Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1378 The 1st Generation Grandmaster

Si Mozi's expression changed and he stood up suddenly. His eyes were like lightning, suddenly looking into the distance. His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate all barriers in the world, breaking through the void with a bang, and directly saw the proud and straight top of the mountain in the middle of the cultivation star. Wang Lin is looking at him!

\u0026amp;;I underestimated this person’s mind! But, under the absolute cultivation level. Everything is useless! \u0026amp;;Si Mozi sneered, took a step forward, and disappeared without a trace.

In the main hall. Only the father and son of the Dragon Armor clan were left, with gloomy expressions.

\u0026amp;;Father. The monk has a high level of cultivation and is by no means an ordinary person. Currently hiding in a fallen place. Are we a bit like this?" The young man from the Dragon Armor Clan hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice.

\u0026amp;;Of course he is no ordinary person. If I guessed correctly, this person is the one who destroyed the Lightning Clan. Killed the great elder of the Lightning Clan. He also suppressed and suppressed tens of thousands of monks and fled. The person who was issued the Ancient Star Order by the Elder Council! \u0026amp;;The leader of the Dragon Armor Clan and the ninth elder of the Luosheng Society. He spoke gloomily.

\u0026amp;;This! ! \u0026amp;;The young member of the Dragon Armor Clan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression suddenly changed.

\u0026amp;;If not. This third step is the mighty Si Mozi. How could he suddenly come here! Humph, if it weren't for his advanced cultivation. His father would never help him, but in comparison now, the person who destroyed the Lightning Clan was not the third step powerful after all. So I can only help Simozi! \u0026amp;;

"But father, if Senior Simozi succeeds, that's all, but what if?" The young man from the Longjia tribe was silent for a moment and said in a low voice.

\u0026amp;;This possibility does not exist! Even if there is a real possibility. Even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. Escape is not enough to heal the wounds. Where is the time to come and cause trouble for my Dragon Armor Clan? Besides, if he really dares to come. I will let him never come back!

After all, my father is the ninth elder of the Luosheng Society. Represents the Rising Society. he. Dare not! \u0026amp;;The leader of the Dragon Armor Clan looked proud. Swinging his sleeves. Get up and leave.

Be calm in every big event!

Wang Lin's expression was calm, his mind was neither happy nor sad, and he raised his head and looked at the sky. With his hands behind his back, he wore a white shirt and rolled his hair in the wind, making him look like a whole person. Rusi Immortal!

He stood there and merged with heaven and earth, he. It’s heaven. he. It’s the land!

After practicing Taoism for two thousand years, I used to be as weak as a boy. Now he has grown to stand at the pinnacle of the world of cultivation and can challenge the third step of power! Although this third step of power is just a clone,

Only the fifth weakest cultivation level of heavenly beings!

But looking at this world, looking at the inside and outside, there is no one except him, Wang Lin. There were a few more people. Who else dares to challenge the third step!

Until now. Wang Lin already possesses the demeanor of a great master, with a calm face. Hidden in this storm is a storm that defies the heavens. Futian murderous intent exists!

Dare to fight against the sky. Dare to fight for your life. Dare to refute Dao!

this. It’s Wang Lin! God will steal Li Muwan's life. A glimmer of hope amidst danger. He possesses the realm of condensed incense but gives up relying on external forces to climb up. He only relies on his own five origins to move the gate of space. He wants to take a path of enlightenment that few people have taken throughout the ages!

Lead the seven million people of heaven and earth to break through the heaven and earth and return to the starry sky! Kill the great elder of the Lightning Clan and use his weak cultivation to slaughter the sky! He even reached the ancient stars by his own efforts. Just to send Li Qianmei!

Disrupt the ancient stars. Being hunted by the entire Taikoo. All of it. Even Qingshuang back then felt inferior!

this. It’s Wang Lin! Walking through the world, I don’t ask for eternal success, but I want to live a life without regrets. I don’t want to be upright for thousands of years, but I want to live without regrets!

In heaven and earth. The sword energy roared. With just one stroke, 40 million sword energy would cover the sky. The clouds dispersed. The heaven and earth are permeated in the sword energy, and it is no longer clear whether the sword energy exists in the heaven and the earth, or whether the sword energy contains the heaven and the earth!

When Wang Linyou raised a finger with his right hand, nearly 40 million sword energy roared into action. They all gathered together, as if the fingers of Wang Lindi's right hand had become a whirlpool. Can absorb all the sword energy surges.

Just for a moment. These nearly 40 million sword energy disappeared into the world. All integrated into Wang Lin's right index finger! This finger. It's enough to destroy heaven and earth with just one finger. That’s 40 million sword energy attacking at the same time!

In the distant sky, the storm was roaring at this moment. But there was a tornado vortex rising from the ground. Coming from connecting heaven and earth, the whirlpool was earth-shattering. There was a crazy whistling sound. Suddenly coming from a distance at an extremely fast speed!

In the storm that filled the sky, Si Mozi was clearly inside.

\u0026amp;;Dare to challenge me, Si Mozi. You are very brave! \u0026amp;;Si Mozi’s voice boomed. The moment it came, a whirlpool roared in the sky outside his body. Go straight to Wang Linhao.

This scene is like Si Mozi sucking the world away. It turned into this whirlpool, and used the power of heaven and earth to launch magical powers towards Wang Lin!

\u0026amp;;A lot of nonsense! \u0026amp;;Wang Lin looked calm when Simozi arrived. He waved his right hand in front of him!

