Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1244 The Flowing Moon

Chapter 1244 Flowing Moon

Time passed slowly, and three days passed in the blink of an eye. Wang Lin sat cross-legged on the huge stone door, in that strange realm, as if he was enlightened, pursuing the changes in the ninth rule.

The mosquito beasts scattered around, but they did not disperse under the dense crowd. Instead, they looked around vigilantly, especially the mosquito king, who simply lay on the stone door next to Wang Lin. A pair of cold eyes looked around him. Scanning slowly, all the mosquito beasts caught by his gaze showed extremely respectful expressions.

Only when his eyes fall on Wang Lin, this mosquito king will be different. His indifference disappears and is replaced by a kind of attachment. It's like a child clinging to its parents.

In fact, in the heart of the Mosquito King, Wang Lin has such an identity.

Next to the Mosquito King, there are four mosquito beasts whose color has reached deep blue, surrounding them like guards, and an aura comparable to the Great Perfection of Pure Nirvana emanates from them.

It can be said that, headed by the Mosquito King, a small mosquito swarm of about 5,000 mosquito beasts has already reached a large scale. Similarly, these mosquito beasts gradually accepted Wang Lin's existence, but this acceptance would immediately collapse without the mosquito king.

Amidst the bursts of hissing, Wang Lin sat cross-legged, silently feeling the rules on the stone door. There were eight rules inside the stone door, but in its aura, the traces of the vicissitudes of time turned into the ninth kind.

Compared with the first eight types, this ninth type can be said to be the strongest! Wang Lin didn't have time to understand them all, so he had to give up the first eight and choose the strongest ninth one.

The desolation of the stone gate and the loneliness revealed in this unfamiliar wind world resonated with Wang Lin's heart. Sitting on the stone gate, he seemed to have become the stone gate, looking at the vicissitudes of the world, looking at the changes in the situation, looking at Watching the changes in the sky over tens of thousands of years, watching the ups and downs of the mountains on the earth.

His heart seemed to be gradually changing.

The nearly two thousand years of cultivation were insignificant compared to this stone gate. But at this moment, when his mind merged with the stone gate, he felt that the years were flowing in his heart.

Just like a painter looking at mountains, rivers and life, there is always an illusory frame that appears and vaguely exists in his heart before bringing it into his heart. Wang Lin sat on the stone door and did not lower his head to look at the stone door, but did not know. When did I open my eyes and look ahead.

His gaze was as calm as the surface of a lake or as calm as an ancient well. But within those calm eyes, there was a hint of recollection, which unknowingly turned into ripples, shaking out Wang Lin's dusty memory.

He vaguely,

It seems that I saw a father on a cultivation star walking with his children among the mountains and rivers. Wherever he talked and laughed, he saw majestic mountain peaks and ripples in the river.

The father took his child with him, constantly conquering mountains and rivers, constantly crossing mountains, rivers and lakes. He even looked up to the sky with his child and shouted in the sea, causing the sea to roar and set off huge waves.

These scenes, filled with the memories of time, flowed before Wang Lin's eyes like water. They were the past where pain and joy coexisted in his life, and they were an indispensable part of his life.

At this moment, Wang Lin was sitting on the stone door. While picking up his memories, he looked at the world and slowly kept everything in front of him in his heart.

"Cultivation of the Tao...actually means bringing the Tao into your heart. This is the cultivation of the Tao. The so-called perception and artistic conception are actually this path. Keep a feeling in your heart, silently experience it, and integrate with the Tao. In the end, it is also the path. It becomes an artistic conception and a thought.”

Wang Lin seemed to be talking to himself, and closed his eyes again while murmuring. This time, although his eyes were closed, he could still see the sky and the earth. In his mind, a majestic stone gate also stood tall.

The only difference was that he was not the only one sitting there on the mountain gate in his heart. There was another figure beside him. It was a child, a child who seemed to never grow up. Perhaps in Wang Lin's heart, Wang Ping, no matter what No matter how long it takes, you are still just a...child.

Wang Ping did not really exist, but was brought out by Wang Lin's memory and illusory. He sat next to Wang Lin, just like when he was a child, silently accompanying his father, watching the sunrise and sunset together with his father. Traveling all over the world, together... we will be lonely.

"If all of this could last forever at this moment and become the beauty of a moment, then life might not have so many regrets and choices."

In Wang Lin's heart, he and Wang Ping were always sitting on the huge stone door. There was originally a blur of nothingness below, but it gradually changed at this moment. The sound of waves echoed, and the roaring was like ocean waves.

An endless expanse of sea water appeared under the stone gate. From a distance, the stone gate seemed to break out of the sea and pierce into the sky. Even if the sea water filled the air, it would remain majestic and motionless.

