Renegade Immortal

Chapter 137: Locking the Nation Great Formation

Wang Lin showed a look of surprise, took the jade talisman, and thanked him quickly. After the middle-aged scribe threw out the jade talisman, he ignored Wang Lin and flew into Feng Luan's chariot, talking to Feng Luan in a low voice.

Wang Lin is the kind of person who doesn't know what to do. When the middle-aged scribe entered the phoenix chariot, he had already resigned and flew out of the phoenix chariot to join the army of monks who were advancing rapidly.

The border of Huofen Kingdom is close to Xuanwu Kingdom. In addition to the monks migrating here, the people of the mortal world also dragged their families and moved to Xuanwu Kingdom. Those mutated fire beasts rarely attack mortals, and now they have only one target, Wang Lin in the monk army.

As time passed, the fire beasts behind the army of monks slowly came after them, and their number became more and more. A sense of heaviness weighed on most of the monks' hearts.

There is a huge basin on the border of Huofen Kingdom. After the army of monks flew here, the four major sects and some big cultivation families, a total of 19 Nascent Soul stage monks, had a significant secret meeting.

After the secret talk, nineteen people flew out from the army of monks and floated over the basin in the gusts of wind and thunder. Among them, a Nascent Soul monk from Luohemen said in a deep voice: "After many years of investigation by our Luohemen, we can confirm that it is the The ancestral land of the volcano group is also the place where the fire spirit beast was born. If it is sealed here, all the volcanoes will be restrained. At that time, with the great formation of the country that was set up thousands of years ago by the predecessors of the Huo Fen Kingdom, these All the fire beasts were imprisoned in the Huo Fen Kingdom. A red man from the Demon Sect glanced at the ground basin, and hummed softly: "Since the ancestors have taken precautions, why didn't they completely eliminate the troubles in the first place? the point. "

The three Nascent Soul stage monks of the Corpse Yin Sect had no coffins behind them, so they had obviously reached the level of collecting corpses and returning them to their bodies, and they were only one step away from the real seizure.

The three of them looked the most indifferent, as if they were not interested in anything. If it weren't for the tyranny of Huofen Nation's aura, it wasn't suitable for them to recover, and I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to participate in the relocation.

The first ancestor of the Temple of War God, surnamed Song, rolled his eyes, and said lightly: "The ancestors of my Huo Fen Country can't possibly calculate the disaster caused by the volcanic eruption of fire beasts. It is enough to set up a large formation here to lock the country and leave us with the last chance of life, fellow Taoists, let's start."

After the old man surnamed Song finished speaking, the six Nascent Soul stage monks in the Temple of War, including middle-aged scribes and Feng Luan, stood together. Their positions are slightly different, but they all have a strange seal formula in their hands.

The six people shouted in unison, and six lotus flowers were reflected from their handprints, and quickly fell to the east corner of the basin. The entire basin shook, and a cloud of red mist rose.

Next came the three sects of Luohe Sect, Demon Sect, and Corpse Yin Sect. I saw blossoming lotus flowers falling from the sky. They fall in three places: due south, due west, and due north respectively.

The roar became more and more intense. More red mist rose from the basin. The red mist condensed together in mid-air. form various shapes. But in the end it turned into a hollow fog ring.

This moment. A few Nascent Soul stage monks from those comprehension families who have not yet made a move. They all showed helplessness. One by one, they slapped their foreheads fiercely with one hand. Their respective Nascent Souls separated and quickly lifted off into the sky. Fly to the blank space in the middle of the fog ring. hesitated.

"Everyone who is a casual cultivator. Don't move at this time. When will you wait?" a monk from the Luohe Gate shouted suddenly.

An infant in the fog ring. The voice is high-pitched. Said: "That's all. Fellow Daoists. Since the four major sects are giving each other with Bu Yuan Pill, isn't it just a loss of a hundred years of spiritual power. I will fight." Finished. The Nascent Soul turned around. Pinch prints with both hands. With a low growl, he quickly rushed into the fog ring. In the moment of entering. His body suddenly disappeared. The whole person is completely integrated into it. Indistinguishable from the fog ring.

The rest of Nascent Soul. They all gritted their teeth and rushed in. In a blink of an eye. The entire fog ring does not change in size though. But there was a hint of agility.

In order to prevent the volcano from erupting one day, the senior monks of the Huo Fen Kingdom set up a large formation to lock the country. Not only did the four major sects need to contribute their own efforts, but also a Nascent Soul monk voluntarily stored the Nascent Soul in it temporarily, so that the formation can be guaranteed. There will be no gaps in the operation, and the country will be completely locked.

The blood color on the fog ring became thicker and thicker, slowly lifted into the air, and floated at a very high place, and then, with a bang, the ring suddenly spread, and moved towards the four extremes of the fire country, southeast, north, and west at an extremely fast speed. spread.

The ring spreads wherever it has seen, red mist emerges from large and small craters one after another, and these mist joins the fog ring, constantly increasing the spread of the fog ring.

After a stick of incense, the fog ring spread to the entire territory of Huo Fen Country, a red fog mask, like an upside-down bowl, fell from the sky, locked the country's formation, and successfully opened it.

Once the national lock formation is opened, except for mortals who can pass through normally, no matter whether it is monks or spirit beasts, anyone with supernatural powers below the stage of transforming gods will not be able to enter or exit.

