Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1375 The First Encounter with the Fire Bird

"Master, the closest cultivation star of the Elders of the Luosheng Society to us is the main star of the Ninth Elder Dragon Armor Clan. There are many monks there and it is relatively chaotic." The old man of the Dark Scorpion Clan guided the way and whispered.

Wang Lin rarely spoke along the way, and the two of them turned into Changhong and left the Dark Scorpion Cultivation Star, galloping away in the starry sky.

As Wang Lin moved forward, his mind was always filled with the scene of the puppet before. He seemed to have some thoughts, but he was always separated by the fog and could not see clearly.

"Although the Dragon Armor Clan is also a small clan, it has thousands of members. Among them, the Ninth Elder, the leader of the Dragon Armor Clan, has reached the fourth decline among heavenly beings. After using the divine power of his clan's dragon armor, ordinary monks There is no way to break through its protection. In the Luosheng Society, this elder of the Dragon Armor Clan is also famous. A clan like ours, the Dark Scorpion Clan, would not dare to be disrespectful or provoke him in the slightest."

The Dark Scorpion Clan old man introduced in a low voice, and told Wang Lin in detail everything he knew about the Dragon Armor Clan.

"The flame crystal, dragon? Can the Clan Lord Star sell it?" After a long time, Wang Lin Xu Ai opened the door

"Yes, but the Fire Bird Clan is very good at collecting this object. Whenever it appears, they will buy it at any cost. It is difficult for others to compete with them. If you want to buy this object or puppet, you need to go to the market composed of the Dragon Armor Clan. ." The old man from the Dark Scorpion Tribe said quickly.

Both of them were not weak in cultivation, and they were able to move quickly. It only took a few hours to cross the starry sky and far away from the Dark Scorpion Cultivation Star. What appeared at the end of Wang Lin's eyes was a cyan star. Cultivation star.

This star is filled with green color, exuding vigorous vitality, and is surrounded by thick spiritual power, far surpassing the Dark Scorpion Clan.

As soon as the two people approached, three rainbow sword lights flew out from the blue cultivation star, heading straight towards the two of them. Within the three sword lights, the former was an old man. This man was dressed in a green shirt, with a face He smiled, clasped his fists from afar, and said, "The elder calculated that the Dark Scorpion Clan's Clan Chief will come in the near future, so he asked the three of me to wait here, and the Scorpion Clan Clan Chief will follow the three of me in."

The two people behind the old man also clasped their fists and spoke extremely politely.

After all, the Dark Scorpion Clan is one of the 372 tribes. Although he is not an elder of the Luosheng Guild, he is definitely not an ordinary tribesman who can be ignored. The Dark Scorpion Clan old man nodded with a smile, clasped his fists in return, and then let Wang Lin go forward. He followed From behind, guided by the three people from the Dragon Armor Clan, they flew towards the Cultivation Star.

When the three members of the Dragon Armor Clan saw the leader of the Scorpion Clan behaving like this, they were all immediately surprised. Especially the old man at the moment. His eyes flashed and he looked at Wang Lin carefully, although they didn't see any clues. , but he started to pay attention in his heart.

"For the leader of the Scorpion Clan to be so polite,

This person must not be underestimated..."

The crowd turned into several rainbows, gradually approaching the Cultivation Star, and was about to enter the Gangfeng layer. Wang Lin suddenly felt something in his mind. As he walked forward, he turned his head and glanced at the starry sky behind him casually.

In the starry sky, among the ripples and twists, a middle-aged man walked out of nowhere. The middle-aged man looked at Wang Lin and showed a sinister smile.

Wang Lin looked calm, as if he didn't care, turned his head, and disappeared as Chunren stepped into the Gangfeng layer.

The strong wind was fierce, whizzing past around him, creating a strong wind that filled the air. Wang Lin felt gloomy at this moment. The middle-aged man looked at him first, which aroused Wang Lin's vigilance, so he looked back.

This look immediately made Wang Lin feel gloomy. He had vaguely seen the appearance of the other party. It was exactly the one he saw when Tuo Sen was chasing him when he first entered the ancient stars. He saw one of the three powerful powers chasing Tuo Sen!

Seeing the other person again in this fallen land, Wang Lin immediately judged that this person was definitely not a member of the fallen land tribe, but came from the ancient stars!

At this time, as the third step of the powerful opponent, entering here, the purpose does not need to be guessed, Wang Lin will be clear!

"He should have come to kill me...but he should not be the real body, otherwise, it is definitely not the fifth weak aura of heavenly beings that was revealed just now...Of course, it is also possible that he is hiding his cultivation level...and this person is very interested in this kind of person." Dian Luo Zhi is also extremely afraid, otherwise, he would have taken action right now...

The elder will pursue you very quickly... Is the fifth devastation of heaven..." Wang Lin's eyes showed fighting intent, and he followed the others through the Gangfeng layer with a sneer and entered the cultivation star.

Outside the Dragon Armor Tribe Cultivation Star, in the starry sky, Si Mozi withdrew the sunlight and kept smiling. He did not expect that he had just arrived in this topsy-turvy place and saw the person who wanted to sue. His appearance and aura had already been revealed. It was calculated by Chief Yunluo and passed to him. At a glance, he recognized the other party's identity.

"It's a pity that taking action here will cause troubles. It would be even worse if we lead the Emperor Dianluo out... But since this person is on the Cultivation Star, it will be impossible for him to escape! If you find a suitable reason, you can capture him !”

With a smile on his face, Simozi glanced towards the distance, only to see a figure roaring towards him in the distance. A long smile came out. It was an old man with white hair, wearing a blue robe, from the Dragon Armor Clan. The cultivation star flashed out.

