Renegade Immortal

Volume 9 The Top of the Sea of ​​Clouds Chapter 1438 3rd Sister, 4th Sister

Chapter 1438 Third Sister and Fourth Sister

But just when the fingers of the old man, whose whole body was hidden in the black robe, were about to fall on the water, a thick and dazzling blue light suddenly burst out from the water, filling the water in the blink of an eye, and the black The old man's fingers were pressed together.

There was no sound, but there was a ring-shaped ripple that suddenly spread from the place where the blue light came into contact with the old man's fingers, turning into a shock that spread out and blew onto the old man's black robe, making a crackling sound on his robe.

"I can ignore you fishing for the moon in the well on him... But if you kill him, I think..." A calm voice came from the blue light on the water. After a pause, the words started again.

"I'll take action."

The old man in black robe was silent for a while, then said hoarsely, "You are not my friend." I can make your injury worse. " Lan Mangnei's voice was still calm. The old man in black robe did not speak. After a long time, he seemed to sigh softly, and the hoarse words filled the air. "We have an agreement..." "You asked me to take action back then, and I have already taken action. "Don't you want to take your wife's body back... Don't forget that you are the ancient five blue awns. The voice in the ancient five blue lights fell silent. After a while, its voice echoed in the hall with oldness and fatigue."

"I am a father."

The main hall was silent, except for the slight burning sound of the candle. In this quiet hall, it was slightly clear, like the sound of thinking.

"Just this once..." The old man in black robe slowly turned around and walked towards the depths of the hall.

The blue light in the well dissipated silently.

"Fellow Taoist, can you help me?"

Outside the crack in the ancient cemetery, in the thick mist, Wang Lin stepped into the crack without any pause because of this sentence or this pleasant voice.

He seemed to turn a deaf ear, as if he had not heard these words, and his body turned into a dazzling rainbow and stepped directly into the distortion outside the crack.

What was distorted was the mist, and even more so, nothingness. As Wang Lin stepped in, he seemed to have left this world. All his aura dissipated without a trace. His figure disappeared in the blink of an eye when the middle-aged scribe was stunned. , entering the cracks in the ancient cemetery.

Wang Lin is not a child, nor does he have much curiosity, nor does he have any thoughts of helping others without knowing the details. The middle-aged scribe who looks like a woman can forcefully walk all the way here, in Wang Lin's view, it is extremely terrifying , he did not want to have inexplicable contact with such a person.

Even if the other party promised benefits,

If he was asked to help, Wang Lin would leave without hesitation. His mind was extremely clear now, which was slightly different from before entering the mist of the ancient cemetery, but this difference made him feel a crisis.

The more he recalled all his actions in the ancient stars, the more Wang Lin felt as if it was not him, but a power that secretly entered his body, silently controlling his thoughts in subtle ways... In this way , when he was frightened, he became more cautious and ignored the strange young man who walked away faster the moment he said his words. The middle-aged scribe frowned and said Although the location he was at at this moment was less than a hundred feet away from the crack in the ancient cemetery, with his powerful cultivation and magic weapon, he could only go so far. He could not do it moving forward.

Seeing the fog rolling in around him, he seemed to be getting more and more irritable. The middle-aged scribe secretly sighed, "It seems that if you want to forcefully enter the ancient tomb with your own body, you still can't do it... There is no ancient tomb mark between the guy's eyebrows... This The identity of the person is about to be revealed. Apart from the reckless Tuosen, the only one who can do this is the other ancient god who caused the destruction of the Seventh Sister's clone..."

The middle-aged scribe's eyes flashed, and he raised his hands to make a hand gesture. Suddenly, the nine bald statues outside his body began to shine with bursts of light. With a wave of his jade hand, these nine statues shone brightly. Increasingly, the light connected into one piece, almost completely covering his body.

For a moment, in the mist, a woman's figure walked out of the light. This woman had an extraordinary appearance, with one head reaching to her hips. She was dressed in white. Her body was slightly transparent, and you could clearly see that there were nine bodies inside. The light flows.

The moment the woman's figure appeared, the mist suddenly rolled in and rushed into her body. In an instant, a faint mark appeared between the woman's eyebrows.

Sighing softly, the woman stepped into the crack of the ancient cemetery a hundred feet away.

As his figure stepped in, the light in the mist dissipated slightly, and the middle-aged scribe withdrew from it and left straight to the rear. His face was slightly pale, and he stepped back and said silently, "The only way is to send the clone into the ancient tomb... On the body of the ancient god, there are faint traces of fishing for the moon in the well. There is no one else in the ancient stars who can perform this technique except him." , perhaps, there is still a possibility for me and this ancient god to cooperate with each other... The eldest sister and the eighth sister have been missing for many years, the second sister has found someone to cooperate with, and even the fourth son of the fox kid snatched away the reckless Tuosen at all costs... …Fifth sister has taken away the body, so Taoist Lanmeng and I will naturally be isolated if I don’t find someone to cooperate with me...” The middle-aged scribe gradually became farther and farther away as he pondered.