Nineteen Nascent Soul monks from the four major sects pushed away one after another at the moment when the formation was opened. Several of them grabbed the bodies of loose cultivators and sent them back to their respective families. If there were no families, they would be stored in Luohe Door.

A few monks from the Luohe Gate stood outside the formation, bent down and bowed, and said in a loud voice: "Fellow Taoists, please protect the formation with peace of mind. You can guarantee the safety of Luohe Gate with your physical body. This national lock formation can only last for three months." After three months, we will definitely gain a firm foothold in the Xuanwu Kingdom, and at that time, the superior Cultivation Kingdom will also send people to destroy the beasts, and on the day of success, I will come personally to welcome you back."

As soon as the words fell, the other three sects of Nascent Soul cultivators bent down and clasped their fists one after another, with a sincere expression, showing no trace of perfunctory.

After the national lock formation was opened, all the fire beasts roared and roared, and hit the red fog cover, causing the fog cover to shake every time, but no matter how those fire beasts hit, none of them could break through. After temporarily stopping the fire beast's pursuit, the army of monks moved to the maximum speed, and saw the sword light bursting through the border of Xuanwu Kingdom like a shower of stars.

Outside the border of Xuanwu Kingdom, there were some mortal troops left. These mortals stared blankly at the densely packed sword lights in the sky, and no one screamed, dropped their weapons and kowtowed, and then a large number of mortal soldiers fell to their knees one after another. On the ground, I worship endlessly.

There was a middle-aged man in Taoist robes in the army. He stared blankly at the sky, his expression was pale, and he muttered to himself: "This...these are monks from Huo Fen Kingdom..."

He gasped, his expression changed drastically, and he quickly backed away, but at this moment, a few laughs came from the sky, and a cultivator at the alchemy stage of the Demon Sect flew over with his sword light. The flying swords immediately passed through the middle-aged Taoist priest from different angles.

The Taoist groaned miserably, his body was cut into several sections, and blood splattered everywhere.

The mortal army immediately dispersed, and even the generals in the army fled for fear of being implicated.

Tens of thousands of sword lights rushed into the territory of Xuanwu Kingdom in a blink of an eye, and stopped outside a misty mountain peak at the border. An old man with a gloomy expression flashed and appeared directly in front of the team, flipping his right hand violently, A huge palm suddenly slapped on the mountain peak.

Dots of golden light rose from the mountain peak, forming a semicircular light curtain, which could barely block the falling of the palm.

Inside the light curtain, hundreds of monks looked at the sky in a panic, and one of them, a white old woman, flew out and shouted sharply: "Fellow Daoist of the Fire Nation, what is the meaning of this?"

Yang Sen from the Temple of War God appeared on the light curtain with a swaying body. His expression was calm. When he grabbed it with his right hand, the light curtain immediately creaked and shattered into pieces and disappeared.

The old woman closed her pupils, turned around and left without saying a word, and in a blink of an eye, she had already escaped ten miles away. But the clouds in the sky suddenly gathered in front of her, turning into Yang Sen's appearance, he gave the old woman a cold look, waved his hand without saying a word, the old woman screamed sharply, slapped her forehead, and the Nascent Soul came out of the body.

As soon as Yuanying appeared, her body was immediately smashed to pieces by a destructive force.

The old woman was terrified, she was only in the early stage of Yuanying, but the opponent's strength was obviously at the peak of the middle stage of Yuanying, this level of cultivation was only three people in Xuanwu, she didn't even have the intention of resisting, she just wanted to escape This robbery.

"You can't run away!" Yang Sen snorted and chased after him.

Yang Sen will not mention it here for the time being, but just said that after the light curtain of the mountain peak was broken, the cultivators Huo Fen Nation, Foundation Establishment and Alchemy Immediately rushed forward, killing anyone they saw. One life.

The mountain peak of Nuo Da was completely occupied by the four major sects at this time, and tens of thousands of disciples stood densely on the mountain peak. In the sky above them, 18 Nascent Soul monks, except Yang Sen, floated on it.

A monk surnamed Song from the Temple of War God, with lightning-like eyes and a murderous tone in his tone, said in a deep voice, "This is a war without right or wrong. If we fail to gain a foothold in Xuanwu Kingdom within three months, we will wait for our future." It was the fire beast that broke through the formation, the fire beast was not scary, what was really scary was that there was no heaven and earth aura for cultivation.

The Temple of War God, the Demon Sect, the Luohe Sect, and the Corpse Yin Sect, from this moment on, we are united together and collectively known as the Fire Burning Alliance. For all the disciples in the alliance, each person will receive a pill during the foundation building period, and a magic weapon of Nascent Soul level during the pill formation period.

During the war, all the items that were killed and seized belong to the individual, and none will be confiscated in the alliance. Disciples, this is a war, but I personally hope that you will regard it as an invasion, a war for the sake of Survive the aggression. "

A Nascent Soul cultivator from Luohe Gate coughed a few times, and said from the side: "In addition to the magic weapon, each of you will get a jade talisman. This jade talisman can record the number of enemies you have killed. Anyone who kills more than five layers of Qi Condensation Stage Hundreds of people, or 10 people at the foundation stage, will get 10 medium-grade spirit stones. Kill 200 people above the fifth floor at the condensing stage, or 20 people at the foundation stage, or one person at the alchemy stage, and get ten bottles of elixir."

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