Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1427 Mingzhi!

"Remember, don't use this technique unless you have to!" Old Suzaku looked extremely serious. After speaking, he took a deep breath and made a set of rather weird seals with his right hand in front of him.

With the appearance of the Seal Jue, there was a virtual fire in Old Suzaku's eyebrows that filled the air and merged into the Seal Jue, causing the mark to flash with fire in an instant. When combined with each other, a handful of fire was formed that was about ten feet long. Fire bones.

It may not be appropriate to say that it is a bone. This bone is like a stick, straight and without bends.

At the moment when the fire bone appeared, Old Suzaku's eyes showed a solemn look, and he made seals with his hands again. With a wave, another set of seals came out illusoryly, turning into thin lines. These thin lines did not surround them. The fire bone is connected straight to the top of the fire bone and extends outward.

From a distance, this thing transformed by Old Suzaku's magical power is quite strange. If some oil paper is spread on it, it will be very similar to the umbrellas used on rainy days in the world.

Wang Lin couldn't take his eyes away. He saw Old Suzaku playing two sets of seals, each of which was different. The first set had a total of 999 seals formed in an instant. As for the second set, it was far more than the former. The imprint of it is exactly that in the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine heavens and earth, there is not even a trace of fluctuation of Yuan force, the wind and clouds have not rolled back, the surroundings are already extremely quiet, and even the ripples on the lake are as usual, without any ripples. .

It seems that nothing has changed.

After making two sets of marks, Old Suzaku looked even more solemn. He took a deep breath, and his eyes showed a strange light. He waved his hands violently, but he made seals with his left and right hands at the same time. But when he saw the light, it suddenly rose up, and he directly It penetrated the surroundings of the lake and spread in all directions, endless in the blink of an eye.

The speed of Old Suzaku's hands making the seals became faster and faster. Without any pause, marks appeared one by one in his hands, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, one hundred thousand... The chaos of the seals gradually reached the eyes of the old man. Suzaku's hands were so fast that they could not be seen clearly with the naked eye. Even if he could detect it with his spiritual consciousness, he would be blocked by a strange force.

Old Suzaku raised his head to the sky and let out a low roar. The number of seals in his hands already exceeded a million. The millions of seals appeared at the same time, rolling around the world and turning into a storm. The storm roared away and went straight to the fire bones. In an instant, The storm merged with the fire bone, swept it into the storm, and rushed into the sky. Wang Lin took a breath and looked up suddenly. The pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank.

But I saw that in the sky, the storm was rolling, like a big umbrella that had not been opened! Waves of virtual lights and flames surrounded it, forming countless fire dragons roaring across the sky. At first glance, it looked like it was occupied by fire dragons. This one A fire dragon filled the air outside the storm, roaring continuously. In this scene, the "Burning World Ancient Umbrella!" could be clearly seen from all locations on the Great Emperor Star. Old Suzaku roared, and the world shook. The storm immediately stopped rotating and floated quietly in the air, motionless. An indescribable pressure slowly descended from the sky. On the ground, the vegetation bent down and secreted a large amount of water mist.

In the lake, the fish swam away quickly, and the lake water seemed to be boiling, bursting with bubbles.

There are even more cracks on the ground that suddenly appear, like cracks.

All the monks who saw this scene suddenly showed signs of burning and drying up the blood in their bodies.

The starry sky was filled with endless distortions. It seemed that this still storm was unbearable. The distortions continued to spread. In the blink of an eye, it almost filled half of the fallen land. All the covered planets were as big as As if there has been a drought for thousands of years, signs of destruction appear one after another.

Old Suzaku's breathing was a little rapid. It was obvious that this magical power was extremely difficult for him to perform.

"The first group has 999 seals, the second group has 9999 seals, and the third and fourth groups have an ultimate number of 990,000 respectively. , you need to hit all of these. Each mark contains the Yang of its own soul, and the power of the whole body's cultivation. With the help of special formulas, it is possible to condense the strongest technique of our Suzaku clan. ——Burning World Ancient Umbrella!!"

·If there is a mistake in one of the seals, it will cause unimaginable backlash. Even my cultivation level in the middle stage of Kongxuan will be seriously injured under this backlash. If it is someone who is not a fire cultivator, the Dao will disappear! "

"This technique was passed down from the ancient Immortal Master. I once heard from Yi Qian - the ancestor said that in the ancestor's hometown, the Immortal Master once used this technique to directly destroy tens of thousands of people in the world, so it is called the Burning World. Technique!"

"This technique is considered an extremely powerful magical power in the hands of the ancient immortals. I don't know whether this technique is still within the scope of Taoism, but I heard a generation of ancestors once said that the Burning World Ancient Umbrella opens nine times, The world will be destroyed for the first time!”

"Back then, when the ancient Immortal Lord destroyed an entire world, he opened his umbrella eight times! The ninth time, even the Immortal Lord didn't dare to open it! The ancestor of the generation who had cultivated to the heavens, had already reached the early stage of the Sky Tribulation, and could only open his umbrella five times. !As for me, because the Yang of the Soul has never been broken for tens of thousands of years, using my own Yang to push it, I can open the umbrella twice in the middle stage of Kongxuan!"

