Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1282 The Beginning of Great Creation

Shui Daozi let out a shrill scream. At this moment, his whole body seemed to have an invisible sharp flame burning crazily from his body, directly burning his soul and igniting his soul. This severe pain turned into a wave of madness. The idea exploded in his body!

Colorful nails, a powerful weapon for killing the third step! The refining of the meteorite from the mysterious stars outside the ancient times contains a trace of the power of the alien stars that even the palm master cannot figure out. This kind of power can cause an almost incredible amount of damage to the powerful person in the third step. Degree!

Even the Lord of the Sealed Realm back then was about to collapse and die after being nailed by more than ninety colored nails! Being struck by that incomprehensible force caused unimaginable damage.

At present, if the colorful nails have not been completely integrated into Shuidaozi, there will not be a life and death crisis for Shuidaozi. Wang Lin can only break open an inch. For Shuidaozi, spending some cultivation is enough to force out the nails. .

But the old stone man from the Wind Immortal Realm came in his separate form, and unexpectedly dropped it with one finger, causing the nail to sink five inches, giving Shui Daozi a heavy blow, making him almost crazy and unable to suppress it.

Relying on the powerful third step of cultivation, Shui Daozi reluctantly suppressed it and prepared to kill Wang Lin and retreat to heal his injuries.

But he never expected that at the moment when his magical power came and prepared to destroy Wang Lin, the jade pendant of his master appeared from the opponent!

The shock that this jade pendant brought to him was no less shocking than seeing Tianni and its owner! But all this still did not make him despair, until... the finger appeared!

Shuidaozi was so familiar with this finger that he recognized it almost at a glance. It was... his master's finger!

This discovery made him go out of his mind. Before he could even beg for mercy, the fingers came suddenly, causing the colorful nails between his eyebrows to penetrate completely into his skull!

At this moment, as the colorful nails were completely driven into Shuidaozi's eyebrows, deeply piercing his skull and completely inserted into his mind, the colorful nails immediately began to melt, and the bursts of colorful lights were even more intense. It permeated every position in Shuidaozi's mind!

At this moment, Shuidaozi's eyes, nostrils, ears, and his mouth, all seven orifices burst out with colorful light. His entire head was like a sieve with seven small holes exposed, emitting dazzling colorful light!

Screaming in agony, Shui Daozi retreated quickly. His eyes showed the struggle of the sky, and he was fighting against the seven-colored light in his head. However, no matter how he resisted, the fusion of the seven-colored nails was irreversible, almost instantaneously. It completely turned into a colorful liquid, filling his mind.

The pain is heartbreaking,

Shui Daozi roared up to the sky, letting out painful screams and roars. The struggle in his eyes became weaker and weaker, and he was about to lose his mind completely.

, Master, you gave me the Immortal Talisman to save me from three crises. Now that the three times have passed, you come to kill me... The reincarnation of cause and effect, the reincarnation of cause and effect! ! "Shui Daozi smiled miserably as he retreated, but his expression was even more ferocious.

, I don’t accept it! ! After you died, I completed the third step of cultivation. I am the mighty power of heaven and earth. I am the master of Shenzong. I want to take your place! 1.5 billion water disciples, blast me! ! Give me all your incense power and resist the colorful divine nails! ! ! "Shui Daozi's body retreated crazily as he screamed. In the blink of an eye, he broke through all the void and fled towards Shenzong.

Outside his body, the huge cultivation star followed closely. The 1.5 billion water path disciples inside exploded with a bang, and the power of incense belonging to the third step rushed into the water path sub-body, and in his brain During the confrontation with the seven-colored light, bursts of loud rumbling sounds were heard crazily in Shui Daozi's body as he retreated, until they disappeared at the end of the starry sky.

Shuidaozi went crazy all the way, suppressing and destroying under constant resistance, and disappeared without a trace in an instant!

As the fifth-level star field left, the roaring sound gradually became weaker and weaker, until it was no longer there. There was silence all around, as if there was no existence at all!

Wang Lin's eyes slowly closed, and he collapsed everything. Although he did not initiate the final destruction with Shui Daozi, his injuries in this battle were far more serious than those in the Land of Demon Spirits back then!

He had spent all his vitality, and now he was gray-haired and became an old man. The moment he closed his eyes, the three vortexes outside his body immediately retracted into his body, and the five origins rotated in his body.

But no matter what, it can't make up for the lost vitality.

The moment his eyes closed, a vortex appeared in the center of his empty eyebrows, and the Heavenly Bead slowly flew out of it. As soon as Zhou flew out, the Tianni Pearl immediately melted and spread along the center of Wang Lin's eyebrows until it filled his whole body.

At this moment, Wang Lin seemed to have become a stone man! It became an old stone statue!

At the same time, the jade pendant floating in front of him melted in a flash, entered Wang Lin's eyebrows, and disappeared without a trace again.

Immediately afterwards, not far ahead, at the place where the trident collapsed, there was a flash of crystal light. These crystal lights approached Wang Lin in a flash, condensed in his right hand and disappeared.

