Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1303 The Great Formation of Sealing the World

This blood sword absorbed the blood of many ferocious beasts in the cracked world, and was nourished in the sea of ​​blood. At this moment, when it came out, the blood light suddenly filled the sky and filled the sky and the earth. Even the billowing clouds above the starry sky seemed to be penetrated by the reflection.

With the blood sword in his hand, Wang Lin's eyes shone brightly, and a long blue sword appeared in the crack of the stone sword.

The moment he came towards Wang Lin, he slashed forward with the bloody sword in his hand.

With a thunderous roar, the sound of tearing could be heard across the starry sky with one slash of the blood sword, but it was in

Under the blood sword, a crack was opened, and it suddenly collided with the blue long sword.

The roaring sound echoed in an instant, and the green long sword made a sharp scream, and its JL green light

It collapsed, with a large blood streak wrapped around it, and it quickly retreated.

The bloody sword was not damaged at all, the sword roared loudly, and with an indescribable ferocious flame, he chased after it directly

At this moment, next to the white jade attic statue in the billowing clouds, another stone sword appeared cracked, and exploded with a bang. A dark blue light was revealed in it, and a blue long sword roared out, matching the cyan sword. Together with the long sword, fight with the blood sword

The loud rumbling sound echoed crazily as the three swords collided, making the starry sky tremble.

The origin of the blood sword is unpredictable, and it contains endless power. It actually resisted two swords of heavenly calamity without losing the slightest, and instead became more and more fierce.

There was a roar from the billowing clouds, and just as the three swords were fighting, a shock of pressure was released from the clouds. This pressure was as substantial as it spread. At the same time, half of the white jade was squeezed out of the crack deep in the clouds. Attic, immediately revealed some more

The statue sitting cross-legged on the tower, as the attic emerged from the cracks, there were actually two stone swords stuck behind it. At this moment, one of them exploded with a bang, a black light flashed, and a long black sword exploded crazily. He rushed out, joined forces with the green and blue swords, and directly suppressed the blood sword.

The roar continued, and the three mysterious swords attacked at the same time, making the blood sword even more crazy. The blood on it was so bright, but it gradually retreated, and it was obvious that it was outnumbered.

The blood sword has its own spirit. At this moment, the sallow scream roared, seeming to be full of anger towards these three three-color swords that were obviously inferior to it.

All this happened in a flash of lightning. Wang Lin took a step forward, and the Ancient God Star point between his eyebrows rotated rapidly. When it reached the limit, Wang Lin's right index finger immediately touched the center of his eyebrows, breaking open the flesh, and a drop of water flowed out. blood.

This blood,

It was not the essence and blood of the primordial spirit, but the power of the ancient gods within the ancient god star point. As soon as it came out, it went straight to the blood sword in an instant. The blood sword absorbed the blood and immediately erupted with shocking pressure, and the blood light became even brighter. It is several times richer.

A huge bloody phantom emerged from the blood sword. The phantom looked vague and vaguely humanoid. His appearance immediately caused the blood sword to sweep across. The three-color sword retreated sharply, bang bang. Under the sound, it was obvious that he was outmatched.

At this moment, next to the white jade attic statue, the last stone sword collapsed with a bang. A golden light rose into the sky and turned into a golden sword. With strong pressure and sword energy, it penetrated directly. Come and meet that bloody sword.

With a bang, the Blood Sword retreated again.

Four swords, green, blue, black and gold, floated up at this moment, circled in the sky, and immediately began to rotate. As they rotated, a huge vortex appeared. There was chaos in the vortex, as if there was a world.

The world was blurry, but one could vaguely see that there were insensitive planets within it. On those planets, there were even boundless mortals. Waves of murmurings came from the vortex, turning into an extremely strange wave. The sound can make everyone's heart shake when they hear it.

This sound transmission quickly filled the entire ninth-order star field, penetrated the protective formations of all sects, and was clearly transmitted into every monk and every vicious beast soul.

"The land on the other shore is open for a calamity, and closed for a calamity... Those who enter my other shore can obtain eternal life, obtain the great road, get rid of all the pain and disputes in the world, and become my disciples...

Those who enter my other shore should be the pride of heaven and earth, become the best among human beings, and take the way of heaven...

Those who enter my other shore will be able to resurrect their dead relatives and friends, and be reborn with freedom and perfection, and achieve the supreme path of cultivation...

Those who enter the other shore will experience the collapse of reincarnation and no birth or death...

Those who enter my other shore, think of the other shore in their minds, and when they think of it, they will come..."

A voice full of coercion came out from the whirlpool world. This sound was so majestic that when it fell on the ears, a feeling of warmth and trust arose unconsciously.

In the Demon Sect's formation, the thousands of monks who had entered here to avoid the catastrophe immediately had confused eyes. One of the young men's eyes were even more dilated, replaced by the vortex. He looked happy and grinned.

This was this smile, but it was extremely weird. In an instant, a light shone outside his body, and his whole person disappeared in an instant.

At the same time as it disappeared, there were hundreds of people surrounding it, all of them had weird smiles on their faces, and their bodies shone with light before disappearing one by one.