"This technique should not be taught to you, because it is too dangerous. If you are not careful, it will lead to disaster! A generation of ancestors even said that this technique is not complete, and it seems that the immortal master learned it secretly. But your understanding is amazing, you can make your own decision!"

Old Suzaku's words came out urgently. Wang Lin stared closely at the still storm in the sky like an unopened umbrella. His mind was shocked by Old Suzaku's words. He originally thought that the skills taught by Old Suzaku were at best Taoist techniques. That's all. I never expected that it would be such a magical power with unimaginable power. "Open the umbrella eight times and destroy ten thousand people in the world... This... can this still be considered a magical power!!"

Old Suzaku's breathing became more rapid. With a wave of his right hand, the still storm in the sky shook, but there were faint signs of dissipating.

"This technique can only be transmitted to you here. You cannot open it at will. Once it is opened, it will cause great harm to this place!" Old Suzaku bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood from his mid-Kong Xuan cultivation level, turning it into a piece of blood. The burning blood mist rolled into the storm, and after merging with it, the storm gradually dispersed.

It was only after half a stick of incense that the storm finally disappeared from the sky and the earth. Everything on the Great Emperor Star slowly returned to normal, and the distortion of the starry sky slowly recovered.

Although this scene didn't last long, it made Wang Lin's scalp numb and his eyes gleaming. Although the power of this technique was not unfolded, Wang Lin had a slight feeling, and his heart was pounding and beating faster.

Until the world was completely normal, the old Suzaku breathed a sigh of relief, his expression gradually calmed down, and with a wave of his right hand, a jade slip appeared and headed straight for Wang Lin.

"Inside this jade slip are all the seals, as well as the ability to open an umbrella. Write it down quickly. Once there are no mistakes, destroy this slip!" After Old Suzaku finished speaking, he sat cross-legged and meditated with his eyes closed. .

Wang Lin took the jade slip and stared at the object in his hand. The scene after scene of old Suzaku performing this technique flashed through his eyes. Wang Lin was moved by his heart. In his life, he was rarely tempted by a certain treasure or a certain spell. And the unusual heartbeat is a pounding heartbeat. He has practiced restraint all his life and is a master in restraint. For others, it would be an extremely difficult thing to perform nearly two million seals within nine breaths.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Nine breaths are too short, but when Wang Lin formed the elixir, he already had to hit the seals quickly with a high load due to the restrictions. Moreover, there were some restrictions. If he wanted to arrange or break them, he only had a moment of opportunity. In that instant, a large number of forbidden seals were needed to make it possible.

Therefore, although this is the first threshold for others, it is difficult for Wang Lin, but it is not absolute! What really shocked Wang Lin was the content revealed in old Suzaku's words f6 and the source of the world-burning ancient umbrella. "It seems that the ancient immortal emperor secretly learned it back then. This technique is not complete..." 5-Lin took a deep breath, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

Although there is a word "like" in this sentence and there are endless variables, once it is true, the meaning it expresses is really shocking.

"Who created this technique...and where did the ancient Immortal Emperor Kuang Yuan learn it secretly...If this is true, just the incomplete magical power stolen from him is enough to destroy the world. If this technique is complete, ..." Wang Lin raised his head in silence and looked at the sky. As if he was a mortal, he looked at the sky and felt that he was extremely insignificant.

"What does my current cultivation mean... How big is this day! What is outside this world..." After a while, Wang Lin exhaled a long breath, with a rising light in his eyes.

The more he knew, the smaller he became. However, Wang Lin did not become decadent because of this. On the contrary, it aroused the unwillingness in his character. Just like what he said to the generation of Suzaku before, it can be me Wang Lin, and it can be me Wang Lin. , why not all things in the world, some are mortal, some are immortals, some are inferior to others, and some are superior to others. All things are born, and everything is different. There is great unfairness in this world, but at the same time, it is also extremely unfair. "There are people who can create this kind of magical power. Even if there are people who have cultivated to such an unimaginable level, I, Wang Lin, can do it too! I may not be talented enough, but it cannot be a stumbling block that stops me. Today I will learn from these people." Created and later secretly learned by the Immortal Emperor, the world-burning magical power was left behind. In the future... I will let others learn my Wang Lin's technique!" Wang Lin looked determined. He did not roar or shout, only silently in his heart. Whispering, like Mingzhi, perhaps, this is his Mingzhi. Once he closed his eyes for two days, Wang Lin's whole mind merged into the jade slip in his hand, and the endless seals in it were deeply engraved in his mind, leaving behind The jade slip with the seal of the umbrella opening was in his hand. It turned into a piece of ash with a bang and dissipated. It was swept up by the wind. "The flying ash flew towards the sky, seeming to represent Wang Lin's ambition, flying farther and farther." ...I, Ergen, don’t want to be a supporting role in this fiery April, and I don’t want to watch others fight anymore. If others can do it, I can do it too! Wang Lin’s motto is also Ergen’s motto!! Please give me your monthly vote (To be continued)

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