Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1327 Scam...

Whether there are thousands of troops or thousands of monks, even in the star field where the Demon Scorpion is located, the other cultivation stars are aware of it at this moment, and a large number of monks fly out.

But right now, the woman in white feels that only herself and the man of light are left in the world. When that punch comes, no one can stop her.

During the crisis, her whole body emitted more milky white aura. The moment Wang Lin's fist came, the milky white aura rushed into the center of her eyebrows crazily. Shockingly, a mark appeared in the center of her eyebrows, which was originally smooth.

This is a river-shaped mark, with three rays of red, yellow and blue rays of light emitting from it.

In an instant, a seemingly forgotten memory emerged in the mind of the woman in white.

In that memory, she was kneeling on the ground and was selected as the Saint of the River Clan. On the day she accepted the inheritance, a white jade-like palm appeared in front of her. This palm was filled with warmth. With a touch of it between her eyebrows, Erase the mark of her race.

"From now on, Master will use your body to nourish the projection of my clone.

Help me will also become my incense disciple..."

This memory flashed through her mind, but there was no time for her to think too much. The moment the mark between her eyebrows appeared, the milky white aura surrounding her body suddenly turned into a vortex. This vortex rose up with a roar, and Wang Lin came. fist, direct confrontation

The roar echoed, and the starry sky shook. The woman in white spurted out blood, her face was bloodless, and her body was thrown out. However, at the moment she was thrown out, she was swept up by the milky white breath, and she broke through all barriers with her body and merged into it. In heaven and earth.

Wang Lin's right hand was numb with shock, and a strange light appeared in his eyes. At the same time that the woman in white disappeared, he took a step forward, and the whole person also disappeared into the starry sky!

As soon as he left, the light in the starry sky disappeared, leaving only countless corpses and the demon snail tribe monks who looked shocked after their arrival!

In the east of the ancient stars, in the distorted starry sky, a milky-white aura came out, and inside it was a woman in white.

Already exhausted, he appeared and took the final step without hesitation.

"Move for the last time, go there, and Sen will be rescued

But the moment the woman in white stepped forward with her right foot, the sky and the earth roared, and there seemed to be a faint roar. Wei Kong was shocked. "Bloodlight came crazily from all directions, and turned into a flawless sword to break through the crazy starry sky." Coming towards the woman in white.

The woman in white didn't even look at it.

Just looking at Wang Lin who was chasing after the transformation in the distant starry sky, his eyes revealed resentment and sarcasm. The moment Wanjian penetrated, his body gradually became transparent, allowing the blood light to pass through his body, but he couldn't. Cause half damage to it.

"I'll let you go for now, but next time, you will definitely die. Keep the magic in you. It won't be long before we meet again." The woman in white said at the moment when her body was about to disappear completely. Cold words.

But what answered him was Wang Lin's raised right hand and a more chilling voice.

"Body fixation technique"

As soon as these words came out, the movement of heaven and earth suddenly stopped, even the woman in white who wanted to be completely transparent,

It also stopped instantly, and her eyes even retained the coldness and ridicule of Zhi Tan!

Everything in the world came to a standstill. Wang Lin took a step forward without thinking, raised his right hand, and grabbed the woman in white. The five sources of the double day rotated rapidly, and a source of power condensed into Wang Lin's right hand.

With this grasp, he broke through everything, and in the continuous twisting ripples, he caught the white clothed man.

The woman's transparent body was squeezed outwards, grabbing the symbiosis out of nothingness.

"I said, you can't escape." He grabbed the woman in white, and the body-fixing technique dissipated.

The body quickly turned from transparent to solid, and his eyes showed disbelief and fear.

Wang Lin's body had now returned to normal size. He was holding the woman in white with his right hand. He raised his left hand and pressed it towards the other party's Tianling. He was about to search for gems, but immediately a strong milky white aura rushed out from the body of the woman in white. It was not It is to attack Wang Lin, but to destroy the woman in white herself.

There was no time to search for the soul, and Wang Lin was reluctant to give up the girl's soul. At the moment when the milky white breath in her body destroyed her, Wang Lin's right hand flashed with red light, and the blood sword penetrated directly from the white-clothed woman's heavenly spirit, grabbing the milky white breath. Before the breath, his soul collapsed first

·This kind of behavior is to compete with reincarnation for the soul, and with the ancient orchid concubine, to compete for the incense!

The moment the woman in white shuddered and died completely, a woman's soul appeared in Wang Lin's body, and an extremely majestic power of incense suddenly emitted from the woman's soul. Wang Lin was absorb!

After the death of the woman in white, her body immediately melted into blood, but at this moment, a golden thread flickered out of her body and went straight into nothingness.

This golden thread is the projection clone of Concubine Lan who parasitized and nourished the body of the woman in white among the eight ancient concubines. At this moment when the woman in white dies, the golden thread will break through the void and return to Concubine Lan who is recovering from her injuries.

Wang Lin suddenly raised his head, flashed the blood sword in his hand, and slashed directly at the golden thread. But what was extremely strange was that the indestructible blood sword actually penetrated the golden thread without injuring the golden tamarin at all!

The golden thread does not seem to be from this world and has no substance. All magical weapons must not be harmed. Seeing that the golden thread flies farther and farther, it will disappear.

