Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1217 Awakening

The stone statue of Wang Lin in the valley has transformed from the vicissitudes of the old man into a human being in the past six years. It is almost the same as before he became a stone statue. Every time Li Qianmei silently looked at the stone statue, she seemed to see - Wang Lin stood in front of him.

"You promised me that you would give it to me..." Li Qianmei murmured softly, as if talking to herself, but also as if saying

To Wang Lin who became a stone statue.

The acquaintance with Wang Lin always appeared in Li Qianmei's mind during the past six years, and it became more and more profound. However, she sometimes asked herself why all of this became what it was now.

Got it

She couldn't understand, but Wang Lin's figure was getting deeper and deeper in her heart...

What she was thinking more about was that when she fell into trance, she couldn't get rid of the fish's eyes under the water, silently looking at the birds in the sky above the water.

The bird's feathers fluttered when it fell, and the gaze of the bird while drinking water and the gaze of the fish underwater, although it was only a moment, became eternity and existed in Li Qianmei's mind.

" there a past life..." Li Qianmei bit her lower lip. With no more tears, she lifted the blood stains on her ten fingers and once again wiped her body with blood for the stone statue transformed by Wang Lin.

Time once again passed by slowly and unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, it was another year...

During this year, Wang Lin's stone statue absorbed blood faster and faster. Li Qianmei could only rest for half an hour every day. The rest of the time, she had to look at the stone statue. Before the blood on it was completely absorbed, she would Apply again.

Over and over again... This year is almost equivalent to the entire previous six years. Li Qianmei's body has become even weaker... There is not much time to recover. She can only slowly recover under this constant consumption. The vitality is dissipated.

There were still very few elixirs left in Rao's storage space after seven years of transportation. All of them were taken by her and turned into the energy in her body to circulate vitality.

However, the consumption of the elixir is far less than what she dissipates throughout the day. No matter how much elixir she has, it is useless... Because at this moment, Li Qianmei has no time to digest the elixir. She only has half of the elixir every day. hour...

Once there is a gap in the seven years of hard work due to the elixir, her efforts will be in vain...

Li Qianmei's face was dull and without any sparkle. Only her eyes were still persistent. She didn't think about whether it was worth it or not.

Just know that you need to do this, do it by yourself... don't regret it...

This is enough.

After one application, Li Qianmei took out a pill from the storage bag, quickly put it into her mouth, and took all the time to digest it. After half an hour, she gave up continuing to inhale and let the effect of the medicine dissipate. Some of the energy he barely gained in exchange condensed his own vitality again, stimulated the body to produce more blood, and started smearing again...

One month, two months, three months...a woman, with her flexibility, with her

Perseverance, with her determination not to regret, she survived eight years...

She didn't have Li Muwan's lonely waiting for hundreds of years, and she didn't have Li Muwan's lonely piano music, but she had the same persistence, even eight years later, it was still eight years, until the end of her life...,

"You haven't answered my third question yet. I haven't heard you say the third question yet.


Li Qianmei bit her lip and applied it over and over again until eternity.

Eight years later, she didn't even get half an hour's rest every day. The absorption of the fossilized statue by Wang Lin had reached a terrifying level. It would be completely absorbed immediately after applying it almost once. Li Qianmei didn't. After half a moment of hesitation and meditation, it was time to start the next application of blood.

This method made her even more haggard. She had no time to rest and meditate. She was overdrawing her life just by relying on her nirvana cultivation.

A woman can do this, but if she still asks whether she is worthy or not, that is a kind of obscenity.

She had lost the ability to think and no longer thought about anything. The scenes of meeting Wang Lin in her mind turned into a force that supported her through the eighth year.

However, compared with the eighth year, the most frightening thing is that in the ninth year, the speed at which Wang Lin's fossil statues absorb blood has reached a terrifying level. Often, the smeared areas in front of them will be smeared even before they are completely smeared. Dissipate immediately.

As a result, Li Qianmei's limit had been exceeded. Even if she used all her hands, she could not keep up with the speed of dissipation. After discovering this situation, Li Qianmei's face showed misery, and she bit the tip of her tongue without hesitation. Started using the essence and blood of his mind

Blood essence is an extremely important thing for a monk. Its amount can determine everything about a monk. It does not exist in the limbs of the body, but exists on the tip of the tongue and the heart.

One drop of blood is equivalent to the whole body.

