Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1404 The Old Suzaku Who Protects His Weaknesses

"A lot of old guys are here," the moment everyone raised their heads. Old Suzaku's voice fell from the sky, with ridicule in his voice. The body floated down, and outside his body, there was an illusory fire, which filled the surrounding area. The moment his body fell to the ground, it immediately disappeared without a trace.

The old Suzaku's back was revealed. Wang Lin's figure.

As soon as Wang Linzhou appeared, Dan Dao's eyes were immediately focused on him.

The first glance. Coming from Si Mozi, Si Mozi's eyes were extremely cold. Revealing murderous intent.

The second gaze was very soft, with a hint of confusion and reminiscence. It was the woman between the father and daughter whose body was filled with blue light.

The third look was that of the beautiful young man eating a peach. A flash of light flashed across his eyes, and a look that looked like a smile appeared on his face.

Wang Lin looked calm. Scan with both eyes. It fell on the father and daughter who were filled with blue light. There was a hint of complexity in his eyes. But it quickly dissipated.

\u0026;This junior has met senior Lanmeng Taoist Master. \u0026;Wang Lin cupped his fists. Said respectfully.

Taoist Master Lanmeng had a smile on his face. He nodded and said softly: "I was there before." I really underestimated you. "

The acquaintance between Wang Lin and Taoist Lanmeng. It was beyond Old Suzaku's expectation. He looked strange and glanced at Li Qianmei who was beside Taoist Lanmeng. Hehehe smiled. Didn't pay attention to it. But his eyes widened. Look directly at Si Mozi.

\u0026;Little doll, what are you looking at! Could it be that you are dissatisfied with me? Do you want to challenge me? Come on come on. If you want to fight, I will play with you. \u0026;Old Suzaku showed no signs of being a senior and glared at Si Mozi. He raised his right hand and hooked it.

Si Mozi's expression suddenly changed, and he knew that the other party was the First Young Emperor of the Land of Trouble. He has a great reputation and can be said to be the number one person under the emperor. The research on this old guy in the Elder Association continues. Very difficult to mess with.

\u0026;The senior’s cultivation is as high as the sky, the junior...the junior is no match. "Si Mozi quickly clasped his fists. The murderous intent in his eyes had long since dissipated, and he whispered.

\u0026;Hmph, you don’t dare to fight with me, but you want to provoke my junior, and you utter arrogant words that deserve a beating! \u0026;No matter how old Suzaku looked at Si Mozi, he raised his right hand and waved it forward with a cold snort.

With this wave, there was no magical transformation. But the expression of Chief Yunluo suddenly changed. Without hesitation, he quickly took a few steps to the side. The pupils in Simozi's eyes shrank suddenly, and he growled Feng Feng, holding his hands in front of him. But the seal state has just been pinched out.

Immediately there was a shocking roar.

But he saw that Simozi retreated sharply. His hands were shaking unnoticeably. His face suddenly turned pale, and his whole body was suddenly burning with an illusory flame. Step back three feet. The flames flickered three times. Every time it flickered, the burning power erupted in Simozi would increase dramatically.

Three feet later. This time Si Mozi's body was shaken violently. A mouthful of blood spurted out. There was a look of horror in his eyes.

\u0026;Senior bullied the small by bullying me, and attacked me in front of so many fellow Taoists. What does this mean? ! \u0026; Anger appeared on Si Mozi's face. But this comes with anger. However, the illusory flames outside the body suddenly increased, as if absorbing its anger. It turned into a more ferocious collapse.

This time Simozi spurted out blood again. At this moment, Master Yunluo stepped forward hurriedly, raised his jade hand and pressed it on Si Mozi's back, apparently using some kind of secret magic. This made Si Mozi's complexion slightly better, but still pale.

\u0026;To bully? . You also know that you are a big bully. You used three steps of cultivation to force my son to fight. You dare to bully the younger ones with me, so I bully the younger ones with your elders, what's the matter! \u0026;Old Suzaku was very kind to Wang Lin despite his many years of cultivation. It seems that he has a good temper, but in fact. When he became famous. But he is known for his fiery temper. At this moment, I heard Simozi's words. His eyes widened again. His body suddenly took a step forward.

It's too fast. When the naked eye cannot see you. The old Suzaku came to Si Mozi. He raised his right hand and slapped it forward, landing directly on Si Mozi's face. But listen to the snap. A slap across the face.

Under one fan. Si Mozi groaned. The body stepped back a few feet, and the left side of his face immediately bulged up. Purple and black.

Behind him, Chief Yunluo's face suddenly turned pale, and he also retreated, saying in a deep voice:. Senior, stop, my elder...\u0026;

\u0026;Shut up, you little girl, don’t say any more. Even you! Today, old man, I am going to bully the younger ones! \u0026; Before the Yunluo Chief finished speaking. Old Suzaku glared at him fiercely.

One sentence immediately made the Yunluo Chief bite his lower lip. He stopped talking.

That Simozi just stepped back a few feet. Immediately his eyes lit up with flowers.

\u0026;Who are you, dare to call my boy a little bastard? ? You are the bastard. Grandma land. Your whole family is a bastard! \u0026;Old Suzaku said, taking another step closer, this time raising his left hand. Swing it away again. There was a snap. Another slap.

Si Mozi groaned and spurted out blood, and retreated hastily. The anger reaches the sky. It's just that this anger comes together. But it immediately turned into flames that burned him, causing him to scream in agony. He suppressed his anger again and again.