At this moment, Wang Lin was shocked. The cracks in his storage space were out of control.

It opened on its own, and a woman walked out of it

The woman in the distance is dressed in silver, it is the silver corpse

She strangely walked out of the crack in the storage room and looked at the golden thread that was gradually disappearing. Her expression showed deep confusion. Seeing that the golden thread broke through the void and disappeared without a trace, the woman in silver raised her right hand gently. , flicking towards the void at will.

The starry sky roared, and Yun disappeared into the golden thread of nothingness. It was as if time went back and his shadow emerged again from the disappearance. Under the constant struggle, he quickly approached the woman in silver without any effect, and was caught in the hand of the woman.

As soon as the golden city fell into the hands of the woman in silver clothes, it immediately trembled violently, as if she was extremely afraid and did not dare to struggle at all. The woman in silver clothes silently looked at the golden thread in her hand. After a long time, her eyes were still full of confusion, and she gently A pinch of ground.

With this pinch, the golden thread immediately collapsed and turned into a golden mist that entered the seven orifices of the woman in silver, as if being swallowed by her.

Wang Lin narrowed his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. He had long known the identity of the woman in silver.

Guess, but there are few clues to know his identity.

However, when Shui Daozi saw the silver-clothed woman in the crack in the storage, his expression changed drastically and showed a look of fear. Wang Lin knew that the identity of this silver corpse was by no means an easy matter.

"How could such a person become a refined corpse of the Cultivation Alliance... How did Xiu Ming Lianlan get..." Wang Lin looked at the familiar silver corpse, and there was still confusion in the other person's eyes. , looking into the distance not knowing what to think about,

"I remember who I am." After a long time, Wang Lin said calmly.

The woman in silver was silent, looking back at King Yao's body, her eyes becoming more confused and she gently shook her head.

"I just felt that the aura of the golden thread force just now was very familiar...

Wang Lin's sunlight flashed imperceptibly, and he looked at the woman in silver carefully, and suddenly said

Said: "You can't be one of the eight ancient concubines, right?"

When he spoke, his eyes were like Zan, staring at the eyes of the woman in silver.

When this woman heard the word "eight concubines in ancient times", the confusion in her eyes became more intense, and she said softly: "No

Memory... I haven't been able to remember it since I woke up...

There was pain in her expression, she shook her head and turned around, walking towards the storage crack. It seemed that only there she could stop thinking about things related to herself and meditate silently.

But the moment she entered the crack in the storage room, the woman in silver clothes paused. A hint of clarity appeared in her confused eyes. She hesitated for a moment and turned to look at Wang Lin.

"Although I can't remember many things, I vaguely seem to know something. I can see that you have some disciple incense power in your body... I vaguely remember that incense is a kind of poison... it is a huge... Scam...I seem to have lost everything because of this...

·The cracks in the storage shrank as the woman in silver entered and disappeared into the starry sky.

{But her words caused an uproar in Wang Lin's mind, making his eyes shine with a dazzling light. From the Lord of the Sealed Realm, from the battle with Shui Daozi, and from the words of Taoist Lanmeng, he "all revealed that the disciple's incense is the key to becoming the third step and the key to nourishing the origin!"

Gradually, he himself also came to think about this. But now the words of the woman in silver are completely opposite!

For no reason, Wang Lin felt a chill in his body. He looked up at the starry sky and pondered the sun.

"Poison-one-one-one-one scam-one-one-one-one"

: After pondering for a moment, Wang Lin swayed and merged into the world.

"The woman in white is dead and has become my soul in the world of calling wind and rain. Now in this ancient star, no one should pay attention to me in a short This gives me the opportunity to complete the origin}" Wang Lin merged into the world, Divine thoughts permeate the air.

"According to the memory of the outside monks who were swallowed by the forest, there are no third-step monks in the Shanlei clan... Among their clan, there is a lightning that seems to have existed since the beginning of the world. That lightning is immortal for tens of millions of years and always runs through the heaven and the earth. It is The holy object of the Lightning Clan! It is also the source of power for the entire Lightning Clan.

If this thunder is swallowed, the origin of the branch thunder should evolve...'As for the disciple Xianghuo...who among them is the one who said it is Hui..." Wang Lin shrank to the ground and appeared in a strange place. In the star field, his eyes flashed, revealing a cold light.

"Whether it is true or not, we must be extremely vigilant about this matter. In my whole life of practicing Taoism, I have never relied on the incense of any disciples. I have relied on my own understanding to reverse the changes. Even if it is the origin, I have realized it on my own. I have never relied on the so-called incense." Wang Lin His body merged into the world again and rushed towards the location of the Thunder Clan in his memory.

I finally finished writing it, 102,000 words in the fourth update. After sitting for more than ten hours, I drank three Bogas and smoked two packs of cigarettes. I felt completely hazy and dizzy. The feeling now is the same as drinking alcohol. It's almost too much. I feel dizzy, my hands are sore, and I feel very uncomfortable, especially because there is too much smoke accumulated in my small study room. The clouds and mist are lingering, and I feel like I have become an immortal...'

I finally figured it out and became an immortal. It’s really uncomfortable.

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