After the essence and blood on the tip of her tongue were sprayed out by Li Qianmei, she crossed her knees and kneaded with her hands, turning the essence and blood into blood mist, which filled the whole body of the stone statue. Only with this kind of intense consumption could she keep up with the speed of absorption by the stone statue.

It's just that every time she spurts out semen and blood, her complexion will turn a little pale, and her whole person looks like she's already

However, he is as thin as skin and bones, and the stunning appearance of the past seems to be gone.

But all this changed again in the second half of the ninth year. The speed of absorption of the fossilized statues by Wang Lin accelerated again. Even the essence and blood on the tip of his tongue were no longer enough.

Li Luomei was extremely weak, with despair in her eyes, but when she bit her silver teeth, she waved her right hand, and a small silver sword appeared in her hand, stabbing her heart fiercely.

The blood essence and the sharp pain in her heart made Li Qianmei tremble, but all these did not stop her, but her body became even weaker.

In this unimaginable way, Li Qianmei spent her ninth year and ushered in her tenth year...

"The voice once said that if he can persist in this method for ten years, he may wake up. Now there is only the last year left..." Nine years have made Li Qianmei a completely different person. With the tenth year, When it comes, the essence and blood in my heart and tongue are no longer enough to smear the stone statue.

Li Qianmei chose Yuan Shen Dao Blood... The so-called Yuan Shen Dao Blood means that she has practiced Taoism all her life, comprehended the artistic conception of heaven and earth, integrated into Yuan Shen, and became the foundation of her cultivation. She then refined it and forced it out, turning it into a ball of breath. This breath , is not blood, but it is more precious than blood. The vitality contained in it is everything Li Qianmei has.

In this last year, Li Qianmei also hesitated, but her hesitation turned into a blooming smile when she saw Wang Lin's stone statue. It was as touching as when they met for the first time.

"There is another woman in your heart. I will not compete with you, nor will I let you choose.

You must have been very bitter over the years because of her choice... How can I force you...

It doesn’t matter if you don’t care about me, there are always some things in the world that cannot be pondered or changed... I think that if you were the woman in ℃ in the past nine years, she would be like this, and she would even do better than me. better...

Even that Mu Bingmei, if she knew everything, if she came here, I think she would do it... I don't ask for everything, I just complete the picture that always appears in my heart

In that previous life, you were a bird and I was a fish... Over the years, I have thought a lot and understood a lot. Maybe it is an illusion, I have also seen a lot...

I saw you in the blur, transformed into a flying bird, and you landed twice on the water where I was wandering. Once, you were drinking water, and once, you were injured and fell into the water... I used my strength to After you fell into the water, you were pushed to the shore so that you could breathe and continue to fly away..."

Li Qianmei looked at Wang Lin's stone statue with a gentle smile and closed her eyes. The moment her eyes were closed, the soul in her body was circulating. A vortex suddenly appeared between her eyebrows, and a ball of Dao blood slowly spread out. , fell on Wang Lin's whole body.

Li Qianmei, like a fallen flower, is fading away faster.

But this tenth year seemed to have become extremely long, longer than the previous nine years combined. In the ninth month of the tenth year, Li Qianmei opened her eyes. She looked at the statue and was silent for a long, long time.

Gradually I stood up and looked at the sky, as if I saw myself pushing the flying bird to the shore in my previous life.


Shaking her head gently, Li Qianmei took the jade pendant hanging on her neck. This jade pendant was where her soul resided. Looking at the stone statue, Li Qianmei gently hung the jade pendant on it.

"With everything I have, I can't help you survive these last three months... I can't do it anymore... But I know that all the monks who go to the battlefield of the Demon Sect, as long as they are recognized by the Demon Sect, can be The Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect used his magical power to take out the soul blood and store it. Once he dies on the battlefield, this soul blood can be used to reshape the soul and reincarnate... I was recognized by the Demon Sect back then, and I also left the soul blood. Now I will go and get this Taking out the soul blood may help you survive these three months..." Li Qianmei looked at the fossilized statue of Wang Lin and looked away after a long time.

Around the distant valley, Li Qianmei took out nine flying swords from the storage space and stabbed them around to form a sword array. This sword array was the most powerful among her magic weapons and had helped her kill countless ferocious beasts on the battlefield.