\u0026amp;;Stop the collapse! \u0026amp;;As soon as these words came out, the whole world around Wang Lin was immediately filled. An illusory volcano. Appeared suddenly! With Wang Lin's current cultivation level. The ability to perform this landslide technique surpassed that of Qingshui who was still injured back then!

Pieces of illusory volcanoes appeared in the sky and earth, and roaring sounds came from the mountains. It forms a sound wave that is earth-shattering!

Surrounded by mountains, Wang Lin looked calm, but his eyes were filled with chills!

Si Mozi's expression was solemn. He did not dare to underestimate a person who relied on his original power to attract Buddhism without the need for incense. At this moment, he waved his hands forward, and the vortex storm outside his body immediately passed through him with a whistling roar. Under that violent sound, he went straight towards Wang Lin and bombarded him!

At the same time, Wang Lin raised his right hand pointing to the sky and suddenly slashed downwards fiercely!

\u0026amp;;The mountain collapsed for the first time! "Following Wang Lindi's words, the countless illusory volcanoes shook violently. However, billowing black smoke exploded from within, covering the sky and spreading in all directions. It directly collided with the whirlpool storm.

The roar shook the world. It turned into an impact and swept around, making the sky tremble. The ground thumped.

All of a sudden. The cultivation star suddenly trembled.

\u0026amp;;Mt. The second collapse. The third collapse! \u0026amp;;The volcano roared, and waves of high temperature and heat rushed out. Turned into a piece of red magma. Heading straight towards the whirlpool storm while rolling.

Roaring at this moment. Enough to shatter ear bones. It was as if the heaven and earth were torn apart, and a huge crack appeared in the sky. It's the tearing of space, on the ground. It's an extremely deep ravine in this cultivation star!

\u0026amp;;The mountain, the fourth collapse, the fifth collapse! \u0026amp;;Wang Lin spoke calmly, and immediately the large amount of flames seemed to overlap and turned into a real volcano. An explosion of destruction unfolded!

It's just that although this volcano is extremely real, it has no soul and is only condensed with magical powers!

At this moment. Wang Lin jumped up, grabbed the ground below with his right hand, and shouted: "The art of stopping collapse has no soul." I will give you the soul of this technique! Take this cultivation star. The soul of all mountains! ! \u0026amp;;

As Wang Lin's words spread out. The whole body of this cultivation star was shaken. The earth trembled, like an earth dragon rolling. Above this star, the mountain peaks shook. Suddenly. Then it collapsed directly and turned into countless rubbles. It’s as if there is no backbone to support it!

Because of their backbone, their mountain soul. At this moment, everything was taken away by Wang Lin!

Mountain peaks collapsed one after another, and traces of mountain souls were drawn out, flying out from all the peaks on the cultivation star and gathering together. In an instant, he was surrounded by Wang Lin!

On the entire Cultivation Star. There are no more peaks at this moment. Possess land. All are piles of rocks!

Extract the entire cultivation star mountain soul. Wang Lin grabbed it in his hand and swung it away. At the moment when the Simozi storm was approaching, the mountain soul merged with the volcano of the landslide technique!

At this moment, the volcano emerged from this landslide technique and had a soul! Its earth soul is extremely thick, condensed from countless mountain peaks at this moment. This volcano. This is the real mountain!

The Landslide Technique, until now, can be considered a complete success!

\u0026amp;;Stop. Ninth collapse! ! ! , passed the first few collapses, and directly launched the last collapse of this landslide technique! The volcano shook, and with the roaring sound, it was as if a storm exploded within it. The mountain peak was shattered, forming a landslide storm that was made up of rocks, magma, black smoke, and mountain souls.

The storm roared. The final collision with Si Weizi's whirlpool storm started directly!

A devastating impact. It burst out at this moment. It was like a strong wind blowing back and falling on Wang Lin. His clothes were flapping wildly and his hair was fluttering rapidly. Only his face was pale. But instead of retreating, he took a step forward and headed straight for Simozi!

Si Mozi's face was equally pale, at that moment when the storm collided and dissipated, and the impact rolled back. His body turned into a rainbow and rushed out.

\u0026amp;;A way to stop collapse? This is Bai Fan’s magical power! ! \u0026amp;;Si Mozi was as fast as lightning. The impact of the storm collision was broken in an instant, and he made a seal with his hands. Swing outward suddenly. He shouted in a cold voice: "The sky is a painting!" \u0026amp;;

As soon as his words fell, the sky suddenly changed. But there were countless ripples echoing immediately. There are big twists. In the blink of an eye, all the colorful lights disappeared. Became pure white!

This is white. Like a painting! There are endless shadows on it. Outline the mountains and rivers!

\u0026amp;;The ground is ink! \u0026amp;;Si Mozi’s voice roared, and the earth was shaken at this moment. It was also twisted and even more dark. In the echoing circles of ripples. It's like becoming Mo!

\u0026amp;;I am a pen, one stroke can break the sky. Become my way to break heaven! \u0026amp;;Si Mozi stepped forward and raised his right hand, as if it had become a pen, waving it to change the world. It’s like a world of its own!

Wang Lin's pupils shrank suddenly. He and Li Qianmei had discussed Taoism and briefly talked about magical powers. He also obtained the Sima Mo Di Jade Slips. And in the colorful world, I also went to Sima Mo's cave. All these things made him aware. Within the Potian Sect, there is a magical power. Its name is Breaking the Heavenly Way!

This technique can only be practiced by the sect masters and great disciples of the past generations. Only then can you practice! The power is poor!

\u0026amp;;Simozi, Simozi, could he be like this?\u0026amp;;

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