Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1424 Dream Demon Seed

Wang Lin has been cultivating Taoism for two thousand years, and has only created three magical powers. Can Ye is so powerful that it has shocking power. However, the rules of Taichu are unpredictable and hard to find. Only at the beginning of the day, can he do it without losing any power. Let out all the power of this technique.

Even with Wang Lin's current level of cultivation, if he forced Can Ye to change the trajectory of the sky and earth at all locations in the starry sky, planets, etc., turning day into night, turning night into dawn, and promoting the power of dawn, "perhaps it would be extremely cautious."

As for the Liuyue magical power, although it seems to be slightly inferior to Can Ye in terms of power, the rules of this art of time are something that no one in the world can defend or resist. Time, all things, is invisible and can be resisted. Than the way of heaven.

In the night when the world is broken, the light of time flows, and I dream back to the ancient times...Wang Lin's third magical power was after the battle with Shui Daozi. He was seriously injured and died frequently. In Tianni, he received the help of the sealed world, and stepped into the world. It is an extremely mysterious and strange realm that even Wang Lin cannot explain now. Within that realm, there are two magical powers that appear in Wang Lin's mind. The first one is the land of demon spirits, which seriously hurts the sky. Tian Yunzi, who suffered a catastrophe of decline, seriously injured the ancient demon's eight-star ancient god's life-saving magical power - the second form of dreaming back to ancient times. It was the first time in his life that he had learned Taoism. In the colorful world, that The power of these two magical powers, the Dao-dispersing technique used by the old man of the Feng Mie clan, was deeply embedded in Wang Lin's memory and could not be erased. After ten years in the Taoist realm, Wang Lin realized this astonishingly powerful dream. The art of returning to ancient times and spreading the path. Dreaming of returning to ancient times is an ancient divine power. It was originally impossible to be used by monks. Even if Wang Lin was an ancient god, he could not do this. However, opportunities and crises coexisted in Wang Lin's life. The seven-color world sealed and exterminated the clan. The old man's method of spreading Taoism opened a door to Taoism for him.

It's just that this technique is too powerful. Wang Lin would not be able to understand it in ordinary times. However, in that realm, Wang Lin used great perseverance and persistence to combine this technique with the ancient Dream Strike. , when he created the Dream Dao Technique outside the cracks of the Yunhai Demon Sect, Wang Lin used it briefly, causing the elder of the Demon Sect to almost collapse his Taoist heart without any notice. If Wang Lin hadn't pointed it out afterwards, On that day, the elders in the decline of human beings must have their Taoist heart collapsed, their Taoist thoughts disintegrated and died. The dream path is complicated to say, but in fact, it is a kind of inner demon that transforms the opponent's Taoist thoughts into inner demons. The inner demons collapse the Taoist foundation and destroy itself. ! Even monks who have no spiritual conception will still have inner demons. This inner demon is Wang Lin's Taoist art, which is an extremely mysterious art in the world. Even third-level monks have very few masters. It's enough to have one. It is a great opportunity, as powerful as Taoist Lan Meng, but there are only a few.

Dreaming back to Daogu, this time it is the memory of the other party! Although he cannot let the Dao disperse like the old man who killed the clan, Wang Lin can use this technique to plant an illusory dream in the memory of the other party. Memory, this illusory memory, will exist forever in the other person's mind. It cannot be erased and becomes reality! This is the seed of the inner demon. The breath exhaled from Wang Lin's mouth is Wang Lin's breath, which falls. On the Emperor's Furnace, it quickly blended in and penetrated... Si Mozi looked back at the faint shadow behind him, his eyes showing shock. He was stunned for a moment. This figure had been with him for tens of thousands of years and had become a part of his life. Part of him, but in these tens of thousands of years, he has never spoken a word about her... She should have died... It is the most painful place in his heart... That white silk is She committed suicide, and the plum blossom blood on it was a mouthful of lovesickness blood from Simozi's grief and anger... Simozi's body was trembling, this sudden change,

The sudden words made him froze. He had forgotten the animal bones in his hands and had forgotten to place his palms on the animal bone prints.

The firefly the size of a fingernail between his eyebrows flickered more intensely, like a candlelight. "'s you...are you talking..." Simozi stared blankly at the illusory female figure, with a sparkle in his eyes. , gradually blurred.

"Brother, brother, come and see, a bunch of purple orchids are growing here..." "Brother, don't sleep all the time. You promised to play with me today..."

In the Sea of ​​Clouds Star Territory, on a floating continent, there is a mortal village. A girl of seven or eight years old pouted her little mouth and kept pushing the sleeping boy next to her.

"Xiaolan, let me go back to sleep. Last night I went to touch Xu's eggs with Huzi and the others. I was very tired..." The boy was older, about eight or nine years old. He opened his sparse eyes and looked down. After a few words, he closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Time seems to be flowing invisibly, year after year... "Brother, Huzi bullied me today, he...he secretly kissed me!" In the village, two young people, a boy and a girl, were lying in the sunset under the sun. Walking, lengthening their silhouettes.