Leaving the sword array behind to protect her, Li Qianmei bit her lip, swallowed the elixir with her weak body, and galloped away. For the first time in ten years, she left the valley, left this wild continent, and went straight to the ninth-level Star Realm Demon Sect. and go

"I don't have much time, and the Life Soul Jade Pendant can only last for about a month. Within a month, I must get back the soul blood, but... the soul blood is not easy to get..."

Li Qianmei turned into a rainbow and disappeared into the starry sky. She could not take away the stone statue Wang Lin had made. The stone statue seemed to be integrated with this wild continent three years ago.

Li Qianmei left and never came back...

As the last three months passed slowly, the woman was no longer in the valley. It seemed that because of her departure, the valley became lonely. The roars of the ferocious beasts on the mainland became more and more fierce. , coming faintly towards the valley.

Just under the sword formation composed of nine flying swords, all the ferocious beasts that stepped into the valley,

They screamed and died one after another. Slowly, the ferocious beast retreated, gradually daring not to come.

One day, two days, three days... In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

The jade pendant left by Li Qianmei hangs on the neck of Wang Lin's fossil statue, exuding a soft feeling.

The glow, as if Li Qianmei had never left, nourishes Wang Lin's stone statue.

With her warmth, with her ten years of care, with her heart, it turned into a force, accompanying the Wang Lin stone statue...

The eleventh day, the twelfth day... until the twentieth day.

Li Qianmei still hasn't come back... She seems to have disappeared into the world without any news, as if this woman has never appeared in this valley. Only the sword formation and the jade pendant bear witness to everything in the past.

The valley was quiet, only the stone statue emitted a crystal light, faintly illuminating the surroundings. "In contrast to the light of the jade pendant, the light of the jade pendant became increasingly dim, like a candle blown by the wind, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Time passed slowly, and on the twenty-seventh day after Li Qianmei left, an old woman in white stepped out from the starry sky in this wild continent where monks rarely came.

The old woman had a gloomy look on her face and held a jade slip in her hand. As she moved forward, she occasionally checked the direction, gradually getting closer and closer to the wild continent.

One day later, in the fog in front of the old woman, the wild continent where Wang Lin was located suddenly appeared.

The old woman snorted coldly and took a step forward, but her whole body disappeared in an instant, and she appeared.

It turned out that she had already stepped on this continent. As soon as she landed, the old woman immediately spread her consciousness and burst out the aura of Nirvana, sweeping across this wild continent.

In an instant, she found the valley she had been looking for all the way.

After noticing the direction of the valley, the old woman's body was as fast as a rainbow, thundering continuously along the way. "With a rumble, the sky suddenly broke through, and she appeared outside the valley where Wang Lin's stone statue was.

"This is it." The old woman frowned and was about to step into the valley. Suddenly, nine sword energies shot out from the valley and came straight towards her, preventing her from taking even half a step.

The old woman's expression was as usual, but there was something complicated in her eyes. She looked at the flying sword and sighed secretly. She waved the jade slip in her right hand forward, and the jade slip immediately came into contact with the nine sword energies.

The jade slip flashed fluorescently, and a soft aura emanated from it, surrounding the nine sword auras. The nine sword auras immediately shook, but gave up all resistance and dissipated into the world.

Without the obstruction of the sword energy, the old woman stepped into the valley and saw at a glance the center of the valley, the stone statue of Wang Lin and the jade pendant hanging around the statue's neck.

Looking at the fossilized statue of Wang Lin, the old woman's eyes showed confusion, and she sighed after a long time.

"Li Qianmei, are you sacrificing so much just for this person? I promised you that I would come here to enchant you with my blood on your behalf. This can be regarded as fulfilling my promise to you." The old woman flicked her sleeves and immediately appeared in front of her. There was a crack in the storage, and a fist-sized flocculent blood ball suddenly flew out from it.

This flocculent blood ball was not real blood, but more like a condensed soul. After it appeared, with a wave of the old woman's hand, it went straight to the statue transformed by Wang Lin and merged into it.

At the moment when the soul and blood merged, Wang Lin's fossil statue shook with a bang, and the blood on it was overwhelming. However, this blood light did not have any evil spirit. Instead, it was a sense of vitality, a gentleness and the company of ten years. …

As the stone statue shook, a breath seemed to burst out from it, and with bursts of clicking sounds as if it was about to rush out, a large number of cracks appeared in the eyes of Wang Lin, who turned into a stone statue, but it was him who was sleeping. For the first time in ten years, I opened my eyes

As his eyes opened, all the stone skin on his face began to collapse one after another, slowly spreading to the surroundings. It seemed that it would take some time for them to all break apart.

