Renegade Immortal

Chapter 129 Self-made Devil

Wang Lin glanced at Xu Liguo, who was bowing repeatedly, and was about to speak when suddenly his expression moved slightly. The storage bags of Zhou Gang and the others immediately flew up, and Wang Lin caught them in his hands. At the same time, he waved his right hand, and several fireballs flew out. , fell on the disciples of the Corpse Yin Sect and the corpse puppet, and suddenly disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed Xu Liguo with a big hand, and when Xu Liguo didn't dare to resist, he grabbed him in his hand and quickly flew into the air, turning into a long rainbow and disappearing on the spot in a blink of an eye.

At this time, in the three surrounding craters, the disciples of the other three sects of the Huofen Kingdom came out one after another after collecting the Fenjin Fruits, leaving each other separately.

Wang Lin returned to the cave, put the burning golden vine on the ground, threw Xu Liguo Yuanshen forward, Xu Liguo immediately bowed anxiously and said, "Daoist friend, if you have something to say, you have something to say, as long as you can let me go , I will agree to any request, I was wrong just now, fellow daoist, calm down."

Xu Liguo felt extremely aggrieved. He was a majestic Nascent Soul stage master. Because his physical body was destroyed at the beginning, the Nascent Soul's damage was close to collapse, his cultivation base plummeted, and he couldn't afford the high price of the Nascent Soul's body. Once it is found that it is troublesome to steal the bodies of low-level disciples of other sects, it is better to spend some money and buy one from the corpse Yin sect, so that you can recover with peace of mind and no worries.

However, for a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage, it takes too long for his cultivation to recover, which is almost the same as re-cultivation. Now he only has the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Stage. due strength.

Coupled with Wang Lin's extreme dominance, Xu Liguo at this time can be said to be a paper tiger, vulnerable to a single blow. However, if Xu Liguo's cultivation had returned to the alchemy stage, the result would be completely different.

Wang Lin turned a deaf ear to Xu Liguo's begging for mercy. His eyes flickered, and he slapped the stone wall beside him with his right hand. The hole behind him was sealed immediately, Xu Liguo's expression changed slightly, he secretly cried out, his body immediately floated backwards, and quickly burrowed into the wall.

Wang Lin didn't stop him either, and with a sweep of his extreme consciousness, red lightning flashed out immediately, flashing in front of Xu Liguo. His body trembled, and destructive power immediately filled his whole body.

Wang Lin grabbed Xu Liguo's trembling soul with his right hand. Wang Lin stared at the soul, pondered for a while, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The moment he saw Xu Liguo Yuanshen just now, a very familiar feeling suddenly arose, and he thought about it for a long time along the way. I still haven't figured out where this sense of familiarity comes from.

At this time, he looked at the other party's primordial spirit. Suddenly remembered the familiar reason. This primordial spirit. Mutated wandering souls in the space of silence. There is a resemblance.

Wang Lin touched his chin. A thought came to mind.

If it can devour wandering souls like it did in the annihilation space.

Then his Earth Consciousness will certainly be strengthened a lot. And wandering souls are extremely powerful. Devouring ability regardless of any cultivation base. Once he has a certain number of wandering souls in the living space. Then look for Fujika Yuan to take revenge. will become very easy.

most importantly. Wang Lin knew that if he encountered the alchemy stage now. There is no other way but to run. But once there is a wandering soul. That is even if it is the alchemy period to trouble him. He also has the power to protect himself.

If there are slightly more wandering souls. Even in the Nascent Soul stage. Wang Lin also dared to fight.

He knows his magic well. Too single. To be precise. He only knows some elementary spells. There is only one flying sword on the magic weapon. nothing else.

After experiencing a series of events in Zhao Guo, Wang Lin's mentality. With a huge shift, everything he does now. It's all to make myself stronger, so that my destiny will no longer be controlled by others.

Xu Liguo's primordial spirit reminded Wang Lin of a throbbing association.

"Since the wandering souls in the Annihilation Space cannot be activated, can we try to make a wandering soul here?" Wang Lin's eyes flickered, and when he slapped the storage bag, the iron piece flew out, and he pointed at the hole with his right hand* * On the wall, the iron sheet rushed away, and after a while, a stone room was dug out.