"This is the call from the other side in the infinite calamity. Keep your mind calm, otherwise the Taoist heart will be unstable and you will be summoned into the whirlpool world." The Supreme Elder of the Demon Sect, the middle-aged man stared at the whirlpool outside the formation, with an expression on his face, Extremely solemn.

Its voice was like thunder, rumbling and reverberating throughout the Demon Sect, making everyone immersed in the sound.

The confused monks woke up one after another, but the moment they woke up, they fell into confusion twice again.

It’s not just the people of the Demon Sect that have disappeared, there are also people from the Ghost Sect, the Shen Sect, the Potian Sect, and even the many ferocious beasts in the star mist.

The blood sword surrounded Wang Lin's body. He raised his head and stared at the whirlpool formed by the four swords. The strange sound also entered his mind. Because he was a victim of the disaster, he felt it several times more clearly than others. In his ears, the voice was not old, but constantly changing.

Sometimes it was his mother, sometimes his father, sometimes it was Li Muwan and Wang Ping, and even the voice of the old Holy Emperor Suzaku appeared. When intertwined, it formed an extremely weird tone that echoed in Wang Lin's mind.

"The other side..." A cold light flashed in Wang Lin's eyes. The strength of his obsession is beyond comparison with ordinary monks. Even some old monsters who have been cultivating for many years cannot catch up with him in this regard. Wang Lin's life is dangerous and he can't touch him even with mere illusions. mind.

"Is there another shore?" He raised his right hand and rushed towards Yaodu, holding the bloody sword in his hand, and pointed towards the other side.

The whirlpool composed of four swords slashed hard

The sky and the earth roared, and the sword light shook the sky. In the flash, it landed directly on the whirlpool. The roaring sound echoed, and a powerful force came out of the whirlpool and hit directly in front of Wang Lin.

Wang Lin paused and took a few steps back.

At this moment, the rotation of the vortex suddenly accelerated, and it directly lifted into the air and dissipated into the billowing clouds. At the same time, the billowing clouds emitted a violent roar, as if being pulled by the vortex, and continued to condense from all directions.

In a moment, the billowing clouds turned into a mountain of clouds. This mountain was infinitely high, made entirely of clouds, and its entire body was purple. It exuded a pressure that shocked the world.

On that mountain, there are a large number of rune imprints, intertwined to form a "Tao". All the clouds in the starry sky merged crazily into the Yun Mountain at this moment, making the mountain bigger and bigger, almost becoming The giant mountain that supports the starry sky

The roaring sound continued to be heard, and the huge cloud mountain, Qiu, pressed down hard on Wang Lin, "it seemed to crush him to the bottom of the mountain, completely crushing him."

The pressure was so strong that the recently violent Demon Sect formation showed signs of collapse, and a large number of cracks filled the air under the crackling sound.

At the foot of the mountain, Wang Lin felt a thumping sound coming from his whole body. His whole body seemed to be squeezed by endless pressure from all directions, and the starry sky where his feet stepped made an unbearable sound.

His face was slightly rosy, and his whole body was full of energy. He raised his head and stared at the clouds and mountains that were constantly pressing down, and his eyes suddenly flashed.

He had been waiting for the moment when the power of the Heavenly Tribulation was fully unleashed, and now, at this moment, as his eyes flickered, at the moment when the cloud mountain pressed down, the Yuan Power in Wang Lin's body exploded, and the bloody sword in his hand pointed downwards. Sweeping, the roar echoed, and a huge crack suddenly appeared in the starry sky where he was.

This crack was being torn apart layer by layer, and Wang Lin's cultivation was permeating the whole body. In addition, the cloud mountain came with strong pressure, making the collapse of this crack become more and more violent. In just a moment, the crack continued to The ground was being torn open, and finally it was completely opened

It revealed a land of nothingness under this vast area of ​​British houses.

This nothingness is where the great formation of sealing the world lies.

The crack tore open, and the chilly aura rushed out crazily. In a flash, Wang Lin stepped directly into the crack and entered the void. The cloud mountain had already locked onto Wang Lin. At this moment, it suddenly descended and landed directly in the starry sky. The fissure was torn open again, and Yunshan entered

In the void, with the arrival of Wang Lin and the rush of the Yunshan Mountain, there was immediately a network

The object flickered out, emitting bursts of powerful aura, blocking all living creatures from breaking through.

Wang Lin's eyes showed a strange light, and he immediately approached the mesh-shaped boundary sealing formation while retreating. He made a seal with his hands and turned into a brand in front of him. At this moment, the Yunshan who was chasing after him was rumbling under the giant. With the sound, it fell crazily on Wang Lin.

Wang Lin suddenly raised his hands, as if supporting a mountain peak, and an indescribable force suddenly came. Wang Lin's body suddenly shook, and blood spurted out, transmitting this force to the realm-sealing formation.

The entire void suddenly brightened up in an instant, revealing a large network connected together. This network was boundless, with no end in sight. It enveloped all the world in the world. For countless years, no matter what happened in the world, No matter how hard the monk attacks, he has never been able to break through the formation on a large scale and rush out of the boundary.

Only a very few amazing people can break through the formation and walk out alone with their strong cultivation.

But throughout the ages, there has never been anyone who attempted to break through this great formation with the help of the Heavenly Tribulation. Wang Lin was the first one.

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