With a look of confusion in his eyes, Wang Lin seemed to have had a dream. In that dream, he entered a strange realm, which was the Tao realm...

"Huh, you're awake." A cold voice interrupted Wang Lin's confusion, causing Wang Lin to

His eyes suddenly regained their vitality, and with a flash of light, he spotted the old woman in white standing in the distance.

"You are..." Wang Lin's gaze fell calmly on the old woman. At a glance, he could clearly see that there was a soul running in the other woman's body, and there were all kinds of magical powers flickering in the soul, even in the body of the old woman. Under his gaze, all kinds of magical powers in the opponent's soul stopped changing instantly, as if with a movement in his heart, he could clearly see the root of those magical powers.

As his eyes moved, he came to the old woman's body. On the right side of her heart, there was a seal. This seal was used for healing, but it had existed for no less than a thousand years.

Under his gaze, the expression of the old woman in white suddenly changed, and she subconsciously took a few steps back. Sweat instantly broke out on her forehead. At that moment, she felt as if the other person had seen through her body and her soul had solidified. , even all the secrets in her heart, and the magic that wrapped up her magical powers were all exposed in the eyes of the other party, and she even had a vague illusion of horror, as if the other party could erase all her magical powers from her memory with just a thought.

What made her feel even more terrifying was that her body was seriously injured in a fight with someone thousands of years ago, and was sealed by a healing mark left by the Demon Sect Supreme Elder. It almost collapsed under the sight of the other party, which was enough to trigger almost all the energy in her body. The injuries that were about to heal seemed to be able to reverse a thousand years, causing her to have severe injuries from a thousand years ago in an instant.

"I came from the ninth-level demon sect to save you with Li Qianmei's soul blood. What do you want to do? Do you want to kill me?" Although the old woman was horrified, she always had a bad character. She took a few steps back and stared at the king. Lin Dihe

"Li Qianmei?" Wang Lin was startled.

When the old woman saw Wang Lin's expression, she seemed to have suppressed her shock. With a trace of sadness, she smiled and said: "Li Qianmei, Li Qianmei, you have done all this. It turns out that this person doesn't even know about it. Old body and soul." The blood has been sent to repay your favor. From now on, you and I owe nothing.

The old woman turned around suddenly and was about to leave.

"Fellow Taoist, don't leave in a hurry." Wang Lin had a vague guess in his heart and immediately opened his mouth to say.

Following his voice, the rules in the world seemed to be changing. The old woman in white was shaken and unable to leave. She turned around and stared at Wang Lin, and said gloomily: "Your cultivation level is very high. It's easy to kill me now." Don't let me leave, I don't know why

"I've been unconscious for a long time, but I don't know everything that happened during this period. I hope fellow Taoist will give you more details."

Tell me something." Wang Lin looked at the old woman and spoke slowly.

The old woman sneered and said after a long time: "You want to know? Okay, I'll tell you everything. Do you know a woman named Li Qianmei? You don't have to ask, you must know her.

I don’t know how you two met, but do you know that ten years ago, this Li Qianmei gave up the great opportunity to become a disciple of the Demon Sect, gave up the importance of the Demon Sect to her, and became the first person to leave the battlefield on the way, for Yes, it is said that I met a person in Wuji Sect

The Demon Sect is naturally unwilling to do what she does, and even the Po Tian Sect is quite critical. Once this precedent is set, there will naturally be people who no longer abide by what she has lost. Of course, it doesn't matter to you. Even if you don't It's okay to know

Wang Lin was stunned. He really didn’t know this. He saw it in Wuji Sect.

As for Li Qianmei, Li Qianmei didn't say anything about all this.

"Did you know that ten years ago, Li Qianmei left the Wuji Sect and returned to her sect despite her master's orders? But did you know that after she returned to the sect, she was immediately taken over by others? Master sealed the trap to prevent her from leaving. Why trap her for three months? Because at that time, there was a person who was facing a crisis of life and death. I don’t know much about all this, but I guess you I understand

Wang Lin's heart was shocked. He naturally knew that this was the first time he heard about Li Qianmei's time in Potian Sect.

"Do you know that in order to save you, Li Qianmei broke away from her father-like master and died?

In exchange for the opportunity to leave, from then on, I became a person with no family or sect.

