Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1400 The Moon Hidden in the Heart of the Lake

As he retreated, Wang Lin's eyes were as bright as a torch, and he kept staring at the gradually dissipating giant turtle. When the giant turtle completely disappeared, his eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

"I didn't expect that there would be an ancient soul forbidden in this emperor's star!!" Wang Lin took a deep breath, and after a long time, he

He suppressed the excitement in his heart. He couldn't help but be excited. He couldn't help being excited.

If he could learn all the four major forbidden realms and fuse them together, with great opportunity, he might be able to understand the origin of the forbidden realms. If he could really succeed, Wang Lin's origin would no longer be the five realms, but... the six realms!!

Six Paths Original Sect!

If this kind of thing were to spread, it would be enough to shock all the monks. Even those high-ranking third-step powers would be horrified. The more people understand the origin, the more they will understand what the six-path origin represents!

The five origins are already extremely amazing. If there is one more, it will be shocking! But similarly, if you want to achieve all the six origins, the difficulty will be doubled.

"I have already obtained the Destruction Barrier, the Life and Death Barrier, and the Age Barrier. Although I don't have much time to deduce it, if I can learn this Ancient Soul Barrier, my four major restraints will be completely complete...then one by one, one by one. "

Wang Lin's heart was pounding. This kind of fate was so unexpected. It suddenly came to Wang Lin without any mental preparation.

"Who is this great emperor? He can actually use the ancient soul ban to set up a ban on the arena.

..." Wang Lin was even more afraid of the mysterious emperor.

"He let me come in in advance... Could it be that everything was unexpected? Could it be that he calculated that I would have to come in?"

You will definitely be attracted by this restriction..." Wang Lin was silent, and the more he separated the sticks, the more the excitement dissipated.

"Everything about this Great Emperor's Star is weird... there is no Gangfeng layer, strange vegetation, and ancient souls are forbidden..." Wang Lin swayed and landed on the land with sparse vegetation in the northwest region.

The ground was covered with dust. After landing, Wang Lin immediately lowered his body and grabbed a handful of dirt with his right hand. He looked at it carefully for a while, and his expression slowly became darker.

At this moment, a rainbow roared in the sky in the distance, but it was Shao, several emperor's envoys, and some monks who came after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin raised his head and glanced, turned around and took a step forward. The figure disappeared. When he appeared, he was already on a huge leaf in the endless vegetation in the eastern part of the Great Emperor Star.

There Wang Lin sat cross-legged, looking at the gray soil in his hands and frowning.

"This soil seems ordinary, but I always feel something is wrong..." Wang Lin closed his eyes as he pondered, and his mind gradually recalled that when Tianni opened it one time, he stepped half of his foot into it and transformed into a human being. Chaos, floating in nothingness, finally became a star of cultivation.

The memory of this scene left a deep impression on Wang Lin. It was that experience that made him vaguely aware of many things.

He clearly remembered that after he transformed into a Cultivation Star, he spent countless invincible years. The volcano on the Cultivation Star erupted, ejecting the matter from the center of the earth and filling the entire Cultivation Star. After that, these materials weathered over the years. , became particles, and finally formed soil.

It is in this soil that some extremely primitive vegetation was born. Through the deaths and births one after another, the soil gradually became alive and integrated with the vitality of the entire cultivation star.

"When the cultivation star in this starry sky was first born, there was no soil... The soil was gradually formed later... In other words, if the soil has a lifespan, it is uneven, and it is shorter than the lifespan of the cultivation star itself. none."

Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a strange light, staring at the soil in his hands. After a long time, Wang Lin said softly: "Liu Yue..."

A sense of time suddenly spread from his body, covering the soil in his hand. The years passed, as if he was trying to trace the birth day of the soil.

It's just that the date when this soil was born has been too long ago. With Wang Lin's cultivation, it is impossible to trace it back completely, but he can roughly feel some clues.

After a long time, Wang Lin waved his right hand, and the soil dispersed in all directions. Then he moved and appeared under the vegetation. He grabbed a handful of soil under the vegetation and used the Flowing Moon Technique again.

After a while, Wang Lin let go of the dirt in his hands and let it fall, with a flash of understanding in his eyes.

"If this soil was formed naturally, it should have been born at different times and in sequence... But the soil here was born at the same time, and it is exactly the same in longevity!! There are only two such things explain!

