Renegade Immortal

Chapter 123 The Devil

As soon as Wang Lin said this, Zhou Zihong and the three of them suddenly changed their expressions, especially Lin Tao, who immediately turned pale and hurriedly backed away. The wandering spirit rushed towards Lin Tao without saying a word.

Zhou Zihong bit her lower lip, intending to stop it, but she couldn't open her mouth. Senior Brother Yang sighed softly, and a complex color flashed across his face.

Lin Tao deployed all his speed, but did not flee far away, but circled around in a panic, trying to dodge the wandering spirit. Even if he escaped by chance, the extraterritorial battlefield is so big, he can be absolutely sure that he will not be able to return to the teleportation array alive.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Senior, I don't have any friendship with Ma Liang. We have spoken very little in the past few years. Senior spare your life, I... I would like to be your servant, senior spare your life."

Lin Tao said anxiously, at this time the wandering soul was already very close to him, Wang Lin glanced at him with a half-smile, and waved his right hand, the wandering soul immediately stopped.

Lin Tao's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, he didn't dare to wipe it, but stood there respectfully and said, "Senior, must be a master of the higher-level cultivation country, Lin Tao is fortunate enough to be your slave, and there will never be any mischief. I mean." As he spoke, he made a handprint with both hands, and suddenly pressed it on his forehead, and a drop of crystal clear blood came out from between his eyebrows and slowly floated towards Wang Lin.

After the blood beads appeared, Lin Tao's whole body suddenly slumped, his expression was weak, and he looked at Wang Lin nervously. Wang Lin waved his hand, grabbed the blood bead and put his eyes on Senior Brother Yang.

When Lin Tao saw that Wang Lin took the blood beads, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his little life was saved. Lin Tao was very smart, and it could be said that he was the first person to find Wang Lin weird. Guessing that Ma Liang was dead, the junior brother in front of him was taken away, but he didn't dare to say it, and he didn't dare to remind Yang and Zhang.

Lin Tao knew that following Wang Lin was his only way to survive. Even if Wang Lin didn't kill him, he just had to drive him away. He is also bound to die, so there is no need to weigh and consider this matter. The moment Wang Lin ordered You Hun to kill him, Lin Tao understood that the other party had obviously discovered that he knew the truth, so he did not pretend to be stupid and questioned, because that It will only make him die faster.

This is Lin Tao's cleverness. He was very straightforward and willing to become a slave, and he also sent a trace of soul blood to the other party.

After getting his goblin blood. As long as Wang Lin had a thought, he would lose his mind, but Lin Tao had no choice. In order to continue to follow Wang Lin, he had to do this.

At this point he moved. Xun came to Wang Lin's side. Feijian cold light flashed. The tip of the sword pointed to Yang and Zhang. when doing this. He didn't hesitate. I know that since I have become a slave. Do what a slave should do. Even if it's just a gesture.

A man surnamed Yang.

wry smile. Sigh secretly. Without saying a word, slap the forehead. Agreed that a drop of soul essence and blood floated from the eyebrows. Flying to Wang Lin, he found Wang Lin strange. It is speculated that it may be the matter of being robbed. Not slower than Lin Tao. I was terrified along the way. At this time, the words have been picked out. A little measure. Decided to become each other's slaves. After all, compared to life and death. Dignity is nothing. What's more, the other party is obviously a senior from a higher-level cultivation country. Even those wandering souls are afraid to master. Follow him yourself. There may be another chance in the future.

After sending blood. He glanced at his junior sister Zhou Zihong in a complicated way. He comforted: "Junior sister. You..."

Zhou Zihong waved his hand. Looking at Wang Lin. pursed red lips. Whispered: "Senior. You... when you seized the house. Is Ma Liang dead or alive?" Finished speaking. Her eyes were calm. Without blinking, he stared at Wang Lin.

This sentence. From when she noticed that something was wrong with Wang Lin. Just wanted to ask.

Wang Lin glanced at her. He said, "Death."

Zhou Zihong breathed a sigh of relief. No matter whether the other party was telling the truth or not, she didn't want to ask any more. Intuitively, she thought that the other party didn't lie, and the three of her were probably inferior to ants in the eyes of the other party, so there was really no need to lie to them. .

So she didn't say a word and gave away her soul and blood.

Three drops of blood essence floated in front of Wang Lin. He opened his mouth and sucked it into his mouth. Three faint light spots appeared in his consciousness immediately. As long as he had a thought, the three of them would be blown away.

In fact, along the way, Wang Lin didn't hide it at all. As long as he was familiar with Ma Liang before, he would be abnormal. In addition, the upstream soul was afraid of this matter. With a little thought, he could immediately guess seven or seven.

Wang Lin is not a murderer, but if these three people are not smart, then there is no way to do it. The matter of taking the body by himself must not be known to others. As for what happened after he left the battlefield outside the territory, it is very easy to explain. After all Fifty years can completely change a person's character.

