Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1164: 3 Questions

In the fifth-order star field of the sea of ​​clouds, in the hazy star fog, there is a huge spirit beast with a body of more than three hundred feet at this moment. .

On the back of this ferocious tiger spirit beast, more than thirty people sat cross-legged. They all looked calm and meditated with their eyes closed. These people were both male and female, and their bodies exuded fluctuations in cultivation.

Right in front of them, beside the unicorn of the fierce tiger spirit beast, stood a man. This man was middle-aged, and he was dressed in a purple robe without any wind. 0 Behind the man, followed respectfully by an old man, staring forward with him. "Sovereign, according to the speed of tigers and beasts, we will reach Moro Continent in one day." The old man said softly.

These people are the monks of Zi Dao Sect. Originally, they would not come to Moluo Continent for so long. However, due to the matter of Danfang and Yu Jian, the sixth-level star field sect invaded, and Zi Dao Sect had to postpone their visit. The period of Morro Continent.

After dealing with all the trivial matters and cooperating with the search of the sixth-order star field, Zi Daozong immediately dispatched and embarked on the road to Guiyuanzong.

His gaze was always on the Xingling in front of him, as if he was thinking, the middle-aged man nodded after a long time, and said calmly: "There must be an answer to the matter that tatsu solves."

The old man was stunned, he didn't understand the meaning of the words of the most honored person in Zi Dao Sect, in his mind, going back to Yuan Zong was easy at hand, so there was no need for any answer. "Sovereign ▲ 1111" the old man was about to speak, the middle-aged man shook his head and said = "You don't understand that chaos is about to break out, and the sea of ​​clouds is not calm. The old man is calm and silent." For a Danfang and Yutong, not only six Clouds of ranks are coming, even monks of the seventh and eighth ranks are coming, is it worth it..." The middle-aged man seems to be talking to himself, and there is always a trace of haze between his brows. "The pill formula and jade slips are too expensive after all. It will inevitably make people excited. "The old man said lightly from the side.

"The elixir is an ominous thing. The first time it appeared that year, it caused a catastrophe in the sea of ​​clouds. This time it appeared for the second time... I don't know who took the elixir. The longer the elixir is exposed, The scope of the catastrophe will increase." The middle-aged man shook his head and let out a long sigh. "According to the investigation, it was the poison woman from the Five Poison Sect who took the pill formula and the jade slips and hid them." The old man hesitated and said in a low voice. "Don't underestimate the old monsters of the sixth-order star field sect!" The middle-aged man smiled slightly.

The old man was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, and said puzzledly: "Could it be someone else?"

"If that poisonous woman really took it away, would the Five Poison Sect still exist?" The middle-aged man showed wisdom in his eyes, and said softly: "With the cultivation of that poisonous woman, how can it resist Shi Luoxing's self-destruction? How could he not reveal his whereabouts under such a search? How could he kill Hua Qingzong Qian Guizhong on the way to escape!

That Qian Guizhong's cultivation is Broken Nirvana, who can, in a short time of incense stick,

Before Hua Qingzong's second wave of monks arrives, kill them! "The old man took a deep breath, his mind was shaken, and it took him a long time to recover, his eyes showed horror." Qian Guizhong of Hua Qingzong was killed! "He obviously didn't know about it.

"The poisonous woman can't do all of this. Only the mysterious monk who has really obtained the jade slip and the alchemy can have such strength. This person killed Qian Guizhong Ying because he had no choice but to do so when he left the barren continent. , met Qian Guizhong, which aroused suspicion, so I had to take action." The eyes of the middle-aged man showed admiration and pity.

"The ruthless style, the decisive shot, and the clean and tidy killing of Qian Guizhong, even shifted the target of those sixth-level monks to the poisonous woman in a hurry before, setting off a fog and winning the initial battle. For some time, before the sixth-level monks could react, they successfully escaped from the blockade they set up. Even if I were to change places with him, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do this.

More importantly, this person's mind is very deep, I don't know if he shifted his target to the poisonous woman for other reasons, if he really sees through the truth of this matter, so he put the blame on the poisonous woman, then this person His mind has become a demon! The look of pity in the eyes of the middle-aged man became stronger. The heart of the old man beside him was beating, and he pondered for a moment, but he was still a little puzzled.

The middle-aged man didn't look back, but he seemed to be aware of the old man's embarrassment and confusion, and said softly: "If you successfully get the jade slips and pill recipes, it would be a good choice for a sixth-level Xinghuan. It would be a disaster if the Jade Slip and Danfang disappeared after finding the clues. What they need is an explanation! An explanation for the seventh, eighth or even ninth-order star field

The old man's eyes showed enlightenment, and he couldn't believe it. His chest heaved for a moment, and he said in a deep voice: "So they let the Five Poison Gate continue to exist, and they insisted that it was the Poison Woman who did it. Even Qian Guizhong's death , Thinking about it, I must insist that it was done by the masters of the Five Poisons!" The middle-aged man smiled; , whispering as if talking to himself.

