Renegade Immortal

Volume 8: The Secret of the Alliance Chapter 1135: The Power of the Ancient God

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The moment the huge Gu Ya's eyes opened and closed, the spatial crack he was in suddenly fluctuated violently, as if there was an unimaginable breath, filling the entire spatial crack in an instant "making the crack suddenly unstable, as if it could be destroyed at any time." Like being torn apart.

The eyes are as calm as the dead sea, revealing the vicissitudes of time, and the rough skin is like the dry and cracked earth on an abandoned star. Looking at the sky silently, this giant's face gradually turned ferocious.

Above his eyebrows, there are eight dim ancient god star points, but at this moment, with the opening of the giant double suns, and with Su Luo from the eternity, the first ancient god star of these eight star points , slowly a light appeared.

The rumbling sound suddenly spread through the cracks in the entire space at this moment. This sound far surpassed the thunder, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear it. The sound is like bones rubbing against each other, like a magnetic collision.

That body was comparable to several comprehension stars, and a planet in front of him was like a toy-like ancient god, who slowly sat up. The distance between when he lay down and when he sat up, if a monk who can't shrink into an inch, it would take several hours to fly...

Wang Lin stared blankly at the gigantic ancient god in front of him. The moment he got up, a storm swept across him, causing him and the people around him to back off together. Only the old man in black, with a strange light in his eyes, stared at him. forward. Compared with the ancient god in front of them, the bodies of these monks seemed to be countless times smaller than ants.

"I am an ancient god, Tuo Sen!" A mighty voice echoed buzzingly. Under this voice, the cracks in the surrounding space suddenly appeared large fragments. The eight kings of the Corpse Yin Sect were pale and wanted to retreat. But in front of this huge ancient god, there is no retreat at any distance. This... this is God..." Yan Leizi's complexion became even paler, staring blankly at the unimaginable body of the ancient god, with his cultivation level, he felt a rare sense of powerlessness in his heart.

Wang Lin's cultivation base was the weakest. Under the echo of the sound, no blood spewed out, but his body had more cracks in the crackling sound. Among them, a crack in his chest had already penetrated the front and back, and his complexion turned iron black. This is a sign that the primordial spirit has been severely wounded and the body is about to turn into rock.

Those who entered this space crack together were some Nirvana Broken monks who came before. They were not many in number, and they were all stunned at the moment. What they saw made their minds almost collapse. Especially the sound of the sound made the souls of these monks unstable, like thunder exploding in the ears, and countless echoes appeared in the ear canals.

The eyes of the ancient god who was sitting up gradually turned cold, and the second star point between his brows also had a crystal light, and it gradually lit up. If you look carefully, you can vaguely see that within the already lit ancient god star point, As if there is something special there...

He looked at the monk floating in front of him,

Raising his right hand is like a mortal driving away flying insects in front of him. That arm, which is comparable to a comprehension star, sweeps across at this moment, and a strong wind suddenly blows, and there is a force that people can't resist at all.

As if in front of the ancient gods, the starry sky has no distance. From when he raised his right arm to when he swung it, it seemed that there was only a moment, but this moment, falling into the eyes of the surrounding monks, replaced the eyes in their pupils. all the world. Boom boom boom!

The deafening roar was still heard in the distance, and the huge arm of the ancient god was approaching. It is impossible to describe the speed of this arm. A Nirvana Broken cultivator at the front couldn't dodge at all. Jue circulated the whole body's cultivation base, and layers of supernatural protection suddenly appeared outside the body. After superimposing, tens of thousands of layers of protective light appeared in a blink of an eye, and his body retreated even more, trying to resist serious injuries. Comprehension star-like arms.

The arm suddenly approached, and it was magnetized to the protective light layer outside the body of the poor man. The superimposition of tens of thousands of light layers, in front of the ancient god's arm, was as fragile as a thin piece of paper!

With a bang, the tens of thousands of protective light layers outside the monk's body, the outermost one and the innermost one, collapsed at the same time! In fact, there is still some difference in the timing of their collapse, but the difference is negligible at all, because the huge arm didn't stop at all, it just simply swept over.

The layer of light collapsed, and the cultivator in Xin Shan who had practiced Taoism for more than ten thousand years and reached the early stage of Nirvana, his body suddenly turned into a flower of blood while laughing miserably, as if blooming on the arm of an ancient god.

And his primordial spirit also dissipated, turning into a mass of heaven and earth primordial force, which was sucked in along the rough crack on the ancient god's arm.

The moment the ancient god's arm continued to swing without stopping, the old man in black's eyes lit up strangely, and he took a step forward, spanning countless distances, and appeared in front of the sweeping ancient god's arm.

Compared with that huge arm, the old man's body is really insignificant, even completely negligible, but the old man looked calm, raised his right hand, and clapped forward!

