Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1200 Dao San

Tao, what is Tao.

Wang Lin's reincarnation of life and death, the cycle of cause and effect, the change of truth and falsehood, each of them is the Tao that he has independently understood, or it is the change of his thoughts, from an unknown little monk all the way to what he is now. He can already stand among the powerful. This change is also the growth of Wang Lin's life.

From the cycle of life and death, he saw through life and death, so he could struggle in crisis after crisis. "Searching for life in the realm of death eventually made him have a rebellious intention in his heart, and he dared to go against heaven and became an anti-cultivator.

Covering the stars and slashing the moon, lowering your head and stepping on the sky, this is the path of reverse cultivation, seeing through life and death, no longer afraid! All of these are the obsessions and thoughts brought to Wang Lin by the artistic conception of reincarnation of life and death.

Just because you have thoughts, you will be strong! However, the world is unkind and harms the mood of all spirits! And because of the thoughts of all spirits, they are transformed into square circles and countless ways, making people realize. This is the way of heaven giving alms to all beings, allowing all living beings to practice according to their will. This is to follow the rules and follow the path of cultivation! Wang Lin cannot enter this road!

After life and death, there is cause and effect. After Wang Lin's artistic conception changed for the first time, he was like a great scholar in the mortal world. His thoughts had an epiphany. He was not afraid of life and death and pursued the true meaning of this Tao at a deeper level.

This is the cycle of cause and effect. Having seen through the cause and effect, he clearly understood that everything in the world has its cause and effect. In the pursuit of perfect cause and effect, Wang Lin's life has reached a peak, climbing with his thoughts, and rising again and again. In the cause and effect, he strengthened his Taoist heart and condensed his deeper Taoist thoughts. In his eyes, the world was already different.

That heaven is not my heaven! In the eyes of others, the sky and the earth are huge, and they don’t know where the end is. They are looking for it in the vastness. But in Wang Lin’s view, the end of the world is no longer the point. The sky is the cause and the earth is the effect. This world is actually a cause and effect. He wants to do it. What he wants to know is what kind of world is beyond this sky.

Wang Lin, who has reached this point, has reached the limit of his artistic conception. Just like the circle he drew outside the bodies of Li Qianmei and Lu Yuncong, in fact, he himself is also in the circle.

However, the appearance of Qinglin and the possession of the Tianni Pearl caused Wang Lin to undergo transformation again after reaching the limit of cause and effect. His artistic conception rose and he began to explore the origin of truth and falsehood.

The way of truth and falsehood is a deeper understanding. Ordinary people simply do not have the qualifications and opportunities to explore it. This has already touched the edge of the way of heaven. If you go further, it will go straight to the core!

For countless years, it is not that there are no monks who have reached this point in artistic conception, but there are too few... Artistic conception determines the cultivation level, and different depths of artistic conception will also bring about earth-shaking differences to the cultivation level.

What Wang Lin pursues is where the great road lies. Although it seems to be the same goal as others, in fact, due to his perception of the artistic conception, the end he sees is

In fact, it has exceeded other people's daily targets.

Wang Lin drank all the liquid made from three eleventh-level elixirs. His enlightenment did not end, but continued. The cracks in the storage in front of him moved with his thoughts, and bottles of elixirs were inside. The medicine flew out. These medicines were obtained from Penglai, and were found in the eighth, ninth, and tenth levels.

Forgetting time, Wang Lin picked up the elixirs one by one in the realization, but did not swallow them. The moment those elixirs approached Wang Lin, they immediately collapsed, and the beast souls inside them were immediately involved. In the whirlpool formed by countless thoughts around him, Wang Lin confirmed it. There are more and more mixed Dao thoughts, spreading to the surroundings again.

The confused eyes of those who were lost outside the valley gradually gained a glimmer of light, and the illusory bodies of those floating in the air gradually gained a sense of substance. Those twelfth-level ferocious beasts no longer have a thousand ferocious flames.

Cang Songzi struggled hard to hold on to her mind, as if she could be overturned at any time in the storm of luck thoughts. There are more and more Dao thoughts outside the valley.

The Colorful World seemed to be filled with Taoist thoughts abandoned by Wang Lin, and then became distorted, as if there were countless thoughts colliding in this colorful world.

Spreading 7-, even the deepest parts of this colorful world are like this.

As he continued to realize, Wang Lin's mind gradually drifted out of his body. He saw the valley where he was, saw himself sitting cross-legged in meditation in the valley, and saw pills flying in front of him. One by one they collapsed.

His mind slowly spread out, with the valley as the center, and spread out in all directions. Those who were closest to the aspiration were all shaken when Wang Lin's mind swept over them.

Those lost people and ferocious beasts were all like this. Even the cang pine tree had its Taoist heart collapsed, its face was pale, and its eyes were blank.

