Renegade Immortal

Volume 8 Alliance Secrets Chapter 1101 2 updates

Call upon the wind and rain, and spread the beans to form an army. The landslide and the earth are cracking, the moon is cloudy and the moon is sunny.

Wang Lin has already fully understood the first three techniques of Immortal Emperor Bai Fan's six great techniques. Qing Shui once said that the power of the last three techniques far exceeds the first three techniques and is enough to shake the world!

This landslide technique is the first of the last three moves. Landslide means the collapse of the mountains of heaven and earth. However, mountain collapse is simple in theory, but in reality it is extremely complicated. Mountains have mountain souls. If they are just mountains, It collapses but the soul cannot jump, and its power is only ordinary.

Only when the soul collapses and the body collapses at the same time can one have the power of a landslide! In a land covered with mountains, the power of landslide magic can be unleashed, but this is only the first step.

The real landslide technique should be like clear water in a land without mountains. Use the mind to transform into a mountain, use the form to become a mountain, and use the form to collapse the mountain. Incorporate the immortal power into the divine thoughts and turn them into the soul of the mountain. When the mountain collapses, that is when the immortal power and divine thoughts collapse.

With this power, he can merge with the heaven and earth, transform countless mountain peaks, make it come true from falsehood, and possess the great magical power to collapse the heaven and earth!

The key to this landslide magic is not the split between the mountain and the soul, not the illusion of the mind, nor the fusion of immortal power and divine thoughts, but a true word!

How to make an illusory scene become a real existence, this is the focus of the landslide technique! It is also the most difficult place!

Looking at the eruption of the volcano in the distance and feeling the collapse of the volcano beneath him, Wang Lin opened his eyes, revealing a trace of confusion.

"Wan'er... what is true... what is false..."

Wang Lin's words were destined to be answered by no one. He looked into the distance silently, feeling the fluctuations of the world around him, and his brows gradually furrowed.

"How can a mountain that is illusory with spiritual thoughts become real..." Qing Shui did not tell Wang Lin clearly about this.

The thoughts about Qing Shui remained in Wang Lin's mind. It's also very vague.

It seems that Qingshui's wish for all this is for Wang Lin to understand it himself, rather than passing it on to him.

" it like life and death, cause and effect..." Wang Lin closed his eyes again and kept thinking. Outside his body, the volcano continued to erupt, becoming more and more violent. It pulled the volcano further away and began to erupt.

For a moment, Wang Lin was surrounded by almost endless magma, forming a continuous sea with no beginning or end.

Time seemed to be eternity, and no one knew how long it had passed. When Wang Lin opened his eyes again, he was still confused. In silence, he patted the coffin in front of him with his right hand. Immediately, the coffin turned into a stream of light and disappeared. Wang Lin stood up and stood up. Under the leap, he actually drilled directly into the crater.

Thick magma erupted. But he couldn't stop Wang Lin. He galloped through the magma in the volcano, and gradually reached the deep bottom of the volcano.

Sitting there cross-legged, Wang Lin made a secret gesture with his hands and suddenly waved to both sides. His eyes were revealed and he closed them again.

"I don't care whether it is true or false. If there is no truth in the things in this world, then naturally there will be no falsehood. True and false are just a kind of existence. Whether it is true or false, it is all relative, and it is related to life and death. Same!

If there is no life in this world, then naturally there will be no death. Without the cause, there is also no effect... Mo Zhi once said before that all artistic conceptions are the perception of the mind, and everything appears only when the heart moves..."

The moment Wang Lin closed his eyes, the fire energy in his body immediately surged out of his body, merging with the magma and gradually becoming one.

It was as if at this moment, he was magma!

After merging with the magma, Wang Lin's fire elemental power filled the air again. Fusion with the volcano wrapped in magma, and finally, became one again.

There is no end. As Wang Lin's fire energy spreads, magma, volcanoes, billowing black smoke, and the fire energy between heaven and earth all merge into one at this moment.

At this moment, Wang Lin felt a breath of vicissitudes of life slowly coming from the volcano. This breath of vicissitudes of life was the soul of the volcano!

The moment he felt the soul of the volcano, the soul in Wang Lin's body transformed from his body and merged with the volcano again.

At this moment, Wang Lin had a feeling that he was the volcano!

The vicissitudes of the volcano soul, fused with Wang Lin's soul, allowed Wang Lin to vaguely see scenes. He saw a burning planet, and as the earth shook, a mountain peak was gradually born. The interior of this mountain peak is filled with fire energy.

As the years passed, the fire energy gradually turned into magma. Finally, after reaching its limit, the top of the mountain collapsed and thick magma spewed out.

After he saw the mountain erupt, it gradually calmed down. He saw a ferocious beast that could only survive here roaring past, and saw the former disciples of the Suzaku Holy Sect flying.

As the heat wave blew in, some plant seeds that could exist here fell on the mountain peaks, and gradually turned into red grass. All over the mountains and plains, they wither and grow again.