With a bang, it was as if countless sky thunders exploded between the old man and the ancient god's arms, turning into a world-shattering thunder. The arm that seemed to never stop when it was waving stopped in front of the old man. Palms together!

At this moment, the gust of wind seems to have just caught up to the speed of the ancient god's arm and blew on the old man. This wind can blow mountains to collapse, and can blow people's flesh and soul to death. The Lun scarf on the pale silk split from the middle with a snap and floated backwards.

The old man was dressed in black, and at this moment, he was also walking backwards and blowing, seven cracks appeared on the sleeves, and the hem of the sleeves fluttered into flying ash and disappeared in the world...

The skin on the palm of his right hand that touched the ancient god trembled, as if there was a layer of ripples echoing under the skin, passing the right hand, echoing along the arm and echoing in the body, the ripples extended all the way, the sleeve of the old man's right hand, there was a lot of squeaks. After several cracks, it finally rolled off and floated behind the old man, turning into a piece of fly ash.

The old man raised his head, his eyes burst out, and his complexion became strangely rosy. He suppressed the blood that was about to spurt out of his throat, raised his left hand in a long smile and tapped five times in a row on the back of his right hand!

The first fingertip fell, and in this closed space crack, immediately there was a force that seemed to break it invisible, and the astonishing powerlessness of the world pervaded thousands of miles, turned into a storm, and spread along the back of the right hand. On the arm of the ancient god.

Just spreading for thousands of miles is obviously not enough to fight the ancient gods. When the old man's fingertip fell for the second time, within a radius of one hundred thousand miles, one million miles, ten thousand miles, there was immediately a powerless and crazy surge that could destroy the world. Turning into those five fingers, forming a peak force, rushing into the arm of the ancient god. All of this happened in a flash, so quickly that the monks around had no chance to react.

But hearing the sound of bang bang, the huge arm of the ancient god was shaken away by the old man, and he retreated, separated from the old man's palm, but on the arm of the ancient god, it was clearly Left a black handprint!

"As expected of the eight-star ancient god of the royal family who is out of the rules in the rumors, only Kong Nirvana can fight with it! Compared with an ordinary eight-star ancient god that the old man participated in killing back then, the gap between the earth and the sky is fundamental! "

The old man stepped back, his ruddy complexion dissipated, and was replaced by paleness, but his eyes were as bright as the moon, with a hint of fighting intent.

Taking seven steps back, the old man suddenly raised his head, and with a dash, he actually landed on the arm of the ancient god in one step, jumped up with his strength, and went straight to Tuo Sen's face like a shooting star!

Tuo Sen's eyes were always cold, showing contempt and arrogance. With a shake of his right hand, the unreadable handprint on it immediately collapsed, and his huge body slowly stood up under the echo of the booming sound!

Under this station, the sky stands upright, and there is a bird like a bird of heaven, descending on the sky with a bang. Especially between Tuo Sen's eyebrows, after two star points lit up, crystal light also appeared on the third star point, and gradually brightened, but in the depth of the third star point, there was a faint hidden Things... can't see clearly, can't feel.

Only Wang Lin stared blankly at Tuo Sen in front of him, especially the star point between Tuo Sen's eyebrows, which seemed to be extremely far away, and was shocked. In his memory, he knew the magical power of an eight-star ancient god of the royal family, but He only knows the name of this supernatural power, and the specific method of performing it does not exist in his memory. "Smelting stars in the sky!"

"Trash!" The buzzing voice echoed, Tuo Sen waved his hands, and the wind blasted the sky, and he swung straight at the old man. It was as fast as shrinking to an inch, and he was close to the old man in an instant. Larsen's two arms , like two huge comprehension stars, crazily colliding towards the old man.

The old man's complexion became rosy again, his clothes bulged out, and he stretched his arms to the left and right. The endless powerlessness of the world suddenly condensed in the low drink, and there were glaciers outside the old man's arms. Outside the glaciers, there were The sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​fire, there are countless mountains, and beyond the mountains, there are endless thunder...

Under the layer upon layer superposition, these countless supernatural powers appeared instantly, and as the old man stretched out his arms, he attacked the arm of the ancient god who was bombarded.

All of a sudden, the crack in the space trembled violently, and the sound of booming continued. From a distance, it seemed that there were countless fireworks constantly blooming on Tuo Sen's arms.

But these supernatural powers only made Tuo Sen's arms pause for a moment, but for the old man in black, this piece of ke was enough for him to rush out of Tuo Sen's arms, stepping on the void, and head straight for his head and go.

"Wujizi!! If you don't show up now, don't blame the old man for not keeping the promise of the past. If you hide here, you may have forgotten the agreement between you and me in the past!!" The old man in black shouted as he walked forward. Xianni

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