After Zhou Zihong, Yang Xiong, and Lin Tao became slaves, their nerves that had been tense were relieved immediately. Standing behind Wang Lin, Zhou Zihong looked at Wang Lin, her heart was quite complicated, she knew that she was beautiful, and she used to be in God of War. In the hall, there were many pursuits from the same family, but they were all rejected by him one by one.

Zhou Zihong once swore that she would never choose a dual cultivator until the stage of forming a pill. But now, she has become a slave, if the other party asks to serve the bed... Zhou Zihong thinks of this, and her heart is even more confused.

She didn't know that Wang Lin had no interest in it.

After collecting the blood of the three souls, Wang Lin stared at the wandering soul, touched his chin, and his consciousness immediately contacted the three neighbors.

"This wandering soul, I want it."

The three neighbors were silent for a while, and after a long time, a reply came.

"Devouring the soul of a new born, there is one thing you haven't figured out. As a soul, you can't leave here."

"The wandering soul is also a kind of soul, but it can't be compared with us in terms of rank, but since it is a soul, it has the power of a soul, and any creature with a soul will be its food. Yes, they are the food I'm waiting for."

"We can't swallow other people's souls directly by swallowing souls. We can only play a powerful role by swallowing wandering souls."

"With the power of souls, those low-level immortal cultivators have no resistance at all. Even high-level immortal cultivators are not afraid, but if the number of wandering souls is large, the result will be the same, and wandering souls, for me, etc., It is both a weapon and a slave, and it is also food. Have you ever thought about what the consequences will be if a soul enters the living space?"

"The new soul swallowing, I can tell you very clearly, once the wandering soul enters the living space, if the number is not large, then it will be a catastrophe. In the living space, the wandering soul is also called the devil."

"If there are too many, then the space of life will become a new space of annihilation, which is where we were before. Among those wandering souls, one of them will eventually become a soul-devourer."

"Between annihilation and life, there is a law of the world, and anyone who delusionally crosses the world will be wiped out."

Wang Lin had never heard of these things before. He was silent for a moment and said, "Then what kind of space is this extraterritorial battlefield?"

"This place is a chaotic place opened up by the fighters of the living world. It exists between living beings and annihilation. Even so, wandering souls still can't get out of the cracks in space. Only when this place is about to collapse, I will wait. Once in, they can come in."

"So, you can't leave at all, let alone that wandering soul."

"That wandering soul, if you like the Divine Seal Throne, I can give it to you, but in the end, you still have to wait with me to return to the silent space. This is the mission of swallowing the soul."

The voices of the three neighbors slowly disappeared, and Wang Lin stood there in a daze, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Zhou Zihong and the three saw Wang Lin standing for a long time without saying a word, their expressions became more and more serious, their hearts all jumped, and they immediately became nervous.

What Lin Tao thought in his heart was whether the other party would not be at ease. If he wanted to kill someone, what should he do.

Zhou Zihong was thinking about the matter of serving the bed, her face showing a look of struggle.

Yang Xiong was even more frightened. He thought more, not only worried about his own life and death, but also a trace of fear. He was afraid that the other party would abandon Ma Liang and also take away his own body.

Wang Lin's face was gloomy, his body moved, and he flew forward, aiming at the teleportation formation. Zhou Zihong and the three looked at each other and quickly followed. As for the wandering soul, he was cautious and followed from a distance.

The further forward, the more corpses the cultivator had, but whenever Wang Lin approached, wandering spirits would burrow out of those corpses, and he quickly moved away, not daring to stop him.

Such a strange scene naturally attracted the attention of the other cultivators who fled here in a hurry. I don't know who took the lead. Following the four of them, Wang Lin continued to fly without even looking at it.

Those wandering spirits hesitated for a while, and after carefully swallowing the cultivator who was at the back, Wang Lin did not stop him, so they immediately swarmed up, screaming in a blink of an eye, and the cultivators scattered and returned to their desperate teams. .

A day later, the teleportation array shook in sight. There were more mummified corpses and wandering souls everywhere. As a result, this place became a restricted area. No monks dared to come. In the moment here, the wandering spirit pounced on him.

Within a radius of ten miles, except for the early survivors in the teleportation formation and the four Wang Lin, there was no one alive.

Looking at the teleportation formation from a distance, Wang Lin pondered a little, and said to the three of Zhou Zihong: "You three enter the teleportation formation."

The three didn't dare to refuse, so they darted forward and flew forward. Fortunately, the wandering spirit seemed to have received an order and did not stop the three. After seeing them enter the teleportation formation smoothly, Wang Lin stepped back, found a place, and sat cross-legged. Down, staring at the teleportation array, his eyes flashed.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and immediately a trembling wandering spirit was sucked in from not far away. Wang Lin stretched out his hand and kept on the teleportation formation. The wandering spirit struggled immediately, but still carried out Wang Lin's order and rushed towards the teleportation formation.

(The monthly pass is not given, and the recommendation ticket is not given. Alas, maybe my writing is too bad. My requirements are not high. Really, one vote is enough, even if the recommendation ticket is enough, one vote is enough.)

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