Taking advantage of this time, Wang Lin used his extreme knowledge to forcibly erase Xu Liguo's consciousness. After all, it was the consciousness of a Nascent Soul Stage master. This is barely successful.

At this time, Xu Liguo's primordial spirit has become a translucent unconscious thing.

After the stone room was finished, the iron piece flew out and returned to Wang Lin's storage bag. Wang Lin flicked his right hand, and Yuanshen threw it into the stone room, leaving a trace of extreme knowledge around it as a restraint. Get out of the cave**.

After searching in the nearby mountains, Wang Lin grabbed a few small animals and came back. Xu Liguo's primordial spirit in the stone room was floating in the air blankly, motionless.

Wang Lin looked at it for a while, and threw a small beast in. As soon as the little beast entered the stone room, it immediately neighed a few times, ran to the corner and shrank, looking around cautiously, turning a blind eye to the soul in mid-air.

Wang Lin frowned, looking at the two sides living in harmony in the stone room, after pondering for a while, he strengthened the restriction of extreme consciousness around him, then ignored it, but dug out another stone room next to him, and released the remaining little beasts. go in.

After doing this, Wang Lin slapped his forehead with his right hand, and the Tianni Stone Bead flew out from between his eyebrows. After circling in mid-air, it immediately got into the burning golden vine on the ground beside it, and stuck to one end of it.

The burning golden fruit on the entire rattan shrinks rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappears completely, and the aura of wood attributes all flows into the stone beads.

The phantom of the third leaf slowly appeared on the stone bead. Finally, after the entire Golden Burning Vine completely withered, the third leaf became solid.

A look of joy flashed across Wang Lin's face. He stretched out his hand to grab the stone bead and landed in his hand. After examining it carefully, Wang Lin took the bead and slapped it between his eyebrows. The bead immediately melted and slipped into it.

Wang Lin took a deep breath, pondered for a while, and moved his body again. He left the cave and went straight to the volcano. He searched for several volcanoes in succession. It took Wang Lin three days to completely remove the Fenjin Fruit from the Fenjin Mountain Range. broke the roots.

Tianni Bead, the leaves bloomed to the fifth piece.

Three days later, Wang Lin came to the stone chamber again. Looking inside, there were several puddles of excrement and urine on the ground. The little beast was sluggish at this time, and its body was dull. After digesting the food three days ago, , it has not eaten until now. Already hungry and weak.

Xu Liguo's primordial spirit is still floating in the air. If you look carefully, you will find that he is more transparent than before, and it seems that he can pass away at any time.

Wang Lin was silent for a while, his extreme consciousness scattered, driving the primordial spirit away, slowly, as Wang Lin's extreme consciousness approached. Finally forced him to the top of the little beast.

In the end, Yuanshen saw that there was no way to hide, and rushed towards the little beast. Wang Lin regained his energy and observed carefully with dignified eyes. He saw that the little beast's body trembled violently. Finally, it shook and got up from the ground abruptly. There was a gleam of light in its eyes, but then the light became darker and darker. Finally, he tilted his head and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Xu Liguo Yuanshen quickly got out of the head of the little beast, and slammed into the wall beside him, but as soon as he touched the wall, he screamed and quickly backed away. Then he changed direction again, and after hitting several positions without success, he floated in mid-air, dangling around.

Instead of being surprised, Wang Lin was overjoyed, staring at Yuanshen's eyes, he could clearly see that there was no more confusion inside. But with a touch of madness. Without saying a word, Wang Lin threw all the small animals caught three days ago into it, his eyes flickered, and he stared intently.

As soon as the little beasts landed on the ground, they immediately struggled and ran to the surrounding corners, with fear in their eyes and screaming non-stop.

But what made Wang Lin frown was the madness in the eyes of the primordial spirit who didn't even look at the little beast. Also getting weaker. In the end, it quickly disappeared and became confused again.

Wang Lin pondered a little. Pressing again with extreme spiritual consciousness, forcing the primordial spirit into the body of a small beast. At the moment when the little beast died, Yuanshen rushed out, and the madness in his eyes immediately appeared again.

