegrated by the penetration of the four holy weapons. Even the moonlight only resisted slightly, and then dissipated with a bang.

The four holy weapons were approaching with a roar, heading straight for the ancient demon Tajia and Tianyunzi. At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly rose from the sky. It was a thousand-foot-long light point in the starry sky transformed by the ancient demon's sunburial technique. The roar is approaching.

This tens of thousands of light points rushed in along the broken world of the demon spirit land. In an instant, the entire demon spirit world was enveloped in light. This sun-burial light is an extremely powerful form of Qinglin's magical power. , although the method used by the ancient demon Tajia after seizing the body was somewhat wrong, the power unleashed at this moment was incredible.

As the light filled the air, four holy weapons immediately filled the air. In an instant, the four holy weapons burst out into a crazy impact, colliding with the light.

The roaring sound suddenly started, and at this moment, the eyes of the Suzaku Holy Emperor revealed a cold light, he pointed forward with his right hand, and shouted in his mouth: "With the will of my Suzaku Holy Emperor, the ancient sacred weapon melts the ground!

At the same time, the other controllers of the Three Saints Sect echoed with shouts.

B place! "Xindi!" "Kwaichi!" "

At the moment when the sound rose and fell, the four sacred weapons flashed and merged with each other, all condensed into the red sword formed by the Suzaku sacred weapon. In an instant, the red sword grew crazily, and in the blink of an eye, the sword grew crazily. It was like the creation of heaven and earth, and behind him, the shadows of holy weapons transformed by Qinglong, White Tiger and Xuanwu appeared.

The red long sword pressed down and went straight towards the ancient demon. It only pressed down a few feet. Immediately, a loud rumbling sound came from the demon spirit. Under this sound, the earth sank deeply, as if It became like a basin.

As for the ancient demon Tajia, his eyes were flashing red, but he couldn't hide the fearful sunlight.

Seeing this scene, the monks from the surrounding alliance took in a breath of air-conditioning, with shock in their eyes. Some of them had heard of the Four Ancient Sacred Artifacts of the Four Saints Sect, but they knew that the power of these four holy artifacts was unprecedented, even in the realm of Kunxu. Extremely afraid.

At this moment, they saw it with their own eyes for the first time. When their hearts were shocked, the almost forgotten Four Saints came to mind again, and they could not get rid of it for a long time.

Mu Bingmei stared at the Four Saints in the sky, and gradually frowned, but after glancing at Wang Lin, his expression was complicated, and he did not pay attention to the Four Saints anymore.

The old man in the Kunxu Realm stared at the sky with a trace of fear in his eyes. He knew clearly that these four holy weapons were not perfect, but had flaws. This flaw was the Xuanwu Sacred Artifact.

"The real Xuanwu Sacred Artifact should be in the hands of the Cultivation Alliance...the former Xuanwu Saint Emperor..." Old Kunxu's eyes flashed.

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