Renegade Immortal

Chapter 131 Is he a fat sheep?

Sun Youcai let out a few moans, stretched out his hand to pat Wang Lin's shoulder, and said, "Don't mention her, brother Ma, and soon there will be a teleportation array entering the valley."

Wang Lin moved his shoulders, avoided and said with a smile: "That's very good, then go over quickly so that you can enter the valley earlier." He said, and flew forward.

Sun Youcai slapped the air with one hand, but his expression didn't change at all. He nodded and said, "Brother Ma, did you come out alone this time?" He followed up unhurriedly.

Wang Lin sneered from the bottom of his heart, without any abnormality in his expression, and said, "That's right, I'm the only one going out this time."

Sun Youcai laughed, and said in a low voice: "Brother Ma must have sneaked down the mountain to go to the valley to exchange for some magic treasures and jade charms. I heard that three months later, there will be a treasure hunting ceremony in the five halls of the God of War Temple. Brother Ma can take good care of it at that time." , and strive to become famous overnight."

Wang Lin smiled and remained silent, noncommittal.

Seeing Wang Lin like this, Sun Youcai sneered in his heart and said, "Little bastard, no matter what you say is true or not, you are unlucky to meet grandpa today. Hehe, if you use your body as a puppet, then Li Qiqing will not I will be too wary." Thinking this way in his heart, but just in case, he took out a jade slip in the storage bag, and said in front of Wang Lin, "Brother Ma, I called a friend over, he should It's nearby, when the three of us walk the teleportation formation together, we can save a spirit stone."

In Ma Liang's memory, there is information about the teleportation array. Most of the teleportation arrays need a few spirit stones to open. After opening, up to three people can be teleported at a time.

So what Sun Youcai said was impeccable. Seeing Wang Lin nodding, Sun Youcai put the jade slip between his eyebrows, and then threw it out. The jade slip flickered for a few moments before disappearing.

Wang Lin followed Sun Youcai and flew all the way. Watching the other party lead him away, the surrounding area became more and more desolate, and the number of volcanoes increased gradually, and black smoke rose from some craters from time to time.

Afraid that Wang Lin would be suspicious. Sun Youcai explained with a smile: "Brother Ma, don't worry, the teleportation array in this valley is not far away. I don't know what happened recently. These volcanoes in our burning country always have black smoke coming out. I I remember that last year the first ancestors of the four major sects had just been sealed."

Wang Lin's expression turned cold, and he said with a smile, "Well, this place is remote, so it's a good place. Especially since there are many volcanoes here, it's convenient to throw away the corpse after killing someone, and even the fireball technique is saved."

Sun Youcai paused, forced a smile and said, "Brother Ma..."

He didn't finish his sentence. Suddenly there was the sound of wind and thunder from a distance, and a black sword light galloped towards it, and it came to the vicinity in a blink of an eye. After the sword light dissipated, a middle-aged man with a gloomy complexion was revealed,

This person was thin and thin, and there was a ruthless look in his eyes.

He was dressed in black, and even the flying sword under his feet emitted a black cold light. Especially his hands were surrounded by a cloud of black mist. After he appeared. Without even looking at Wang Lin, he said coldly to Sun Youcai, "Is he that fat sheep?"

Wang Lin glanced at him. This person has a deeper cultivation base than Sun Youcai, and has reached the realm of fake alchemy. Between brother and sister Li Qiqing.

Sun Youcai's face immediately blossomed, and with a flattering tone, he said: "Senior brother, it's him, I saw that Li Muwan and her brother Li Qiqing have a good impression of him, if he is refined into a puppet, he will be When you deliberately approach, maybe you can be more sure."

The middle-aged man in black turned his gaze to Wang Lin, surprised that the other party didn't run away, but he didn't pay attention to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and said coldly: "Boy, you can die!" After speaking, the flying sword under his feet shot out like lightning, pointing directly at Wang Lin's chest.

At the same time, the middle-aged man in black jumped up and clapped his hands several times. Suddenly, a black mist spread and turned into a huge ghost fire skeleton, which followed the flying sword and swallowed Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes were cold, he turned a blind eye to the flying sword and the mist, pointed at the middle-aged man with his right hand, and whispered: "Destroy!"

As soon as the extreme state comes out, the sky and the earth change color, and the extreme consciousness appears, and the soul flies away! Wang Lin is in the foundation stage, he is invincible in the foundation stage, if he is in the alchemy stage, he is the king of the alchemy stage, once he reaches the Yuanying stage, then he will be the number one on countless cultivation stars in the entire cultivation alliance, and the next one in the transformation stage master.

The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly bulged. At this moment, he could clearly feel that his consciousness was hit by a destructive force, without any resistance, it collapsed in an instant, and his eyes were filled with fear. As soon as the color appeared, it was immediately shattered, and the body softened. He didn't understand what was going on until his death.

All this happened too fast, the flying sword in mid-air flew less than half the distance, the middle-aged man's spiritual consciousness stored on it shattered, and the black light on the flying sword immediately dissipated and fell from the air. The Black Mist Skeleton, which followed closely behind, also slowly disintegrated with the death of the middle-aged man.