It's just that the Yuanshen still turned a blind eye to the other little beasts. Wang Lin snorted softly, and in the same way again, after forcing the Yuanshen to devour the souls of all the little beasts, the madness in the Yuanshen's eyes became even stronger. .

Wang Lin was silent for a moment, then turned and left. He caught several wild beasts in the nearby mountains again. This time he specially selected some fierce creatures, and one of them had a hint of spirit.

After returning to the cave, Wang Lin made some stone rooms and put the animals away by category. Then he grabbed a beast with red eyes and kept roaring, and threw it into Yuanshen's room.

After once again devouring the primordial spirit with extreme knowledge, the madness in his eyes became more and more intense.

Wang Lin watched for a long time outside the stone room. He didn't know if he kept feeding him like this, would it be possible for this primordial spirit to become a wandering soul, the so-called devil.

In fact, the best way should be to capture monks for experiments, but Wang Lin is worried that if the soul devours the monks, it is very likely that his own cultivation will improve. , he was afraid that he would be in danger, so he didn't want to use the monk's soul directly without being fully sure.

Four days later, all the captured animals were used up, except for the creature with a trace of spirit. On this day, Wang Lin grabbed the spirit and threw it into the stone room.

Under the pressure of extreme knowledge, the Yuanshen pounced on the spirit monster little by little, but the moment he encountered the spirit monster, the Yuanshen immediately burst into strong resistance, abruptly stopped the pounce, and showed hesitation on his face.

As soon as Wang Lin's consciousness moved, the red lightning immediately wandered outside the Yuanshen, and finally the Yuanshen finally rushed towards the spirit monster. Time passed, and the spirit monster's body was trembling violently.

Half an hour later, the body of the spirit exploded with a bang, and a red phantom jumped out. After a pause in mid-air, it immediately uttered several screams.

Yuanshen's appearance has completely changed, with a dark red light emitting from his whole body, and a strong hostility can be clearly felt even if Wang Lin is standing outside the stone room. Now, in Wang Lin's eyes, he is no longer a primordial spirit, but a devil.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up, he pondered for a while, opened the stone room and walked in.

The devil suddenly turned his head, stared at Wang Lin, and rushed forward. Wang Lin's expression was indifferent, and red lightning flashed in his eyes.

A stern look flashed on its face, and it charged again. Wang Lin stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the devil from the air.

"Looking for death!" Wang Lin's voice was cold, and the red light in his eyes flickered continuously. Every time it flickered, the demon trembled. The sternness in its eyes gradually subsided, and fear gradually emerged again.

In the end, even begging for mercy, Wang Lin grabbed the devil's head, walked out of the stone room, and came to the place where he usually meditates. Throw the monster into the air.

The devil's face flashed again, and he rushed to the top of the stone room without hesitation, trying to escape. Wang Lin sneered from the bottom of his heart, his extreme consciousness quickly caught up and punished him slightly, the demon immediately let out a miserable snort, a trace of turbid smoke came out of his body, and immediately became sluggish.

Wang Lin patted the storage bag. The iron piece flew out, and then he stared at the devil, and said flatly: "Go in and hide, and don't come out without my call."

The devil gave Wang Lin a terrified look, which turned into a red light and penetrated into the iron plate.

After collecting the iron sheet, Wang Lin looked around with emotion. After walking out, at the entrance of the cave, he flicked his sleeve, and the cave was sealed with a bang.

Wang Lin didn't turn his head back, soared into the sky and flew towards the east.

According to Ma Liang's memory. The location of the God of War Temple is in the east. Wang Lin had planned it before. He didn't find the way back to Zhao in Ma Liang's memory. There is a map there.

In addition, the small green sword, the blood refining magic weapon, has now become a piece of iron, and its power has been greatly weakened. If it is against the monks of the foundation establishment stage, Wang Lin does not need to use it, but if it is encountered in the alchemy stage, the extreme consciousness cannot be used. The effect, the role of this magic weapon, will have the effect of saving life.

so. This art of refining. Wang Lin must learn to learn the Art of Refining Artifacts. I still have to go back to the Temple of War God, where there is a special Artifact Refining Hall.