At this moment, at the place where the butterfly weapon spirit of the third archery chariot collapsed in the distance, a weak colorful light appeared faintly, but a vaguely colorful butterfly condensed out, struggling to flap its wings, slowly Slowly flying close to Wang Lin, it turned into countless colorful crystal lights and blended into Wang Lin's body.

And the two black and white daggers that collapsed before also transformed at this moment, as if they were ringed from death by a strange force, became illusions, turned into two black and white deer, and merged into Wang Lin who turned into a statue. .

it's all over.

Wang Lin's consciousness was immersed in darkness and he slowly fell asleep.

His body, under the strange power of Tianni, turned into stone, lost all magical powers, and floated slowly in the starry sky.

The fifth-level star field has collapsed, filled with cracks and dark winds that tear the world apart, and a large number of whirlpools are hidden. In this dead starry sky, the stone statue transformed by Wang Lin floats here and there, getting further and further away.

I don’t know how much time has passed, maybe one day, maybe ten days, maybe a month... The old stone statue transformed by Wang Lin wanders around the fifth-level star field. Sometimes it encounters a whirlpool, and then spins rapidly and is thrown far away. , sometimes it encounters cracks, and cracks appear on its body...,

Also in this fifth-level star field, there was a woman who arrived an unknown number of days ago. She went to the battlefield where Wang Lin and Shui Daozi fought, and she shed tears.

Is it too late... The woman bit her lower lip, drawing blood from her bite. Her eyes showed sorrow, and she looked ahead blankly, as if her heart was dying at this moment.

A sense of death filled her body and lingered for a long time.

Do you want to save Ga...? An old voice slowly came from the depths of the starry sky and fell into the woman's ears.

The woman trembled.

He is not dead, but he is still dead. You need to find the stone statue he turned into. I will teach you a method. Maybe... you can revive him. However, this method requires a high price... The voice gradually faded. Weakness seems to have never appeared before.

But his words made the woman's eyes show bright determination. The woman nodded gently and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

In the damaged fifth-level star field, they slowly started searching.

Time passed, three days, ten days, nineteen days..., until thirty days later...

In a corner of the fifth-level star field, the woman saw an old stone statue floating in the distance, covered with scars. She hugged the stone statue, tears dripping on it, but no sound came out.

Carrying the stone statue and shedding tears, the woman gradually went away, to a place that no one could find, to a sea of ​​clouds, a place deeply hidden in the star mist, I don’t know how many star fields it is, a On a wild continent.

There are many ferocious beasts on this continent. Because few people have discovered this continent for countless years, the ferocious beasts on it immediately roared with the arrival of the woman. However, as soon as the roar came out, they immediately became silent, as if There is a breath that permeates the woman's body, causing all the ferocious beasts to tremble and dare not make any sound if they feel it for a moment.

In the northern part of the continent, in a valley, the woman fell down with a stone statue in her arms, looked around the valley, looked at the stone statue silently, and lived here with it.

Every day, a woman would stand in front of the stone statue, bite her fingertips, and smear the whole body of the stone statue with blood. The stone statue was very rough, and if you wiped your finger with the wound on it, you would feel severe pain, but this woman was from Guangdong. The eyes staring at the stone statue seemed to know no pain.

The stone statue is very big, like a human being. If you want to smear the whole body with blood, often in the middle of the process, the blood will form on the woman's fingers. Whenever this happens, she will tear off the blood, squeeze out the blood again, and continue smear.

After time and again, the pain is comparable to torture!

Day after day, this kind of pain is more unimaginable than any torture in the world!

Every time blood is smeared all over the body of the stone statue, the stone statue will slowly absorb the blood, and there will be a faint luster on it, as if it has regained some vitality. Even its old appearance has undergone subtle changes! At the beginning, it would take a whole day for the blood to be smeared all over the stone statue to be completely absorbed. But as time went by, gradually, the blood would dissipate in ten hours. This woman was needed again. smear.

One month, two months... four months... seven months... one year!

A whole year has passed, and the woman often needs to carefully smear the whole body of the stone statue with blood twice a day, leaving no room for omissions. Her careful look is very beautiful...

Over the course of this year, the luster on the stone statue became brighter and brighter, and its appearance slowly changed from that of an old man to a slightly younger one.

But this woman's face is getting paler and paler. She has lost a lot of blood, but the blood still contains her vitality, making her like a blooming flower that is slowly withering.

He has lost his vitality. If it is ordinary vitality, he can make up for it, but what he has lost is the vitality of his mind, his soul, and even his soul. If you want him to wake up, you have to nourish him with vitality... ,

The woman looked at the stone statue silently, her eyes like eternity...

At this moment, while Wang Lin was sleeping, he had a dream... a dream related to heaven's rebellion and great fortune in his life...

I wonder if everyone is satisfied with this recent climax? Ergen said that this climax will be the biggest one written so far. It's not over yet, it's just the first half, and there's still the second half!

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