"Senior Si Mozi, I haven't seen you for many years, but you still have the same style!" The old man laughed loudly as he walked.

body four

The vitality of heaven and earth moved around, revealing the aura of the fourth decline of heaven and man. "Fellow Daoist Sun, it's been hundreds of years since we parted ways in the past, but today I'm here to disturb you again," Si said.

Mozi laughed, clasped his fists and said.

"Senior is here to visit, so why bother? You and I have known each other for a long time. If it hadn't been for Senior Simozi's advice back then, I would have died long ago. Senior Simozi, please go to my cave!" The old man cupped his fists and said with a smile. As the ninth elder of the Luosheng Society, he usually did not care about worldly affairs. He was meditating in Lingguan and came immediately after receiving the message from Si Mozi's spiritual thoughts.

While the two were chatting and laughing, they walked towards the Cultivation Star, and their figures gradually disappeared.

After Wang Lin and the leader of the Dark Scorpion Clan entered the Cultivation Star, the three Dragon Armor Clan leaders clasped their fists and respectfully resigned. After the three of them left, the Dark Scorpion Clan old man quickly led Wang Lin straight to a place in the east of the Cultivation Star. Go to a big city.

"Master, if you want to buy puppets or fire crystals, you can only go to Dongfang City, where there is a store directly affiliated with the Dragon Armor Clan. Every time I come here, unless I am catching up with a large auction, I will go there." The old man from the Dark Scorpion tribe whispered as he moved forward.

Wang Lin nodded slightly, but murderous intent gradually filled his heart. When he came here, he originally planned to buy some high-level puppets for further study. If he could encounter the strange fire crystals, he would also buy some.

This object has a promoting effect on his Suzaku's fourth transformation. If absorbed in large quantities, it will benefit him a lot. In addition, this fire strange crystal is also related to his acquisition of the origin of the Fire Bird clan.

But after seeing Si Mozi, Wang Lin changed his mind. Since the opponent was chasing him, it was obviously difficult to escape, and Wang Lin had no intention of escaping. He wanted to fight the opponent here!

"The person who came after me didn't take action because of some scruples. When this person came here, he must be ready to find a good reason to kill me... Since he has scruples, it's best... Moreover, he is in the fifth stage of his cultivation as a celestial being, and he is obviously unwilling to show the power of the third step, or maybe this person really just came here in disguise...

If it is really a clone that is chasing after me, I will let his clone perish as a warning to others! But before the war, we need to make more preparations. After all, the fifth weakest cultivation level of heavenly beings is by no means simple. Although I say thunder The origin is great, but you must be cautious!”

Wang Lin looked grim. After knowing the direction he was going, he grabbed the old man from the Dark Scorpion tribe next to him. In a flash, his speed increased rapidly. In a blink of an eye, he was over the eastern city, turning into two rainbows and speeding downwards.

"Lead the way quickly!" Wang Lin said in a deep voice as he put down the old man.

The old man from the Dark Scorpion Tribe saw the murderous look on Wang Lin's body, and his mind was filled with excitement. He immediately led Wang Lin around the Yuncheng Pond, and soon he came to the door of a towering attic.

The attic looked extremely simple. As soon as the two entered, a person walked out of the attic. This person was a woman, she looked to be in her thirties, and her charm was still there. As soon as she appeared, a fragrant breeze hit her face.

"Hey, isn't this the Clan Chief of the Scorpion Clan? Didn't you just come here a few months ago? Could it be that I know that I have a new treasure here recently, so I came here after hearing the news." The woman's voice was soft and charming, and she chuckled. Open your mouth.

His eyes swept over Wang Lin and paused for a moment, with a hint of surprise flashing through his eyes.

The old man from the Dark Scorpion tribe laughed, clasped his fists and said, "I am just here to keep you company today, so I am bringing this fellow Taoist here."

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, looked at Wang Lin carefully, leaned forward and said, "Fellow Taoist, please go upstairs and talk. If there is anything you need, please tell me."

Wang Lin looked calm, clasped his fists slightly, and followed the woman upstairs to the second floor. "The second floor is not big. There are several chairs with drums. Wang Lin sat there and looked at the woman.

The old man from the Dark Scorpion clan stood behind Wang Lin and did not sit down.

When the woman Qin saw this scene, her eyes once again showed a hidden strange light. She lowered her head and whispered softly: "I don't know what you need."

"Fire and Fire Crystal!" Wang Lin spoke slowly, but his eyes moved away from the woman, and landed at the entrance to the second floor. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. 【》

"I also want the Flame Fire Crystal!" The moment Wang Lin finished speaking, a cold voice came from the entrance to the second floor, and then, a person walked up from there. .

This man was wearing a fiery red robe, with messy white hair, but his body seemed to contain a sea of ​​fire. As he came, the attic was immediately filled with high temperatures.

In particular, the stairs that this person stepped on clearly left traces of flames, but the flames did not damage the stairs. They seemed to burn out of thin air and gradually dissipated.

There was a mark of flames between this man's eyebrows! The flames were lifelike, as if they were burning! When he came to the second floor, his eyes suddenly met Wang Lin's eyes.

"This fellow Taoist, the Fire and Fire Crystal, I'd better give it to me.

Wang Lin smiled.

My thoughts have not gone smoothly recently, and the plot has reached a critical moment. It is about to turn, so I need to write it carefully. There is no explosion, but I am very serious. I hope everyone will not mind. The monthly ticket is not much, so if you ask for help in times of need, thank you very much.

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