The cycle continued. After an unknown amount of time, the earth shook and the mountain peak erupted again.

Tens of thousands of years passed by in front of Wang Lin's eyes. Gradually, Wang Lin seemed to have forgotten his original intention and his identity as a monk. It was as if he had really become this volcano and the soul within it. .

Those volcanic eruptions seemed to be his catharsis again and again. At this moment, Wang Lin unknowingly had an enlightenment.

"I am the anger is the landslide!" Following the realization, Wang Lin's mind suddenly spread crazily to the surroundings. In the blink of an eye, all the volcanoes around him were within his mind.

His mind was spread out, integrated into the volcanoes everywhere, integrated with the mountain body, and in touch with the mountain soul. More pictures flooded into Wang Lin's mind.

He saw more volcanoes collapsing and felt more of the mountain's wrath. As the soul dispersed again, it gradually filled all the volcanoes on the entire planet.

At this moment, he seemed to have thousands of clones, each one a volcano!

"This is..." An elder of the Suzaku Holy Sect suddenly opened his eyes while sitting cross-legged, with confusion in his eyes. But immediately, he suddenly looked in the direction of the volcano where Wang Lin was.

"It's the Holy Emperor!" Although this aura has been vicissitudes of life, the old man is an elder and has reached Nirvana. Naturally, he recognized it immediately, but he was extremely shocked in his heart.

What shocked him was that although this aura was that of the Holy Emperor, it was completely different from the little monk in his memory. In his opinion, the Wang Lin before was just a Nirvana monk who had practiced for less than two thousand years. Although they, the elders, agreed with Wang Lin on the surface, they were actually a little dissatisfied.

But now, the vicissitudes contained in this aura made even him feel like a junior in front of it! In shock, the old man immediately jumped up, and when he flew into the air, he immediately felt the appearance of the other three elders on the cultivation star.

The consciousness of the other three people was shocked, obviously it was exactly the same as what the old man found.

At this moment, all the members of the Suzaku Holy Sect on the Cultivation Star suddenly woke up from their meditation one by one. They could clearly feel that at that moment, there seemed to be an extremely vicissitudes of spiritual thought sweeping through them.

If that was all, although the four elders were a little shocked, it was not enough to affect them too deeply, but the next scene made these four elders take a breath!

This spiritual thought swept across and filled the entire Cultivation Star. Suddenly, all the volcanoes in the Cultivation Star seemed to have awakened, and they erupted at the same time. The rumbling sound made the entire Cultivation Star tremble, and the entire world was completely engulfed. The earth-shattering rumbling sound replaced it.

At this moment, the vicissitudes of life contained in the spiritual consciousness increased sharply, as if all the volcanoes had been gathered together, and they had a feeling of time!

The sky was shrouded in black mist, and the ground was flowing with red magma. At this moment, the expressions of the four elders changed drastically.

"All disciples of the Suzaku Sacred Sect, leave this cultivation star immediately!" A low roar roared like thunder from the mouth of one of the old men, and everyone saw the members of the Suzaku Sacred Sect flying up one after another and heading straight for the starry sky.

These four old men also rushed out, taking all the clan members on this cultivation star with them. In the starry sky, everyone looked panicked, and most of them didn't even know what was happening.

The faces of the four old men were extremely gloomy, and they felt strong dissatisfaction with the new Holy Emperor who caused all this!

But the moment their dissatisfaction first appeared, the divine consciousness that permeated the entire cultivation star suddenly spread again. This time, it actually spread into the starry sky, passing over each and every member of the Suzaku Saint clan, in this burning star. continues to spread within the domain.

With the expansion of this spiritual consciousness, another cultivation star was filled in and immediately merged with it.

The breath of vicissitudes of life is even stronger...

On the Cultivation Star, many panicked members of the Suzaku Saint Clan also flew out.

As this divine consciousness spreads, all the cultivation stars in the star field will eventually merge with it. As it continues to grow, an unimaginable huge divine consciousness gradually appears in this burning star field!

All the members of the Suzaku Saint Clan flew out of the cultivation stars, as did the big heads and others that Wang Lin was familiar with.

At this moment, in the four holy sects in the eastern part of the alliance star field, outside the burning star field where the Suzaku Holy Sect was located, there was a wave of ripples, and a person walked out of it!

This man is an old man with gray hair and wearing a red robe. If Wang Lin sees it, he will definitely recognize him as Yan Leizi!

Almost as soon as Yan Leizi appeared, there were ripples echoing in the distance, and a person walked out of it!

As soon as this person appeared, a cold air spread out. He was a middle-aged man, wearing a green shirt. He looked extremely handsome, but his face was pale, as if he were dead. But the fluctuations in cultivation coming from him made Yan Leizi's pupils shrink.

"Luo Tianyan Leizi?" The middle-aged man glanced at him with cold eyes.

"One of the nine kings of the Corpse Yin Sect, I just don't know which king you are!" Yan Leizi's voice was calm, but his eyes were fixed on the middle-aged man.

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