Besides. Wang Lin still needs to find a place of extreme yin, otherwise, his cultivation base can only stay in the middle stage of foundation establishment, only in a place of extreme yin, can the Huangquan Ascension Aperture Art be able to form three cold pills, and thus enter the foundation establishment stage In the later stage, even the formation of pills.

Wang Lin did not intend to give up Huangquan's Ascension Aperture Jue. After all, Situ Nan once said that after practicing this technique, after all three cold pills appear and fuse together, there is a high chance of breaking through and entering the alchemy stage.

Before recovering his cultivation level, because there was no Yin-cold liquid, Wang Lin could only practice the second-class divine way technique in Ma Liang’s memory of the God of War Temple during foundation establishment. However, the spiritual power cultivated by this divine way technique does not have any attributes, and it is purely based on quality. Admiral, his spiritual power is much worse than Yin Han's.

But it is superior in length. If the yin and cold attribute is likened to an indestructible sword, then the spiritual power cultivated by Shinto is like a flexible silk wrapped around fingers.

The God of War Temple is located on a mountain that soars into the sky in the eastern part of the Huofen Kingdom. The mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, and there are many spirit beasts. After the main peak, there are four slightly shorter auxiliary peaks, which are the training grounds of the four side halls of the Temple of War God.

As one of the four major sects of the Huoming Kingdom, the Temple of War God has over 3,000 disciples, and even if some of the outer servants are removed, there are more than 2,300 inner disciples.

On this day, Zhou Zihong, Yang Xiong, and Lin Tao were waiting here on a lone peak thousands of miles away from the Temple of War God. Three days ago, the three of them suddenly had a shock in their hearts. They received a message from Wang Lin using the soul essence and blood as a guide, asking them to take out some items. They will meet here three days later. Now the agreed time has passed long ago, but the three of them But dare not leave.

Among the three, Lin Tao looked terrified, secretly nervous in his heart, and searched for an excuse.

Zhou Zihong looked blank, pursing her red lips, her mind went blank. Ma Liang had disappeared for a year, and she thought that the other party might never appear again, but three days ago, when her heart was shaken and she heard the other party's voice, Her complexion immediately paled.

Yang Xiong's expression is the calmest, except for his eyes flickering a few times, there is basically no abnormality, but if you look carefully, you will find his right hand, which is tightly held.

Time passed little by little, and soon night fell, but Wang Lin still did not appear. The three of them looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

On a mountain peak two thousand meters away from here, Wang Lin stared at the three of them coldly. Belly, maybe the three of them really have the courage to fight to the death.

Therefore, Wang Lin was suffering and observing the surroundings. As long as there was any trouble, he would immediately crush the soul essence and blood of the three people and flee away.

At the same time, he was also observing the reactions of the three of them. He had to know that even if he was pretending, it was impossible to maintain it for a long time. Among the three, Lin Tao's reaction was the most normal, and he was panicked from beginning to end.

Zhou Zihong stayed in a daze all the time, with a look of bewilderment that couldn't be concealed.

After paying a little attention to the two of them, he focused on Yang Xiong. This person's demeanor was extremely stable at the beginning, but as time passed, it gradually became cloudy and uncertain.

Wang Lin stared at his right hand with a hint of coldness in his eyes. He pondered for a while, then sent his body away, and fell towards the place where the three of them were. In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the three of them, and an icy aura spread quickly.

After seeing Wang Lin, the hearts of the three trembled, and the fatigue of waiting for a long time was swept away.

For more than a year, all kinds of things on the battlefield outside the territory echoed in their dreams almost every night.

How strong is Wang Lin? They didn't know, but looking at it now, the aura exuded by Ma Liang in front of them made them feel frightened.

They even had an illusion that even without the pull of soul essence and blood, as long as Wang Lin had a thought, the three of them would not even be able to fight back. will be killed immediately.

After Wang Lin glanced at them indifferently, this feeling immediately climbed to the limit. Lin Tao was the first to be unable to bear it. He knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice, "Lin Tao pays homage to the master."

