Renegade Immortal

Chapter 119 Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness

The cracks in the extraterritorial space are due to the countless years of fighting here, which has brought this place to the brink of collapse. If it weren't for the Cultivation Alliance to strengthen it every once in a while, it would have collapsed and turned into nothingness up.

Those space cracks are connected to a sea of ​​stars, which can be described as boundless, full of tyrannical energy and countless mysterious creatures.

It's not that there are people who have entered the cracks in space and walked out, but those masters in the infant transformation period often move out as soon as they enter. This process is based on the fact that the terrifying suction force in the cracks has not yet been fully activated.

The frightening thing about the space cracks in the outer battlefield is the suction force that even experts in the infant transformation period will turn pale. Under the action of that suction force, even the spiritual power in the body can be sucked out. Not to mention wanting to escape.

These are just one of them, and there are those cracks in space. No one knows where they are linked to. They just learned from the masters who moved out that there is darkness in the cracks, and nothing can be seen clearly. It was completely imprisoned in the body and could not be released.

At this time, in the crack of space, a light spot suddenly appeared, slowly floating in the void, if you look closely, you can see that in the light spot, there is a group of soul fire, which is flickering weakly.

Time passed slowly, and I don't know how long it took, the light spot has been floating in nothingness, and the soul fire in that picture is slowly showing signs of dissipating.

Years passed by in a flick of the finger, and the light spot completely dimmed, and the soul fire in the picture had only flames left.

On this day, suddenly a huge shadow floated towards the light spot from a distance, and after getting closer to look carefully, the shadow was a huge corpse.

This corpse seems to be the same as that of the troll tribe, but if you look carefully. But it was found that on the forehead of the corpse, the rubbing was not a hammer, but an axe.

A black axe!

If there are troll clansmen here. Will recognize it immediately. this axe. It means that this person is the ancestor demon of the troll clan. Or rather. It is the ancient demon race.

In the moment of contact with that light spot. Suddenly, a thread of tobacco came out from the corpse. It turned into an illusory creature with two horns in midair. The creature stared greedily at the point of light. Move your body. Jump towards the point of light.

the creature. It is a mysterious species unique to space cracks. It devours all matter. Whether it is a corpse or a magic weapon. Or soul.

At the moment when his whole body rushed towards the light spot. Suddenly he screamed. Want to struggle and escape.

But almost for an instant. His body was immediately sucked in by the light spots. It disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. Only the huge body remained. Floating motionless in mid-air.

After absorbing that creature. The point of light gradually brightened. Its interior is the soul fire of Natu. Also become slightly exuberant.

at this moment. Wang Lin. woke up.

To be precise, it was his soul that had awakened.

The moment he woke up, he had no consciousness whatsoever. Just a fire of the soul. A very "cold" feeling came from Wang Lin's consciousness.

At this time. In his consciousness, there is a big source of fire around him. Although the fire source exuded an evil aura, Wang Lin rushed towards it without any hesitation.

I saw that spot of light, with a swish, drilled in from the forehead of the giant's corpse, and slowly calmed down.

Surrounded by a mass of material that could be called magic fire, Wang Lin's consciousness gradually no longer felt cold, and slowly returned to calm. Time passed slowly again, this time longer than before. During these long years, the corpse that Wang Lin hid has been slowly drifting in nothingness.

I don't know if it's because of Wang Lin's spiritual consciousness, countless tobacco-like creatures like before, took shape in the surroundings, and devoured them like moths flying into the flames, but in the end, each and every one of them was killed. After Wang Lin absorbed it, his consciousness grew stronger and stronger, and the fire of his soul became stronger and stronger.

The more this is the case, the more creatures appear from nothingness, rushing towards here frantically, Wang Lin doesn't know, in the eyes of those creatures, Wang Lin's corpse is like a huge light body, In this dark world, it is unusually bright.

Wang Lin didn't know how long the time had passed. He had been in a daze since he woke up. He only remembered that he had devoured countless creatures. Every time he devoured one, he felt his consciousness became clearer.

Finally, one day, Wang Lin remembered the scene of his own birth, the sixteen years of living with his parents, and the days of the Hengyue School... Finally, he remembered Fuji Huayuan.

A wave of sadness fluctuated in his consciousness, and in the blink of an eye, he understood everything. At the last moment, Situ Nan took the risk to save him, and brought him into the outer battlefield, to the space crack.

The moment it entered the crack in the space, the Tianni Bead suddenly experienced some strange changes. To be precise, it disappeared without a trace.