One of them is the volcanoes on the return planet. Shortly after the birth of the star a long time ago, they all erupted at the same time, destroying them all and forming soil... But this is somewhat unreasonable. After all, the original vegetation that makes the soil alive cannot be destroyed at the same time. Appear and die at the same time...

If this guess is not true, then only the last

One explanation... Everything here is caused by man. A long time ago, the art of ether magical power was developed!" Wang Lin took a breath. He was also a great magical monk at the moment. "It is conceivable that the kind of magic power that can be seen from the starry sky alone To create a cultivation star inside, the powerful cultivation required is already unimaginable!

In silence, Wang Lin shook his head. Even he couldn't believe his guess. He didn't know that in fact, if his guess was known to others, it would definitely cause a great shock.

Because it is rare for a monk to be able to analyze so many things through clues like dirt. Even if he has this ability, he will not be able to analyze it at all if he does not know the entire process of the Cultivation Star from its birth to its destruction.

So far, Wang Linshang is the first person to analyze the origin of this cultivation saint from the soil!

If the mysterious emperor knew about this, he would definitely be shocked. In his opinion, this matter was even more shocking than Wang Lin's shock about star creation!

In addition to the gap in cultivation between monks, there is also the understanding of Tao. Tao is actually a kind of truth. People who understand various principles and know all cause and effect, with consistent cultivation, are so terrifying that it is unbelievable. !

After scattering the soil, Wang Lin was silent for a moment, lying on the huge leaf, looking at the gray sky, thinking in his eyes. He is a person who likes to think, and it is precisely because of thinking that he has experienced various crises in his life. Down to now.

Although Wang Lin spoke arrogantly about Yunluo and Si Mozi from the Elder Council, he was extremely cautious in his heart. He didn't know what the emperor wanted, but this did not prevent him from using the emperor's power to come. Be part of your own strength.

This approach is very useful in this cruel world of cultivation. Only those who know how to take advantage of situations can find the results and success they want in this complicated foreign land.

In the sky in the distance, there were continuous rainbows flashing past at this moment, but gradually, more people entered the Emperor Star. Wang Lin looked at the disappearing rainbows, lay down and touched slowly with his right hand. The huge leaves beneath him.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed and he looked at his right hand. At that moment, he faintly felt that when his right hand was rubbing the leaves, a faint trace of weakness in his body came out of his stingy hand without his control. Breathe eight into this leaf.

But when he looked carefully, he found nothing, as if the scene just now was an illusion.

Sitting up, Wang Lin's eyes flashed. Although he didn't find anything, he always had a feeling of panic filling his mind. While he was thinking, he swayed, flew up and landed in the air, and looked down.

Endless vegetation swaying slowly on the earth...

"Everything about this Great Emperor Star is weird..." Wang Lin didn't want to step on those big leaves anymore, so he turned into a rainbow and flew over the Great Emperor Star. His consciousness spread out cautiously and observed closely.

The sky was getting dark, and only the long rainbows flashed across the horizon in the distance. Wang Lin was not very fast. At dusk, he saw a lake surrounded by countless vegetation, and an old man in white!

The old man was sitting by the lake, holding a fishing rod in his hand and fishing. There is a wine bottle next to it.

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. This was the first person he saw here, besides the emperor's messenger and the rainbows. After pondering for a while, Wang Lin did not leave, but slowly fell down and came behind the old man.

The old man ignored it and still sat there, looking at the lake.

Wang Lin sat cross-legged and said nothing. The surroundings were quiet, except for the slight sound of piercing the air coming from the northwest of Yinde in the distance, but it was integrated with the tranquility of this place. Don't feel noisy.

The tide is very clear. At a glance, although you can't see the bottom of the lake, you can roughly see that there are no fish under the water.

An old man and a young man were sitting there across the wine bottle. Time passed slowly, and gradually the sky became completely dark, and a bright moon slowly appeared in the sky.

The light breeze blew, blowing the vegetation around the lake and making a rustling sound, but it did not break the tranquility here.

There are slight ripples on the lake surface that are swaying when the breeze caresses them, as if the bright moon has been plucked from the sky and hidden deeply in the lake. Looking at the lake surface, it is so faint that people can't tell where the moon is...

The bright moon either hangs in the sky or is buried in the middle of the lake. Under the surrounding tranquility, it reveals an extremely beautiful picture. Under such an environment, Wang Lin's tired heart after coming to the ancient stars seems to have Relax.

"Are you drinking?" I don't know how long it took, the old man's hoarse voice came slowly.

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