"This mysterious monk Congrui gave an explanation to the sixth-order monks. No matter what happens in the end, with this explanation, their disaster will be much smaller. Otherwise, how could there be no broken Nirvana in the search team?" The monks exist, but some monks who are pure Nirvana are searching for a mysterious person who can kill the monk Broken Nirvana within a stick of incense... If I were the head of the sixth-order sect, maybe I would erase all clues for the mysterious monk , won’t let it show the slightest bit, if that’s the case, if you die, you’ll just die from the Five Poison Sect!”

The old man beside him was shocked, looking at the eyes of the middle-aged man in front of him, showing deep reverence and fear, and even a trace of fear.

He has followed the middle-aged man Lu Yuncong for many years, leading him from obscurity to the peak. Zi Daozong was only a small sect in the fifth-order star field three thousand years ago, but in the hands of this person, it is still strong enough. It's not the strongest in the fifth-tier star field, but when it comes to the name Lu Yuncong, even the sixth, seventh, and eighth-tier star fields are known.

"I really want to have a deal with this mysterious monk... I have a hunch that one day I will meet this person..." The middle-aged man's eyes showed hope, and the figure with his hands behind his back was like a tomb in the eyes of the old man. Mountain. The old man sank. Time passed slowly, and the Yun tiger spirit beast galloped through the star fog, getting faster and faster.

When it was only half a day away from Mo Luo Continent, a blue light suddenly appeared in the starry sky in front of it. This blue light was so strange that it actually penetrated the star fog, making the fog also turn into a blue light, as if it had been painted.

The ferocious tiger spirit beast immediately paused, its eyes were vigilant, and there was a hint of fear "roaring at Mang in a low voice, but it didn't dare to go forward at all.

This sudden scene immediately caused more than 30 monks on the back of the tiger beast to open their eyes at the same time. They all looked calm, stood up silently, and stared at the front coldly, without the slightest panic!

Because, they are the monks of the Zi Dao Sect, the core disciples of the Zi Dao Sect, and the direct descendants of the suzerain Lu Yuncong personally cultivated! They have pride, they can die, they can be defeated, but they must not panic, they must be calm before the landslide.

The old man next to Lu Yuncong looked solemn, staring at the strange blue light in front of him. Only Lu Yuncong's expression remained unchanged, quietly looking at the fog in front of him, as if nothing had happened.

The blue mist filled the air, gradually covering a radius of thousands of feet. After a while, the blue mist rolled, and a graceful figure gradually walked out of it. She has blue hair and is dressed in white. There is no iceberg coldness on her delicate face, no early sunshine, but only tranquility and elegance. In the lush and jade hands, a green flute, like a fairy, came out of nothingness and landed in the world.

As the fairy gradually approached, the moment her entire figure appeared, the blue mist within a thousand feet suddenly surged violently, and slowly turned into a substance, becoming a blue spirit dragon with a length of thousands of feet.

This fairy was standing on top of the blue spirit dragon, looking at Lu Yuncong peacefully, her gaze did not fluctuate in the slightest, and it was pure without the slightest impurity.

It's like a secluded pond, which can make people intoxicated, and under its gaze, even the most tyrannical person will calm down, and a trace of self-ashamedness can't help but rise in his heart. "Li Qianmei!" Lu Yuncong kept his hands behind his back, and the sun fell on the woman. Although he was amazed by the tranquility and the beauty of the strange artistic conception in his heart, his expression did not change at all.

"Ninth-order Heaven Breaking Sect, Li Qianmei!" Lu Yun stepped back from the old man beside him with a vigilant expression. He recognized the identity of the other party at a glance. In this sea of ​​clouds star field, the only blue-haired woman, Li Qianmei!

"Qianmei met Brother Lu." The woman smiled and bowed slightly to Lu Yuncong. "Li Daoyou is ridiculous." Lu Yuncong clasped his fists and said with a smile, "Brother Lu, Qianmei has three questions to ask, and I hope Brother Lu can clarify.

"The woman smiled softly, her expression became more serene, and she spoke softly. At the end of her journey, she asked many people the same question, and every answerer was a leader, but in the end, she still didn't get the answer in her heart. In the end, she only asked one of the three questions, and no one can make her ask the second question, let alone the third." Please say. Lu Yuncong nodded. "The first question, what is heaven?" "The woman said softly. Lu Yuncong glanced at Li Qianmei, pondered for a while, and said slowly: "The cage is the sky! "

The woman frowned and looked very charming. After a while, her eyes brightened and a smile appeared on her face, like a lily in full bloom. "Brother Lu's answer is very interesting. Qianmei wants to know, why is the sky a prison?" "This is the second question?" Lu Yuncong smiled. "No, it's the first one. Brother Lu, can you answer?" The woman twitched her blue hair. said softly.

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