Yang Xiong and Zhou Zihong were not much better, they just endured it.

Wang Lin's extreme spiritual consciousness was absorbed. The dangerous atmosphere dissipated immediately, and the three breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Xiong and Zhou Zihong hurriedly bowed their heads to pay respects.

When he bowed his head, Yang Xiong's bitterness flashed across, and the jade talisman in his right hand was tightly clenched. He came with two ideas this time, one was to trick Wang Lin into going to the God of War Temple, and then he took the opportunity to ask the elders to help him get back the soul essence and blood. Second, if Wang Lin doesn't go, then he will secretly use the jade talisman in his hand to convey the direction. In the hands of his junior brother in the Temple of War God, there is also a jade talisman. As long as he enters a piece of spiritual power here, his junior brother's jade talisman will immediately light up. rise up, as he commanded. His junior brother will definitely give the jade talisman to the master immediately.

But now he found out. How stupid this idea is. If you really do that, I'm afraid you will be the first to die. Just myself.

This senior who seized Ma Liang must be an expert in the superior cultivation country, otherwise, how could it be possible that his cultivation base was only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, but his spiritual consciousness made him feel terrified.

Yang Xiong secretly sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​resistance. He took a deep breath, quickly slapped the storage bag with his left hand, took out a jade slip, and said respectfully: "Master, I brought you the item you ordered three days ago, this is the jade slip from the Artifact Refining Hall. "

After Wang Lin took it, his consciousness swept away, and he couldn't see any waves from his expression. He nodded slightly, and his eyes were on Lin Tao.

Lin Tao's heart beat a few times, and he said in a low voice: "Master, that map is placed at the top of the Sutra Pavilion. I... I don't have enough cultivation to go up."

Seeing Wang Lin's expressionless face, Lin Tao gritted his teeth, raised his head and said, "Ten days! Master, please give me another ten days. My cousin will be on duty after ten days. I can ask him to make a rubbing copy for me no matter what I say."

Wang Lin glanced at him, nodded, and said flatly: "If you really take it, when I leave Huo Fen Nation, I will return the soul essence and blood to you." After finishing speaking, he looked at Yang Xiong, his eyes getting colder , Said: "Originally, I can give you the soul blood now, but what you have in your hand will not make up for it. I will not kill you, but whether the soul blood can be taken away depends on the next time."

Yang Xiong swayed, his face immediately lost all color, especially when he saw Wang Lin's eyes, a strong sense of fear welled up in his heart, he knelt down on the ground, and handed over the jade talisman in his hand, showing a nervous look on his face.

Wang Lin didn't look at him, but looked at Zhou Zihong. Zhou Zihong gritted his teeth, lifted his pretty face, and said softly: "Senior, that divine way technique is very strange. Although I saw it once half a year ago, I didn't have the slightest impression after watching it. , It is really impossible to rubbing. In fact, you don't have to go through such troubles, as long as you return to the sect, as Ma Liang returned from the battlefield outside the territory, you are naturally qualified to comprehend."

Divine Taoism is the thing Wang Lin is most interested in in Ma Liang's memory. In Ma Liang's memory, he wants to read it in his dreams. Unfortunately, for some reason, the Temple of War has extremely strict controls on the disciples of this school who refer to Divine Taoism. You only need to pay a certain amount of spirit stones at the specified time to see it.

But the disciples of this sect, unless they have reached the alchemy stage, or have made great contributions to the sect, only if they meet one of these two conditions, will they be under the guardianship of the elders.

According to Wang Lin's analysis, this Divine Dao technique might be a bit weird, and it is very likely that it was seen during the Foundation Establishment period. If there is no Dharma protector, it will not be beneficial for those who observe it.

He asked Zhou Zihong to make a rubbing copy. He hadn't planned to succeed at all, but he was not disappointed at this time. He glanced at the three of them carefully, and said in a calm voice: "You three don't have to be so guarded against me, as long as you don't provoke me. , when I leave, the soul essence and blood will definitely be returned to you, but if you have malicious intentions, don't blame me for being ruthless."

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