\u0026;If my boy is a bastard, then I am also a bastard. Do you dare to scold me? \u0026;Old Suzaku stared forward and chased after him.

"Junior didn't..." Simozi was greatly shaken. I was about to defend myself at this moment. But his words were obviously not as fast as Old Suzaku. Suddenly, Old Suzaku approached and raised his right hand. Immediately slapped him.

There was a snap. The left side of Simozi's face was originally purple and black. His arms became even more swollen. Spurting out blood with several teeth, his body turned into a long line and was thrown far away.

\u0026;snort. Dare you scold me! ! \u0026;Old Suzaku had a hint of murderous intent in his eyes, if he hadn't planned to let Wang Lin use the opponent to establish his authority. This time it will not be just three slaps, but it will directly kill the other party!

This old Suzaku even dares to fish for dragons. The cultivation level is even more terrifying. Although this is the third step for Simozi. But we have just stepped into it. If it were anyone else, even with Old Suzaku's cultivation. There would be some hesitation, and after all, there was the Elder Council standing behind Simozi.

But Old Suzaku didn't consider these things at all. He has only one idea. Provoked the Suzaku clan. No! Even if the opponent's cultivation level is higher than his, Old Suzaku doesn't care, naturally there will be a generation of ancestors to come forward.

The Suzaku clan has been passed down from generation to generation in protecting their shortcomings, and it has been deeply rooted in their bones.

Wang Lin watched this scene. A smile appeared on his face, he was unconsciously on this old Suzaku. I found the shadow of the old holy emperor like the five generations of Suzaku, like clear water.

Wang Lindi's character. Sometimes it's simple. He repaid those who were kind to him many times over, like Situ Nan, like asking for water that was always in his heart. Like the old holy emperor Suzaku. Like fleeing from the sky in person...

The monks who were fighting to be chosen as the elders of the Rise and Fall Society have already stopped. Retreat to the surrounding area. Tens of thousands of monks from the Drifting Land all looked extremely respectful. Among them, there were more than a dozen envoys from the Emperor. They all looked at the sky respectfully.

As for the rest of the people in the sky and on the earth. No one said anything to stop it.

Slap a few times. Old Suzaku looked away. Came to Wang Lin's side. He didn't even look at the extremely embarrassed Si Mozi and the gloomy looking Yun Luo Da Si.

\u0026;I am very happy that you all can come to the Great Emperor Star today. Although there are still some old guys who haven't come, it doesn't matter. Everyone here today will be a witness to the trial of the Third Young Emperor of my fallen land!

If the trial is successful, he will be the real Young Emperor from now on. Be his enemy. You are an enemy of me and my fallen place! \u0026;Old Suzaku clasped his fists around and pulled Wang Lin. Pointing at the handsome young man.

\u0026;Little guy, you know Taoist Lanmeng. I won’t introduce him anymore. Look at the boy eating the peach. Even though he looks young. In fact, Tu is an old monster. Maybe you have heard of this person. One of the five ancient gods. Taoist Master Wonderful Sound! \u0026;

Wang Lin looked as usual. But his mind was moved. He had heard the name of Taoist Miaoyin before. When I saw the other party at this moment, I didn't find any traces of cultivation on him. I have seen the calm clasping fists.

The handsome young man laughed. He nodded to Wang Lin.

\u0026;There is also this old guy who talks nonsense. You also need to get to know each other. This person is not one of the Five Ancient Ones, but his cultivation is not weak at all. He calls himself the Taihuang Worker and is full of poisonous attacks. Ferocious reputation! \u0026;Old Suzaku pointed at the old man wearing animal skins and sitting cross-legged on the lizard.

The old man's eyes flashed. He snorted coldly. The lips did not move. But there was a sound coming out.

\u0026;Old bird, I am here today. Not for any testimony. But I want to fight you again! But this junior is pretty good, I’ll give you something for self-defense! "The old man with animal skin raised his right hand and flicked it, and immediately broke off a section of the nail on his index finger. He went straight to Wang Lin.

There was a flash of black light. The half of the nail floated in front of Wang Lin.

The old Suzaku's eyes widened when he heard the word "old bird", but he saw the half of the nail. But he smiled brightly and said haha: "You are quite generous, little poisonous insect." \u0026;

"Take it, this thing contains the poison attack of the little poisonous insect, use it to hurt the enemy." It’s a weapon”

Old Suzaku said, suddenly raising his right hand. He immediately pressed the button towards the Qianli Arena below and shouted: "The selection of the elders of the Luosheng Society has been postponed. The Young Emperor's trial is on!" \u0026;

Its voice was like thunder, booming. Suddenly there was a banging sound coming from the arena thousands of miles above the ground. Then a roar of a dragon turtle echoed in the sky, but it was in the arena. The giant turtle that had appeared under Wang Lin's magical power before appeared with patches of tortoise shells. Suddenly transformed.

That giant tortoise is thousands of miles away. It was extremely huge and even more ferocious in appearance. Let people take a look. It will never be forgotten in this life! at the moment of its appearance. An impact was pushed in all directions, causing tens of thousands of monks in the surrounding area to look at each other with fanatical respect. Avoid quickly. Look around.

The giant turtle roared. After appearing, he suddenly raised his head and stared at Old Suzaku.

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