The young man was carrying a medicine basket on his back. He was cheering as he walked. The girl next to him was wearing a floral cloth and looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old. She was holding a weed in her hand. As he spoke, he pulled the grass in his hand hard.

"Brother, did you hear that?" The girl stared at the boy and said loudly.

"I heard it, I heard it, Xiaolan, my parents are gone. Hu Zina has taken good care of us these years. I think Hu Zi is not bad. You are not young anymore. Why don't you get married?" The young man huffed. Liantian turned to look at his sister beside him.

"You! Are there any brothers like you?! You obviously like Sister Honghong and want to marry me to her brother, but you took the opportunity to get close to me! I don't have a brother like you!" The girl stamped her foot and glared fiercely. He glanced at the boy.

The young man's face was olive-red, he laughed, then changed the topic and said something to attract the girl's attention. After a while, the two started laughing again and walked further and further away.

The years are like a wheel, turning unknowingly, taking away the thoughts of youth - "Brother, Sister Honghong already has a sweetheart, you..." The young girl back then has also reached the age of 28, as if Beautiful flowers have reached the age of blooming.

At this moment, the girl looked at the thin boy in front of her, bit her lower lip, and spoke softly.

The boy's body was thin, not tall, and his complexion was slightly dark. He looked like he was suffering from a disease, but his eyes were very bright. If a spark existed in that girl's heart forever.

Over the years, the girl has learned that although her brother doesn't say it, he is actually very good to her. As long as it is something she likes, her brother will go to any lengths to get it and give it to her.

The young man grinned. His teeth were very white. With this smile, he seemed to be in better spirits. After hearing the girl's words, the young man touched his sister's hair with his right hand and said in a whisper: "Don't think about it. Too many, your brother is not that fragile, his dream is to become an immortal, after you and Huzi get married in a few days, your brother will leave for a while and go to the Immortal Mountain to become a disciple and seek enlightenment!"

The girl blushed and whispered, "Huzi is very annoying. I told him before that if Sister Honghong doesn't marry you, I won't marry him either!"

The young man laughed, with tenderness in his eyes, and said softly: "Okay, you have grown up and are almost an adult. Don't always be a child. My brother's dream is to become an immortal. I don't want to be ordinary here. After a lifetime..." The young man raised his head and looked at the dark sky.

"My, Sima Mo's life will never be so ordinary... Xiaolan, you wait for my brother. After I have successfully learned Taoism, I will come to help you live forever with Huzi. Feng Shi may also have a few nephews. Haha." The young man looked happy.

The girl stared blankly at the young man in front of her. Since her parents died of illness, her brother has become her god and has been protecting her. Her eyes turned red. The girl lowered her head and whispered, "Brother can definitely do it. Xiaolan will always wait." Come back with my brother."

"Well, when you get married, my brother will prepare a lot of dowry for you, so Xiaolan will marry in a glorious way." The young man looked at his sister with a look of love in his eyes.

The lively sound of music echoed in this ordinary village a few days later. The girl was wearing a wedding dress and a curtain. When she stepped onto the sedan chair, she raised her head and lifted a corner of the curtain, looking into the distance with a look on her face. There was a trace of anxiety.

"Where did my brother go? Why haven't you come back yet?"

The wedding in the village was very lively with all the neighbors coming over. There were even many laughing children playing in sedan chairs and singing cheerful songs.

The old people around him also looked at this happy scene with kind smiles.

No one noticed that at this moment, on the road outside the entrance of Yunchun, a line of more than ten fierce horses was roaring and approaching. On top of the fierce horses, there were more than ten big men sitting. Each of these big men looked fierce and made loud noises as they moved forward. talking and laughing.

The sound of the horse's hooves, like a rolling dragon, spread across the land, causing the ground to vibrate and spread far into the village... There is a mountain not far away. This mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist all year round. It is rumored that there is something on it. Immortal, this S, 1, a skinny young man, with a proud smile, is hurriedly walking down the path from the mountain.

Behind him was this medicine basket, which contained many grass leaves, including a ginseng plant! The ginseng was as thick as a baby's arm, with extremely long beards, and some spiritual energy radiated from it.

"I'm afraid this ginseng plant is a hundred years old. I wasted several days trying to get it. It should be enough for Xiaolan's dowry." The smile on the young man's face grew wider. He was halfway up the mountain at this moment. He looked casually towards the village down the mountain, but at this glance, the young man's whole body trembled, and his body suddenly became motionless.

Looking at the village at the foot of the mountain from a distance, the flames are raging. After removing all the pain, my left hand is full of pinholes. Today I will change my right hand.

(To be continued)

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