The sound of the waves became everything in this silent world. Farther away, between the sea and the sky, a round of early sunshine emitted an orange golden glow, which reflected on Wang Lin and his son, illuminating their faces. The back is elongated.

"The sun rises over the sea and into the night, and the years flow like memories... Eternity is not gone, but the eternity of that moment will make people intoxicated, heartbroken, and reluctant to wake up. Keep pursuing it with a smile until it becomes a dream of youth. , forever, eternal, dissipated in dreams.

Ping'er, my father's second magical power is called Liuyue, okay? "

The flowing moon.

The flowing years.

Because it is always flowing, these years have also become eternity. When there is a force that makes this eternity collapse, causing youth to appear in an instant, it is a terrible shattering.

Wang Lin's realization continued. Time passed and seven days passed in the blink of an eye. He had been sitting at the stone gate for ten days.

The mosquito beast is always surrounding the surroundings. From a distance, it looks like a red cloud, gradually surging in the air. The wind blows from here, with a whimper, but it cannot take away the breath of the years above the stone door, nor can it blow away the formation of the mosquito beast. red cloud.

During these ten days, the Mosquito King has been crawling there, waiting for Wang Lin to wake up.

At dusk on the tenth day, from the distant horizon, more than a dozen rainbows came forward cautiously. Among these more than ten rainbows were all the leaders of the eighth-level star field who did not participate in the grand ceremony.

Li Yuanlei was one of them. The group of them were waiting for their friends to arrive outside the crack in the wind world, but unexpectedly they met Wang Lin. They even saw the mosquito beast greeting them with their own eyes, which was shocking.

Afterwards, friends came, and after everyone discussed it, after a few days' delay, they cautiously entered the crack in the wind world and entered the wind world.

However, although they were cautious along the way, they strangely did not encounter any mosquito beasts. This kind of thing made them more surprised than cautious.

As they continued to move forward, they still couldn't see half of the mosquito beast. If they hadn't known about the wind realm they had entered, they would have even doubted whether the mosquito beast had ever existed here.

Many of the many ruins on the earth were originally inaccessible to them due to the existence of mosquito beasts. In the past, when they entered this wind realm, they only moved around on the periphery. As they are now, they are gradually entering the depths. This is the first time in countless years.

The deeper they entered the Wind Realm, the slower and more nervous they became, always observing their surroundings. However, the harvest was quite rich, far exceeding all the previous ones.

On this day, when they were flying, Li Yuanlei suddenly shook. At the same time, everyone around him shrank their eyes and stopped.

Here, they did not dare to disperse their consciousness too widely, but at the moment there was no need to disperse their consciousness at all. The red clouds that almost covered the sky in the distance and the faint buzzing sound were immediately heard. Just make their scalp numb.

After entering this place for nearly ten days, the mosquito beast that seemed to have disappeared appeared in their eyes.

But the strange thing is that if it had been in the past, once a mosquito beast appeared, it would immediately come screaming, but now the mosquito beasts were motionless, not even looking at the dozen people in the distance, just surrounding them. Around the stone gate.

This strange scene made everyone who retreated couldn't help but pause for a moment. They were all extremely vigilant and prepared to run away at full speed if anything went wrong.

"Those mosquito beasts are surrounding..." One of them took a breath, stared at the huge stone door that was vaguely visible in the red clouds in the distance, and whispered.

"Even the elders of our sect here have almost never been this far away, and they must have never seen such a stone gate building. Judging from the appearance of the stone gate, it seems that it was an extremely important altar before the fairy world collapsed. Things." A young man in black among the crowd said softly.

"There is someone on the stone door!" Li Yuanlei, who was the highest in cultivation, faintly saw a figure sitting cross-legged on the huge stone door among the thousands of mosquito beasts.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked, their eyes showed disbelief, and they all looked cautiously. Gradually, as their eyes focused, they all vaguely saw the stone door. Wang Lin sitting cross-legged!

"There's someone sitting there!"

"Who is this person? He can actually calm down and enter meditation surrounded by mosquito beasts!"

"What's even weirder is that those mosquito beasts don't attack this person, but instead seem to be guarding him!!"

"This is impossible. Mosquito beasts have never been tamed. If they encounter monks like us, they will fight to the death. How can we protect them!" For a moment, everyone's hearts were shaken, and they showed a look of horror. They simply couldn't believe what they saw in their eyes. One scene.

"Don't forget, the monk in white clothes we saw outside the crack. Look carefully. Although the person on the stone door can't see clearly, his clothes are white." Li Yuanlei suppressed the shock in his heart and whispered road.

"There is someone who can actually control mosquito beasts. This matter..." The monks around him were all silent, especially those who were latecomers. They did not see Wang Lin, but only heard people around them mention it. They didn't really believe it at first. But at this moment, I had to believe it. The shock in my heart was several times stronger than that of others.

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