Just when he was about to leave the mist of the ancient tomb, the middle-aged scribe's eyes suddenly flashed, his body suddenly stopped aside, and he glanced into the distance.

The mist rolled in the distance, and a low roar could be heard from within. A violent aura suddenly spread, and the roaring voice contained a sense of madness.

"Even if you don't ask for it, I will come by myself!! You bitch, shut up for me!! Shut up!! Shut up!!"

A burst of heart-warming laughter came from under the roaring voice. This laughter was full of temptation, like a magic sound.

"It's fine if people don't tell you, but the more manic you are, the more they will like you... I'm much happier being with you than with that useless Immortal Lord..."

In an instant, you can see a huge figure, suddenly stepping out of the mist. The figure is so big that it is almost like a cultivation star, but its body is shrinking continuously as it moves forward.

It was Tuosen at this moment. His eyes were red, as if he were crazy, and his expression was ferocious, but there was a domineering aura that suddenly came out. He kept roaring as he stepped, and he was about to pass in front of Nashi.

"Isn't this the third sister who has always been cold and arrogant? Why, with Sanda's cultivation, she can't enter the ancient tomb." The voice full of temptation, with a hint of charm, slowly came from Tuo Sen's eyebrows.

The middle-aged scribe sneered, took a few steps back, and walked away from the other direction, his voice drifting towards him.

"Hu Meizi's nature is hard to change, and you can smell the disgusting smell from afar."

"You are not as noble as the third sister who was once a saint of Tianmen Dao. I'm afraid you are still a virgin. You were kidnapped by the Immortal Lord and raised for many years, and became an excellent furnace. It's a pity that the old thing is not blessed to enjoy it. , but I don’t know who will take advantage of this in the future..." The seductive voice smiled coquettishly, seemingly not caring, and followed Tuosen's figure gradually away.

A cold light flashed in the white-clothed scribe's eyes, and he walked further and further away with a cold snort.

The moment Wang Lin stepped into the crack in the ancient cemetery, he immediately felt a force of teleportation. Before he could see everything here clearly, he immediately swayed and quickly stepped back a few feet diagonally, sealing the seal with his hands. Next, there were bursts of light surrounding the body, and a light and shadow that merged with itself appeared faintly.

This is due to his caution. After all, this is an ancient cemetery, and many people have entered here before him, so he must be careful.

At the moment when the light and shadow appeared all over Wang Lin's body, there was a loud bang, and a powerful force suddenly fell on Shilin, and the light and shadow outside his body instantly collided.

Fortunately, Wang Lin's cautious character allowed him to deploy the light and shadow shield before the sneak attack. At this moment, the light and shadow rays of light outside his body rose up, and the powerful force of the bombardment was refracted by the light and shadow shield, and suddenly There was a muffled grunt after the counterattack, as if someone was retreating hastily.

All of this happened in a flash of lightning. Almost at the same time Wang Lin stepped into the crack, someone sneaked up on him, but in the blink of an eye, he immediately retreated.

At this s·1, Wang Lin also saw the surroundings clearly. This place was somewhat different from what he had seen outside the crack before. Although it was roughly similar, it was obviously not the same place.

Obviously, at the moment of entering the crack, everyone was scattered and teleported to different areas. The sky was dim, and the ground was a thick fog. This fog was like a sea, unfathomable, creeping slowly, and sometimes opening like a big mouth. A black hole, as if waiting to be swallowed.

In mid-air, there are endless gravel platforms floating everywhere. On these platforms, heads are placed. At a glance, there are many gravel platforms, filling the sky, with no end in sight.

Directly in front of Wang Lin, there was a middle-aged man in Taoist robes who backed away quickly. His face was pale, and there was blood spilling from the corners of his mouth. He looked at Wang Lin with a look of horror.

He was the one who had made the sneak attack just now. There were dozens of monks in the sky at this moment. These people all looked shocked at this moment. When Wang Lin's sunlight swept away, they all subconsciously stepped back.

The surroundings were filled with the smell of blood. Wang Lin's eyes flashed and he immediately judged that these people had joined forces to attack more than once to kill the monks who were still confused and frightened when they were involved here.

Killing people and seizing treasures. Farther away, there are scattered monks. They step onto the platforms in the front view. "It's just that this platform seems to be surrounded by a strange power. No matter how permeated the magical power is, no one can break through it and glance at it." , there are hundreds of monks here, but this place is too big, so it doesn’t seem dense. Friendly recommendation: Zhang Junbao’s new book series "Super Teacher" is back,

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