All this did not arouse the slightest interest in Wang Lin. His mind kept wandering and he saw a strong man sitting cross-legged and meditating in a cave on the top of the mountain. The strong man's eyes were frightened at this moment, and he stared blankly ahead. No words can come out of my mouth. Until Wang Lin lost his mind, the strong man did not recover from the shock.

Wang Lin's mind circled the entire periphery, passing through the caves that existed everywhere, and went to the ring-like mountain range like a wall. However, on the way, he saw the valley below the mountain range.

Outside, there is a formation where the forbidden life and death and the forbidden destruction are merged together. I saw the pale old woman in blue shirt who was meditating with her eyes closed inside the formation. The old woman in blue shirt was confused at the moment, and there were faint signs of splitting. Her appearance was changing rapidly, sometimes old, sometimes vicissitudes of life, sometimes middle-aged. Year.

The old woman did not stop Wang Lin's mind, and continued to spread into the mist in the ring mountain range. The thick fog could not stop his mind from filling up at all. He saw two mountain peaks wrapped in the forbidden curtain in the fog.

The age ban also failed to stop Wang Lin's mind, causing him to extend his way into the first mountain peak. There was nothing but a stone tablet. There were no words on the stone tablet, but there was a sense of vicissitudes of life! But in Wang Lin's eyes, the vicissitudes of life gradually disappeared, and the entire stone tablet seemed to be a magic weapon.

Following Wang Lin's mind to the second mountain that was wrapped in the forbidden time, he saw the huge stone statue standing outside the mountain, and saw a huge stone gate in the middle of the mountain. There was a mark of lightning on the stone gate.

His mind passed through the stone door and saw a colorful light floating inside. Within each colorful light group, there was a sealed beast soul. Starting from the seventh level to the thirteenth level, all of them had eleven ▲r,

When he arrived at the cave, a young girl who looked very similar to the old woman sat cross-legged with an ashen face, as if she were in a bad mood, but her body was constantly trembling.

Wang Lin also saw a place hidden in this mountain peak. The space where he got up, where he found the stone tablet again, and found half a skeleton nailed by two colored nails under the stone tablet.

At this moment, his mind was completely attracted to the skeleton, and fell on the densely carved characters on the skeleton.

It seemed like there was thunder. The god roared, and Wang Lin's originally calm state was suddenly disturbed by madness and underwent drastic changes. His mind was concentrated on the bones, and each word seemed to be deeply engraved in his heart. The words were exactly the sounds that echoed in his mind before. "▲r, 11.11 to the cultivation practice 11.111

Wang Lin's mind was fluctuating for an unknown amount of time, containing a sense of confusion. He left here and spread further, passing through the mist-shrouded land and entering the deepest part of the colorful world for the first time. .

There was also fog here, but it was thicker, but it still couldn't stop Wang Lin's mind. He saw three young people in strange clothes in the fog, especially the one with the crescent moon totem between his eyebrows. He had seen... …"This place is very mysterious. What makes me feel most strange is that here, I can feel the aura of my ancestors of the Thunder Clan." The young man with the lightning mark between his eyebrows said slowly while walking.

The young man behind him with the flame mark on his eyebrows rubbed his brows and looked very gloomy. He said calmly: "It's really weird. After entering here, I always feel a summons emerging in my heart, especially since Zu Teng actually has desires." The illusion of leaving my body." The young man with the crescent mark at the end looked around cautiously, his eyes flickering, and he was about to speak, but at this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Wang Lin's mind swept past the three young men. At this moment, the body of the young man with the lightning mark between his eyebrows suddenly trembled. His mind was thunderous, and the mark between his eyebrows flashed violently in an instant.

The young man next to him with the crescent mark between his eyebrows was trembling as if he remembered something, but he was not sure. His face was pale and his mind was in a state of confusion.

The most shocking thing was the young man with the flame totem between his eyebrows. The moment Wang Lin's mind swept over this man, his whole body seemed to have lost all strength. An indescribable awe crazily filled his whole body. The flame totem between his eyebrows suddenly It burned, as if it was going to burn his body to ashes. Fortunately, this feeling dissipated in just an instant. As Wang Lin's mind left, the pain was no longer there. For a long time, the three of them looked at each other seven times, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes. "What a strong mind!" The young man with the lightning mark on his eyebrows took a breath.

"There must be ancestors of my Fire Bird Clan here, and the power of the mind just now must be the ancestors. Otherwise, my clan's Teng would not have changed like this!" The young man with the flame totem between his eyebrows looked pale, but his eyes were bright. Showing greed, he said in a deep voice.

Only the last person, the young man with the crescent mark between his eyebrows, remained silent. There was fear in his eyes. At the moment when Wang Lin's mind swept over him, a nightmare-like scene in his memory that he did not want to recall resurfaced again. "Could it be... that it's him... it's impossible, how could he appear here..." The young man trembled. "Although this person is strong-minded, if the three of us can break the seal, we may not have no chance of joining forces. I hope you two can help me!" The young man with the flame totem between his eyebrows licked his lips and said slowly.

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