"Did you know that in order to revive you, Li Qianmei spent the past ten years smearing your whole body with blood all day long? After the blood ran out, she replaced it with essence and blood. Finally, when the essence and blood were not enough, she replaced it with the spirit of artistic conception.

"Do you know how painful all this is? It has been like this for ten years without interruption.


"Did you know that in the past ten years, except for the last few months, she has never left this valley and stayed with you every day?

"Did you know that in the past ten years, she has used not only blood, but also her life...

Machine, everything about her, she consumed her vitality and merged into her blood to send you, extremely weak

"Do you know that in the end, her soul could not be replaced and she went to the Demon Sect. In what way?

The price is to get back the soul blood and let me give it to you.

"Did you know that even before she left, she would leave the jade pendant of her life soul on your body for the sake of

You moisturize your body, don’t you know all this? You don't know? ? ? "

The old woman looked sad and angry, stared at Wang Lin, and said these words

These words fell into Wang Lin's ears like thunder, making his body tremble violently. He knew, he knew the uninterrupted blood light in Tianni, the gentle warmth, Even within the Dao realm, there is always blood and light that nourishes his soul. What exactly is it?

He lowered his head and reached the jade pendant on his neck. The light of the jade pendant was dim and seemed to be dissipated at any time. What's more, when Wang Lin looked at it, for some reason, a tiny crack appeared on the jade pendant.

"Do you know where she went now?" The old woman smiled sadly in her voice.

"You don't know, you don't know what kind of conditions she agreed to to the Demon Sect in order to get back her soul blood. How could you know this? If I hadn't watched her grow up and was her senior sister, this time in the Demon Sect, Even if Zongba asks her everything, I won’t know..."

"Where is she..." Wang Lin said to his brother Qingcui in silence.

Before she could return, she was even expelled by the Potian Sect. How could the Demon Sect not punish her? If she wanted to regain her soul blood, she would have to pay the price.

In order to get back her soul blood, she agreed to go to the deepest part of the crack battlefield for the Demon Sect, to explore for the Demon Sect whether there was a passage connecting the outside world in the depths of the crack and the world full of ferocious beasts.

If there really is a passage connecting to the outside world, how can she come back safely? Even if there is no connection to the outside world, there is a powerful beast deep in the crack, and she will definitely die.

What's more, at this moment, her vitality has been shattered, her cultivation has been greatly damaged, her life has been overdrawn, and her life has been overdrawn.

How could the Demon Sect survive like this? They wanted her to die on the battlefield as a warning to others.

In order to get back her soul blood, she has gone to the depths of the fissure battlefield. The people of the Demon Sect will not let her come back. Even this soul blood, she can only ask me to send it. You know all this now. She didn't let me tell you, but since you asked, why shouldn't I tell you? Why not tell you? I just want you to know all this." The old woman sneered, and her words were like a cone, piercing the king's heart deeply. Lin's heart.

Wang Lin's body trembled. It would have taken some time for the stone skin all over his body to be completely broken. The moment he heard all this, the cracks on it spread violently, and even collapsed with a loud rumbling sound.

Those stone skins connected with Wang Lin's flesh and blood collapsed at this moment, causing Wang Lin's whole body to become

He died of blood, but how could he care about all this?

The stone statue he turned into was connected to this wild continent. At the moment of collapse, the entire continent suddenly trembled, but in an instant, it collapsed.

The roaring sound was earth-shattering at this moment. The entire continent suddenly collapsed, and ravines were shaking.

Appearing in the midst of the movement, this wild continent suddenly fell apart.

At the moment when the continent collapsed, Wang Lin's whole body rushed out with an extremely powerful aura of cultivation. At this moment, it burst out from his body. This cultivation was so strong that it was enough to shake the world. 1

After appearing, Wang Lin looked at the starry sky, took a step forward, grabbed the old woman with his right hand, and immediately grabbed the old woman.

"Lead the way, I'm going to the demon sect battlefield

Wang Lin's voice was gentle, but it conveyed a majesty that no one could refuse, even if it was the Great Circle of Nirvana.

Full of monks, they can’t refuse and don’t dare to refuse.

"You..." The old woman's spirit trembled under Wang Lin's burst of cultivation aura, and she even lost her consciousness.

Tongdu was unable to transform and dodge at all, and was caught by Wang Lin in the air in an instant.

"I'll save her

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