With a flick of Wang Lin's sleeve, the flying sword floated towards him immediately, and he grabbed it in his hand. Then he slapped the storage bag, and the iron piece flew out.

"Swallow that black mist!" After Wang Lin threw out a sentence, he ignored it and looked at Sun Youcai who was completely stunned.

A red light flashed on the iron plate, the devil jumped out and rushed towards the black mist, regardless of whether the black mist could be swallowed or not, the devil swallowed it with a bitter face. There was no way, he didn't dare not to swallow it, he still had lingering fears about Wang Lin's power.

It was only at this moment that Sun Youcai came to his senses, he took a few steps back in horror, stepped on his foot without saying a word, slipped into the ground with a sound, and disappeared.

The devil rolled his eyes, and hastily and quietly slowed down the speed of devouring, and his expression showed the appearance of swallowing. It's a pity that Wang Lin's words made him distressed again.

"Follow me."

After Wang Lin finished speaking, his body moved, and his consciousness of the extreme state suddenly dispersed, and he chased towards the northwest. The devil showed a struggling look on his face, instead of advancing, he retreated, but just after retreating not far away, he immediately let out a miserable snort, and green smoke emitted from his body, so frightened that he quickly turned around and flew towards Wang Lin, not daring to think of running away.

Wang Lin withdrew his consciousness of punishing the devil, and single-mindedly pursued Sun Youcai. He was very interested in Sun Youcai's speed. Wang Lin knew that his speed was too slow, just like the young woman two days ago. She only needed a few breaths to go thousands of miles away. If he wanted to kill him at such a speed, I'm afraid he's not even qualified to run.

When Sun Youcai caught up with him just now, Wang Lin had already exhausted all his strength, but the other party was still able to catch up lightly, which was evident in his speed.

Therefore, Wang Lin did not kill him, but planned to capture him alive to find out why.

Sun Youcai was scared. It took him nearly 30 years to cultivate immortality, and he has been engaged in killing people and seizing treasures since the fifteenth floor of the Qi Condensation Period. A monk who is lower than him will never take the risk of killing people by leapfrogging.

Over the years, all the magic weapons and materials he obtained have gone to Xigufang City to exchange for pills that increase his cultivation base, so his cultivation base has been rising all the way, but as his cultivation base gets higher, the effects of ordinary pills have lost their effect. It was either hard to find sellers for high-grade pills, or the price was too high, so in desperation, he set his sights on Luohemen.

Luohe Sect is famous for formations and alchemy, especially for elixir. All Luohe Sect refines must be of high quality. Sun Youcai's target is Li Muwan of the alchemy sect in Luohe Sect. I want to get some pills or recipes from her, but unfortunately, Li Muwan's elder brother Li Qiqing is a head higher than him, and has reached the stage of fake pills in the Dzogchen foundation stage, firmly overtaking him who has just entered the late foundation stage and has not yet stabilized. monk.

At this time, Sun Youcai wished that his speed could be faster. Up to now, the appalling scene he saw just now is still resounding in his mind. The fourth senior brother is a fake alchemy cultivator of Dzogchen in the Foundation Establishment period, so he was easily dismissed by others. killed.

If that Ma Liang used any powerful magic weapon, he wouldn't be so afraid, but he didn't even look at the shadow of the magic weapon, he only heard Ma Liang say the word "mie", and the fourth brother immediately fell to the ground and died.

This... What kind of spell is this? Sun Youcai couldn't help but feel his scalp numb when he thought of this. The more he couldn't figure it out, the more terrifying he was. One sentence can kill a monk who has established a foundation and Dzogchen, so what kind of cultivator is this Ma Liang? Why, could it be that he has reached the alchemy stage?

No! Sun Youcai immediately denied this idea. It's not that he has never seen a master of the alchemy stage. Even if the elders of the alchemy stage in the sect shot to kill the foundation establishment Dzogchen, although it must be easy to catch, but it would definitely not be so lightly, as if Tianwei , In a word, one person dies.

Sun Youcai's heart trembled, could it be the Nascent Soul Stage!

But then he dismissed this idea and made a move in the Yuanying period. He had seen it once, when the ancestor of the Demon Sect killed a traitor in the late foundation establishment stage. In front of most of the disciples, the ancestor just threw a flying Sword, the traitor died while fleeing in mid-air, without even a chance to dodge or resist.

But even so, in Sun Youcai's eyes, Wang Lin's words killed a Dzogchen Foundation Establishment, and the first ancestor used a flying sword to kill a late Foundation Establishment. Comparing the two, he immediately judged whether the level was high or low, and his mind suddenly buzzed. With a bang, it was blank.

"Difficult...could it be...he...he is Hua...Shenqi..." The moment Sun Youcai said the words Huashenqi, all the strength in his whole body seemed to be pulled out of his body along with these words.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was correct, Sun Youcai bitterly said to himself: "A master in the stage of transformation...that is a legendary figure, how could it be possible...but if it wasn't in the stage of transformation, how could he kill the fourth senior brother with a single sentence... Rumors Masters in the Huashen stage can control the power of heaven and earth, and it makes sense to kill the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen in one sentence... I... I am being chased and killed by the masters of the Huashen stage... ".

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