But Wang Lin could clearly feel at this moment that the Sky-Defying Bead did not disappear, but was integrated into Wang Lin's soul in a way he could not understand. It could even be said that the Sky-Defying Bead melted away from Wang Lin's soul blended together.

It is precisely because of this that those powerful mysterious species will be devoured by him one by one.

Situ Nan did not die, but fell into a permanent deep sleep. The last thing he did before falling asleep was to wrap the souls of Wang Lin's parents in his Nascent Soul and fall into a deep sleep together.

Wang Lin's parents were not cultivators, so they would not have the chance to be resurrected or seized. Wang Lin knew this. He just wanted to keep his parents' souls by his side, and he didn't want them to be scattered.

After he recovered all his memories, he found that his spiritual consciousness was already extremely large, and the giant's corpse seemed to be unable to bear it, and began to collapse.

In desperation, Wang Lin moved away from the giant's corpse with a move of consciousness. The cold feeling reappeared, and he wandered in nothingness, looking for the next corpse to live in.

This process lasted for a long time. Wang Lin was in nothingness. Every time he found a corpse, he would put it in it. Similarly, those mysterious species still kept rushing towards him and being devoured by him.

His consciousness became stronger and stronger, and gradually devouring the powerful species almost became a habit of Wang Lin. He gradually changed from passive devouring to active attacking.

In other words, Wang Lin has been here for too long, so long that he has searched his memory countless times, and he has even conducted a detailed analysis of everything he has done before, and finally After finishing the analysis, he really had nothing to do, and suddenly remembered that he had obtained that book of formations.

He immediately recalled the contents of the book and began to deduce it continuously. Until the basic formation in the book was completely calculated by him, he once again fell into the situation of having nothing to do.

During the countless years here, Wang Lin has seen the exit of space cracks more than once, but his consciousness is too huge, so huge that he can't get out of the tiny cracks at all.

But he found that as his consciousness continued to grow, although he couldn't get out of the crack, every impact would cause the crack to show signs of collapse, but this kind of impact could only last for 1 at most. 2 times, after that the crack will automatically disappear.

The 1 or 2 hits couldn't make the crack collapse. Wang Lin knew that this was because his spiritual body was not big enough, so in order to hit the crack, Wang Lin started to devour it crazily.

He completely abandoned the idea of ​​finding a corpse to live in. Instead, he moved quickly in this boundless nothingness. Whenever there was any mysterious substance, he would rush up and devour it directly.

This kind of life lasted for a long time. Every time a crack appeared, he would try to hit it, and the signs of collapse became more and more serious. Wang Lin knew that as long as he persisted, there would be a day when he would collapse after hitting the crack twice.

But as time passed, Wang Lin found that the mysterious species in the void seemed to have completely disappeared. No matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find another one.

So, he increased the scope of his search, and suddenly one day, a body of spiritual consciousness comparable to Wang Lin met Wang Lin. This was the first time Wang Lin discovered that he had a spiritual consciousness similar to his own.

"You have crossed the boundary!" A vague voice came into Wang Lin's consciousness.

Wang Lin was startled, and immediately sent out a divine sense in the same way.

"How can I get out of here?"

"Leave? Why do you want to leave? You can't leave here..." The other party sent out his consciousness, then slowly backed away and disappeared.

Wang Lin was silent for a while. From the words of the other party, he heard a hint of meaning. In this space crack, there should be some spiritual consciousness bodies like him, and there may even be more powerful spiritual consciousness.

Between each other, there should be a similar territory. Once they cross the boundary, there will be a fierce fight, either you die, or I die.

After this unexpected encounter, Wang Lin turned his direction. As a result, he found three spiritual bodies as huge as himself in the surrounding area. Crashing into space cracks.

But Wang Lin's determination to return was extremely firm. After he had been silent for a long time, he thought of a crazy plan. On this day, all his spiritual consciousness spread out, and soon covered his entire territory. The greater the spread of his spiritual consciousness, the more violent the fluctuations.

Wang Lin closely observed every position in the range of his consciousness, and suddenly a tiny space crack appeared in a certain position. Without any hesitation, Wang Lin immediately penetrated into it. At the moment of entering, he resolutely After cutting off that thread of spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness smoothly entered the space crack, and as the crack disappeared, that trace of spiritual consciousness also lost its sense.

Wang Lin didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and continued to wait for the next crack to appear.

(There will be another chapter in the afternoon, don’t worry, I won’t write about Wang Lin’s huge spiritual consciousness, which finally dissipated, and then I went back. If that’s the case, it’s too embarrassing. The answer will be revealed in the next chapter.)

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